955 resultados para Lippmann-schwinger Equations


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In the last several decades, due to the fast development of computer, numerical simulation has been an indispensable tool in scientific research. Numerical simulation methods which based on partial difference operators such as Finite Difference Method (FDM) and Finite Element Method (FEM) have been widely used. However, in the realm of seismology and seismic prospecting, one usually meets with geological models which have piece-wise heterogeneous structures as well as volume heterogeneities between layers, the continuity of displacement and stress across the irregular layers and seismic wave scattering induced by the perturbation of the volume usually bring in error when using conventional methods based on difference operators. The method discussed in this paper is based on elastic theory and integral theory. Seismic wave equation in the frequency domain is transformed into a generalized Lippmann-Schwinger equation, in which the seismic wavefield contributed by the background is expressed by the boundary integral equation and the scattering by the volume heterogeneities is considered. Boundary element-volume integral method based on this equation has advantages of Boundary Element Method (BEM), such as reducing one dimension of the model, explicit use the displacement and stress continuity across irregular interfaces, high precision, satisfying the boundary at infinite, etc. Also, this method could accurately simulate the seismic scattering by the volume heterogeneities. In this paper, the concrete Lippmann-Schwinger equation is specifically given according to the real geological models. Also, the complete coefficients of the non-smooth point for the integral equation are introduced. Because Boundary Element-Volume integral equation method uses fundamental solutions which are singular when the source point and the field are very close,both in the two dimensional and the three dimensional case, the treatment of the singular kernel affects the precision of this method. The method based on integral transform and integration by parts could treat the points on the boundary and inside the domain. It could transform the singular integral into an analytical one both in two dimensional and in three dimensional cases and thus it could eliminate the singularity. In order to analyze the elastic seismic wave scattering due to regional irregular topographies, the analytical solution for problems of this type is discussed and the analytical solution of P waves by multiple canyons is given. For the boundary reflection, the method used here is infinite boundary element absorbing boundary developed by a pervious researcher. The comparison between the analytical solutions and concrete numerical examples validate the efficiency of this method. We thoroughly discussed the sampling frequency in elastic wave simulation and find that, for a general case, three elements per wavelength is sufficient, however, when the problem is too complex, more elements per wavelength are necessary. Also, the seismic response in the frequency domain of the canyons with different types of random heterogeneities is illustrated. We analyzed the model of the random media, the horizontal and vertical correlation length, the standard deviation, and the dimensionless frequency how to affect the seismic wave amplification on the ground, and thus provide a basis for the choice of the parameter of random media during numerical simulation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The short-distance part of the low energy interaction of D-mesons and nucleons is investigated in the context of a quark model. The quark model is based on Coulomb gauge QCD. The model contains a confining Coulomb potential and a transverse hyperfine interaction consistent with a finite gluon propagator in the infrared. The basic mechanism for the short-distance interaction between the D-mesons and nucleons is quark interchange. Using Resonating GroupMethod techniques an effective potential for the interaction between nucleons and D mesons can be obtained and used in a Lippmann-Schwinger equation to obtain differential cross-sections and phase shifts.


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Complementing our recent work on subspace wavepacket propagation [Chem. Phys. Lett. 336 (2001) 149], we introduce a Lanczos-based implementation of the Faber polynomial quantum long-time propagator. The original version [J. Chem. Phys. 101 (1994) 10493] implicitly handles non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, that is, those perturbed by imaginary absorbing potentials to handle unwanted reflection effects. However, like many wavepacket propagation schemes, it encounters a bottleneck associated with dense matrix-vector multiplications. Our implementation seeks to reduce the quantity of such costly operations without sacrificing numerical accuracy. For some benchmark scattering problems, our approach compares favourably with the original. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We extend our Lanczos subspace time-independent wave packet method [J. Chem. Phys. 116 (2002) 2354] to investigate the issue of symmetry contaminations for the challenging deep-well H + O-2 reaction. Our central objective is to address the issue of whether significant symmetry contamination can occur if a wavepacket initially possessing the correct O-O exchange symmetry is propagated over tens of thousands of recursive steps using a basis which does not explicitly enforce the correct symmetry, and if so how seriously this affects the results. We find that symmetry contamination does exist where the symmetry constraint is not explicitly enforced in the basis. While it affects individual resonances and the associated peak amplitudes, the overall shape of the more averaged quantities such as total reaction probabilities and vibrational branching ratios are not seriously affected. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We explore the calculation of unimolecular bound states and resonances for deep-well species at large angular momentum using a Chebychev filter diagonalization scheme incorporating doubling of the autocorrelation function as presented recently by Neumaier and Mandelshtam [Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5031 (2001)]. The method has been employed to compute the challenging J=20 bound and resonance states for the HO2 system. The methodology has firstly been tested for J=2 in comparison with previous calculations, and then extended to J=20 using a parallel computing strategy. The quantum J-specific unimolecular dissociation rates for HO2-> H+O-2 in the energy range from 2.114 to 2.596 eV have been reported for the first time, and comparisons with the results of Troe and co-workers [J. Chem. Phys. 113, 11019 (2000) Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2, 631 (2000)] from statistical adiabatic channel method/classical trajectory calculations have been made. For most of the energies, the reported statistical adiabatic channel method/classical trajectory rate constants agree well with the average of the fluctuating quantum-mechanical rates. Near the dissociation threshold, quantum rates fluctuate more severely, but their average is still in agreement with the statistical adiabatic channel method/classical trajectory results.


