997 resultados para Lisboa, Henriqueta 1904-1985


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de refletir a relevância do Ensino de Filosofia no contexto histórico brasileiro em consonância conjectural paulistana. Apontamos através do Decreto nro. 6.283 de 25 de janeiro de 1934, o qual instituiu-se sendo a primeira Universidade brasileira (Universidade de São Paulo) nas palavras de Vita “iniciativa pioneira no Brasil” (1969, p.16). Inspirada no modelo universitário tradicional da cultura filosófica francesa, a Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras adotou desde os seus contíguos metodológicos aos procedimentos intelectivos, favorecendo o desenvolvimento da interdisciplinaridade da formação cultural. Uma confluência marcada por intensos envolvimentos ideológicos estruturados do progresso moderno, infundindo competências científicas na faculdade profissional incorporada à universidade, bem como formar professores para o ensino secundário (SCHWARTZMAN, 2006, p.163). Sendo assim, a Faculdade de Filosofia seria o núcleo propulsor. Porém, o modelo centralizador de pensar o Ensino da Filosofia, a atribui uma superioridade técnica intelectual e saber acumulado, pouco distingue da competência escolar conquistada em outros países, pelo potencial formativo dos professores filósofos Jean Maugüé (1955,1982) e João da Cruz Costa (1945, 1960, 1961,1967). Mauguë aponta-nos quão a formação em Filosofia está diretamente atribuída ao docente e ao aluno, que a ela se dedica. Pela obra Ensino de Filosofia e Diretrizes, ele apresenta-nos também a concepção de docência: o docente-intelectual, comprometido com a (re) construção dos significados epistemológicos, legitimados por uma prática pedagógica entre o já conhecido e ao conhecer, ou seja, entre o ensinado e ao ensinar. Nesse sentido, é notável que os argumentos do docente e do filósofo se imbricam, ao ponto de serem confundidos e potencializados durante a formação. Assim, Cruz Costa, também trabalha, quando assume a cátedra, porém ressalta que o processo formativo adquire sentido pela História das Ideias como construção do pensamento filosófico e, portanto, o ensino se faz quando se toma consciência da concentricidade histórica, ideias que lhe concede significado conjugado às técnicas de erudição, o que fez advertir aos seus alunos para as vicissitudes pelas quais passaram em nossa terra, as correntes filosóficas estrangeiras, e, sobretudo, para a curiosa significação que elas têm apresentado no envolver de nossa história (VITA, 1950, p.22). O conhecimento histórico é o caminho norteador a ser percorrido, necessário ao devir humano, isto é, a conciliação entre o conhecimento teórico e as condições históricas.


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No romance O Idiota, Dostoiévski cria, por meio do príncipe Míchkin, uma personagem com as características do Cristo. Sabe-se que a Bíblia, principalmente o Novo Testamento, acompanhou o escritor desde sua infância até o momento de sua morte. O primeiro capítulo, dedicado ao referencial teórico da pesquisa, lida com o universo da linguagem. Tanto o texto literário quanto a literatura bíblica procedem do mito. Neste sen-tido, religião e literatura se tocam e se aproximam. O segundo capítulo foi escrito na intenção de mostrar como o Cristo e os Evangelhos são temas, motivos e imagens recorrentes na obra de Dostoiévski. A literatura bíblica está presente, com mais ou menos intensidade, em diversas das principais obras do escritor russo e não somente em O Idiota. A hipótese de que Dostoiévski cria um Cristo e um Evangelho por meio de O Idiota é demonstrada na análise do romance, no terceiro capítulo. A tese proposta é: Dostoiévski desenvolve um evangelho literário, por meio de Míchkin, misto de um Cristo russo, ao mesmo tempo divino e humano, mas também idiota e quixotesco. Na dinâmica intertextual entre os Evangelhos bíblicos e O Idiota, entre Cristo e Míchkin, a literatura e o sagrado se revelam, como uma presença divina. Nas cenas e na estruturação do enredo que compõe o romance, Cristo se manifesta nas ações de Míchkin, na luz, na beleza, mas também na tragicidade de uma trajetória deslocada e antinômica. O amor e a compaixão ganham forma e vida na presen-ça do príncipe, vazio de si, servo de todos.


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v.54:no.6 (1940)


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At head of title: United States Department of Labor, Frances Perkins, secretary. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Isador Lubin, commissioner.


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"December, 1934."


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This paper proposes a method for describing the distribution of observed temperatures on any day of the year such that the distribution and summary statistics of interest derived from the distribution vary smoothly through the year. The method removes the noise inherent in calculating summary statistics directly from the data thus easing comparisons of distributions and summary statistics between different periods. The method is demonstrated using daily effective temperatures (DET) derived from observations of temperature and wind speed at De Bilt, Holland. Distributions and summary statistics are obtained from 1985 to 2009 and compared to the period 1904–1984. A two-stage process first obtains parameters of a theoretical probability distribution, in this case the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution, which describes the distribution of DET on any day of the year. Second, linear models describe seasonal variation in the parameters. Model predictions provide parameters of the GEV distribution, and therefore summary statistics, that vary smoothly through the year. There is evidence of an increasing mean temperature, a decrease in the variability in temperatures mainly in the winter and more positive skew, more warm days, in the summer. In the winter, the 2% point, the value below which 2% of observations are expected to fall, has risen by 1.2 °C, in the summer the 98% point has risen by 0.8 °C. Medians have risen by 1.1 and 0.9 °C in winter and summer, respectively. The method can be used to describe distributions of future climate projections and other climate variables. Further extensions to the methodology are suggested.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão do Território, área de especialização em Planeamento e Ordenamento do Território


