23 resultados para Lisinopril
Objective: The buccal absorption of captopril does not exhibit the classical pH/partition hypothesis, suggesting that mechanisms other than passive diffusion are involved in its absorption; animal studies have suggested that a peptide carrier-mediated transport system may be responsible for its absorption. The present study evaluated the effects of pH on octanol partitioning, and on the buccal absorption of enalapril and lisinopril, using in vitro techniques and buccal partitioning in human volunteer subjects.
Background: ACE inhibitors have shown beneficial results in several studies after myocardial infarction (MI). However, these studies have shown conflicting results about the ideal starting time of the ACE inhibitors administration after MI and the importance of infarct size.Objectives: This study was designed to assess the long-term effects of lisinopril on mortality, cardiac function, and ventricular fibrosis after MI, in rats.Methods: Lisinopril (20 mg/kg/day) was given on day 1 or 21 days after coronary occlusion in small or large infarctions.Results: the mortality rate was reduced by 39% in early treatment and 30% in delayed treatment in comparison to the untreated rats. Early treatment reduced cardiac dysfunction in small MIs; however, delayed treatment did not. No statistical difference was observed among the groups for large MIs. No statistical difference was observed among the groups with large or small MIs on myocardial hydroxyproline concentration.Conclusions: Both early and delayed treatments with lisinopril increased survival. Treatment exerts no marked effects on fibrosis; early treatment has exerted beneficial influences on cardiac function whereas delayed treatment had no consistent effects. The protective effect of lisinopril is detectable only in small (< 40% of LV) MIs.
OBJECTIVE - Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) have gained importance in preventing or attenuating the process of ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction. The significance of infarct size in regard to the response to ACEIs, however, is controversial. This study aimed to analyze the effects of lisinopril on mortality rate, cardiac function, degree of cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis in rats with different infarct sizes. METHODS - Lisinopril (20 mg/kg/day) dissolved in drinking water was administered to rats immediately after coronary artery occlusion. After being sacrificed, the infarcted animals were divided into two groups: one group of animals with small infarcts (< 40% of the left ventricle) and another group of animals with large infarcts (> 40% of the left ventricle). RESULTS - The mortality rate was 31.7% in treated rats and 47% in the untreated rats. There was no statistical difference between the groups with small and large infarcts in regard to myocardial concentration of hydroxyproline. In small infarcts, the treatment attenuated the heart dysfunction characterized by lower levels of blood pressure and lower values of the first derivative of pressure and of the negative derivative of pressure. The degree of hypertrophy was also attenuated in small infarcts. In regard to large infarcts, no differences between the groups were observed. CONCLUSION - Treatment with the ACEIs had no effect on mortality rate and on the amount of fibrosis. The protective effect of lisinopril on heart function and on the degree of hypertrophy could only be detected in small infarcts
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background: To investigate the effect of lisinopril on cardiac remodeling induced by smoking. Material/Methods: Rats were allocated into 3 groups: group CON (n=8): control; group CSE (n=8): cigarette smoke exposure; group CSE-LIS (n=8): exposed to tobacco smoke and treated with lisinopril. Results: After 2 months, the tail systolic pressure was lower in CSE-LIS (CON=116 ±27 mm Hg, CSE=126±16, CSE-LIS=89±12; P<.001). CSE animals showed higher left ventricular systolic diameter (CON=8.25±2.16 mm/kg, CSE=11.5±1.3, CSE-LIS=9.27±2.00; P=.009) and myocyte cross-sectional area (CON=245±8 μm2, CSE=260±17, CSE-LIS=238±12; P=.01) than CON and CSE-LIS. The ejection fraction (CON =0.91±0.02, CSE=0.86±0.02, CSE-LIS=0.92±0.03; P=.002) and fractional shortening (CON=55.7±4.41%, CSE=48.7±3.43, CSE-LI=58.2±7.63; P=.006) were lower in CSE group than CON and CSE-LIS. CSE and CSE-LIS animals showed higher collagen amounts (CON=3.49±0.95%, CSE= 5.01±1.58, CSE-LIS=5.27±0.62; P=.009) than CON. CON group showed a higher connexin 43 amount in the intercalated disc (CON=3.70±0.38, CSE=2.13±0.53; CSE-LIS=2.17±0.73; P=.004) than CSE and CSE-LIS. There were no differences in IFN-g or TNF-a cardiac levels among the groups. Conclusions: Lisinopril attenuated both morphologic and functional abnormalities induced by exposure to tobacco smoke. In addition, this effect was associated with diminished blood pressure, but not alterations in connexin 43 distribution, cytokine production or collagen amount. © Med Sci Monit, 2010.
