970 resultados para Limbic Seizures


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Neuronal apoptosis was observed in the rat dentate gyrus in two experimental models of human limbic epilepsy. Five hours after one hippocampal kindling stimulation, a marked increase of in situ terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) of fragmented DNA was observed in nuclei located within and on the hilar border of the granule cell layer and in the polymorphic region. Forty kindling stimulations with 5-min interval produced higher numbers of labeled nuclei compared with one stimulation. The increase of TUNEL-positive nuclei was prevented by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide but not affected by the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonist MK-801. Kainic acid-induced seizures lead to a pattern of labeling in the hippocampal formation identical to that evoked by kindling. A large proportion of cells displaying TUNEL-positive nuclei was double-labeled by the neuron-specific antigen NeuN, demonstrating the neuronal identity of apoptotic cells. Either 1 or 40 kindling stimulations also gave rise to a marked increase of the number of cells double-labeled with the mitotic marker bromodeoxyuridine and NeuN in the subgranular zone and on the hilar border of the dentate granule cell layer. The present data show that single and intermittent, brief seizures induce both apoptotic death and proliferation of dentate gyrus neurons. We hypothesize that these processes, occurring early during epileptogenesis, are primary events in the development of hippocampal pathology in animals and possibly also in patients suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy.


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Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is an inhibitory neuromodulator expressed abundantly in the central nervous system that is suspected of being an endogenous antiepileptic agent that can control propagation of limbic seizures. Electrophysiological and pharmacological data suggest that these actions of NPY are mediated by G protein-coupled NPY Y2 and NPY Y5 receptors. To determine whether the NPY Y5 receptor (Y5R) is required for normal control of limbic seizures, we examined hippocampal function and responsiveness to kainic acid-induced seizures in Y5R-deficient (Y5R−/−) mice. We report that Y5R−/− mice do not exhibit spontaneous seizure-like activity; however, they are more sensitive to kainic acid-induced seizures. Electrophysiological examination of hippocampal slices from mutant mice revealed normal function, but the antiepileptic effects of exogenously applied NPY were absent. These data demonstrate that Y5R has an important role in mediating NPY’s inhibitory actions in the mouse hippocampus and suggest a role for Y5R in the control of limbic seizures.


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Epileptic seizures are clinical manifestations of neuronal discharges characterized by hyperexcitability and/or hypersynchrony in the cortex and other subcortical regions. The pilocarpine (PILO) model of epilepsy mimics temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) in humans. In the present study, we used a more selective approach: microinjection of PILO into the hilus of the dentate gyrus (H-PILO). Our main goal was to evaluate the behavioral and morphological alterations present in this model of TLE. Seventy-six percent of all animals receiving H-PILO injections had continuous seizures called status epilepticus (SE). A typical pattern of evolution of limbic seizures during the SE with a latency of 29.3 +/- 16.3 minutes was observed using an analysis of behavioral sequences. During the subsequent 30 days, 71% of all animals exhibited spontaneous recurrent seizures (SRSs) during a daily 8-hour videotaping session. These SRSs had a very conspicuous and characteristic pattern detected by behavioral sequences or neuroethological analysis. Only the animals that had SE showed positive Neo-Timm staining in the inner molecular layer of the dentate gyrus (sprouting) and reduced cell density in Ammon`s horn pyramidal cell subfield CA1. However, no correlation between the intensity of sprouting and the mean number and total number of SRSs was found. Additionally, using Fluoro-Jade staining, we observed neurodegeration in the hilus and pyramidal cell subfields CA3 and CM 24 hours after SE. These data indicate that H-PILO is a reliable, selective, efficient, low-mortality model that mimics the acute and chronic behavioral and morphological aspects of TLE. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Limbic encephalitis (LE) with waxing and waning neuropsychiatric manifestations including behavioral, personality, psychiatric, and memory changes can evolve over days to months. Many features of LE show remarkable overlap with the characteristics of mesial-temporal (limbic) status epilepticus (MTLSE or LSE). With LE, these prolonged impaired states are assumed not to be due to ongoing epileptic activity or MTLSE, because scalp EEGs usually show no epileptiform spike-wave activity; cycling behavioral and motor changes are attributed to LE; there may be little immediate improvement with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs); and of course, implanted electrodes are rarely used. Conversely, it is known that in pre-surgical patients with refractory limbic epilepsy, implanted electrodes have revealed limbic seizures that cannot be seen at the scalp. This paper assembles a chain of inferences to advance the proposition that refractory LE might represent LSE more often than is thought, and that implanted electrodes should be considered in some cases. We present two cases that suggest that LE was also LSE, one of which warranted implanted electrodes (case 1).


