989 resultados para Linear-polymers


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We present extensive molecular dynamics simulations of the dynamics of diluted long probe chains entangled with a matrix of shorter chains. The chain lengths of both components are above the entanglement strand length, and the ratio of their lengths is varied over a wide range to cover the crossover from the chain reptation regime to tube Rouse motion regime of the long probe chains. Reducing the matrix chain length results in a faster decay of the dynamic structure factor of the probe chains, in good agreement with recent neutron spin echo experiments. The diffusion of the long chains, measured by the mean square displacements of the monomers and the centers of mass of the chains, demonstrates a systematic speed-up relative to the pure reptation behavior expected for monodisperse melts of sufficiently long polymers. On the other hand, the diffusion of the matrix chains is only weakly perturbed by the diluted long probe chains. The simulation results are qualitatively consistent with the theoretical predictions based on constraint release Rouse model, but a detailed comparison reveals the existence of a broad distribution of the disentanglement rates, which is partly confirmed by an analysis of the packing and diffusion of the matrix chains in the tube region of the probe chains. A coarse-grained simulation model based on the tube Rouse motion model with incorporation of the probability distribution of the tube segment jump rates is developed and shows results qualitatively consistent with the fine scale molecular dynamics simulations. However, we observe a breakdown in the tube Rouse model when the short chain length is decreased to around N-S = 80, which is roughly 3.5 times the entanglement spacing N-e(P) = 23. The location of this transition may be sensitive to the chain bending potential used in our simulations.


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Measurement of protein-polymer second virial coefficients (B-AP) by sedimentation equilibrium studies of carbonic anhydrase and cytochrome c in the presence of dextrans (T10-T80) has revealed an inverse dependence of B-AP upon dextran molecular mass that conforms well with the behaviour predicted for the excluded-volume interaction between a spherical protein solute A and a random-flight representation of the polymeric cosolute P. That model of the protein-polymer interaction is also shown to provide a reasonable description of published gel chromatographic and equilibrium dialysis data on the effect of polymer molecular mass on BAP for human serum albumin in the presence of polyethylene glycols, a contrary finding from analysis of albumin solubility measurements being rejected on theoretical grounds. Inverse dependence upon polymer chainlength is also the predicted excluded-volume effect on the strength of several types of macromolecular equilibria-protein isomerization, protein dimerization, and 1 : 1 complex formation between dissimilar protein reactants. It is therefore concluded that published experimental observations of the reverse dependence, preferential reaction enhancement within DNA replication complexes by larger polyethylene glycols, must reflect the consequences of cosolute chemical interactions that outweigh those of thermodynamic nonideality arising from excluded-volume effects. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study phenomenological scaling theories of the polymer dynamics in random media, employing the existing scaling theories of polymer chains and the percolation statistics. We investigate both the Rouse and the Zimm model for Brownian dynamics and estimate the diffusion constant of the center-of-mass of the chain in such disordered media. For internal dynamics of the chain, we estimate the dynamic exponents. We propose similar scaling theory for the reptation dynamics of the chain in the framework of Flory theory for the disordered medium. The modifications in the case of correlated disorders are also discussed. .


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We develop a deterministic mathematical model to describe the way in which polymers bind to DNA by considering the dynamics of the gap distribution that forms when polymers bind to a DNA plasmid. In so doing, we generalise existing theory to account for overlaps and binding cooperativity whereby the polymer binding rate depends on the size of the overlap The proposed mean-field models are then solved using a combination of numerical and asymptotic methods. We find that overlaps lead to higher coverage and hence higher charge neutralisations, results which are more in line with recent experimental observations. Our work has applications to gene therapy where polymers are used to neutralise the negative charges of the DNA phosphate backbone, allowing condensation prior to delivery into the nucleus of an abnormal cell.