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A self-contained discussion of integral equations of scattering is presented in the case of centrally symmetric potentials in one dimension, which will facilitate the understanding of more complex scattering integral equations in two and three dimensions. The present discussion illustrates in a simple fashion the concept of partial-wave decomposition, Green's function, Lippmann-Schwinger integral equations of scattering for wave function and transition operator, optical theorem, and unitarity relation. We illustrate the present approach with a Dirac delta potential. (C) 2001 American Association of Physics Teachers.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This dissertation presents the results of studies of several rotationally- resolved resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) processes in some simple molecular systems. The objective of these studies is to quantitatively identify the underlying dynamics of this highly state-specific process which utilizes the narrow bandwidth radiation of a laser to ionize a molecule by first preparing an excited state via multiphoton absorption and subsequently ionizing that state before it can decay. Coupled with high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy, REMPI is clearly an important probe of molecular excited states and their photoioniza tion dynamics.

A key feature of our studies is that they are carried out using accurate Hartree-Fock orbitals to describe the photoelectron orbitals of the molecular ions. The use of such photoelectron orbitals is important in rotationally-resolved studies where the angular momentum coupling in the photoelectron orbital plays a significant role in the photoionization dynamics. In these studies the Hartree-Fock molecular molecular photoelectron orbitals are obtained by numerical solution of a Lippmann-Schwinger integral equation.

Studies reported here include investigations of (i) ionic rotational branching ratios and their energy dependence for REMPI via the A^2Σ^+(3sσ) and D^2Σ^+(3pσ)states of NO, (ii) the influence of angular momentum constraints on branching ratios at low photoelectron energies for REMPI via low-J levels of the resonant intermediate state, (iii) the strong dependence of photoelectron angular distributions on final ionic rotational state and on the alignment in REMPI of the A^2Σ^+ state of NO, (iv) vibrational state dependence of ionic rotational branching ratios arising from rapid orbital evolution in resonant states (E'^2Σ^+(3pσ) of CH), (v) the influence of rovibronic interactions on the rotational branching ratios seen in REMPI via the D^2Σ^+(3pσ) state of NO, and (vi) effects of laser intensity on the photoionization dynamics of REMPI.


