57 resultados para Limes Norrlandicus


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Ekens (Quercus robur) nordgräns sägs gå vid Dalälven, Limes Norrlandicus – den biologiska Norrlandsgränsen. Ludvikabygden skiljer sig naturgeografiskt och topografiskt från övriga Dalarna och tillhör Mälarens avrinningsområde. Trakten runt sjön Väsman har ett varmare klimat och fler soltimmar än den övriga bygden. För mellan 5.000-8.000 år sedan vandrade eken in i Sverige efter den senaste istiden. Det tog 3.000 år för den att sprida sig över hela Sverige som då hade en medeltemperatur 2-3? högre än idag.Ekens vegetationsperiod – när dygnsmedeltemperaturen överstiger 5? – är ca 7 månader för att ekollonen skall bli groningsdugliga och därmed kunna föröka sig naturligt. I Ludvikatrakten är vegetationsperioden ca 6 månader. Dalarnas skogar består av ? 1% ek. Årsmedeltemperaturen har i Mellansverige ökat ungefär 1? de senaste 30 åren. I framtiden får vi räkna med temperaturhöjningar på mellan 2-6? beroende på hur stort utsläpp som sker till atmosfären. Detta innebär att vi på dessa breddgrader får ett klimat liknande det i Centraleuropa med längre odlingssäsong. Det innebär också ökande skador på skog och växtlighet samt fler och mer extrema väderväxlingar.Syftet med den här undersökningen är att se om etablering av ek har skett i Ludvikatrakten de senaste decennierna samt vilka faktorer som kan påverka detta. Två separata områden om vardera 1,0 ha undersöktes. På område 1 i nordvästsluttning registrerades 20 exemplar av ek. På område 2 i västsluttning registrerades 28 exemplar av ek. Gamla ekar är en nyckelbiotop för sällsynta insekter och kryptogamer. Ek är stormfast p g a dess djupa rotsystem. Blandskog motverkar parasit-, insektsangrepp och rotröta samt gynnar biologisk mångfald och etablering av fältskikt. Ekens virke är dessutom eftertraktat då det är hårt och slitstarkt.


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The Ph.D. thesis discusses the monetary development in Roman Syria and Judaea in the Late Republican and the Early Imperial Period, from a numismatic, archaeological and historical point of view. In effect, the work focuses on the 1st century B.C. to the 1st century A.D., that is, the assumed time of introduction of Roman denarii to the region. The work benefits from the silver coin hoards of Khirbet Qumran recently published by the author. Though discovered as early as 1955 at Qumran, where the famous Dead Sea Scrolls had been found prior to that in 1947, most hoards remained unpublished until 2007. A second important source utilized is the so-called Tax Law from Palmyra in Syria. Its significance lies in the fact that Palmyra used to be one of the most important cities on the Silk Road, along which luxury goods were transported into the Roman Empire and Rome itself. During the research conducted, studies of the provincial coinage of Judaea (A.D. 6-66) shed new light on the authority of the Roman governors in economic and monetary matters in eastern Mediterranean regions. Furthermore, a new suggestion as to the length of the mandate period of Pontius Pilate is made. The extent of Emperor Augustus monetary reforms as well as the military history of Judaea are discussed in the light of new analytical studies, which show that the production of Roman base metal coins appears to have been a highly controlled process, contrary to popular opinion. Statistical calculations related to the coin alloy revealed striking similarities with Roman and other local metalwork found in Israel; a fact previously unknown. Results indicate that both Roman and local metalwork consisted of outstandingly systematized practises and may have exploited the same metal sources. Information: Kenneth Lönnqvist (*25.7.1962) has studied at the University of Helsinki since 1981. Furthermore, Lönnqvist has lived in the Mediterranean countries and the Near East, and made research there at various scientific institutions and universities for ca. 7 years. Contact and sales of thesis: kenneth.lonnqvist@helsinki.fi


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The representational difference analysis (RDA) and other subtraction techniques are used to enrich sample-specific sequences by elimination of ubiquitous sequences existing in both the sample of interest (tester) and the subtraction partner (driver). While applying the RDA to genomic DNA of cutaneous lymphoma cells in order to identify tumor relevant alterations, we predominantly isolated repetitive sequences and artificial repeat-mediated fusion products of otherwise independent PCR fragments (PCR hybrids). Since these products severely interfered with the isolation of tester-specific fragments, we developed a considerably more robust and efficient approach, termed ligation-mediated subtraction (Limes). In first applications of Limes, genomic sequences and/or transcripts of genes involved in the regulation of transcription, such as transforming growth factor β stimulated clone 22 related gene (TSC-22R), cell death and cytokine production (caspase-1) or antigen presentation (HLA class II sequences), were found to be completely absent in a cutaneous lymphoma line. On the assumption that mutations in tumor-relevant genes can affect their transcription pattern, a protocol was developed and successfully applied that allows the identification of such sequences. Due to these results, Limes may substitute/supplement other subtraction/comparison techniques such as RDA or DNA microarray techniques in a variety of different research fields.


