854 resultados para Light beams
The theory of nonlinear diffraction of intensive light beams propagating through photorefractive media is developed. Diffraction occurs on a reflecting wire embedded in the nonlinear medium at a relatively small angle with respect to the direction of the beam propagation. It is shown that this process is analogous to the generation of waves by a flow of a superfluid past an obstacle. The ""equation of state"" of such a superfluid is determined by the nonlinear properties of the medium. On the basis of this hydrodynamic analogy, the notion of the ""Mach number"" is introduced where the transverse component of the wave vector plays the role of the fluid velocity. It is found that the Mach cone separates two regions of the diffraction pattern: inside the Mach cone oblique dark solitons are generated and outside the Mach cone the region of ""optical ship waves"" (the wave pattern formed by a two-dimensional packet of linear waves) is situated. Analytical theory of the ""optical ship waves"" is developed and two-dimensional dark soliton solutions of the generalized two-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation describing the light beam propagation are found. Stability of dark solitons with respect to their decay into vortices is studied and it is shown that they are stable for large enough values of the Mach number.
We show that scalable multipartite entanglement among light fields may be generated by optical parametric oscillators (OPOs). The tripartite entanglement existent among the three bright beams produced by a single OPO-pump, signal, and idler-is scalable to a system of many OPOs by pumping them in cascade with the same optical field. This latter serves as an entanglement distributor. The special case of two OPOs is studied, as it is shown that the resulting five bright beams share genuine multipartite entanglement. In addition, the structure of entanglement distribution among the fields can be manipulated to some degree by tuning the incident pump power. The scalability to many fields is straightforward, allowing an alternative implementation of a multipartite quantum information network with continuous variables.
We analyze the properties of light beams carrying phase singularities, or optical vortices. The transformations of topological charge during free-space propagation of a light wave, which is a combination of a Gaussian beam and a multiple charged optical vortex within a Gaussian envelope, are studied both in theory and experiment. We revise the existing knowledge about topological charge conservation, and demonstrate possible scenarios where additional vortices appear or annihilate during free propagation of such a combined beam. Coaxial interference of optical vortices is also analyzed, and the general rule for angular-momentum density distribution in a combined beam is established. We show that, in spite of any variation in the number of vortices in a combined beam, the total angular momentum is constant during the propagation. [S1050-2947(97)09910-1].
Subtle quantum properties offer exciting new prospects in optical communications. For example, quantum entanglement enables the secure exchange of cryptographic keys(1) and the distribution of quantum information by teleportation(2,3). Entangled bright beams of light are increasingly appealing for such tasks, because they enable the use of well-established classical communications techniques(4). However, quantum resources are fragile and are subject to decoherence by interaction with the environment. The unavoidable losses in the communication channel can lead to a complete destruction of entanglement(5-8), limiting the application of these states to quantum-communication protocols. We investigate the conditions under which this phenomenon takes place for the simplest case of two light beams, and analyse characteristics of states which are robust against losses. Our study sheds new light on the intriguing properties of quantum entanglement and how they may be harnessed for future applications.
Abstract Background The authors have developed a small portable device for the objective measurement of the transparency of corneas stored in preservative medium, for use by eye banks in evaluation prior to transplantation. Methods The optical system consists of a white light, lenses, and pinholes that collimate the white light beams and illuminate the cornea in its preservative medium, and an optical filter (400–700 nm) that selects the range of the wavelength of interest. A sensor detects the light that passes through the cornea, and the average corneal transparency is displayed. In order to obtain only the tissue transparency, an electronic circuit was built to detect a baseline input of the preservative medium prior to the measurement of corneal transparency. The operation of the system involves three steps: adjusting the "0 %" transmittance of the instrument, determining the "100 %" transmittance of the system, and finally measuring the transparency of the preserved cornea inside the storage medium. Results Fifty selected corneas were evaluated. Each cornea was submitted to three evaluation methods: subjective classification of transparency through a slit lamp, quantification of the transmittance of light using a corneal spectrophotometer previously developed, and measurement of transparency with the portable device. Conclusion By comparing the three methods and using the expertise of eye bank trained personnel, a table for quantifying corneal transparency with the new device has been developed. The correlation factor between the corneal spectrophotometer and the new device is 0,99813, leading to a system that is able to standardize transparency measurements of preserved corneas, which is currently done subjectively.