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História


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Analysis of the word lancea, of Hispanic origin after Varro, and of place names, people´s names and personal names derived from it. It confirms that the spear was the most important weapon in the Bronze Age, belonging to the iuventus and used as heroic and divine symbol. This analysis confirms also the personality of the Lusitanians, a people related to the Celts but with more archaic archaeological, linguistic and cultural characteristics originated in the tradition of the Atlantic Bronze in the II millennium BC. It is also relevant to better know the organisation of Broze and Iron Age societies and the origin of Indo-Europeans peoples in Western Europe and of pre-Roman peoples of Iberia.


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The spatial and temporal variations of Ross River virus infections reported in Queensland, Australia, between 1985 and 1996 were studied by using the Geographic Information System. The notified cases of Ross River virus infection came from 489 localities between 1985 and 1988, 805 between 1989 and 1992, and 1,157 between 1993 and 1996 (chi2(df = 2) = 680.9; P < 0.001). There was a marked increase in the number of localities where the cases were reported by 65 percent for the period of 1989-1992 and 137 percent for 1993-1996, compared with that for 1985-1988. The geographic distribution of the notified Ross River virus cases has expanded in Queensland over recent years. As Ross River virus disease has impacted considerably on tourism and industry, as well as on residents of affected areas, more research is required to explore the causes of the geographic expansion of the notified Ross River virus infections.


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The generic IS-success constructs first identified by DeLone and McLean (1992) continue to be widely employed in research. Yet, recent work by Petter et al (2007) has cast doubt on the validity of many mainstream constructs employed in IS research over the past 3 decades; critiquing the almost universal conceptualization and validation of these constructs as reflective when in many studies the measures appear to have been implicitly operationalized as formative. Cited examples of proper specification of the Delone and McLean constructs are few, particularly in light of their extensive employment in IS research. This paper introduces a four-stage formative construct development framework: Conceive > Operationalize > Respond > Validate (CORV). Employing the CORV framework in an archival analysis of research published in top outlets 1985-2007, the paper explores the extent of possible problems with past IS research due to potential misspecification of the four application-related success dimensions: Individual-Impact, Organizational-Impact, System-Quality and Information-Quality. Results suggest major concerns where there is a mismatch of the Respond and Validate stages. A general dearth of attention to the Operationalize and Respond stages in methodological writings is also observed.


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This paper examines changing patterns in the utilisation and geographic access to health services in Great Britain using National Travel Survey data (1985-2006). The utilisation rate was derived using the proportion of journeys made to access health services. Geographic access was analysed by separating the concept into its accessibility and mobility dimensions. Regression analyses were conducted to investigate the differences between different socio-spatial groups in these indicators over the period 1985-2006. This study found that journey distances to health facilities were significantly shorter and also gradually reduced over the period in question for Londoners, females, those without a car or on low incomes, and older people. However, most of their rates of utilisation of health services were found to be significantly lower because their journey times were significantly longer and also gradually increased over the periods. These findings indicate that the rate of utilisation of health services largely depends on mobility level although previous research studies have traditionally overlooked the mobility dimension.


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Background This paper examines changing patterns in the utilisation and geographic access to health services in Great Britain using National Travel Survey data (1985-2012). The National Travel Survey (NTS) is a series of household surveys designed to provide data on personal travel and monitor changes in travel behaviour over time. The utilisation rate was derived using the proportion of journeys made to access health services. Geographic access was analysed by separating the concept into its accessibility and mobility dimensions. Methods Variables from the PSU, households, and individuals datasets were used as explanatory variables. Whereas, variables extracted from the journeys dataset were used as dependent variables to identify patterns of utilisation i.e. the proportion of journeys made by different groups to access health facilities in a particular journey distance or time band or by mode of transport; and geographic access to health services. A binary logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify the utilisation rate over the different time periods between different groups. This analysis shows the Odds Ratios (ORs) for different groups making a trip to utilise health services compared to their respective counterparts. Linear multiple regression analyses were conducted to then identify patterns of change in the accessibility and mobility level. Results Analysis of the data has shown that that journey distances to health facilities were signi fi cantly shorter and also gradually reduced over the period in question for Londoners, females, those without a car or on low incomes, and older people. Although rates of utilisation of health services we re Oral Abstracts / Journal of Transport & Health 2 (2015) S5 – S63 S43 signi fi cantly lower because of longer journey times. These fi ndings indicate that the rate of utilisation of health services largely depends on mobility level although previous research studies have traditionally overlooked the mobility dimension. Conclusions This fi nding, therefore, suggests the need to improve geographic access to services together with an enhanced mobility option for disadvantaged groups in order for them to have improved levels of access to health facilities. This research has also found that the volume of car trips to health services also increased steadily over the period 1985-2012 while all other modes accounted for a smaller number of trips. However, it is dif fi cult to conclude from this research whether this increase in the volume of car trips was due to a lack of alternative transport or due to an increase in the level of car-ownership.