944 resultados para Lignocellulosic waste
The urgent need for alternative renewable energies to supplement petroleum-based fuels and the reduction of landfill sites for disposal of solid wastes makes it increasingly attractive to produce inexpensive biofuels from the organic fraction of the municipal solid waste. Therefore, municipal waste in the form of newspaper was investigated as a potential feedstock for fermentable sugars production. Hydrolysis of newspaper by dilute phosphoric acid was carried out in autoclave Parr reactor, where reactor temperature and acid concentration were examined. Xylose concentration reached a maximum value of 14 g/100 g dry mass corresponding to a yield of 94% at the best identified conditions of 2.5 wt% HPO, 135°C, 120 min reaction time, and at 2.5 wt% HPO, 150°C, and 60 min reaction time. For glucose, an average yield of 26% was obtained at 2.5 wt% HPO, 200°C, and 30 min. Furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) formation was clearly affected by reaction temperature, where the higher the temperature the higher the formation rate. The maximum furfural formed was an average of 3 g/100 g dry mass, corresponding to a yield of 28%. The kinetic study of the acid hydrolysis was also carried out using the Saeman and the two-fraction models. It was found for both models that the kinetic constants (K) depend on the acid concentration and temperature. The degradation of HMF to levulinic acid is faster than the degradation of furfural to formic acid. Also, the degradation rate is higher than the formation rate for both inhibitors when degradation is observed.
Lignocellulosicwaste from the pineapple production is a raw material useful for the xylose production by hydrolysis and it can be converted to xylitol. The objective of this work was to study the hydrolysis of pineapple peel with sulfuric acid at variable concentration (2-6%), reaction time (0-350 min) and temperature at 98 ˚C. The concentration of xylose, glucose and degradation products as acetic acid and furfural was determined. Optimal conditions found for hydrolysis were 6% H2SO4 at 98 ˚C for 83 min which yield was 26,9 g xylose/L, 2,61 g glucose/L, 7,71 g acetic acid/L and 0,29 g furfural/L.
Anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic material is carried out effectively in many natural microbial ecosystems including the rumen. A rumen-enhanced anaerobic sequencing batch reactor was used to investigate cellulose degradation to give analysis of overall process stoichiometry and rates of hydrolysis. The reactor achieved VFA production rates of 207-236 mg COD/L/h at a loading rate of 10 g/L/d. Overloading of the reactor resulted in elevated production of propionic acid, and on occasion, the presence of succinic acid. With improvements in mixing and solids wasting, the anaerobic sequencing batch reactor system could enable full-scale application of the process for treatment of cellulosic waste material.
A major challenge of the 21st century will be to generate transportation fuels using feedstocks such as lignocellulosic waste materials as a substitute for existing fossil and nuclear fuels. The advantages of lignocellulosics as a feedstock material are that they are abundant, sustainable and carbon-neutral. To improve the economics of producing liquid transportation fuels from lignocellulosic biomass, the development of value-added products from lignin, a major component of lignocellulosics, is necessary. Lignins produced from black liquor through the fractionation of sugarcane bagasse with soda and organic solvents have been characterised by physical, chemical and thermal means. The soda lignin fractions have different physico-chemical and thermal properties from one another. Some of these properties have been compared to bagasse lignin extracted with aqueous ethanol.
Lignocellulosic waste materials are the most promising feedstock for generation of a renewable, carbon-neutral substitute for existing liquid fuels. The development of value-added products from lignin will greatly improve the economics of producing liquid fuels from biomass. This review gives an outline of lignin chemistry, describes the current processes of lignocellulosic biomass fractionation and the lignin products obtained through these processes, then outlines current and potential value-added applications of these products, in particular as components of polymer composites. Research highlights The use of lignocellulosic biomass to produce platform chemicals and industrial products enhances the sustainability of natural resources and improves environmental quality by reducing greenhouse and toxic emissions. In addition, the development of lignin based products improves the economics producing liquid transportation fuel from lignocellulosic feedstock. Value adding can be achieved by converting lignin to functionally equivalent products that rely in its intrinsic properties. This review outlines lignin chemistry and some potential high value products that can be made from lignin. Keywords: Lignocellulose materials; Lignin chemistry; Application
Esta Dissertação discorre sobre a pesquisa de caracterização de palha de milho e a sua utilização como matéria prima para a obtenção de nanocelulose. Segundo o IBGE, este resíduo agrícola foi produzido no Brasil, no ano de 2013, em cerca de seis milhões de toneladas. As amostras deste resíduo lignocelulósico utilizadas neste trabalho foram coletadas na forma cotidiana de descarte mais frequentemente encontrada em supermercados e feiras livres. Procedeu-se, então, ao beneficiamento mecânico, beneficiamento químico (mercerização e branqueamento) e hidrólise ácida dessas amostras, o que produziu os seguintes materiais: palha de milho beneficiada mecanicamente, palha de milho beneficiada quimicamente e nanocelulose. Cada um destes materiais foi caracterizado, conforme o tipo, por menos ou mais dos seguintes ensaios: determinação de densidade, determinação de umidade, determinação do teor de cinzas, resistência à tração, determinação do teor de extraíveis, determinação do teor de holocelulose, determinação do teor de hemicelulose, determinação do teor de alfacelulose, determinação do teor de lignina, análise termogravimétrica (TGA), espectroscopia por infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), índice de cristalinidade por difração de raios-x (CrI), medição do tamanho de partícula por espalhamento de luz dinâmico (DLS), morfologia por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM) e determinação do rendimento dos produtos de hidrólise. Nesta pesquisa também se estudou, empregando a técnica de planejamento de experimento fatorial com ponto central, a influência dos fatores razão fibra/ácido e tempo da reação na obtenção da nanocelulose, conseguida com êxito em todos os experimentos executados com a palha de milho que foi branqueada de forma efetiva neste trabalho
This research is about the use of the coconut´s endocarp (nucifera linn) and the waste of derivatives of wood and furniture as raw material to technological use. In that sense, the lignocellulosic waste is used for manufacture of homogeneous wood sheet agglomerate (LHWS) and lignocellulosic load which take part of a polymeric composite with fiber glass E (GFRP-WC). In the manufacturing of the homogeneous wood sheet agglomerate (LHWS), it was used mamona´s resin as waste s agglutinating element. The plates were taken up in a hydraulic press engine, heated, with temperature control, where they were manufactured for different percentage of waste wood and coconuts nucífera linn. Physical tests were conducted to determine the absorption of water, density, damp grade (in two hours and twenty-four hours), swelling thickness (in two hours and twenty-four hours), and mechanical tests to evaluate the parallel tensile strength (internal stick) and bending and the static (steady) flexural. The physical test´s results indicate that the LHWS can be classified as bonded wood plate of high-density and with highly water resistant. In the mechanical tests it was possible to establish that LHWS presents different characteristics when submitted to uniaxial tensile and to the static (steady) flexural, since brittle and elasticity module had a variation according to the amount of dry endocarp used to manufacture each trace of LHWS. The GFRP-WC was industrially manufactured by a hand-lay-up process where the fiber glass E was used as reinforcement the lignocellulósic´s waste as load. The matrix was made with ortofitalic unsaturated polyester resin. Physical and mechanical tests were performed in presence of saturated humidity and dry. The results indicated good performance of the GFRP-WC, as traction as in flexion in three points. The presence of water influenced the modules obtained in the flexural and tensile but there were no significant alteration in the properties analyzed. As for the fracture, the analysis showed that the effects are more harmful in the presence of damp, under the action of loading tested, but despite this, the fracture was well defined starting in the external parts and spreading to the internal regions when one when it reaches the hybrid load
