996 resultados para Limit State
Briefing: Factored material properties and limit state loads-unlikely extreme or impossible pretense
In the limit state design (LSD) method each design criterion is formally stated and assessed using a performance function. The performance function defines the relationship between the design parameters and the design criterion. In practice, LSD involves factoring up loads and factoring down calculated strengths and material parameters. This provides a convenient way to carry out routine probabilistic-based design. The factors are statistically calculated to produce a design with an acceptably low probability of failure. Hence the ultimate load and the design material properties are mathematical concepts that have no physical interpretation. They may be physically impossible. Similarly, the appropriate analysis model is also defined by the performance function and may not describe the real behaviour at the perceived physical equivalent limit condition. These points must be understood to avoid confusion in the discussion and application of partial factor LSD methods.
Brazilian design code ABNT NBR6118:2003 - Design of Concrete Structures - Procedures - [1] proposes the use of simplified models for the consideration of non-linear material behavior in the evaluation of horizontal displacements in buildings. These models penalize stiffness of columns and beams, representing the effects of concrete cracking and avoiding costly physical non-linear analyses. The objectives of the present paper are to investigate the accuracy and uncertainty of these simplified models, as well as to evaluate the reliabilities of structures designed following ABNT NBR6118:2003[1&] in the service limit state for horizontal displacements. Model error statistics are obtained from 42 representative plane frames. The reliabilities of three typical (4, 8 and 12 floor) buildings are evaluated, using the simplified models and a rigorous, physical and geometrical non-linear analysis. Results show that the 70/70 (column/beam stiffness reduction) model is more accurate and less conservative than the 80/40 model. Results also show that ABNT NBR6118:2003 [1] design criteria for horizontal displacement limit states (masonry damage according to ACI 435.3R-68(1984) [10]) are conservative, and result in reliability indexes which are larger than those recommended in EUROCODE [2] for irreversible service limit states.
La aparición de la fatiga ha sido ampliamente investigada en el acero y en otros materiales metálicos, sin embargo no se conoce en tanta profundidad en el hormigón estructural. Esto crea falta de uniformidad y enfoque en el proceso de verificación de estructuras de hormigón para el estado límite último de la fatiga. A medida que se llevan a cabo más investigaciones, la información sobre los parámetros que afectan a la fatiga en el hormigón comienzan a ser difundidos e incluso los que les afectan de forma indirecta. Esto conlleva a que se estén incorporando en las guías de diseño de todo el mundo, a pesar de que la comprobación del estado límite último no se trata por igual entre los distintos órganos de diseño. Este trabajo presentará un conocimiento básico del fenómeno de la fatiga, qué lo causa y qué condiciones de carga o propiedades materiales amplían o reducen la probabilidad de fallo por fatiga. Cuatro distintos códigos de diseño serán expuestos y su proceso de verificación ha sido examinado, comparados y valorados cualitativa y cuantitativamente. Una torre eólica, como ejemplo, fue analizada usando los procedimientos de verificación como se indica en sus respectivos códigos de referencia. The occurrence of fatigue has been extensively researched in steel and other metallic materials it is however, not as broadly understood in concrete. This produces a lack of uniformity in the approach and process in the verification of concrete structures for the ultimate limit state of fatigue. As more research is conducted and more information is known about the parameters which cause, propagate, and indirectly affect fatigue in concrete, they are incorporated in design guides around the world. Nevertheless, this ultimate limit state verification is not addressed equally by various design governing bodies. This report presents a baseline understanding of what the phenomenon of fatigue is, what causes it, and what loading or material conditions amplify or reduce the likelihood of fatigue failure. Four different design codes are exposed and their verification process has been examined, compared and evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively. Using a wind turbine tower structure as case study, this report presents calculated results following the verification processes as instructed in the respective reference codes.
