999 resultados para Linguística Cognitiva. Modelos de Situação. Simulação Mental.Frames e Esquemas
This paper investigates the cognitive processes that operate in understanding narratives in this case, the novel Macunaíma, by Mário de Andrade. Our work belongs to the field of Embodied-based Cognitive Linguistics and, due to its interdisciplinary nature, it dialogues with theoretical and methodological frameworks of Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences. Therefore, we adopt an exploratory research design, recall and cloze tests, adapted, with postgraduation students, all native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. The choice of Macunaíma as the novel and initial motivation for this proposal is due to the fact it is a fantastic narrative, which consists of events, circumstances and characters that are clearly distant types from what is experienced in everyday life. Thus, the novel provides adequate data to investigate the configuration of meaning, within an understanding-based model. We, therefore, seek, to answer questions that are still, generally, scarcely explored in the field of Cognitive Linguistics, such as to what extent is the activation of mental models (schemas and frames) related to the process of understanding narratives? How are we able to build sense even when words or phrases are not part of our linguistic repertoire? Why do we get emotionally involved when reading a text, even though it is fiction? To answer them, we assume the theoretical stance that meaning is not in the text, it is constructed through language, conceived as a result of the integration between the biological (which results in creating abstract imagery schemes) and the sociocultural (resulting in creating frames) apparatus. In this sense, perception, cognitive processing, reception and transmission of the information described are directly related to how language comprehension occurs. We believe that the results found in our study may contribute to the cognitive studies of language and to the development of language learning and teaching methodologies
O aumento na complexidade dos sistemas embarcados, compostos por partes de hardware e software, aliado às pressões do mercado que exige novos produtos em prazos cada vez menores, tem levado projetistas a considerar a possibilidade de construir sistemas a partir da integração de componentes já existentes e previamente validados. Esses componentes podem ter sido desenvolvidos por diferentes equipes ou por terceiros e muitas vezes são projetados utilizando diferentes metodologias, linguagens e/ou níveis de abstração. Essa heterogeneidade torna complexo o processo de integração e validação de componentes, que normalmente é realizado através de simulação. O presente trabalho especifica mecanismos genéricos e extensíveis que oferecem suporte à cooperação entre componentes heterogêneos em um ambiente de simulação distribuída, sem impor padrões proprietários para formatos de dados e para a descrição do comportamento e interface dos componentes. Esses mecanismos são baseados na arquitetura DCB (Distributed Co-Simulation Backbone), voltada para co-simulação distribuída e heterogênea e inspirada nos conceitos de federado (componente de simulação) e federação (conjunto de componentes) que são definidos pelo HLA (High Level Architecture), um padrão de interoperabilidade para simulações distribuídas. Para dar suporte à co-simulação distribuída e heterogênea, esse trabalho descreve mecanismos que são responsáveis pelas tarefas de cooperação e distribuição, chamados de embaixadores, assim como o mecanismo gateway, que é responsável pela interoperabilidade entre linguagens e conversão de tipos de dados. Também é apresentada uma ferramenta de suporte à geração das interfaces de co-simulação, que são constituídas de dois embaixadores configuráveis e um gateway para cada federado, gerado a partir de templates pré-definidos.
O bom dimensionamento de equipes contribui para o aumento do nível dos serviços prestados pelas empresas, com o menor custo possível. Uma alternativa para abordar a questão foi dimensionar as equipes de eletricistas, de uma empresa do setor elétrico, (utilizando técnicas de previsão de demanda, de simulação e de alocação) para atender de forma otimizada, a demanda variável das atividades prestadas - fornecimento de energia. Um equilíbrio entre a demanda por serviços e a capacidade de execução da empresa evitaria longas filas de espera dos clientes e servidores (eletricistas) ociosos. Cinco etapas forma cumpridas: fase exploratória, coleta de dados, previsão de demanda e simulação do processo e alocação do recurso. Na primeira houve um entendimento de como chegava o pedido do serviço na empresa até a finalização da ordem de serviço. Na coleta de dados foram levantados aproximadamente 80 tipos diferentes de atividades desenvolvidas pelos eletricistas e classificadas de acordo com a prioridade de urgência, prazos de atendimento dos serviços e afinidade de execução das tarefas. Nesta etapa ainda foram coletados os volumes de serviços gerados e tempos médios de deslocamento e execução das atividades. Na terceira etapa foi utilizado um software de previsão de demanda chamado Forecast Pro, possibilitando a escolha automática do modelo de previsão mais apropriado para a série histórica em estudo. Na quarta etapa, foi utilizado um software de simulação de processos chamado Arena. Desenvolveu-se um modelo do processo real com os respectivos dados de entrada dos serviços, tempos de deslocamento e execução e número de equipes. Na última etapa, utilizando a ferramenta Solver do Excel otimizou-se o número de equipes. Um dos resultados da ação foi obter vários cenários com a variação do número de equipes e seus respectivos tempos médios de atendimento, sem causar nenhum dano para a empresa, podendo assim ser analisado qual o melhor cenário para ser implementado na companhia, minimizando o problema.
This paper presents new methodology for making Bayesian inference about dy~ o!s for exponential famiIy observations. The approach is simulation-based _~t> use of ~vlarkov chain Monte Carlo techniques. A yletropolis-Hastings i:U~UnLlllll 1::; combined with the Gibbs sampler in repeated use of an adjusted version of normal dynamic linear models. Different alternative schemes are derived and compared. The approach is fully Bayesian in obtaining posterior samples for state parameters and unknown hyperparameters. Illustrations to real data sets with sparse counts and missing values are presented. Extensions to accommodate for general distributions for observations and disturbances. intervention. non-linear models and rnultivariate time series are outlined.
Our research has as goal to describe and analyze the main processes related to the activation of conceptual domains underlying the comprehension in the discourse pattern cartoons by the students of third grades of high school, at Professor Antonio Basílio Filho School. Theoretically, we are grounded on assumptions of Conceptual Linguistics, whose interest analyzes our cognitive apparatus in correlation with our socio-cultural and bodies experiences. We intend to check how is the process of meaning construction and integration of various cognitive domains that are activated during the reading activity. That s why, we take the concept of cognitive domains as equivalent to the structures that are stored in our memory from our sociocultural and corporeal experiences and they are stabilized, respectively, through the frames and schemas. The activation of these conceptual domains, as evidenced by our data, supports the assumption that previous knowledge from our inclusion in specific sociocultural contexts, concurrently with the functioning of our sensory-motor system are essential during the construction activity direction. With this research, we still intend to present a proposal confront the expectations of responses produced by students from the activation of frames and schemas with our predictions
A Linguística Cognitiva tem como um de seus principais objetivos descrever e analisar os processos de construção de sentido. Para isso, suas pesquisas pressupõem a existência de estruturas cognitivas oriundas das experiências sensório-motoras e socioculturais dos usuários da língua, as quais são acessadas pelo sujeito durante a compreensão textual. Fundamentada teoricamente nesta abordagem cognitiva da linguagem, esta dissertação tem como objetivo nuclear descrever e analisar como os domínios cognitivos - representados pelos esquemas e frames - permitem ao leitor depreender o risível em textos humorísticos. Entende-se por esquemas os domínios das informações construídas e armazenadas na mente do sujeito, oriundas de sua experiência corporal, como ao movimentar-se ou manipular objetos. Os frames, por sua vez, são os constructos que emergem a partir da interação, estabelecida de forma dinâmica e consensual, entre os sujeitos em contextos socioculturais específicos. Percorremos este caminho não somente por acreditarmos que o efeito de humor decorrente de um texto está subordinado à ativação e ao acionamento dos esquemas e frames armazenados na mente no leitor, como ainda por crermos na existência de vários níveis de compreensão, o que explica a recuperação de trechos humorísticos em um texto. Para confirmar a nossa hipótese, utilizamo-nos da aplicação de um experimento (uma atividade, com textos humorísticos, para alunos dos ensinos Fundamental e Médio registrarem sua compreensão). Para a análise dos resultados dessa atividade, apropriamo-nos, metodologicamente, do processo da introspecção (entendida como a intuição do pesquisador e a responsável pela produção de ideias e raciocínios ao manipular os dados). Durante a observação minuciosa do nosso experimento, chegamos à conclusão de que o humor é apreendido intelectualmente quando os esquemas e frames são confrontados
There is still a lot to be said about the relationship between culture, cognition and language. Within an embodied cognition perspective to language, it may be understood that the senses generated and used in discourse are built and negotiated not only linguistically, since they also involve stereotypes, schemes, frames, etc. These cognitive structures, in turn, would emerge from subjects experiences and interactions with a sociohistorically constituted environment. With that in mind, what would happen if someone had an altered view in the perception of such environment? The objective of this master s thesis was to understand the process of meaning construction, aiming at the activation of frames, in the discourse of people who have been diagnosed as schizophrenic and have been hospitalized, that is, individuals who have their socio-environmental perception affected. With that aim in mind, a speech corpus was generated with three schizophrenic patients from Professor Severino Lopes Psychiatric Hospital. The data were collected and analyzed qualitatively, based on the theoretical and analytical premises of Cognitive Linguistics, more specifically, of Simulation Semantic perspective. Therefore, it was possible to identify aspects related to meaning construction processes in the discourse of schizophrenic patients, understanding that language is integrated with cognition and culture. Therefore, the alteration in the way experiences are perceived by schizophrenic patients affect the linguistic production of these subjects. Finally, if we take into consideration that the mental disturbance caused by schizophrenia results in a change in perception of reality by these individuals, we can infer an implication of such factors in language and, subsequently, the interference of such issues in the meaning construction processes in the discourse of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia