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Latest issue consulted: Heft 44/2, published in 2006.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Regenerable 'gel-coated' cationic resins with fast sorption kinetics and high sorption capacity have application potential for removal of trace metal ions even in large-scale operations. Poly(acrylic acid) has been gel-coated on high-surface area silica (pre-coated with ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer providing a thin barrier layer) and insolubilized by crosslinking with a low-molecular-weight diepoxide (epoxy equivalent 180 g) in the presence of benzyl dimethylamine catalyst at 70 degrees C, In experiments performed for Ca2+ sorption from dilute aqueous solutions of Ca(NO,),, the gel-coated acrylic resin is found to have nearly 40% higher sorption capacity than the bead-form commercial methacrylic resin Amberlite IRC-50 and also several limes higher rate of sorption. The sorption on the gel-coated sorbent under vigorous agitation has the characteristics of particle diffusion control with homogeneous (gel) diffusion in resin phase. A new mathematical model is proposed for such sorption on gel-coated ion-exchange resin in finite bath and solved by applying operator-theoretic methods. The analytical solution so obtained shows goad agreement with experimental sorption kinetics at relatively low levels (< 70%) of resin conversion.


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From Kurt Vonnegut to Stephen King, many novelists use metanarrative techniques to insert fictional versions of themselves in the stories they tell. The function of deploying such techniques is often to draw attention to the liminal space between the fictional constructs inherent in the novel as a form, and the real world from which the constructs draw inspiration, and indeed, are read by an audience. For emerging writers working in short form narratives, however, the structural demands of the short story or flash fiction make the use of similar techniques problematic in the level of depth to which they can be deployed. ‘Swing Low’ is the fifth in a series of short stories that work to overcome the structural limitations of a succinct form by developing a fractured fictional version of the author over a number of pieces and published across a range of sites. The accumulative affect is a richer metanarrative textual arrangement that also allows for the individual short stories to function independently.


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O primeiro relato sobre Alternaria em citros foi em 1903, na Austrália, mas há registros da doença em Israel, Turquia, Espanha, Colômbia, África do Sul e Estados Unidos. No Brasil, a primeira constatação da doença afetando exclusivamente tangerinas foi em 2001, no Rio de Janeiro, estando hoje disseminada em vários estados. A identificação da doença foi realizada em frutos de tangor ?Murcott? e tangerina ?Ponkan? e é causada pelo fungo Alternaria alternata f. sp. citri, que produz uma toxina específica para tangerinas e seus híbridos, não afetando laranjas doces, limões e limas ácidas.


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A numerical approach has been developed for the correlation of retention limes (total retention lime) with temperature in gas chromatography, which allows the calculation of retention parameters including retention index from data acquired under two or more different temperature program conditions. By using this procedure the optimization of temperature condition can be further achieved, especially when a temperature-programmed run is the most suitable mode in the preliminary development of an analytical method for the analysis of an unknown sample.


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O Brasil apresenta-se como um grande produtor e exportador de suco de frutas cítricas. Esta situação, no entanto, é sustentada pelos Estados do Sul, Sudeste e Nordeste do País, onde se concentram os cultivos e as indústrias de processamento. As regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste pouco participam na oferta de frutas cítricas, sendo que a produção é insuficiente para atender ao consumo interno, (PASSOS, 1990). No Estado do Acre, a citricultura ainda tem pequena expressão econômica, sendo que até 1986 a maior parte das laranjas, tangerinas e limões era oriunda de plantios de pés francos. Desde então, o incentivo à formação de novos plantios, utilizando mudas enxertadas de cultivares introduzidas, vem propiciando aumentos na produção e melhoria da qualidade dos frutos. De maneira geral, pode-se dizer que o Estado do Acre apresenta boas condições para o cultivo de citros, com algumas limitações no que se refere à baixa fertilidade dos solos e à existência de um período de estiagem de junho a setembro.