897 resultados para Lift Force
This paper presents the development of a prototype of a tubular linear induction motor applied to onshore oil exploitation, named MAT AE OS (which is the Portuguese acronym for Tubular Asynchronous Motor for Onshore Oil Exploitation). The function of this motor is to directly drive the sucker-rod pump installed in the down hole of the oil well. Considering the drawbacks and operational costs of the conventional oil extraction method, which is based on the walking beam and rod, string system, the developed prototype is intended to become a feasible alternative from both technical and economic points of view. At the present time, the MAT AE OS prototype is installed in a test bench at the Applied Electromagnetism Laboratory at the Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo. The complete testing system is controlled and supervised by special software, enabling good flexibility in operation, data acquisition, and performance analysis. The test results indicate that the motor develops a constant lift force along the pumping cycle, as shown by the measured dynamometric charts. Also, the evaluated electromechanical performance seems to be superior to that obtained by the traditional method. The system utilizing the MAT AE OS prototype allows the complete elimination of the rod string sets required by the conventional equipment, indicating that the new system may advantageously replace the surface mechanical components presently utilized.
The paper addresses the problem of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) modelling and parameter estimation as a means to predict the dynamic performance of underwater vehicles and thus provide solid guidelines during their design phase. The use of analytical and semi-empirical (ASE) methods to estimate the hydrodynamic derivatives of a popular class of AUVs is discussed. A comparison is done with the results obtained by using computational fluid dynamics to evaluate the bare hull lift force distribution around a fully submerged body. An application is made to the estimation of the hydrodynamic derivatives of the MAYA AUV, an autonomous underwater vehicle developed under a joint Indian-Portuguese project. The estimates obtained were used to predict the turning diameter of the vehicle during sea trials. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica Especialização em Concepção e Produção
Heat transfer effectiveness in nuclear rod bundles is of great importance to nuclear reactor safety and economics. An important design parameter is the Critical Heat Flux (CHF), which limits the transferred heat from the fuel to the coolant. The CHF is determined by flow behaviour, especially the turbulence created inside the fuel rod bundle. Adiabatic experiments can be used to characterize the flow behaviour separately from the heat transfer phenomena in diabatic flow. To enhance the turbulence, mixing vanes are attached to spacer grids, which hold the rods in place. The vanes either make the flow swirl around a single sub-channel or induce cross-mixing between adjacent sub-channels. In adiabatic two-phase conditions an important phenomenon that can be investigated is the effect of the spacer on canceling the lift force, which collects the small bubbles to the rod surfaces leading to decreased CHF in diabatic conditions and thus limits the reactor power. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can be used to simulate the flow numerically and to test how different spacer configurations affect the flow. Experimental data is needed to validate and verify the used CFD models. Especially the modeling of turbulence is challenging even for single-phase flow inside the complex sub-channel geometry. In two-phase flow other factors such as bubble dynamics further complicate the modeling. To investigate the spacer grid effect on two-phase flow, and to provide further experimental data for CFD validation, a series of experiments was run on an adiabatic sub-channel flow loop using a duct-type spacer grid with different configurations. Utilizing the wire-mesh sensor technology, the facility gives high resolution experimental data in both time and space. The experimental results indicate that the duct-type spacer grid is less effective in canceling the lift force effect than the egg-crate type spacer tested earlier.
Practically all extant work on flows over obstacle arrays, whether laboratory experiments or numerical modelling, is for cases where the oncoming wind is normal to salient faces of the obstacles. In the field, however, this is rarely the case. Here, simulations of flows at various directions over arrays of cubes representing typical urban canopy regions are presented and discussed. The computations are of both direct numerical simulation and large-eddy simulation type. Attention is concentrated on the differences in the mean flow within the canopy region arising from the different wind directions and the consequent effects on global properties such as the total surface drag, which can change very significantly—by up to a factor of three in some circumstances. It is shown that for a given Reynolds number the typical viscous forces are generally a rather larger fraction of the pressure forces (principally the drag) for non-normal than for normal wind directions and that, dependent on the surface morphology, the average flow direction deep within the canopy can be largely independent of the oncoming wind direction. Even for regular arrays of regular obstacles, a wind direction not normal to the obstacle faces can in general generate a lateral lift force (in the direction normal to the oncoming flow). The results demonstrate this and it is shown how computations in a finite domain with the oncoming flow generated by an appropriate forcing term (e.g. a pressure gradient) then lead inevitably to an oncoming wind direction aloft that is not aligned with the forcing term vector.
