1000 resultados para Limit Condition


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Esta tese teve como objetivo a discussão teórica sobre a formação e a transmissão no/pelo/para o trabalho, a partir da confrontação entre dois campos empíricos. Buscou-se estratégias/pistas de efetividade dessa transmissão, de modo a conciliar saúde & segurança com as demandas de incremento de produtividade & qualidade. Investigaram-se as atividades de auxiliares de enfermagem numa UTI neonatal e de mecânicos de aeronave (flights engineers) em um esquadrão de voo militar. As ferramentas teórico-metodológicas utilizadas foram abordagens clínicas sobre o trabalhar (Ergonomia da Atividade, Clínica da Atividade, Psicodinâmica do Trabalho, proposições sobre relações de serviço e o modelo da competência), sob a orientação da perspectiva ergológica. Os resultados apontam encontros e controvérsias entre os campos empíricos. Os encontros seriam: caracterizam-se como ofícios com grande força coletiva interna, tendo desenvolvido maneiras próprias de transmitir conhecimentos e saberes-fazer, especialmente, durante a própria realização do trabalho; apresentam certo fechamento em seus coletivos, dificultando a ampliação da visão de profissão/ofício para uma noção voltada à ideia de profissionalismo e trabalho em rede entre as auxiliares, uma dificuldade principalmente na inserção das mães dos recém-nascidos internados na equipe de cuidados na Unidade Neonatal e, com os flights, o problema parece ser uma dificuldade em expandir seu ofício/ profissão para além daquele que envolve a sua função em risco de extinção; carência do ingrediente da competência referente à qualificação formal. As controvérsias seriam: mesmo invisibilizada, a dimensão relacional da atividade das auxiliares é, apesar de naturalizada no universo feminino, considerada importante neste domínio. Já, para os flights, mesmo se esta dimensão é fundamental não apenas para a operação, mas também para a formação e aprendizagem da profissão, ela parece manter-se velada na aviação militar; sobre a dinâmica de transmissão de saberes-fazer entre os profissionais, encontramos, entre as auxiliares, o dispositivo sombra representando uma forma de inserção minimamente satisfatória que considera a transmissão de saberes ligados aos aspectos relacionais do trabalho e, entre os flights, dificuldades na assunção de fragilidades vivenciadas pelos profissionais em formação; a partir de uma forte auto-valorização em comum - especialmente dos antigos a respeito de seu histórico e sua inserção heróica naqueles meios de trabalho -, a saída encontrada por cada grupo seguiu direções opostas: entre as auxiliares criou-se um dispositivo de formação para as novatas que é mais eficaz do que a formação das antigas, com os flights, parece não se ter criado um dispositivo mais eficaz, mantendo-se os antigões como heróis inalcançáveis. As conclusões indicam que, se ambos os grupos criaram estratégias de auto-valorização e auto-proteção - os flights, pela condição limite do futuro de seu ofício e as auxiliares, pela sua origem, baseada num corte de classe social e na diferenciação da qualidade da formação profissional (entre enfermeiras e auxiliares) em ambos, o fortalecimento da profissão possibilitou conquistar espaços em meio a trajetórias profissionais à margem de itinerários formativos reconhecidos. Aponta-se, assim, a necessidade de dar visibilidade aos saberes e competências transmitidos cotidianamente no trabalho, viabilizando sua sistematização em programas de formação situados sob o ponto de vista da atividade.


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加速度传感器装在机械手手部,各关节的加速度由加速度分解算法得到.然后,提出了一种学习控制法,这种控制法利用加速度误差校正驱动器运动.并提出了一种基于几何级数的极限条件估计学习控制过程收敛条件的理论方法.本文所提出的学习控制理论的有效性通过 PUMA-562 机器人的计算机仿真实验得到了证实.


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Mathematics Subject Classification: 44A40, 45B05


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Bearing capacity factor N-c for axially loaded piles in clays whose cohesion increases linearly with depth has been estimated numerically under undrained (phi=0) condition. The Study follows the lower bound limit analysis in conjunction With finite elements and linear programming. A new formulation is proposed for solving an axisymmetric geotechnical stability problem. The variation of N-c with embedment ratio is obtained for several rates of the increase of soil cohesion with depth; a special case is also examined when the pile base was placed on the stiff clay stratum overlaid by a soft clay layer. It was noticed that the magnitude of N-c reaches almost a constant value for embedment ratio greater than unity. The roughness of the pile base and shaft affects marginally the magnitudes of N-c. The results obtained from the present study are found to compare quite well with the different numerical solutions reported in the literature.


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The vertical uplift resistance of circular plate anchors, embedded horizontally in a clayey stratum whose cohesion increases linearly with depth, has been obtained under undrained (phi = 0) condition. The axi-symmetric static limit analysis formulation in combination with finite elements proposed recently by the authors has been employed. The variation of the uplift factor (F,) with changes in the embedment ratio (H/B) has been computed for several rates of increases of soil cohesion with depth. It is noted that in all the cases, the magnitude of F-c increases continuously with depth up to a certain value of H-cr/B beyond which the uplift factor becomes essentially constant. The proposed static limit analysis formulation is seen to provide acceptable results even for the two other simple chosen axi-symmetric problems.


