946 resultados para Liquid Crystal System


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Water-based cellulose cholesteric liquid crystalline phases at rest can undergo structural changes induced by shear flow. This reflects on the deuterium spectra recorded when the system is investigated by rheo-nuclear magnetic resonance (rheo-NMR) techniques. In this work, the model system hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC)+water is revisited using rheo-NMR to clarify unsettled points regarding its behavior under shear and in relaxation. The NMR spectra allow the identification of five different stable ordering states, within shear and relaxation, which are well integrated in a mesoscopic picture of the system's structural evolution under shear and relaxation. This picture emerging from the large body of studies available for this system by other experimental techniques, accounts well for the NMR data and is in good agreement with the three distinct regions of steady shear flow recognized for some lyotropic LC polymers. Shear rates in between 0.1 and 1.0 s(-1) where investigated using a Taylor-Couette flow and deuterated water was used as solvent for the deuterium NMR (DNMR) analysis.


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Since long ago cellulosic lyotropic liquid crystals were thought as potential materials to produce fibers competitive with spidersilk or Kevlar, yet the processing of high modulus materials from cellulose-based precursors was hampered by their complex rheological behavior. In this work, by using the Rheo-NMR technique, which combines deuterium NMR with rheology, we investigate the high shear rate regimes that may be of interest to the industrial processing of these materials. Whereas the low shear rate regimes were already investigated by this technique in different works [1-4], the high shear rates range is still lacking a detailed study. This work focuses on the orientational order in the system both under shear and subsequent relaxation process arising after shear cessation through the analysis of deuterium spectra from the deuterated solvent water. At the analyzed shear rates the cholesteric order is suppressed and a flow-aligned nematic is observed which for the higher shear rates develops after certain time periodic perturbations that transiently annihilate the order in the system. During relaxation the flow aligned nematic starts losing order due to the onset of the cholesteric helices leading to a period of very low order where cholesteric helices with different orientations are forming from the aligned nematic, followed in the final stage by an increase in order at long relaxation times corresponding to the development of aligned cholesteric domains. This study sheds light on the complex rheological behavior of chiral nematic cellulose-based systems and opens ways to improve its processing. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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For a parameter, we consider the modified relaxed energy of the liquid crystal system. Each minimizer of the modified relaxed energy is a weak solution to the liquid crystal equilibrium system. We prove the partial regularity of minimizers of the modified relaxed energy. We also prove the existence of infinitely many weak solutions for the special boundary value x.


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We directly visualize the response of nematic liquid crystal drops of toroidal topology threaded in cellulosic fibers, suspended in air, to an AC electric field and at different temperatures over the N-I transition. This new liquid crystal system can exhibit non-trivial point defects, which can be energetically unstable against expanding into ring defects depending on the fiber constraining geometries. The director anchoring tangentially near the fiber surface and homeotropically at the air interface makes a hybrid shell distribution that in turn causes a ring disclination line around the main axis of the fiber at the center of the droplet. Upon application of an electric field, E, the disclination ring first expands and moves along the fiber main axis, followed by the appearance of a stable "spherical particle" object orbiting around the fiber at the center of the liquid crystal drop. The rotation speed of this particle was found to vary linearly with the applied voltage. This constrained liquid crystal geometry seems to meet the essential requirements in which soliton-like deformations can develop and exhibit stable orbiting in three dimensions upon application of an external electric field. On changing the temperature the system remains stable and allows the study of the defect evolution near the nematic-isotropic transition, showing qualitatively different behaviour on cooling and heating processes. The necklaces of such liquid crystal drops constitute excellent systems for the study of topological defects and their evolution and open new perspectives for application in microelectronics and photonics.


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Emulsions containing liquid crystals present interesting properties and advantages such as the skin moisturize increase, active release modulation, and emulsion stabilization. In this work, emulsions containing annatto, coffee and tea tree oils, and nonionic surfactants were developed. The HLB method was used for selection of surfactants. The required HLB value was established (9.0). Liquid crystals were attained when used the surfactant mixture Ceteareth-5 and Steareth-2 and identified as lamellar. The emulsions showed pseudoplastic behavior and tixotropy. The ternary diagram was useful in the selection of the proportion of surfactant and oily phase considering skin compatibility and liquid crystal presence.