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Objective: Mounting evidence suggests that the limbic system is pathologically involved in cases of psychiatric comorbidities in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients. Our objective was to develop a conceptual framework describing how neuropathological and connectivity changes might contribute to the development of psychosis and to the potential neurobiological mechanisms that cause schizophrenia-like psychosis in TLE patients. Methods: In this review, clinical and neuropathological findings, especially brain circuitry of the limbic system, were examined together to enhance our understanding of the association between TLE and psychosis. Finally, the importance of animal models in epilepsy and psychiatric disorders was discussed. Conclusions: TLE and psychiatric symptoms coexist more frequently than chance would predict. Damage and deregulation among critical anatomical regions, such as the hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, and the temporal, frontal and cingulate cortices, might predispose TLE brains to psychosis. Studies of the effects of kindling and injection of neuroactive substances on behavior and electrophysiological patterns may offer a model of how limbic seizures in humans increase the vulnerability of TLE patients to psychiatric symptoms.


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OBJECTIVE: Mounting evidence suggests that the limbic system is pathologically involved in cases of psychiatric comorbidities in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients. Our objective was to develop a conceptual framework describing how neuropathological and connectivity changes might contribute to the development of psychosis and to the potential neurobiological mechanisms that cause schizophrenia-like psychosis in TLE patients. METHODS: In this review, clinical and neuropathological findings, especially brain circuitry of the limbic system, were examined together to enhance our understanding of the association between TLE and psychosis. Finally, the importance of animal models in epilepsy and psychiatric disorders was discussed. CONCLUSIONS: TLE and psychiatric symptoms coexist more frequently than chance would predict. Damage and deregulation among critical anatomical regions, such as the hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, and the temporal, frontal and cingulate cortices, might predispose TLE brains to psychosis. Studies of the effects of kindling and injection of neuroactive substances on behavior and electrophysiological patterns may offer a model of how limbic seizures in humans increase the vulnerability of TLE patients to psychiatric symptoms.


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Vitamin D (VD), is a steroid hormone with multiple functions in the central nervous system (CNS), producing numerous physiological effects mediated by its receptor (VDR). Clinical and experimental studies have shown a link between VD dysfunction and epilepsy. Along these lines, the purpose of our work was to analyze the relative expression of VDR mRNA in the hippocampal formation of rats during the three periods of pilocarpine-induced epilepsy. Male Wistar rats were divided into five groups: (1) control group; rats that received saline 0.9%, i.p. and were killed 7 days after its administration (CTRL, n = 8), (2) SE group; rats that received pilocarpine and were killed 4 h after SE (SE, n = 8), (3) Silent group-7 days; rats that received pilocarpine and were killed 7 days after SE (SIL 7d, n = 8), (4) Silent group-14 days; rats that received pilocarpine and were killed 14 days after SE (SIL 14d, n = 8), (5) Chronic group; rats that received pilocarpine and were killed 60 days after the first spontaneous seizure, (chronic, n = 8). The relative expression of VDR mRNA was determined by real-time PCR. Our results showed an increase of the relative expression of VDR mRNA in the SIL 7 days, SIL 14 days and Chronic groups, respectively (0.060 +/- 0.024; 0.052 +/- 0.035; 0.085 +/- 0.055) when compared with the CTRL and SE groups (0.019 +/- 0.017; 0.019 +/- 0.025). These data suggest the VDR as a possible candidate participating in the epileptogenesis process of the pilocarpine model of epilepsy. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Egr-1 and related proteins are inducible transcription factors within the brain recognizing the same consensus DNA sequence. Three Egr DNA-binding activities were observed in regions of the naive rat brain. Egr-1 was present in all brain regions examined. Bands composed, at least in part, of Egr-2 and Egr-3 were present in different relative amounts in the cerebral cortex, striatum, hippocampus, thalamus, and midbrain. All had similar affinity and specificity for the Egr consensus DNA recognition sequence. Administration of the convulsants NMDA, kainate, and pentylenetetrazole differentially induced Egr-1 and Egr-2/3 DNA-binding activities in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum. All convulsants induced Egr-1 and Egr-2 immunoreactivity in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. These data indicate that the members of the Egr family are regulated at different levels and may interact at promoters containing the Egr consensus sequence to fine tune a program of gene expression resulting from excitatory stimuli.