We realize an end-to-end no-switching quantum key distribution protocol using continuous-wave coherent light. We encode weak broadband Gaussian modulations onto the amplitude and phase quadratures of light beams. Our no-switching protocol achieves high secret key rate via a post-selection protocol that utilizes both quadrature information simultaneously. We establish a secret key rate of 25 Mbits/s for a lossless channel and 1 kbit/s for 90% channel loss, per 17 MHz of detected bandwidth, assuming individual Gaussian eavesdropping attacks. Since our scheme is truly broadband, it can potentially deliver orders of magnitude higher key rates by extending the encoding bandwidth with higher-end telecommunication technology.
We present a formalism able to predict the transformation of light beams passing through biaxial crystals. We use this formalism to show both theoretically and experimentally the transition from double refraction to conical refraction, which is found when light propagates along one of the optic axes of a biaxial crystal. Additionally, we demonstrate that the theory is applicable both to non-cylindrically symmetric and non-homogeneously polarized beams by predicting the transformation of input beams passing through a cascade of biaxial crystals.
Ultra-high power (exceeding the self-focusing threshold by more than three orders of magnitude) light beams from ground-based laser systems may find applications in space-debris cleaning. The propagation of such powerful laser beams through the atmosphere reveals many novel interesting features compared to traditional light self-focusing. It is demonstrated here that for the relevant laser parameters, when the thickness of the atmosphere is much shorter than the focusing length (that is, of the orbit scale), the beam transit through the atmosphere in lowest order produces phase distortion only. This means that by using adaptive optics it may be possible to eliminate the impact of self-focusing in the atmosphere on the laser beam. The area of applicability of the proposed "thin window" model is broader than the specific physical problem considered here. For instance, it might find applications in femtosecond laser material processing.
Hollow, cylindrical, prismatic light guides (CPLGs) are optical components that, using total internal reflection (TIR), are able to transmit high-diameter light beams in daylight and artificial lighting applications without relevant losses. It is necessary to study the prism defects of their surfaces to quantify the behavior of these optical components. In this Letter, we analyze a CPLG made of a transparent dielectric material. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the topographic optical profilometry by absorption in fluids (TOPAF) imaging technique are conducted to determine if there are defects in the corners of the prisms. A model for light guide transmittance that is dependent on prism defects is proposed. Finally, a simulation and an experimental study are carried out to check the validity of the proposed model.
We review the description of noise in electronic circuits in terms of electron transport. The Poisson process is used as a unifying principle. In recent years, much attention has been given to current noise in light-emitting diodes and laser diodes. In these devices, random events associated with electron transport are correlated with photon emission times, thus modifying both the current statistics and the statistics of the emitted light. We give a review of experiments in this area with special emphasis on the ability of such devices to produce subshot-noise currents and light beams. Finally we consider the noise properties of a class of mesoscopic devices based on the quantum tunnelling of an electron into and out of a bound state. We present a simple quantum model of this process which confirms that the current noise in such a device should be subshot-noise.
Multidimensional spatiotemporal parametric simultons (simultaneous solitary waves) are possible in a nonlinear chi((2)) medium with a Bragg grating structure, where large effective dispersion occurs near two resonant band gaps for the carrier and second-harmonic field, respectively. The enhanced dispersion allows much reduced interaction lengths, as compared to bulk medium parametric simultons. The nonlinear parametric band-gap medium permits higher-dimensional stationary waves to form. In addition, solitons can occur with lower input powers than conventional nonlinear Schrodinger equation gap solitons. In this paper, the equations for electromagnetic propagation in a grating structure with a parametric nonlinearity are derived from Maxwell's equation using a coupled mode Hamiltonian analysis in one, two, and three spatial dimensions. Simultaneous solitary wave solutions are proved to exist by reducing the equations to the coupled equations describing a nonlinear parametric waveguide, using the effective-mass approximation (EMA). Exact one-dimensional numerical solutions in agreement with the EMA solutions are also given. Direct numerical simulations show that the solutions have similar types of stability properties to the bulk case, providing the carrier waves are tuned to the two Bragg resonances, and the pulses have a width in frequency space less than the band gap. In summary, these equations describe a physically accessible localized nonlinear wave that is stable in up to 3 + 1 dimensions. Possible applications include photonic logic and switching devices. [S1063-651X(98)06109-1].