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We model the way in which polymers bind to DNA and neutralise its charged backbone by analysing the dynamics of the distribution of gaps along the DNA. We generalise existing theory for irreversible binding to construct new deterministic models which include polymer removal, movement along the DNA and allow for binding with overlaps. We show that reversible binding alters the capacity of the DNA for polymers by allowing the rearrangement of polymer positions over a longer timescale than when binding is irreversible. When the polymers do not overlap, allowing reversible binding increases the number of polymers adhered and hence the charge that the DNA can accommodate; in contrast, when overlaps occur, reversible binding reduces the amount of charge neutralised by the polymers.


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We present the results of combined experimental and theoretical (molecular dynamics simulations and integral equation theory) studies of the structure and effective interactions of suspensions of polymer grafted nanoparticles (PGNPs) in the presence of linear polymers. Due to the absence of systematic experimental and theoretical studies of PGNPs, it is widely believed that the structure and effective interactions in such binary mixtures would be very similar to those of an analogous soft colloidal material-star polymers. In our study, polystyrene-grafted gold nanoparticles with functionality f = 70 were mixed with linear polystyrene (PS) of two different molecular weights for obtaining two PGNP: PS size ratios, xi = 0.14 and 2.76 (where, xi = M-g/M-m, M-g and M-m being the molecular weights of grafting and matrix polymers, respectively). The experimental structure factor of PGNPs could be modeled with an effective potential (Model-X), which has been found to be widely applicable for star polymers. Similarly, the structure factor of the blends with xi = 0.14 could be modeled reasonably well, while the structure of blends with xi = 2.76 could not be captured, especially for high density of added polymers. A model (Model-Y) for effective interactions between PGNPs in a melt of matrix polymers also failed to provide good agreement with the experimental data for samples with xi = 2.76 and high density of added polymers. We tentatively attribute this anomaly in modeling the structure factor of blends with xi = 2.76 to the questionable assumption of Model-X in describing the added polymers as star polymers with functionality 2, which gets manifested in both polymer-polymer and polymer-PGNP interactions especially at higher fractions of added polymers. The failure of Model-Y may be due to the neglect of possible many-body interactions among PGNPs mediated by matrix polymers when the fraction of added polymers is high. These observations point to the need for a new framework to understand not only the structural behavior of PGNPs but also possibly their dynamics and thermo-mechanical properties as well. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Long linear polymers that are end-functionalized with associative groups were studied as additives to hydrocarbon fluids to mitigate the fire hazard associated with the presence of mist in a crash scenario. These polymers were molecularly designed to overcome both the shear-degradation of long polymer chains in turbulent flows, and the chain collapse induced by the random placement of associative groups along polymer backbones. Architectures of associative groups on the polymer chain ends that were tested included clusters of self-associative carboxyl groups and pairs of hetero-complementary associative units.

Linear polymers with clusters of discrete numbers of carboxyl groups on their chain ends were investigated first: an innovative synthetic strategy was devised to achieve unprecedented backbone lengths and precise control of the number of carboxyl groups on chain ends (N). We found that a very narrow range of N allows the co-existence of sufficient end-association strength and polymer solubility in apolar media. Subsequent steady-flow rheological study on solution behavior of such soluble polymers in apolar media revealed that the end-association of very long chains in apolar media leads to the formation of flower-like micelles interconnected by bridging chains, which trap significant fraction of polymer chains into looped structures with low contribution to mist-control. The efficacy of very long 1,4-polybutadiene chains end-functionalized with clusters of four carboxyl groups as mist-control additives for jet fuel was further tested. In addition to being shear-resistant, the polymer was found capable of providing fire-protection to jet fuel at concentrations as low as 0.3wt%. We also found that this polymer has excellent solubility in jet fuel over a wide range of temperature (-30 to +70°C) and negligible interference with dewatering of jet fuel. It does not cause an adverse increase in viscosity at concentrations where mist-control efficacy exists.

Four pairs of hetero-complementary associative end-groups of varying strengths were subsequently investigated, in the hopes of achieving supramolecular aggregates with both mist-control ability and better utilization of polymer building blocks. Rheological study of solutions of the corresponding complementary associative polymer pairs in apolar media revealed the strength of complementary end-association required to achieve supramolecular aggregates capable of modulating rheological properties of the solution.