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The effect of acute (120 mg/kg) and chronic (25 mg/kg, twice a day, for 4 days) intraperitonial injection of the nitric oxide (NO) synthase (NOS) inhibitor NG-nitro-L-arginine (L-NOARG) was evaluated on seizure induction by drugs such as pilocarpine and pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) and by sound stimulation of audiogenic seizure-resistant (R) and audiogenic seizure-susceptible (S) rats. Seizures were elicited by a subconvulsant dose of pilocarpine (100 mg/kg) only after NOS inhibition. NOS inhibition also simultaneously potentiated the severity of PTZ-induced limbic seizures (60 mg/kg) and protected against PTZ-induced tonic seizures (80 mg/kg). The audiogenic seizure susceptibility of S or R rats did not change after similar treatments. In conclusion, proconvulsant effects of NOS inhibition are suggested to occur in the pilocarpine model and in the limbic components of PTZ-induced seizures, while an anticonvulsant role is suggested for the tonic seizures induced by higher doses of PTZ, revealing inhibitor-specific interactions with convulsant dose and also confirming the hypothesis that the effects of NOS inhibitors vary with the model of seizure


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The relationship between sleep and epilepsy is both complex and clinically significant. Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) influences sleep architecture, while sleep plays an important role in facilitating and/or inhibiting possible epileptic seizures. The pilocarpine experimental model reproduces several features of human temporal lobe epilepsy and is one of the most widely used models in basic research. The aim of the present study was to characterize, behaviorally and electrophysiologically, the phases of sleep-wake cycles (SWC) in male rats with pilocarpine-induced epilepsy. Epileptic rats presented spikes in all phases of the SWC as well as atypical cortical synchronization during attentive wakefulness and paradoxical sleep. The architecture of the sleep-wake phases was altered in epileptic rats, as was the integrity of the SWC. Because our findings reproduce many relevant features observed in patients with epilepsy, this model is suitable to study sleep dysfunction in epilepsy. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus (MD) is a rich source of afferents to the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). Dysfunctions in the thalamo-prefrontal connections can impair networks implicated in working memory, some of which are affected in Alzheimer disease and schizophrenia. Considering the importance of the cholinergic system to cortical functioning, our study aimed to investigate the effects of global cholinergic activation of the brain on MD-mPFC synaptic plasticity by measuring the dynamics of long-term potentiation (LTP) and depression (LTD) in vivo. Therefore, rats received intraventricular injections either of the muscarinic agonist pilocarpine (PILO; 40 nmol/mu L), the nicotinic agonist nicotine (NIC; 320 nmol/mu L), or vehicle. The injections were administered prior to either thalamic high-frequency (HFS) or low-frequency stimulation (LFS). Test pulses were applied to MD for 30 min during baseline and 240 min after HFS or LFS, while field postsynaptic potentials were recorded in the mPFC. The transient oscillatory effects of PILO and NIC were monitored through recording of thalamic and cortical local field potentials. Our results show that HFS did not affect mPFC responses in vehicle-injected rats, but induced a delayed-onset LTP with distinct effects when applied following PILO or NIC. Conversely, LFS induced a stable LTD in control subjects, but was unable to induce LTD when applied after PILO or NIC. Taken together, our findings show distinct modulatory effects of each cholinergic brain activation on MD-mPFC plasticity following HFS and LFS. The LTP-inducing action and long-lasting suppression of cortical LTD induced by PILO and NIC might implicate differential modulation of thalamo-prefrontal functions under low and high input drive.