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study investigated the effect of inexpensive carbon and nitrogen sources on enzyme production by Myceliophthora thermophila M.7.7 in solid-state fermentation. Three kinds of lignocellulosic waste (corn straw, sugarcane bagasse and sugarcane straw) and six nitrogen sources (urea, calcium nitrate, analytical ammonium sulphate, yeast extract, agricultural fertilizer NPK 20-05-20 and fertilizing grade ammonium sulphate) were tested. Some physical-chermical parameters of the fermentation, such as temperature, initial pH and moisture content of the substrate on enzyme production, were evoluated. The maximum activities of xylanase (446.9 U/ml) endoglucanase (94.7 U/ml) and beta-glucosidase (2.8 U/ml) were observed in a mixture of corn straw and wheat bran (1:1 w/w) as the carbon source using fertilizer grade ammonium sulphate as the nitrogen source. This production occurred for an incubation period of 96 h, at 40°C, with initial moisture content of 70% and pH 5.0. These results have significant interest since they could be used for the future production of enzymes in a low-cost industrial process.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The sustainable use of waste resulting from the agribusiness is currently the focus of research, especially the sugar cane bagasse (BCA), being the lignocellulosic waste produced in greater volume in the Brazilian agribusiness, where the residual biomass has been applied in production energy and bioproducts. In this paper, pulp was produced in high purity from the (BCA) by pulping soda / anthraquinone and subsequent conversion to cellulose acetate. Commercial cellulose Avicel was used for comparison. The obtained cellulose acetate was homogeneous acetylation reaction by modifying the variables, the reaction time in hours (8, 12, 16, 20 and 24) and temperature in ° C (25 and 50). FTIR spectra showed characteristic bands identical to cellulosic materials, demonstrating the efficiency of separation by pulping. The characterization of cellulose acetate was obtained and by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TG / DTG / DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and determining the degree of substitution (DS ) for the cellulose acetate to confirm the acetylation. The optimal reaction time for obtaining diacetates and triacetates, at both temperatures were 20 and 24 h. Cellulose acetate produced BCA presented GS between 2.57 and 2.7 at 25 ° C and 50 ° C GS obtained were 2.66 and 2.84, indicating the actual conversion of cellulose BCA of di- and triacetates. Comparative mode, commercial cellulose Avicel GS showed 2.78 and 2.76 at 25 ° C and 2.77 to 2.75 at 50 ° C. Data were collected in time of 20 h and 24 h, respectively. The best result was for the synthesis of cellulose acetate obtained from the BCA GS 2.84 to 50 ° C and 24 hours, being classified as cellulose triacetate, which showed superior result to that produced with the commercial ethyl cellulose Avicel, demonstrating converting potential of cellulose derived from a lignocellulosic residue (BCA), low cost, prospects of commercial use of cellulose acetate
Una alternativa para la producción de biocombustibles consiste en la transformación de residuos lignocelulósicos, entre los que se encuentran biomasas maderables y no maderables. Colombia al ser un país rico en recursos agrícolas genera grandes cantidades de residuos provenientes de monocultivos como es el café, la caña de azúcar, el banano entre otros. Los residuos de banano se producen en zonas en donde el acceso a la energía es escaso y el tratamiento actual dado a estos residuos se centra en los biológicos buscando un producto que ayude a disminuir la aplicación de fertilizantes a la tierra. Con este proyecto se busca estudiar el potencial aprovechamiento de estos residuos para su implementación como biocombustible para la combustión y obtener energía a partir de los mismos. En este trabajo se realizó una caracterización de los residuos de la planta del banano (pseudotallo y hoja) mediante análisis termogravimétrico con una termobalanza TA Instrument TGA Q500IF, con el fin de definir el contenido de los tres componentes principales (hemicelulosa, celulosa y lignina). Los experimentos fueron realizados bajo condiciones de pirólisis y por medio de un algoritmo implementado con la herramienta Scilab. Además, el objetivo fue desarrollar una herramienta para determinar los contenidos de cenizas, contenido de humedad, contenido de residuo carbonoso y contenidos de hemicelulosa, celulosa y lignina para un reactor de combustión desde un análisis termogravimétrico. Los valores encontrados permiten concluir que tanto el pseudotallo como la hoja de la planta de banano son residuos potenciales de aprovechamiento en el proceso de combustión con fines de generación de energía.
This research is about the use of the coconut´s endocarp (nucifera linn) and the waste of derivatives of wood and furniture as raw material to technological use. In that sense, the lignocellulosic waste is used for manufacture of homogeneous wood sheet agglomerate (LHWS) and lignocellulosic load which take part of a polymeric composite with fiber glass E (GFRP-WC). In the manufacturing of the homogeneous wood sheet agglomerate (LHWS), it was used mamona´s resin as waste s agglutinating element. The plates were taken up in a hydraulic press engine, heated, with temperature control, where they were manufactured for different percentage of waste wood and coconuts nucífera linn. Physical tests were conducted to determine the absorption of water, density, damp grade (in two hours and twenty-four hours), swelling thickness (in two hours and twenty-four hours), and mechanical tests to evaluate the parallel tensile strength (internal stick) and bending and the static (steady) flexural. The physical test´s results indicate that the LHWS can be classified as bonded wood plate of high-density and with highly water resistant. In the mechanical tests it was possible to establish that LHWS presents different characteristics when submitted to uniaxial tensile and to the static (steady) flexural, since brittle and elasticity module had a variation according to the amount of dry endocarp used to manufacture each trace of LHWS. The GFRP-WC was industrially manufactured by a hand-lay-up process where the fiber glass E was used as reinforcement the lignocellulósic´s waste as load. The matrix was made with ortofitalic unsaturated polyester resin. Physical and mechanical tests were performed in presence of saturated humidity and dry. The results indicated good performance of the GFRP-WC, as traction as in flexion in three points. The presence of water influenced the modules obtained in the flexural and tensile but there were no significant alteration in the properties analyzed. As for the fracture, the analysis showed that the effects are more harmful in the presence of damp, under the action of loading tested, but despite this, the fracture was well defined starting in the external parts and spreading to the internal regions when one when it reaches the hybrid load