Both self-associating and complementary associating polymers have therefore been found to resist shear degradation. The successful strategy of building soluble, end-associative polymers with either self-associative or complementary associative groups will guide the next generation of mist-control technology.


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The unique structure and properties of brush polymers have led to increased interest in them within the scientific community. This thesis describes studies on the self-assembly of these brush polymers.

Chapter 2 describes a study on the rapid self-assembly of brush block copolymers into nanostructures with photonic bandgaps spanning the entire visible spectrum, from ultraviolet to near infrared. Linear relationships are observed between the peak wavelengths of reflection and polymer molecular weights. This work enables "bottom-up" fabrication of photonic crystals with application-tailored bandgaps, through synthetic control of the polymer molecular weight and the method of self-assembly.

Chapter 3 details the analysis of the self-assembly of symmetrical brush block copolymers in bulk and thin films. Highly ordered lamellae with domain spacing ranging from 20 to 240 nm are obtained by varying molecular weight of the backbone. The relationship between degree of polymerization and the domain spacing is reported, and evidence is provided for how rapidly the brush block copolymers self-assemble and achieve thermodynamic equilibrium.

Chapter 4 describes investigations into where morphology transitions take place as the volume fraction of each block is varied in asymmetrical brush block copolymers. Imaging techniques are used to observe a transition from lamellar to a cylindrical morphology as the volume fraction of one of the blocks exceeds 70%. It is also shown that the asymmetric brush block copolymers can be kinetically trapped into undulating lamellar structures by drop casting the samples.

Chapter 5 explores the capability of macromolecules to interdigitate into densely grafted molecular brush copolymers using stereocomplex formation as a driving force. The stereocomplex formation between complementary linear polymers and brush copolymers is demonstrated, while the stereocomplex formation between complementary brush copolymers is shown to be restricted.


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Overcoming the natural defensive barrier functions of the eye remains one of the greatest challenges of ocular drug delivery. Cornea is a chemical and mechanical barrier preventing the passage of any foreign bodies including drugs into the eye, but the factors limiting penetration of permeants and nanoparticulate drug delivery systems through the cornea are still not fully understood. In this study, we investigate these barrier properties of the cornea using thiolated and PEGylated (750 and 5000 Da) nanoparticles, sodium fluorescein, and two linear polymers (dextran and polyethylene glycol). Experiments used intact bovine cornea in addition to bovine cornea de-epithelialized or tissues pretreated with cyclodextrin. It was shown that corneal epithelium is the major barrier for permeation; pretreatment of the cornea with β-cyclodextrin provides higher permeation of low molecular weight compounds, such as sodium fluorescein, but does not enhance penetration of nanoparticles and larger molecules. Studying penetration of thiolated and PEGylated (750 and 5000 Da) nanoparticles into the de-epithelialized ocular tissue revealed that interactions between corneal surface and thiol groups of nanoparticles were more significant determinants of penetration than particle size (for the sizes used here). PEGylation with polyethylene glycol of a higher molecular weight (5000 Da) allows penetration of nanoparticles into the stroma, which proceeds gradually, after an initial 1 h lag phase.


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CONCLUSIONS The focus of this work was the investigation ofanomalies in Tg and dynamics at polymer surfaces. Thethermally induced decay of hot-embossed polymer gratings isstudied using laser-diffraction and atomic force microscopy(AFM). Monodisperse PMMA and PS are selected in the Mwranges of 4.2 to 65.0 kg/mol and 3.47 to 65.0 kg/mol,respectively. Two different modes of measurement were used:the one mode uses temperature ramps to obtain an estimate ofthe near-surface glass temperature, Tdec,0; the other modeinvestigates the dynamics at a constant temperature aboveTg. The temperature-ramp experiments reveal Tdec,0 valuesvery close to the Tg,bulk values, as determined bydifferential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The PMMA of65.0 kg/mol shows a decreased value of Tg, while the PS samples of 3.47 and 10.3 kg/mol (Mw


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The efficient collection of solar energy relies on the design and construction of well-organized light-harvesting systems. Herein we report that supramolecular phenanthrene polymers doped with pyrene are effective collectors of light energy. The linear polymers are formed through the assembly of short amphiphilic oligomers in water. Absorption of light by phenanthrene residues is followed by electronic energy transfer along the polymer over long distances (>100 nm) to the accepting pyrene molecules. The high efficiency of the energy transfer, which is documented by large fluorescence quantum yields, suggests a quantum coherent process.


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This thesis is concerned with demonstrating how the visual representation of the sequence distribution of individual monomer units, of a polymer, that would be observed upon polymerisation, may be utilised in designing and synthesizing polymers with relatively low cell adhesion characteristics, The initial part of this thesis is concerned with demonstrating the use of a computer simulation technique, in illustrating the sequence distribution that would be observed upon the polymerisation of a set of monomers. The power of the computer simulation technique has been demonstrated through the simulation of the sequence distributions of some generic contact lens materials. These generic contact lens materials were chosen simply because in the field of biomaterials their compositions are amongst the most systematically regulated and they present a wide range of compositions. The validity of the computer simulation technique has been assessed through the synthesis and analysis of linear free-radical polymers at different conversions. Two main parameters were examined, that of composition and the number-average sequence lengths of individual monomer units, at various conversions. The polymers were synthesized through the solution polymerisation process. The monomer composition was determined by elemental analysis and 13C nuclear magnetic analysis (NMR). Number-average sequence lengths were determined exclusively through 13C NMR. Although the computer simulation technique provides a visual representation of the monomer sequence distribution up to 100% conversion, these assessments were made on linear polymers at a reasonably high conversion (above 50%) but below 100% conversion of ease for analysis. The analyses proved that the computer simulation technique was reasonably accurate in predicting the sequence distribution of monomer units, upon polymerisation, in the polymer.An approach has been presented which allows one to manipulate the use of monomers, with their reactivity ratios, thereby enabling us to design polymers with controlled sequence distributions.Hydrogel membranes, with relatively controlled sequence distributions and polymerised to 100% conversion, were synthesized to represent prospective biomaterials. Cell adhesion studies were used as a biological probe to investigate the susceptibility of the surface of these membranes to cell adhesion. This was necessary in order to assess the surface biocompatibility or biotolerance of these prospective biomaterials.


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We present results of measurements of temperature and wavevector dependent dynamics in binary mixtures of soft polymer grafted nanoparticles and linear homopolymers. We find evidence of melting of the dynamically arrested state of the soft nanocolloids with addition of linear polymers followed by a re-entrant slowing down of the dynamics with further increase in polymer density, depending on the size ratio, delta, of the polymers and the nanocolloids. For higher delta the re-entrant behavior is not observed, even for the highest added polymer density, explored here. Possible explanation of the observed dynamics in terms of the presence of a double - glass phase is provided. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3644930]


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Polímeros heterocíclicos abrangem uma grande variedade de materiais, desde simples polímeros lineares sintetizados a partir de monômeros do tipo heterocíclicos vinílicos até polímeros altamente funcionalizados e reticulados. Neste trabalho realizou-se a modificação química da poliacrilonitrila com a incorporação de grupos tetrazol em diferentes teores (1%, 2,5%, 5% e 10%). Os copolímeros de acrilonitrila e vinil-tetrazol obtidos foram caracterizados por FTIR e o seu comportamento térmico analisado por DSC e TGA. Os polímeros heterocíclicos foram avaliados como inibidores de corrosão para aço-carbono em meio ácido obtendo-se bons resultados e alcançando, em alguns casos, uma eficiência de inibição média superior a 70%


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Three regimes of fast DoD jetting behaviour for solutions of mono-disperse linear polymers have been linked to the underlying polymer molecular chains and their fully extended length L in good solvents. This allows scaling laws in molecular weight to be predicted and applied to experimental jetting results from different DoD print heads. The higher extensional flows encountered in high speed jetting in viscous solvents can fully stretch linear molecules outside the nozzle, permitting jetting of higher polymer content than for purely elastic behaviour. These results are significant for DoD printing at raised jet speeds and will apply to any DoD print head jetting linear polymer solutions.