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Objective: There is accumulating evidence that the limbic system is pathologically involved in cases of psychiatric comorbidities in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients. Our objective was to develop a conceptual framework describing how neuropathological, neurochemical and electrophysiological aspects might contribute to the development of psychiatric symptoms in TLE and the putative neurobiological mechanisms that cause mood disorders in this patient subgroup. Methods: In this review, clinical, experimental and neuropathological findings, as well as neurochemical features of the limbic system were examined together to enhance our understanding of the association between TLE and psychiatric comorbidities. Finally, the value of animal models in epilepsy and mood disorders was discussed. Conclusions: TLE and psychiatric symptoms coexist more frequently than chance would predict. Alterations and neurotransmission disturbance among critical anatomical networks, and impaired or aberrant plastic changes might predispose patients with TLE to mood disorders. Clinical and experimental studies of the effects of seizures on behavior and electrophysiological patterns may offer a model of how limbic seizures increase the vulnerability of TLE patients to precipitants of psychiatric symptoms.


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This study evaluated hippocampal inhibitory function and the level of expression of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor mRNA in an in vivo model of epilepsy. Chronic recurrent limbic seizures were induced in rats using injections of pilocarpine. Electrophysiological studies performed on hippocampal slices prepared from control and epileptic animals 1 to 2 months after pilocarpine injections demonstrated a significant hyperexcitability in the epileptic animals. Reduced levels of mRNA expression for the alpha 2 and alpha 5 subunits of the GABAA receptors were evident in the CA1, CA2, and CA3 regions of the hippocampus of epileptic animals. No decrease in mRNA encoding alpha 1, beta 2, or gamma 2 GABAA receptor subunits was observed. In addition, no change in the mRNA levels of alpha CaM kinase II was seen. Selective decreases in mRNA expression did not correlate with neuronal cell loss. The results indicate that selective, long-lasting reduction of GABAA subunit mRNA expression and increased excitability, possibly reflecting loss of GABAergic inhibition, occur in an in vivo model of partial complex epilepsy.


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Systemic injection of kainic acid (KA) results in characteristic behaviors and programmed cell death in some regions of the rat brain. We used KA followed by recovery at 4 degrees C to restrict damage to limbic structures and compared patterns of immediate early gene (IEG) expression and associated DNA binding activity in these damaged areas with that in spared brain regions. Male Wistar rats were injected with BA (12 mg/kg, ip) and kept at 4 degrees C for 5 h. This treatment reduced the severity of behaviors and restricted damage (observed by Nissl staining) to the CA1 and CA3 regions of the hippocampus and an area including the entorhinal cortex. DNA laddering, characteristic of apoptosis, was first evident in the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex 18 and 22 h after RA, respectively. The pattern of IEG mRNA induction fell into three classes: IEGs that were induced in both damaged and spared areas (c-fos, fos B, jun B, and egr-1), IEGs that were induced specifically in the damaged areas (fra-2 and c-jun), and an IEG that was significantly induced by saline injection and/or the cold treatment (jun D). The pattern of immunoreactivity closely followed that of mRNA expression. Binding to the AP-1 and EGR DNA consensus sequences increased in all three regions studied. This study describes a unique modification of the animal model of ICA-induced neurotoxicity which may prove a useful tool for dissecting the molecular cascade that ultimately results in programmed cell death. (C) 1997 Academic Press.


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Epileptic seizures are hypersynchronous, paroxystic and abnormal neuronal discharges. Epilepsies are characterized by diverse mechanisms involving alteration of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission that result in hyperexcitability of the central nervous system (CNS). Enhanced neuronal excitability can also be achieved by inflammatory processes, including the participation of cytokines, prostaglandins or kinins, molecules known to be involved in either triggering or in the establishment of inflammation. Multiple inductions of audiogenic seizures in the Wistar audiogenic rat (WAR) strain are a model of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), due to the recruitment of limbic areas such as hippocampus and amygdata. In this study we investigated the modulation of the B-1 and B-2 kinin receptors expression levels in neonatal WARs as well as in adult WARs subjected to the TLE model. The expression levels of pro-inflammatory (IL-1 beta) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines were also evaluated, as well as cyclooxygenase (COX-2). Our results showed that the B-1 and B-2 kinin receptors mRNAs were up-regulated about 7- and 4-fold, respectively, in the hippocampus of kindled WARs. On the other hand, the expressions of the IL-1 beta, IL-10 and COX-2 were not related to the observed increase of expression of kinin receptors. Based on those results we believe that the B, and B2 kinin receptors have a pivotal role in this model of TLE, although their participation is not related to an inflammatory process. We believe that kinin receptors in the CNS may act in seizure mechanisms by participating in a specific kininergic neurochemical pathway. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.