The first objective of this research was to develop closed-form and numerical probabilistic methods of analysis that can be applied to otherwise conventional methods of unreinforced and geosynthetic reinforced slopes and walls. These probabilistic methods explicitly include random variability of soil and reinforcement, spatial variability of the soil, and cross-correlation between soil input parameters on probability of failure. The quantitative impact of simultaneously considering the influence of random and/or spatial variability in soil properties in combination with cross-correlation in soil properties is investigated for the first time in the research literature. Depending on the magnitude of these statistical descriptors, margins of safety based on conventional notions of safety may be very different from margins of safety expressed in terms of probability of failure (or reliability index). The thesis work also shows that intuitive notions of margin of safety using conventional factor of safety and probability of failure can be brought into alignment when cross-correlation between soil properties is considered in a rigorous manner. The second objective of this thesis work was to develop a general closed-form solution to compute the true probability of failure (or reliability index) of a simple linear limit state function with one load term and one resistance term expressed first in general probabilistic terms and then migrated to a LRFD format for the purpose of LRFD calibration. The formulation considers contributions to probability of failure due to model type, uncertainty in bias values, bias dependencies, uncertainty in estimates of nominal values for correlated and uncorrelated load and resistance terms, and average margin of safety expressed as the operational factor of safety (OFS). Bias is defined as the ratio of measured to predicted value. Parametric analyses were carried out to show that ignoring possible correlations between random variables can lead to conservative (safe) values of resistance factor in some cases and in other cases to non-conservative (unsafe) values. Example LRFD calibrations were carried out using different load and resistance models for the pullout internal stability limit state of steel strip and geosynthetic reinforced soil walls together with matching bias data reported in the literature.
In Brazil, the study of pedestrian-induced vibration on footbridges has been undertaken since the early 1990s, for concrete and steel footbridges. However, there are no recorded studies of this kind for timber footbridges. Brazilian code ABNT NBR 7190 (1997) gives design requirements only for static loads in the case of timber footbridges, without considering the serviceability limit state from pedestrian-induced vibrations. The aim of this work is to perform a theoretical dynamic, numerical and experimental analysis on simply-supported timber footbridges, by using a small-scale model developed from a 24 m span and 2 m width timber footbridge, with two main timber beams. Span and width were scaled down (1:4) to 6 m e 0.5 in, respectively. Among the conclusions reached herein, it is emphasized that the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory is suitable for calculating the vertical and lateral first natural frequencies in simply-supported timber footbridges; however, special attention should be given to the evaluation of lateral bending stiffness, as it leads to conservative values.
The structural engineering community in Brazil faces new challenges with the recent occurrence of high intensity tornados. Satellite surveillance data shows that the area covering the south-east of Brazil, Uruguay and some of Argentina is one of the world most tornado-prone areas, second only to the infamous tornado alley in central United States. The design of structures subject to tornado winds is a typical example of decision making in the presence of uncertainty. Structural design involves finding a good balance between the competing goals of safety and economy. This paper presents a methodology to find the optimum balance between these goals in the presence of uncertainty. In this paper, reliability-based risk optimization is used to find the optimal safety coefficient that minimizes the total expected cost of a steel frame communications tower, subject to extreme storm and tornado wind loads. The technique is not new, but it is applied to a practical problem of increasing interest to Brazilian structural engineers. The problem is formulated in the partial safety factor format used in current design codes, with all additional partial factor introduced to serve as optimization variable. The expected cost of failure (or risk) is defined as the product of a. limit state exceedance probability by a limit state exceedance cost. These costs include costs of repairing, rebuilding, and paying compensation for injury and loss of life. The total expected failure cost is the sum of individual expected costs over all failure modes. The steel frame communications, tower subject of this study has become very common in Brazil due to increasing mobile phone coverage. The study shows that optimum reliability is strongly dependent on the cost (or consequences) of failure. Since failure consequences depend oil actual tower location, it turn,,; out that different optimum designs should be used in different locations. Failure consequences are also different for the different parties involved in the design, construction and operation of the tower. Hence, it is important that risk is well understood by the parties involved, so that proper contracts call be made. The investigation shows that when non-structural terms dominate design costs (e.g, in residential or office buildings) it is not too costly to over-design; this observation is in agreement with the observed practice for non-optimized structural systems. In this situation, is much easier to loose money by under-design. When by under-design. When structural material cost is a significant part of design cost (e.g. concrete dam or bridge), one is likely to lose significantmoney by over-design. In this situation, a cost-risk-benefit optimization analysis is highly recommended. Finally, the study also shows that under time-varying loads like tornados, the optimum reliability is strongly dependent on the selected design life.
