58 resultados para Linfangioma Cístico
Os autores apresentaram um caso de linfangioma cístico congênito, localizado na região axilar esquerda e porção lateral correspondente do torax, em menina de 19 meses de idade, cujo tratamento cirúrgico teve pleno êxito. O tumor existia desde o nascimento, a sua estrutura histológica correspondendo à de linfangioma cístico, associada à de linfangioma cavernoso.
Hepatic lymphangioma developed from a malformation that blocks the lymphatic system of a given area of the liver is a rare benign tumor observed most often in children and adolescents. The authors report and discuss a case of cystic lymphangioma of the liver in a 65 years old female patient, from a region where hydatid disease is endemic, with a complaint of epigastric pain, nausea, and vomiting. The patient presented a non-pulsatile mass, with severe pain at palpation in the epigastric region, The diagnostic investigation revealed a large cystic lesion in the left lobe of the liver; and she was submitted to bisegmentectomy II and III, which showed a hepatic lymphangioma. Considering the progressive character of this lesion, it should be carefully evaluated, since the removal of the lymphangioma is a safe, curative procedure.
Mesenteric cyst is a rare intra abdominal pathology. The incidence ranges from 1/100,000 to 1/250,000 hospital admissions. The authors present a case of a female patient, 20 years old, with abdominal pain for four months which three days had an acute onset of abdominal pain, and ultrasound revealed a cyst of mesentery within a dense fluid. The patient had been submitted to a laparotomy, and resection of the cyst. We emphasized the clinical symptoms, diagnostic evaluation and the therapeutic of this condition.
Lymphangiomas are benign neoplasias of lymphatic tissue, extremely rare in the pancreas. Three lymphangioma types exist: capillary, cavernous and cystic. The authors report a case of cystic lymphangioma of the pancreas, with incidental diagnosis to the abdominal ultrasonography on investigation of urinary symptoms in male patient. To the laparotomy upper cystic mass was identified in the pancreas, that was totally resected. The histological examination demonstrated a cystic lymphangioma of the pancreas. The cystic lymphangioma of the pancreas was discovered accidentally, being assintomatic in most of the cases. Treatment of choice is complete resection, otherwise recidive is higher than 50%.
Os autores referem o caso clínico de uma criança de 2 anos, sexo masculino e raça negra, que apresentava estridor desde os 2 meses de idade e na qual foi diagnosticado um linfangioma quístico mediastínico. A remoção cirúrgica levou ao desaparecimento da sintomatologia. É feita uma revisão teórica sobre esta temática abrangendo aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e terapêuticos. Salientam a importância dos diferentes exames complementares para o diagnóstico definitivo.
O carcinoma adenóide cístico é um raro tumor originado das glândulas salivares, principalmente quando se localiza no conduto auditivo externo. Apresenta alta taxa de invasão perineural e metástases, devendo ser tratado com combinação de cirurgia agressiva seguida de radioterapia. Relatamos um caso de carcinoma adenóide cístico de conduto auditivo externo em paciente de 77 anos com queixa de hipoacusia e otalgia. A mesma foi tratada com mastoidectomia radical e radioterapia.
The A. A. have observed a hemorrhagic cyst-adenocacinoma of the mammary gland of mouse. This malignant tumor shows atipical, it is composed almost entirely of large cuboidal epithelial cells, which possess eosinophilic cytoplasm and generally hyperchromatic nuclei. There is a acinouslike structure. One can find many hemorragic areas, which form cyst-like blood filled spaces.
O presente artigo tem por objetivo relatar um caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, de 35 anos de idade, apresentando tumoração na mama esquerda. Após estudo pelos métodos de imagens habituais o paciente foi submetido a biópsia, que revelou o resultado de hamartoma folículo-sebáceo cístico. Os autores apresentam breve revisão da literatura científica sobre essa rara lesão na mama masculina e seu diagnóstico diferencial com lesões malignas.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar três casos de linfangioma cervical por ressonância magnética e correlacionar com os achados da ultrassonografia. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Três pacientes com idade gestacional entre 24 e 35 semanas, com suspeita de higromas císticos cervicais fetais na ultrassonografia obstétrica de rotina, foram submetidas a ressonância magnética e, posteriormente, a nova ultrassonografia para correlação dos achados. Em ambos os métodos de imagem foram avaliadas as dimensões, a localização, o conteúdo e a extensão das lesões. RESULTADOS: Tanto a ultrassonografia quanto a ressonância magnética avaliaram de modo semelhante a localização, o tamanho e o conteúdo dos tumores. As três lesões localizavam-se na região cervical posterior e lateral. Quanto ao conteúdo, duas eram predominantemente císticas com finos septos em seu interior e uma era heterogênea. A extensão e invasão das estruturas adjacentes foram mais bem caracterizadas na ressonância magnética do que na ultrassonografia, demonstrando de forma adequada o acometimento do pavilhão auditivo do feto em um caso e do mediastino superior em outro. CONCLUSÃO: A ressonância magnética fetal pode ser um complemento útil da ultrassonografia em fetos portadores de linfangiomas, avaliando de forma mais precisa a extensão e invasão de estruturas vizinhas, permitindo melhor planejamento cirúrgico pós-natal.
We describe a case of a 22-year-old man that had been submitted to a left herniorraphy 11 years previously to the present admission. He returned to our hospital with another mass in the same side of the groin. At operation, several small cysts linked to the spermatic cord were demonstrated. At this time, an histological exam demonstrated the presence of conective tissue. The final histology report confirmed the diagnosis of lymphangioma of the spermatic cord in the groin region. The patient was discharged from the hospital in a good health, with no complications.
The papillary cystic and solid tumor of the pancreas is rare. It occurs predominantly in young women and most present a benign behavior. The most common clinical sign is a large palpable abdominal mass. The pathogenesis of this tumor has attracted a number of investigations but remains unclear. We present a 18 year old white woman with abdominal mass detected after cesarian. Clinical examination showed minimal tenderness. There was no history of weight loss or jaundice. Haematological parameters were normal, except anaemia. The computed tomography was performed and surprisingly showed a 10 cm mass in the region of the tail of the pancreas. An extended distal pancreatectomy was performed with splenic preservation. The patient had an uneventful recovery and two months later remains asymptomatic.
A 32-year-old woman was referred to our institution for a pelvic mass. She was asymptomatic and was found to have a mass on rectal examination. Magnetic resonance showed a large solid-cystic mass and the patient underwent complete surgical excision with pathologic findings suggesting retrorectal cyst-hamartoma. Tailgut cysts (or retrorectal cystic hamartomas) are rare congenital lesions settled in the retrorectal (presacral) space. They are made up of cysts lined by multiple types of epithelium, often predominantly mucin-secreting. The lesion requires complete surgical excision to prevent complications of recurrence, infection or carcinomatous degeneration.