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Women often develop vaginal infections that are caused primarily by organisms of the genus Candida. The current treatments of vaginal candidiasis usually involve azole-based antifungals, though fungal resistance to these compounds has become prevalent. Therefore, much attention has been given to molecules with antifungal properties from natural sources, such as curcumin (CUR). However, CUR has poor solubility in aqueous solvents and poor oral bioavailability. This study attempted to overcome this problem by developing, characterizing, and evaluating the in vitro antifungal action of a CUR-loaded liquid crystal precursor mucoadhesive system (LCPM) for vaginal administration. A low-viscosity LCPM (F) consisting of 40% wt/wt polyoxpropylene-(5)-polyoxyethylene-(20)-cetyl alcohol, 50% wt/wt oleic acid, and 10% wt/wt chitosan dispersion at 0.5% with the addition of 16% poloxamer 407 was developed to take advantage of the lyotropic phase behavior of this formulation. Notably, F could transform into liquid crystal systems when diluted with artificial vaginal mucus at ratios of 1:3 and 1:1 (wt/wt), resulting in the formation of F30 and F100, respectively. Polarized light microscopy and rheological studies revealed that F behaved like an isotropic formulation, whereas F30 and F100 behaved like an anisotropic liquid crystalline system (LCS). Moreover, F30 and F100 presented higher mucoadhesion to porcine vaginal mucosa than F. The analysis of the in vitro activity against Candida albicans revealed that CUR-loaded F was more potent against standard and clinical strains compared with a CUR solution. Therefore, the vaginal administration of CUR-loaded LCPMs represents a promising platform for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis.


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We studied the anisotropic aggregation of spherical latex particles dispersed in a lyotropic liquid crystal presenting three nematic phases; calamitic, biaxial, and discotic. We observed that in the nematic calamitic phase aggregates of latex particles are formed, which become larger and anisotropic in the vicinity of the transition to the discotic phase, due to a coalescence process. Such aggregates are weakly anisotropic and up to 50 mu m long and tend to align parallel to the director field. At the transition to the discotic phase, the aggregates dissociated and re-formed when the system was brought back to the calamitic phase. This shows that the aggregation is due to attractive and repulsive forces generated by the particular structure of the nematic phase. The surface-induced positional order was investigated by surface force apparatus experiments with the lyotropic system confined between mica surfaces, revealing the existence of a presmectic wetting layer around the surfaces and oscillating forces of increasing amplitude as the confinement thickness was decreased. We discuss the possible mechanisms responsible for the reversible aggregation of latex particles, and we propose that capillary condensation of the N(C) phase, induced by the confinement between the particles, could reduce or remove the gradient of order parameter, driving the transition of aggregates from solidlike to liquidlike and gaslike.


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An experimental and theoretical study of the electro-rheological effects observed in the nematic phase of 4-n-heptyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl has been conducted. This liquid crystal appears to be a model system, in which the observed rheological behaviour can be interpreted by the Leslie-Ericksen continuum theory for low molecular weight liquid crystals. Flow curves are illustrated at different temperatures and under the influence of an external electric field ranging from 0 to 3 kV mm-1, applied perpendicular to the direction of flow. Also presented is the apparent viscosity as a function of temperature, over similar values of electric field, obtained at different shear rates. A master flow curve has been constructed for each temperature by dividing the shear rate by the square of the electric field and multiplying by the square of a reference value of electric field. In a log-log plot, two Newtonian plateaux are found to appear at low and high shear rates, connected by a shear-thinning region. We have applied the Leslie-Ericksen continuum theory, in which the director alignment angle is a function of the electric field and the flow field boundary conditions are neglected, to determine viscoelastic parameters and the dielectric anisotropy.


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n a recent paper we reported an experimental study of two N-alkylimidazolium salts. These ionic compounds exhibit liquid crystalline behaviour with melting points above 50 degrees C in bulk. However, if they are sheared, a (possibly non-equilibrium) lamellar phase forms at room temperature. Upon shearing a thin film of the material between microscope slides, textures were observed that are strikingly similar to liquid (wet) foams. The images obtained from polarising optical microscopy (POM) were found to share many of the known quantitative properties of a two-dimensional foam coarsening process. Here we report an experimental study of this foam using a shearing system coupled with POM. The structure and evolution of the foam are investigated through the image analysis of time sequences of micrographs obtained for well-controlled sets of physical parameters (sample thickness, shear rate and temperature). In particular, we find that there is a threshold shear rate below which no foam can form. Above this threshold, a steady-state foam pattern is obtained where the mean cell area generally decreases with increasing shear rate. Furthermore, the steady-state internal cell angles and distribution of the cell number of sides deviate from their equilibrium (i.e. zero-shear) values.


