991 resultados para Ligas Al-Si


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A relação entre macroestrutura e propriedades mecânicas de um material tem sido objeto de intensa investigação pois o tamanho dos grãos, a orientação cristalina e a distribuição dos mesmos exercem influência direta no comportamento mecânico dos produtos acabados. Assim, o entendimento dos fatores que influenciam a formação das zonas estruturais coquilhada, colunar e equiaxial nos materiais fundidos como, por exemplo, o sistema de liga, composição da liga, temperatura de vazamento, temperatura do molde, material do molde, coeficientes de transferência de calor na interface metal/molde, taxa de resfriamento, gradientes térmicos, dimensão da peça, presença de convecção no líquido, transporte de soluto, etc é de fundamental importância para a melhoria da eficiência do processo de fundição envolvido. Com base no conhecimento dos princípios termofísicos em que essas zonas são formadas, é possível manipular de forma bastante razoável a estrutura dos produtos fundidos e, conseqüentemente, as propriedades mecânicas dos mesmos. Tendo como principal foco a análise da mudança da zona colunar para a equiaxial, este trabalho apresenta um estudo teórico-experimental sobre a transição colunar/equiaxial (TCE) das ligas hipoeutéticas Al- 3%Si, Al-7%Si Al-9%Si solidificadas unidirecionalmente em um dispositivo horizontal refrigerado a água sob condições transientes de fluxo de calor. A condição de contato térmico na superfície de extração de calor foi padronizada como sendo polida. Os perfis térmicos foram medidos em diferentes posições do lingote e os dados foram armazenados automaticamente. Um método numérico é utilizado na determinação de variáveis térmicas de solidificação como coeficientes de transferência de calor na interface metal/molde (hi), velocidades das isotermas liquidus (VL), gradientes térmicos (GL) e taxas de resfriamento (TR) que influenciam diretamente a referida transição estrutural. Os resultados teóricos e experimentais apresentaram boa concordância. Um estudo comparativo entre os resultados obtidos neste trabalho e valores propostos na literatura para analisar a TCE durante a solidificação unidirecional vertical ascendente sob condições transientes de extração de calor das ligas investigadas, também é apresentado.


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Experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of thermal parameters on the columnar to equiaxed transition during the horizontal unsteady-state directional solidification of Al-Si alloys. The parameters analyzed include the heat transfer coefficients, growth rates, cooling rates, temperature gradients and composition. A combined theoretical and experimental approach is developed to determine the solidification thermal variables considered. The increasing solute content in Al-Si alloys was not found to affect significantly the experimental position of the CET which occurred for cooling rates in the range between 0.35 and 0.64 K/s for any of three alloy compositions examined. A comparative analysis between the results of this work and those from the literature proposed to analyze the CET during upward vertical solidification of Al-Si alloys is reported and the results have shown that the end of the columnar region during horizontal directional solidification is abbreviated as a result of about six times higher thermal gradient than that verified during upward unidirectional solidification of alloys investigated.


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Este trabalho objetiva desenvolver uma análise da influência do Zr na modificação de características importantes em ligas de Al-EC-Si para aplicação como condutor de energia elétrica, almejando obter-se propriedades termorresistentes. Para a realização deste estudo, as ligas foram obtidas por fundição direta em lingoteira metálica em formato “U”, a partir do Al-EC, fixando-se na base o teor de 0,7% de Si, e em seguida, variando-se diferentes teores de Zr. Com o intuito de precipitar as partículas de segunda fase chamadas de dispersóides, que tem como principal característica a retenção da microestrutura deformada quando exposta a altas temperaturas, foi necessário submeter as ligas a um tratamento térmico de 310 ºC durante 24 horas afim de provocar o surgimento dos finos dispersóides de Al3Zr. Foram estabelecidas duas etapas para obtenção dos resultados: A ETAPA I composta da solidificação, usinagem e deformações obtidas com as ligas, gerando os fios que foram utilizados em todos os ensaios. A ETAPA II repete os mesmos procedimentos adotados na ETAPA I, porém é feito um tratamento térmico de 310ºC por 24 horas antes da deformação. A caracterização das amostras dos fios de cada liga quanto à termorresistividade, que obedeceu a exigência da COPEL (Companhia Paranaense de Energia), sendo submetidos à temperatura de 230 ºC por uma hora e foram feitos também tratamentos térmicos na temperatura de 310 e 390ºC, com a finalidade de se avaliar a estabilidade térmica das ligas estudadas. Verificou-se de maneira geral que teores crescentes de Zr provocam um refinamento de grão e aumentam o LRT e a estabilidade térmica da liga, tanto na ETAPA I quanto na ETAPA II. Foi observado ainda que na ETAPA I, a condutividade foi bastante afetada pelos teores de Zr, e que a inserção do tratamento térmico da ETAPA II melhorou a capacidade de conduzir energia elétrica na liga, particularmente para o diâmetro que sofreram maior deformação.


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The main purpose of this paper is to investigate both the columnar to equiaxed transition and primary dendritic arm spacings of Al-3wt.%Si alloy during the horizontal directional solidification. The transient heat transfer coefficient at the metal-mold interface is calculated based on comparisons between the experimental thermal profiles in castings and the simulations provided by a finite difference heat flow program. Simulated curve of the interfacial heat transfer coefficient was used in another numerical solidification model to determine theoretical values of tip growth rates, cooling rates and thermal gradients that are associated with both columnar to equiaxed transition and primary dendritic arm spacings. A good agreement was observed between the experimental values of these thermal variables and those numerically simulated for the alloy examined. A comparative analysis is carried out between the experimental data of this work and theoretical models from the literature that have been proposed to predict the primary dendritic spacings. In this context, this study may contribute to the understanding of how to manage solidification operational parameters aiming at designing the microstructure of Al-Si alloys.