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By using the axisymmetric finite elements static limit analysis formulation, proposed recently by the authors, the stability numbers (gamma H/c(o)) for an unsupported vertical circular excavation in clays, whose cohesion increases with depth, have been determined under undrained condition; gamma = unit weight, H., height of the excavation and c(o) = cohesion along ground surface. The results are obtained for various values of H/b and m; where b = the radius of the excavation and m = a non-dimensional parameter which accounts for the rate of the increase of cohesion with depth. The values of the stability numbers increase continuously both with increases in H/b and m. The results obtained in this study compare well with those available in literature.(C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we focus on the performance of a nanowire field-effect transistor in the ultimate quantum capacitance limit (UQCL) (where only one subband is occupied) in the presence of interface traps (D-it), parasitic capacitance (C-L), and source/drain series resistance (R-s,R-d), using a ballistic transport model and compare the performance with its classical capacitance limit (CCL) counterpart. We discuss four different aspects relevant to the present scenario, namely: 1) gate capacitance; 2) drain-current saturation; 3) subthreshold slope; and 4) scaling performance. To gain physical insights into these effects, we also develop a set of semianalytical equations. The key observations are as follows: 1) A strongly energy-quantized nanowire shows nonmonotonic multiple-peak C-V characteristics due to discrete contributions from individual subbands; 2) the ballistic drain current saturates better in the UQCL than in the CCL, both in the presence and absence of D-it and R-s,R-d; 3) the subthreshold slope does not suffer any relative degradation in the UQCL compared to the CCL, even with Dit and R-s,R-d; 4) the UQCL scaling outperforms the CCL in the ideal condition; and 5) the UQCL scaling is more immune to R-s,R-d, but the presence of D-it and C-L significantly degrades the scaling advantages in the UQCL.


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The initial boundary value problem for the Burgers equation in the domain x greater-or-equal, slanted 0, t > 0 with flux boundary condition at x = 0 has been solved exactly. The behaviour of the solution as t tends to infinity is studied and the “asymptotic profile at infinity” is obtained. In addition, the uniqueness of the solution of the initial boundary value problem is proved and its inviscid limit as var epsilon → 0 is obtained.


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By using the lower bound limit analysis in conjunction with finite elements and linear programming, the bearing capacity factors due to cohesion, surcharge and unit weight, respectively, have been computed for a circular footing with different values of phi. The recent axisymmetric formulation proposed by the authors under phi = 0 condition, which is based on the concept that the magnitude of the hoop stress (sigma(theta)) remains closer to the least compressive normal stress (sigma(3)), is extended for a general c-phi soil. The computational results are found to compare quite well with the available numerical results from literature. It is expected that the study will be useful for solving various axisymmetric geotechnical stability problems. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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In this study, the influence of tool rotation speed and feed rate on the forming limit of friction stir welded Al 6061-T651 sheets has been investigated. The forming limit curve was evaluated by limit dome height test performed on all the friction stir welded sheets. The welding trials were conducted at a tool rotation speed of 1300 and 1400 r/min and feed rate of 90 and 100 mm/min. A third trial of welding was performed at a rotational speed of 1500 r/min and feed rate 120 mm/min. It is found that with increase in the tool rotation speed, from 1300 to 1400 r/min, for a constant feed rate, the forming limit of friction stir welded blank has improved and with increase in feed rate, from 90 to 100 mm/min, for a constant tool rotation speed, it has decreased. The forming limit of friction stir welded sheets is better than unwelded sheets. The thickness gradient after forming is severe in the cases of friction stir welded blanks made at higher feed rate and lower rotation speed. The strain hardening exponent of weld (n) increases with increase in tool rotation speed and it decreases with increase in feed rate. It has been demonstrated that the change in the forming limit of friction stir welded sheets with respect to welding parameters is due to the thickness distribution severity and strain hardening exponent of the weld region during forming. There is not much variation in the dome height among the friction stir welded sheets tested. When compared with unwelded sheets, dome height of friction stir welded sheets is higher in near-plane-strain condition, but it is lesser in stretching strain paths.


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In this paper, we study the exact controllability of a second order linear evolution equation in a domain with highly oscillating boundary with homogeneous Neumann boundary condition on the oscillating part of boundary. Our aim is to obtain the exact controllability for the homogenized equation. The limit problem with Neumann condition on the oscillating boundary is different and hence we need to study the exact controllability of this new type of problem. In the process of homogenization, we also study the asymptotic analysis of evolution equation in two setups, namely solution by standard weak formulation and solution by transposition method.


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The size of equilateral triangle resonator (ETR) needed for confining the fundamental mode is investigated by the total reflection condition of mode light rays and the FDTD numerical simulation. The confinement of the TM modes can be explained by the total reflection of mode light rays, and the confinement of the TE modes requires a larger ETR than the TM modes, which may be caused by excess scattering or radiation loss for the TE modes. With the multilayer staircase approximation, it is found that the spontaneous emission factor of the ETR lasers has the same form as that of strip waveguide lasers.


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We present a mathematical analysis of the asymptotic preserving scheme proposed in [M. Lemou and L. Mieussens, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 31 (2008), pp. 334-368] for linear transport equations in kinetic and diffusive regimes. We prove that the scheme is uniformly stable and accurate with respect to the mean free path of the particles. This property is satisfied under an explicitly given CFL condition. This condition tends to a parabolic CFL condition for small mean free paths and is close to a convection CFL condition for large mean free paths. Our analysis is based on very simple energy estimates. © 2010 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.


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This work proposes a extends a novel approach to compute tran sonic Limit Cycle Oscillations using high fidelity analysis. CFD based Harmonic Balance methods have proven to be efficient tools to predict periodic phenomena. This paper’s contribution is to present a methodology to determine the unknown frequency of oscillations using an implicit for- mulation of the HB method to accurately capture Limit Cycle Oscillations (LCOs); this is achieved by defining a frequency updating procedure based on a coupled CFD/CSD Harmonic Balance formulation to find the LCO condition. A pitch/plunge aerofoil and respective linear structural models is used to exercise the new method. Results show consistent agreement between the proposed and time-marching methods for both LCO amplitude and frequency.