The glued- laminated lumber (glulam) technique is an efficient process for the rational use of wood. Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRPs) associated with glulam beams provide significant improvements in strength and stiffness and alter the failure mode of these structural elements. In this context, this paper presents guidance for glulam beam production, an experimental analysis of glulam beams made of Pinus caribea var. hondurensis species without and with externally-bonded FRP and theoretical models to evaluate reinforced glulam beams (bending strength and stiffness). Concerning the bending strength of the beams, this paper aims only to analyze the limit state of ultimate strength in compression and tension. A specific disposal was used in order to avoid lateral buckling, once the tested beams have a higher ratio height-to-width. The results indicate the need of production control so as to guarantee a higher efficiency of the glulam beams. The FRP introduced in the tensile section of glulam beams resulted in improvements on their bending strength and stiffness due to the reinforcement thickness increase. During the beams testing, two failure stages were observed. The first was a tensile failure on the sheet positioned under the reinforcement layer, while the second occurred as a result of a preliminary compression yielding on the upper side of the lumber, followed by both a shear failure on the fiber-lumber interface and a tensile failure in wood. The model shows a good correlation between the experimental and estimated results.
As vigas mistas de aço e concreto estão sendo largamente utilizadas em construções de edifícios e pontes. Ao se combinar o aço com o concreto obtêm-se estruturas mais econômicas, uma vez que se tira proveito das melhores características de cada material. Nas regiões de momento negativo de uma viga mista contínua, a mesa inferior e parte da alma estão comprimidas, se a alma do perfil não tiver rigidez suficiente para evitar a flexão lateral, ela distorcerá gerando um deslocamento lateral e um giro na mesa comprimida, caracterizando um modo de flambagem denominado flambagem lateral com distorção (FLD). O procedimento de verificação à FLD da EN 1994-1-1:2004 originou o método de cálculo da ABNT NBR 8800:2008, entretanto a EN 1994-1-1:2004 não fornece expressão para o cálculo do momento crítico elástico, enquanto a ABNT NBR 8800:2008 prescreve uma formulação proposta por Roik, Hanswille e Kina (1990) desenvolvida para vigas mistas com perfis de alma plana. Embora as normas prescrevam um método de verificação à FLD para vigas mistas com perfis de alma plana, poucos estudos têm sido feitos sobre esse estado-limite. Além disso, tanto a ABNT NBR 8800:2008 quanto as normas internacionais não abordam perfis de alma senoidal. Neste trabalho, foram implementadas análises de flambagem elástica, com auxílio do software ANSYS 14.0 (2011), em modelos de elementos finitos que retratem o comportamento à FLD de vigas mistas de aço e concreto com perfis de alma plana e senoidal. Os modelos numéricos foram constituídos pelo perfil de aço, por uma mola rotacional que restringe parcialmente o giro da mesa superior e uma restrição ao deslocamento lateral, ao longo de todo o comprimento da viga. Os resultados numéricos são comparados com os obtidos pelas formulações de Roik, Hanswille e Kina (1990) e de Hanswille (2002), adaptadas para levar em consideração a corrugação da alma do perfil de aço. Para avaliação das formulações supracitadas e da consistência da modelagem numérica adotada, o momento crítico elástico foi determinado para vigas mistas com perfis de aço de alma plana. Como resultado, um método para o cálculo do momento crítico elástico de vigas mistas de alma senoidal é proposto.
Trabalho de Projecto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil.
Com a presente dissertação pretende-se analisar alguns dos problemas associados aos edifícios altos, na fase de projeto, bem como compilar um conjunto de informações e conhecimentos científicos sobre a área abordada. São descritas algumas soluções de sistemas estruturais possíveis de idealizar para edifícios altos. Posteriormente, tendo por base um projeto de estruturas de um edifício com 25 pisos localizado em Luanda, capital de Angola, o objetivo consistiu em analisar estática e dinamicamente o seu comportamento quando solicitado fundamentalmente pelas ações do vento e dos sismos. A análise estrutural foi realizada com recurso a dois softwares de cálculo automático, nomeadamente, o Cypecad e o Robot Structural Analysis Professional e pelos métodos preconizados no Regulamento de Segurança e Ações para estruturas de edifícios e pontes e o Eurocódigo 8 – “Projeto de estruturas para resistência aos sismos”. Aborda-se a temática do faseamento construtivo, assunto que revela algumas limitações dos programas de cálculo utilizados, sendo descrito um método simplificado para prever os seus efeitos em termos de dimensionamento final. Os resultados obtidos permitiram avaliar o bom comportamento da estrutura no que respeita ao cumprimento dos estados limites últimos e de serviço. Conclui-se que o sistema estrutural adotado no modelo em estudo se encontra bem dimensionado relativamente ao colapso e à limitação de danos.