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We present a study of the effects of nanoconfinement on a system of hard Gaussian overlap particles interacting with planar substrates through the hard-needle-wall potential, extending earlier work by two of us [D. J. Cleaver and P. I. C. Teixeira, Chem. Phys. Lett. 338, 1 (2001)]. Here, we consider the case of hybrid films, where one of the substrates induces strongly homeotropic anchoring, while the other favors either weakly homeotropic or planar anchoring. These systems are investigated using both Monte Carlo simulation and density-functional theory, the latter implemented at the level of Onsager's second-virial approximation with Parsons-Lee rescaling. The orientational structure is found to change either continuously or discontinuously depending on substrate separation, in agreement with earlier predictions by others. The theory is seen to perform well in spite of its simplicity, predicting the positional and orientational structure seen in simulations even for small particle elongations.


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The phase behaviour of a number of N-alkylimidazolium salts was studied using polarizing optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction. Two of these compounds exhibit lamellar mesophases at temperatures above 50 degrees C. In these systems, the liquid crystalline behaviour may be induced at room temperature by shear. Sheared films of these materials, observed between crossed polarisers, have a morphology that is typical of (wet) liquid foams: they partition into dark domains separated by brighter (birefringent) walls, which are approximately arcs of circle and meet at "Plateau borders" with three or more sides. Where walls meet three at a time, they do so at approximately 120 degrees angles. These patterns coarsen with time and both T1 and T2 processes have been observed, as in foams. The time evolution of domains is also consistent with von Neumann's law. We conjecture that the bright walls are regions of high concentration of defects produced by shear, and that the system is dominated by the interfacial tension between these walls and the uniform domains. The control of self-organised monodomains, as observed in these systems, is expected to play an important role in potential applications.


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Philosophical Magazine Letters Volume 88, Issue 9-10, 2008 Special Issue: Solid and Liquid Foams. In commemoration of Manuel Amaral Fortes


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2010


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We report on the capillary flow behaviour of thermotropic liquid crystal mixtures containing 4-n-octyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl (8CB) and 4-n-pentyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl (5CB). The liquid crystal mixtures are studied in the Nematic (N) and Smectic (SA) phases at room temperature. Polarised optical microscopy (POM), rheology and simultaneous X-ray diffraction (XRD)/capillary flow experiments are performed to characterise the system. Polarised optical microscopy reveals a dramatic change in optical texture when the 5CB content is increased from 20 to 30% in the mixtures. X-ray diffraction results show that the system goes through a SA-N phase transition, such that the mixtures are smectic for 10-20% 5CB and nematic for 30-90% 5CB. Smectic mixtures flow with the layers aligned along the flow direction (mesogens perpendicular to flow) while nematic mixtures flow with the mesogens aligned in the flow direction. Simultaneous XRD/shear flow experiments show that the SA-N transition is independent of the flow rate in the range 1-6 ml min-1. The correlation length of the liquid crystal order decreases with increasing 5CB content. Rheology is used to prove that the correlation length behaviour is related to a reduction in the viscosity of the mixture.


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In this paper, we give an overview of our studies by static and time-resolved X-ray diffraction of inverse cubic phases and phase transitions in lipids. In 1, we briefly discuss the lyotropic phase behaviour of lipids, focusing attention on non-lamellar structures, and their geometric/topological relationship to fusion processes in lipid membranes. Possible pathways for transitions between different cubic phases are also outlined. In 2, we discuss the effects of hydrostatic pressure on lipid membranes and lipid phase transitions, and describe how the parameters required to predict the pressure dependence of lipid phase transition temperatures can be conveniently measured. We review some earlier results of inverse bicontinuous cubic phases from our laboratory, showing effects such as pressure-induced formation and swelling. In 3, we describe the technique of pressure-jump synchrotron X-ray diffraction. We present results that have been obtained from the lipid system 1:2 dilauroylphosphatidylcholine/lauric acid for cubic-inverse hexagonal, cubic-cubic and lamellar-cubic transitions. The rate of transition was found to increase with the amplitude of the pressure-jump and with increasing temperature. Evidence for intermediate structures occurring transiently during the transitions was also obtained. In 4, we describe an IDL-based 'AXCESS' software package being developed in our laboratory to permit batch processing and analysis of the large X-ray datasets produced by pressure-jump synchrotron experiments. In 5, we present some recent results on the fluid lamellar-Pn3m cubic phase transition of the single-chain lipid 1-monoelaidin, which we have studied both by pressure-jump and temperature-jump X-ray diffraction. Finally, in 6, we give a few indicators of future directions of this research. We anticipate that the most useful technical advance will be the development of pressure-jump apparatus on the microsecond time-scale, which will involve the use of a stack of piezoelectric pressure actuators. The pressure-jump technique is not restricted to lipid phase transitions, but can be used to study a wide range of soft matter transitions, ranging from protein unfolding and DNA unwinding and transitions, to phase transitions in thermotropic liquid crystals, surfactants and block copolymers.