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O principal objetivo desse trabalho é investigar a influência dos parâmetros térmicos velocidade de solidificação (VL) e taxa de resfriamento (TR), nos espaçamentos dendríticos primários (λ1) da liga hipoeutética Al-7%Si, durante a solidificação direcional horizontal, em regime transiente. Os valores de λ1 foram medidos ao longo do comprimento do lingote e correlacionados com esses parâmetros. A variação dos espaçamentos dendríticos estudados é expressa por meio de funções na forma de potência de VLe TRdadas, respectivamente, por λ1= 55(VL)-1.1e λ1= 212 (TR)-0.55. Um estudo comparativo é realizado entre os resultados encontrados nesse trabalho e aqueles obtidos para a mesma liga quando solidificada direcionalmente nos sistemas verticais ascendente e descendente, sob as mesmas condições assumidas. Finalmente, os resultados experimentais obtidos são comparados com valores fornecidos por alguns modelos teóricos propostos na literatura para analisar espaçamentos dendríticos primários.


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The subsurface deformation during dry sliding of Al-Si alloys is studied by fragmentation of silicon particles. The size of the fragmented particles does not vary with load. The depth of deformation is found to increase with increase in normal load. This experimental observation agrees with load-deformation depth characteristics obtained by a slip line field model.


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Controversy exists in the published literature as to the effect of silicon content and pressure on the dry sliding wear of Al---Si alloys. The present paper attempts to clarify the question by reporting a statistical analysis of data obtained from factorially designed experiments conducted on a pinon-disc machine in the pressure range 0.105–1.733 MPa and speed range 0.19–0.94 m s−1. Under these conditions it was found that, in the range 4–24 wt.% Si, wear of binary unmodified alloys does not significantly differ between the alloys. However, it is significantly less than that corresponding to an alloy containing no silicon. The effect of pressure on wear rate was found to be linear and monotonie and, over the narrow range of speeds used, the wear rate was found to be unaffected by speed. The coefficient of friction was found to be insensitive to variations in silicon content, pressure and speed.


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A pin-on-disc machine was used to wear Al-Si alloy pins under dry conditions. Unmodified and modified binary alloys and commercial multi-component alloys were tested. The surfaces of the worn alloys were examined by scanning electron microscopy to identify distinct topographical features to aid elucidation of the mechanisms of wear.


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Al-Si-graphite particle composite alloy pistons containing different percentages of about 80 μm uncoated graphite particles were successfully cast by foundry techniques. Tests with a 5 hp single-cylinder diesel engine show that Al-Si-graphite particle composite pistons can withstand an endurance test of 500 h without any apparent deterioration and do not seize during the running-in period. The use of the Al-Si-3% graphite particle composite piston also results in (a) up to 3% reduction in the specific fuel consumption, (b) considerable reduction in the wear of all four piston rings, (c) a reduction in piston wear, (d) a 9% reduction in the frictional horsepower losses of the engine as determined by the motoring test and (e) a slight increase in the exhaust gas temperature. These reductions (a)–(d) appear to be due to increased lubrication from the graphite particles which are smeared on the bearing surface, the higher damping capacity of the composite pistons and the reduced coefficient of thermal expansion of the composite pistons. Preliminary results indicate that aluminum-graphite particle composite alloy is a promising material for automotive pistons.


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Al-10.98 pct Si-4.9 pct Ni ternary eutectic alloy was unidirectionally solidified at growth rates from 1.39μm/sec to 6.95μm/sec. Binary Al-Ni and Al-Si eutectics prepared from the same purity metals were also solidified under similar conditions to characterize the growth conditions under the conditions of present study. NiAl3 phase appeared as fibers in the binary Al-Ni eutectic and silicon appeared as irregular plates in the binary Al-Si eutectic. However, in the ternary Al-Si-Ni eutectic alloy both NiAl3 and silicon phases appeared as irregular plates dispersed in α-Al phase, without any regular repctitive arrangement. The size and spacing of NiAl3 and Si platelets in cone shaped colonies decreased with an increase in the growth rate of the ternary eutectic. Examination of specimen quenched during unidirectional solidification indicated that the ternary eutectic grows with a non-planar interface with both Si and NiAl3 phases protruding into the liquid. It is concluded that it will be difficult to grow regular ternary eutectic structures even if only one phase has a high entropy of melting. The tensile strength and modulus of unidirectionally solidified Al-Si-Ni eutectic was lower than the chill cast alloys of the same composition, and decreased with a decrease in growth rate. Tensile modulus and strength of ternary Al-Si-Ni eutectic alloys was greater than binary Al-Si eutectic alloy under similar growth conditions, both in the chill cast and in unidirectionally solidified conditions.


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In this paper we report the mechanical alloying behaviour of elemental aluminium with diamond cubic elements Ge and Si. A metastable crystalline phase with rhombohedral crystal structure forms in Al-70 Ge-30 and Al-60 Ge-40 alloy compositions. The phase always coexists with elemental constituents and decomposes over a broad temperature range. No such metastable phase could be observed in the Al-Si system. We also report X-ray diffractometry and differential scanning calorimetry results suggestive of amorphization. Finally a comparison was made of the present result with that obtained in rapid solidification.


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Ceramic matrix composites of Al2O3-SiC-(Al,Si) have been fabricated by directed melt oxidation of aluminum alloys into SiC particulate preforms. The proportions of Al2O3, alloy, and porosity in the composite can be controlled by proper selection of SLC particle size and the processing temperature. The wear resistance of composites was evaluated in pin-on-disk experiments against a hard steel substrate. Minimum wear rate comparable to conventional ceramics such as ZTA is recorded for the composition containing the highest fraction of alloy, owing to the development of a thin and adherent tribofilm with a low coefficient of friction.