O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em efetuar o dimensionamento estrutural de um edifício em betão armado, contemplando as diferentes fases, desde a conceção inicial, com a definição do modelo estrutural e escolha criteriosa dos elementos e soluções constituintes, até à fase final de dimensionamento, considerando para além das cargas gravíticas, a ação do vento e a ação sísmica. No âmbito deste trabalho considerou-se o dimensionamento de elementos estruturais nomeadamente, sapatas, paredes, pilares, vigas e lajes, com a verificação de segurança à flexão simples, flexão composta, esforço transverso e punçoamento, consoante a necessidade de cada elemento. Para tal, foi desenvolvido uma folha de cálculo automático (Macro) que permite a verificação da capacidade resistente de secções, à flexão simples e ao esforço transverso, quer em elementos com ou sem armadura de esforço transverso. Os esforços atuantes que estiveram na origem das verificações estruturais foram calculados com base na aplicação de um programa tridimensional de elementos finitos, nomeadamente o programa de cálculo ROBOT STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS. Os Critérios Gerais de Dimensionamento considerados, com base na regulamentação em vigor em Portugal – RSA, REBAP e Eurocódigos, bem como as Hipóteses de Cálculo consideradas na verificação aos estados limites últimos dos elementos estruturais são detalhadamente enunciados ao longo do trabalho. Os desenhos de elementos estruturais dimensionados, bem como os desenhos de dimensionamento do edifício encontram-se em Anexo.
Actualmente e cada vez mais, são concebidos e utilizados programas de cálculo automático de Engenharia na realização de projectos de edifícios, que proporcionam aos engenheiros uma possibilidade avançada e rápida de execução, simulação e análise de edifícios para estruturas complexas e de elevada dimensão. Contudo, será necessário que os resultados deverão ser fiáveis de modo a não existirem consequências no comportamento real da estrutura a longo prazo. O presente relatório de estágio, refere-se à verificação aos estados limites de utilização (tensões, fendilhação e deformação) segundo o Eurocódigo 2, de uma estrutura porticada em betão armado, nomeadamente de um pórtico central pertencente a essa mesma estrutura recorrendo ao programa de cálculo automático da Autodesk o Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2014. O objectivo principal do presente trabalho consiste na comparação de resultados referente aos estados limites últimos e de utilização, pelos diferentes módulos de dimensionamento Required e Provided Reinforcement presentes no programa Robot. É destacado no final do relatório, considerando uma disposição de armadura optada analiticamente para o pórtico, uma análise comparativa de resultados referente aos estados limites de utilização entre o comando Typical Reinforcement do módulo Provided Reinforcement e por expressões analíticas. Refere-se contudo que, o procedimento do método analítico teve como base de cálculo uma aplicação desenvolvida para a verificação de elementos de betão armado aos estados limites de utilização segundo o Eurocódigo 2, com o nome de XD-Conserv tendo sido também comparado os resultados finais do mesmo.
The use of prestressed near surface mounted fibre reinforced polymers (NSM-FRP) has been long acknowledged to be a suitable approach to strengthen and retrofit existing reinforced concrete structures. The application of a certain amount of prestress to the FRP prior to its installation provides a number of benefits, mainly related to crack width and deflection requisites at serviceability limit state conditions. After transferring the prestress to a structural element, some of the existing cracks can be closed, decreasing the vulnerability of the element to corrosion and, a certain amount of deflection can be recovered due to the introduced negative curvature. However, these benefits can only be assured if the prestress is properly preserved over time. In this context, three series of reinforced concrete beams, in a total of 10 beams, were strengthened with a prestressed carbon FRP laminate (CFRP) and monitored for about 40 days. The data obtained from these tests is in this paper presented and analysed. The observed losses of strain in the CFRP laminate were found to be mainly located in the extremities of the bonded length, while in the central zone most of the initial strain was well-preserved over time. Additionally, the highest CFRP strain losses were observed in the first 6 to 12 days after prestress transfer, suggesting that the benefits of prestressed NSM-FRP will not be considerably lost over time.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil