974 resultados para Lispector, Clarice, 1920-1977. O mistério do coelho pensante Teses
O corpus desta dissertao tem por objetivo a anlise das obras A Maior flor do Mundo de Jos Saramago, O Gato e o Escuro de Mia Couto e O Mistério do Coelho Pensante de Clarice Lispector para o pblico infantil. A anlise empreendida tem como referencial terico a Esttica da Recepo de Hans Robert Jauss e a Teoria do Efeito Esttico de Wolfgang Iser, correntes que figuram o leitor como elemento atuante no ato da leitura, convidando-o a mergulhar nas entrelinhas dos textos e preencher lacunas ou hiatos, deixados pelos autores que mobilizam o leitor a formular o que no foi dito atravs da imaginao. A linguagem das obras mencionadas age como instrumento de percepo do leitor e smbolo da infncia, pois, tornar-se-o prazerosa, fantstica e maravilhosa sem a funo disciplinadora e moralista que, anteriormente, inibia a criana de se expressar com liberdade. Ao trabalhar com conceitos como recepo, efeito, horizonte de expectativas e leitor implcito, busca-se explicar como se d a leitura e a sua insero no contexto das prticas culturais de produo de sentido. As obras estudadas contribuem para a formao de leitores crticos e reflexivos ao questionarem a linguagem literria diante das experincias da vida. As ilustraes das obras no se apresentam somente como simples complementao dos textos verbais, mas tambm, adquirem significados e expresses estticas
Clarice Lispector foi uma das maiores escritoras brasileiras e, por essa razo, uma das mais estudadas. Muitas relaes se fizeram entre sua escrita e a de alguns dos principais cones da literatura mundial. Entretanto, o mesmo no aconteceu com seus textos produzidos aproximadamente a partir da dcada de 1970, a fico derradeira da autora. As obras produzidas principalmente durante essa dcada, com algumas consagradas excees, foram um tanto negligenciadas pela crtica. As pesquisadoras Marta Peixoto e Snia Roncador procuraram provar que a pouca ateno s obras da fico tardia da autora se deve ao fato de que as mesmas apresentam tendncias que vo contra as caractersticas do que Clarice produziu anteriormente, como se a escritora tivesse desejado criar um repertrio de formas que contradiziam sua produo de antes de 1970. Para demonstrar tal inteno de Lispector, este trabalho procura analisar as caractersticas do manuscrito Objeto gritante nunca publicado , o qual, aps uma srie de alteraes significativas, acabou por se transformar na obra gua viva. Caso o projeto do manuscrito no tivesse sofrido redirecionamentos substanciais, teria sido a primeira ocorrncia, em livro, das novas formas da escrita clariciana que comeavam a se manifestar naquela poca, mas que vieram a se consolidar nas suas obras posteriores
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Ps-graduao em Estudos Lingusticos - IBILCE
Ps-graduao em Letras - IBILCE
Ps-graduao em Letras - IBILCE
This study analyses two writers from different nationalities and cultures, the Brazilian Clarice Lispector and the Canadian Alice Munro, to demonstrate the common treatment that both writers give to the childhood theme. The central aim is to examine, with the support of Freuds psychoanalytic studies, how childhood is important to understand the writers fiction, or when a narrative voice revisits experiences lived in that period, or when the narrative is dominated by a childlike voice. In both events, memory is the central element in this anamnesis process. We seek to prove that even when dealing with different cultures, it is possible to develop a comparative study to show similar strategies applied by the writers. The selected narratives show relevant information concerning the chosen theme and enable to reveal the mode of composition and the concept of literary creation of each author. The analytical study of the narrative categories, especially the narrator, time and space, will be examined to show how they influence on the construction of the theme. Other features will provide support for the analysis, such as internalized narrative, the open end, the constant temporal and spatial distortions, the use of contradictory figures of speech such as oxymoron, unusual metaphors and antitheses, the portrayal of a paradoxical world and the concern with existential questions, all of which are shared by the authors, in addition to the theme, which allow the comparative work
The phenomenon of the World Wide Web, the Internet, has revolutionized the way we live in a contemporary relevance. The relationships among people have changed since the media also changed: the cyberspace has been established as an important vehicle of communication in which different languages, cultures and peoples coexist. Within the virtual space there are several fica possibilities for communication, interaction, fun, knowledge etc. Everything happens extremely quickly. An interesting example of that are blogs that, to survive virtuality, require constant updating. It has become interesting to notice the factor of personal expressiveness taking a new shape in the context of network, before being seen in elements such as diaries, poetry, artistic production or debate. The chances and, thus, the need to find people to interact and to share interests has taken a gigantic proportion, and, in this way, sources of audiovisual and reading activities are always in vogue, being shared every second. Blogging can be about different subjects, but what is perceived on all blogs is the strong trace of written text is always presented. Twitter has established itself as a microblogging network for the expression of dynamism, information sharing and interaction. Thus, it was interesting to approach the manner language is expressed in these microblogs thinking about the way that literary discourse is constructed when is seen, on quotations, in the context of this social network: Twitter. Being able to attest the great increase on the occurrences of quotes from different literary genres, it was useful to pay attention to this fact. In Brazil, Twitter has thousands of users, fans and readers, that rewrite and quote authors. The number of quotations is so abundant that it has popularized several Brazilian writers, such as: Clarice Lispector and Caio Fernando Abreu; authors that are frequetenly quoted. So, we made usage of semiotic studies of the French line. In...
Ps-graduao em Letras - FCLAS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Ps-graduao em Lingustica e Lngua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Ps-graduao em Letras - FCLAS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Ps-graduao em Lingustica e Lngua Portuguesa - FCLAR