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在过去的几年里,利用兰州重离子加速器(HIRFL)提供的束流,以及在OUVERTURE合作研究中,利用意大利国家核物理研究院南方实验室(INFN-LNS)超导回旋提供的束流,进行了多次中能区重离子核反应实验研究工作。如,最初的46.7MeV/u ~(12)C+~(58)Ni,~(115)In,~(197)Au的实验及30MeV/u ~(40)Ar+~(58)Ni,~(64)Ni~(115)In和30MeV/u Ni轰击Ni,Au,Al在MULTICS+MEDEA:4π装置上进行的实验工作。此外,本人还从事过一些理论研究工作,包括多粒子散射形式理论和相关数学物理问题研究,量子分子动力学和量子统计模型计算。本文是从事这些核物理研究工作的积累,主要侧重于实验结果的物理内容分析,而不强调实验技术,数据处理的技巧。主要的物理内容有以下几个方面:1.对于利用双同位素产额比提取同位素核温度的方法进行研究推广,使得对于实验中碰到的仅有部分能谱可以实现很好同位素分辩的情况,即使不能得到总的同位素产额,仅仅通过一段能区的同位素产额也可提取核温度。用于具体的实验研究工作中后,对于46.7MeV/u ~(12)C+~(58)Ni,~(115)In,~(197)Au核反应过程,同一体系利用这种方法得到的同位素核温度和利用粒子非稳态布居提取的核温度一致。2.围绕核反应过程中核温度的参量的提取,对于双同位素产额比与核温度的刻度关系进行了分析研究,通过计算考虑中等质量碎片(IMF)内部激发能后的内部配分函数表明,中等质量碎片的内部激发对刻度关系有重要影响。零阶近似下区域密度近似的结果和Gemini模拟计算的结果反映了相同的情况。3.研究核反应机制,多个粒子散射的形式理论的必需的,对于两体散射,其形式理论已经比较成熟,但是对于多个粒子散射问题出现的严重的困难是多体Lippmann-Schwinger方程无唯一收敛的解。作为一种探索性的研究工作,开展了多体散射理论研究工作,发展了一些具有普遍意义的数学物理方法。在本项研究工作中,通过能基础数学中的约当引理的推广,发现一个特例:对非连接图,Lippmann-Schwingwer方程存在收敛的解,因此多体散射形式理论,有可能重新建立。由于核力和多体问题是当今核物理研究的两大难点,世界各国的科学家都在努力以图攻克它们,而且多体问题还是物理学的其它许多领域的难题,因而多体散射还是引起诸多研究学科广泛兴趣的课题。通过发展一些新的数学理论和方法,我们已得到一些有意义的结果。4.将量子分子动力学这种中高能量区域所用的理论分析方法扩展至较低能区,通过对相空间中初始位置和动量抽样增加限制条件。如结合能和实验值要求一致,平均核势,核内Pauli阻塞更强一些,在演化中能量和动量守恒等等。得到一个很稳定的初始基态。均方半径保持不弥散的时间可达1600fm/c,用于研究10.6MeV/u Ne~(20)+Al~(27)的实验分析过程中。另外,量子统计模型(QSM)主要描述中心核-核碰撞,将它和碎裂模型结合,作一些改进后,可以对核-核碰撞进行统一描述。5.在中能核反应研究中发现,核反应过程中有大量的中子,轻带电粒子以及中等质量碎片发射出来,可以将这些粒子发射机制大致分为两大类。其中一类可以归结为动力学发射过程的产物。另一类则可以归于统计发射的产物。在低能核反应中,其发射能谱的斜率的负倒数,可作为复合核的核温度。而在中能重离子核反应中,其发射能谱变得很复杂,不再具有Maxwell分布。通常的三源拟合所给出的温度参数,已不能反映物理实质。提出多阶矩分析方法用于分析中能核反应中统计发射规律及受动力学过程的影响。


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In this paper, we have calculated the masses of mesons containing t-quark and their spins' coupling coefficients. This was achieved by solving Lippmann-Schwinger equation for the quark-antiquark bound state of heavy mesons in configuration space. Heavy meson masses submitted criteria for the strong nuclear interactive potential between two quarks. We investigated the stability of a few suitable potentials and offered the best of these potentials for heavy mesons.


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We study the (D) over barN interaction at low energies with a quark model inspired in the QCD Hamiltonian in Coulomb gauge. The model Hamiltonian incorporates a confining Coulomb potential extracted from a self-consistent quasiparticle method for the gluon degrees of freedom, and transverse-gluon hyperfine interaction consistent with a finite gluon propagator in the infrared. Initially a constituent-quark mass function is obtained by solving a gap equation and baryon and meson bound-states are obtained in Fock space using a variational calculation. Next, having obtained the constituent-quark masses and the hadron waves functions, an effective meson-nucleon interaction is derived from a quark-interchange mechanism. This leads to a short range meson-baryon interaction and to describe long-distance physics vector- and scalar-meson exchanges described by effective Lagrangians are incorporated. The derived effective (D) over barN potential is used in a Lippmann-Schwinger equation to obtain phase shifts. The results are compared with a recent similar calculation using the nonrelativistic quark model.


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We report on some recent solutions of the Dyson-Schwinger equations for the infrared behavior of the gluon propagator and coupling constant, discussing their differences and proposing that these different behaviors can be tested through hadronic phenomenology. We discuss which kind of phenomenological tests can be applied to the gluon propagator and coupling constant, how sensitive they are to the infrared region of momenta and what specific solution is preferred by the experimental data.