On 6 May 2001, a 67-year-old Australian born, Caucasian male presented to the Emergency Department of the Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre (A&RMC) with a 3 day history of fever, lethargy and confusion. This occurred one week after returning from a trip to the Northern Territory. His previous medical problems included ischaemic heart disease, a repaired abdominal aortic aneurysm, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and congestive cardiac failure. He smoked 20 cigarettes per day and had a history of heavy alcohol consumption. He had no history of diabetes. His medications were aspirin, frusemide, lisinopril, simvastatin, and a nitroglycerol patch. Fifty years ago, he had an adverse reaction to penicillin with angioedema and an urticarial rash. Four weeks before admission he went on a fishing trip in the Northern Territory. He travelled by road, through outback regions of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, the Northern Territory and South Australia, spending time in Daly River, Coolum, Darwin, Dunmarra, Avon Downs, Innaminka and Mataranka. He was away for 3 weeks and camped in tents or outside in a swag throughout the trip. He recalls numerous times where he was exposed to mosquitoes with large numbers of bites at Dunmarra. During the time away, he remained well as did his 5 travelling companions. There was...
Migraina gure gizartean prebalentzia handia duen gaixotasun neurologiko bat da. Berrikuspen bibliografiko honek gaixotasun honi tratamendu prebentibo eraginkor bat topatzea du helburu. Lehenik eta behin tratamendu prebentiboa jasotzeko bete beharreko baldintzak aztertuko dira, era beran tratamenduaren hasieran lagungarriak izan daitezkeen zenbait gomendio emanez. Azken urteotan ikertuak izan diren lau farmako familia dira nagusienak: betablokeanteak, antiepilekektikoak, antidrepesiboak eta kaltzioaren kanal blokeatzaileak. Hala ere farmako talde hauetako medikamentu guztiak ez dira lehen mailako aukerako farmakoak izango. Betablokeanteen artean propanolol eta metoprolol nagusitzen dira migrainen tratamendu profilaktikotzat erabiltzeko orduan. Antiepilektikoen artean topiramato eta azido valproikoa gailentzen dira. Eta azkenik lehen mailako farmakotzat flunarazina, kaltzio kanal blokeatzailea nabarmentzen da. Bigarren mailako farkamoak amitryptilina eta venlafaxina antidepresiboak, bisoprolol eta timolol betablokeatzaileak izan daitezke. Azkenik, hirugarren mailako aukerako farmakoak migrainen profilaxiarako candasartan, lisinopril, toxina botilunikoa, ferverfew, magnesioa, koentzina Q10 eta rivoflavin proposatzen dira. Hala ere, tratamendu farmakologikoaz gain, terapia naturalen eraginkortasuna aztertu nahi da berrikuspen honetan. Emaitza positiboak agertu dira zenbait tratamendu ez farmakologikoetan, haien artean: biofeedback, akupuntura eta dietaren maneiua. Azkenik erizainak pazientearen heziketan izan dezakeen garrantzia aztertuko da. Alde batetik gaixotasuna eta tratamenduari erlazionatutako heziketa emanez, eta bestetik migrainan eragina izan dezaketen zenbait bizi ohituren aldaketa sustatuz.
Microneedles (MNs) are a minimally invasive drug delivery platform, designed to enhance transdermal drug delivery by breaching the stratum corneum. For the first time, this study describes the simultaneous delivery of a combination of three drugs using a dissolving polymeric MN system. In the present study, aspirin, lisinopril dihydrate, and atorvastatin calcium trihydrate were used as exemplar cardiovascular drugs and formulated into MN arrays using two biocompatible polymers, poly(vinylpyrrollidone) and poly(methylvinylether/maleic acid). Following fabrication, dissolution, mechanical testing, and determination of drug recovery from the MN arrays, in vitro drug delivery studies were undertaken, followed by HPLC analysis. All three drugs were successfully delivered in vitro across neonatal porcine skin, with similar permeation profiles achieved from both polymer formulations. An average of 126.3 ± 18.1 μg of atorvastatin calcium trihydrate was delivered, notably lower than the 687.9 ± 101.3 μg of lisinopril and 3924 ± 1011 μg of aspirin, because of the hydrophobic nature of the atorvastatin molecule and hence poor dissolution from the array. Polymer deposition into the skin may be an issue with repeat application of such a MN array, hence future work will consider more appropriate MN systems for continuous use, alongside tailoring delivery to less hydrophilic compounds.