The object of this study is the construction of situation models in the discourse pattern comic book narrative, and sits in the field of Cognitive Linguistics. Its main foundations are the notions of embodied mind (LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 1999), mental simulation (BARSALOU, 1999), discourse pattern (DUQUE; COSTA, 2012) and situation models (ZWAAN, 1999). I stem from the hypothesis that the process of meaning construction in narratives is attached to the simulation of space, of time and of the characters goals and actions within the story world, dimensions which make up the situation models elaborated by the reader. The simulation of these experiences during discourse processing originates from the fact of it having an embodied and cultural basis, i.e., upon being confronted with the clues found in the narrative, the cognitive structures that make up the reader s personal and social memories are triggered and make it possible to activate information which in turn refer to his/her physical and social experiences, built up in the environment in which he/she lives. As regards comic book narratives, the construction of situation models is closely related to the recurring activation of certain cognitive structures originating from graphic resources that are typical of that discourse pattern. These conclusions were drawn from the data analysis taken from the work Palestina (SACCO, 2003; 2004; 2011)
Este estudio pretende dilucidar las motivaciones que llevan a los lectores del romance Grande Sertão: Veredas a la categorización de ciertas construcciones gramaticales que se encuentran en la obra como proverbiales. Para ello, recurren a la investigación de los procesos cognitivos implicados en la configuración del patrón discursivo proverbio, teniendo como soporte teórico a la Lingüística Cognitiva. En este empeño, nos ancoramos en las nociones de construcciones corporeizadas, simulación mental, frecuencia, patrón discursivo y en la expresión idiomática. Suponemos que los proverbios constituyen un patrón discursivo cristalizado a partir de la recurrencia de uso y, en virtud de eso, indagamos: ¿Qué mecanismos cognitivos son activados por los lectores en el proceso de categorización de las expresiones dichas proverbiales? Motivados por la situación problema presentada, formulamos algunos experimentos con la intención de aclarar las cuestiones investigadas y concluimos que los lectores recurren a constituciones construccionales subyacentes a los proverbios conocidos a través de las interacciones realizadas en su entorno sociocultural, para dar cuenta de la semántica de construcciones inéditas. En ese proceso, los esquemas y frames se activan a través de simulaciones mentales instanciadas por experiencias corporales y culturales, decisivas para la concretización de los procesos de las construcciones proverbiales
The objective of this research is to describe and analyze in literary corpus, the way we conceptualize emotions, especially anger. Using the assumptions of the call Cognitive Theory of Metaphor, present a general overview of cognition metaphor on the basis of Cognitive Linguistics, and in a deeper way, we analyze the metaphorical conceptualization of anger. The proposal embodied mind, prevalent in current cognitive science, is fundamental for studies involving mental simulation. Recent research shows that the metaphor is the result of cognitive processes that involve our perception sensorimotor combined with socio-cultural experiences. The ability to build via frequency standards for our experiments is crucial to our language, including metaphorical constructions. Such constructions are the result of cognitive processes that involve the relationship between image schemas and frames. Image schemas comes from our sensorimotor experience, which lists the limits of our bodies to the limits of our surroundings, and frames, in turn, comes from our ability to stock sociocultural events. The metaphorical construction is the result of this constant relationship between body, mind and culture, situating us in bodily experiences and cultural. By analyzing five national literary works, we created an analytical framework on how anger is understood, specifically in Portuguese language. The results are important to understand, through language, how culture is part of our cognition, in conjunction with the sensorimotor aspects.
This work is within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics, which, as opposed to generative modular approach posits that language is not autonomous but part of human cognition manifest mental processing, socio-cultural and bodily experiences. Our goal is to describe and analyze cognitive mechanisms of understanding who work in the formal and meaningful organization of the narrative. In order to study and verification of this phenomenon, this project was based in the theoretical framework of Rapaport et al (1994) with the treatment of deictic center, Zwaan (1999) and Zwaan and Radvansky (1998) with situation models, Minsky (1974) with the concept frame, Johnson (1987) and Duke and Costa (2012) with pictorial schemes. To this end, we focused on the deictic perspective (WHERE, WHEN, WHO), social cognitive structures (frames) and body (pictorial diagrams) and the situation of models built by compreendedor from these cognitive structures. Methodologically, it is a qualitative research (BAUER and GASKELL, 2002), of interpretive base (MOITA LOPES, 1994), based on introspection (Talmy, 2005). The corpus selected is a sample of twelve texts written by 8th grade students, whose production consists of fictional narrative, the production of diary pages. The analyses were conducted by cognitive structures known as constructional blocks (BCs)(SANTOS, 2011), which guid the discussion about how we build understanding and creation of meanings in narratives. The result shows that the narrative events are mentally represented by the understander that conceives a deictic center and that, guided by it, has access to understanding and construction of meaning in narrative by means of cognitive domains established by bodily and socio-cultural experiences.