Modulational instability in optical Bragg gratings with a quadratic nonlinearity is studied. The electric field in such structures consists of forward and backward propagating components at the fundamental frequency and its second harmonic. Analytic continuous wave (CW) solutions are obtained, and the intricate complexity of their stability, due to the large number of equations and number of free parameters, is revealed. The stability boundaries are rich in structures and often cannot be described by a simple relationship. In most cases, the CW solutions are unstable. However, stable regions are found in the nonlinear Schrodinger equation limit, and also when the grating strength for the second harmonic is stronger than that of the first harmonic. Stable CW solutions usually require a low intensity. The analysis is confirmed by directly simulating the governing equations. The stable regions found have possible applications in second-harmonic generation and dark solitons, while the unstable regions maybe useful in the generation of ultrafast pulse trains at relatively low intensities. [S1063-651X(99)03005-6].
Layer-by-layer (LbL) nanocomposite films from TiO(2) nanoparticles and tungsten-based oxides (WO(x)H(y)), as well as dip-coating films of TiO(2) nano particles, were prepared and investigated by electrochemical techniques under visible light beams, aiming to evaluate the lithium ion storage and chromogenic properties. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images were obtained for morphological characterization of the Surface of the materials, which have similar roughness. Cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry measurements indicated high storage capacity of lithium ions in the LbL nanocomposite compared with the dip-coating film, which was attributed to the faster lithium ion diffusion rate within the self-assembled matrix. On the basis of the data obtained from galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT), the values of lithium ion diffusion coefficient (D(Li)) for TiO(2)/WO(x)H(y) were larger compared with those for TiO(2). The rate of the coloration front in the matrices was investigated using a spectroelectrochemical method based oil GITT, allowing the determination of the ""optical"" diffusion coefficient (D(op)) as a function of the amount of lithium ions previously inserted into the matrices. The Values of D(Li) and D(op) suggested the existence of phases with distinct contribution to lithium ion diffusion rates and electrochromic efficiency. Moreover, these results aided a better understanding of the temporal change of current density and absorbance during the ionic electro-insertion, which is important for the possible application of these materials in lithium ion batteries and electrohromic devices.
In this paper we study the nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator with injected signal, both analytically and numerically. We develop a perturbation approach which allows us to find approximate analytical solutions, starting from the full equations of motion in the positive-P representation. We demonstrate the regimes of validity of our approximations via comparison with the full stochastic results. We find that, with reasonably low levels of injected signal, the system allows for demonstrations of quantum entanglement and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. In contrast to the normal optical parametric oscillator operating below threshold, these features are demonstrated with relatively intense fields.
A concept of polarization entanglement for continuous variables is introduced. For this purpose the Stokes-parameter operators and the associated Poincare sphere, which describe the quantum-optical polarization properties of light, are defined and their basic properties are reviewed. The general features of the Stokes operators are illustrated by evaluation of their means and variances for a range of simple polarization states. Some of the examples show polarization squeezing, in which the variances of one or more Stokes parameters are smaller than the coherent-state value. The main object of the paper is the application of these concepts to bright squeezed light. It is shown that a light beam formed by interference of two orthogonally polarized quadrature-squeezed beams exhibits squeezing in some of the Stokes parameters. Passage of such a primary polarization-squeezed beam through suitable optical components generates a pair of polarization-entangled light beams with the nature of a two-mode squeezed state. Implementation of these schemes using the double-fiber Sagnac interferometer provides an efficient method for the generation of bright nonclassical polarization states. The important advantage of these nonclassical polarization states for quantum communication is the possibility of experimentally determining all of the relevant conjugate variables of both squeezed and entangled fields using only linear optical elements followed by direct detection.