We assessed the blockade of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) achieved with 2 angiotensin (Ang) antagonists given either alone at different doses or with an ACE inhibitor. First, 20 normotensive subjects were randomly assigned to 100 mg OD losartan (LOS) or 80 mg OD telmisartan (TEL) for 1 week; during another week, the same doses of LOS and TEL were combined with 20 mg OD lisinopril. Then, 10 subjects were randomly assigned to 200 mg OD LOS and 160 mg OD TEL for 1 week and 100 mg BID LOS and 80 mg BID TEL during the second week. Blockade of the RAS was evaluated with the inhibition of the pressor effect of exogenous Ang I, an ex vivo receptor assay, and the changes in plasma Ang II. Trough blood pressure response to Ang I was blocked by 35+/-16% (mean+/-SD) with 100 mg OD LOS and by 36+/-13% with 80 mg OD TEL. When combined with lisinopril, blockade was 76+/-7% with LOS and 79+/-9% with TEL. With 200 mg OD LOS, trough blockade was 54+/-14%, but with 100 mg BID it increased to 77+/-8% (P<0.01). Telmisartan (160 mg OD and 80 mg BID) produced a comparable effect. Thus, at their maximal recommended doses, neither LOS nor TEL blocks the RAS for 24 hours; hence, the addition of an ACE inhibitor provides an additional blockade. A 24-hour blockade can be achieved with an angiotensin antagonist alone, provided higher doses or a BID regimen is used.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o papel do bloqueador dos receptores AT1 e do inibidor da enzima conversora da angiotensina na remodelação cardíaca induzida por estenose aórtica em ratos. MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar foram divididos em 4 grupos: controle (C, n=13), estenose aórtica (EAo, n=11), EAo com lisinopril, 20 mg/kg/dia (LIS, n=11) e EAo com losartan, 40 mg/kg/dia (LOS, n=9). Os tratamentos foram iniciados 3 dias antes da cirurgia. Após 6 semanas, os animais foram submetidos ao estudo ecocardiográfico, quantificação da concentração de hidroxiprolina e da área seccional (CSA) miocitária do ventrículo esquerdo (VE). RESULTADOS: A EAo induziu aumento da espessura da parede do VE. Os animais LIS e LOS não apresentaram diferença em relação aos animais controles. Os ratos EAo e LIS apresentaram maiores diâmetros do átrio esquerdo que os ratos controles, enquanto nos animais LOS não houve diferença. Os animais com EAo apresentaram maiores valores da porcentagem de encurtamento que os controle. Esse fato não foi modificado com LIS ou LOS. A CSA dos animais do grupo EAo foi maior que a dos controle. Entretanto, o tratamento com LOS e com LIS atenuou o aumento da área induzida pela EAo. A EAo resultou em aumento na concentração de HOP, enquanto o grupo LOS não apresentou diferença em relação ao grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: O bloqueio do sistema renina-angiotensina, com bloqueador AT1 e com IECA, pode atenuar o desenvolvimento de hipertrofia cardíaca, porém só o bloqueio dos receptores AT1 atenua a fibrose intersticial do VE.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do lisinopril (L) sobre as taxas de mortes (M), insuficiência cardíaca (ICC), características da remodelação miocárdica, geométrica e funcional do ventrículo esquerdo (VE), em ratos com estenose aórtica supravalvar (EAS). MÉTODOS: Ratos foram submetidos a EAS ou cirurgia simulada (GC:n=10). Randomizados após 6 semanas para receber L (GL:n=30) ou nenhum tratamento (GE:n=73) sendo avaliados 6s e 21s por estudos ecocardiográfico, hemodinâmico e morfológico concomitantes. RESULTADOS: As taxas de M (GE: 53,9% vs GL: 16,7% e ICC GE: 44,8% vs GL: 20% p<0,05). No final do experimento, os valores da pressão sistólica do VE dos grupos GE e GL foram equivalentes e significantemente mais elevados do que no grupo GC; (p<0,05) não diferindo dos observados 6 semanas após os procedimentos cirúrgicos. Os valores da pressão diastólica do VE no grupo GE foram maiores do que os do grupo GL (p<0,05) sendo ambos maiores do que os do grupo GC (4 ± 2 mmHg, p<0,05). O mesmo comportamento foi observado com as variáveis: razão E/A; índice de massa, área seccional dos miócitos e conteúdo de hidroxiprolina do VE. A porcentagem de encurtamento do VE foi semelhante nos grupos GC e GL (p>0,05) sendo ambos maiores que os verificados no grupo GE. Comportamento semelhante foram obtidos com os valores da primeira derivada positiva e negativa da pressão do VE. CONCLUSÃO: em ratos com EAS o L reduziu as taxas de M e ICC e exerceu efeitos benéficos sobre a remodelação e a função do VE.
1. The effect of lisinopril, a potent inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), injected into the medial preoptic area (MPOA) on water intake was investigated in male Holtzman rats (200-250 g).2. Injection of lisinopril (2 mug/mul) into the MPOA abolished the water intake induced by subcutaneous (sc) injection of isoprenaline (100%) and water deprivation (90%) and drastically reduced the water intake induced by sc injection of polyethyleneglycol (60%). A small reduction of water intake induced by lisinopril was also observed 90 and 120 min after sc hypertonic saline (N = 10 for each group).3. These results suggest that central ACE activation, particularly in the MPOA, plays an important role in the dipsogenic responses induced by the agents studied.