This work describes an optical device for the simultaneous recording of shadowgrams and schlieren images, and some results are presented concerning its applications to the study of plasma assisted flow control in airfoil models. This approach offers many advantages in comparison to other methods, specially because the use of tracer particles (like smoke in wind tunnels) is not required for the experiments, thus avoiding contaminations in the electric discharges or air flows. Besides, while schlieren images reveal the refractive index gradients in the area of study, shadowgrams detect the second order spatial derivatives of the refractive indexes. Therefore, the simultaneous recording of these different images may give interesting information about the phenomena under study. In this paper, these images were used to confirm the existence of vortex structures in the flow induced by corona discharges on airfoil models. These structures are a possible explanation for the effects of drag reduction and lift force increasing, which have been reported in experiments of plasma assisted Aerodynamics.
The role of wake stiffness on the wake-induced vibration of the downstream cylinder of a tandem pair
When a pair of tandem cylinders is immersed in a flow the downstream cylinder can be excited into wake-induced vibrations (WIV) due to the interaction with vortices coming from the upstream cylinder. Assi, Bearman & Meneghini ( J. Fluid Mech. , vol. 661, 2010, pp. 365–401) concluded that the WIV excitation mechanism has its origin in the unsteady vortex–structure interaction encountered by the cylinder as it oscillates across the wake. In the present paper we investigate how the cylinder responds to that excitation, characterising the amplitude and frequency of response and its dependency on other parameters of the system. We introduce the concept of wake stiffness , a fluid dynamic effect that can be associated, to a first approximation, with a linear spring with stiffness proportional to Re and to the steady lift force occurring for staggered cylinders. By a series of experiments with a cylinder mounted on a base without springs we verify that such wake stiffness is not only strong enough to sustain oscillatory motion, but can also dominate over the structural stiffness of the system. We conclude that while unsteady vortex–structure interactions provide the energy input to sustain the vibrations, it is the wake stiffness phenomenon that defines the character of the WIV response
In a crosswind scenario, the risk of high-speed trains overturning increases when they run on viaducts since the aerodynamic loads are higher than on the ground. In order to increase safety, vehicles are sheltered by fences that are installed on the viaduct to reduce the loads experienced by the train. Windbreaks can be designed to have different heights, and with or without eaves on the top. In this paper, a parametric study with a total of 12 fence designs was carried out using a two-dimensional model of a train standing on a viaduct. To asses the relative effectiveness of sheltering devices, tests were done in a wind tunnel with a scaled model at a Reynolds number of 1 × 105, and the train’s aerodynamic coefficients were measured. Experimental results were compared with those predicted by Unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) simulations of flow, showing that a computational model is able to satisfactorily predict the trend of the aerodynamic coefficients. In a second set of tests, the Reynolds number was increased to 12 × 106 (at a free flow air velocity of 30 m/s) in order to simulate strong wind conditions. The aerodynamic coefficients showed a similar trend for both Reynolds numbers; however, their numerical value changed enough to indicate that simulations at the lower Reynolds number do not provide all required information. Furthermore, the variation of coefficients in the simulations allowed an explanation of how fences modified the flow around the vehicle to be proposed. This made it clear why increasing fence height reduced all the coefficients but adding an eave had an effect mainly on the lift force coefficient. Finally, by analysing the time signals it was possible to clarify the influence of the Reynolds number on the peak-to-peak amplitude, the time period and the Strouhal number.
In cold-chamber high-pressure die castings (HPDC), the microstructure consists of coarse externally solidified crystals (ESCs) that are commonly observed in the central region of cross sections. In the present work, controlled laboratory scale casting experiments have been conducted with particular emphasis on the flow and solidification conditions. An A356 aluminum alloy was used to produce castings by pouring semi-solid metal through a steel die. Microstructures similar to those encountered in HPDC have been produced and the resulting microstructure is found to depend on the melt and die temperature: (1) the fraction of ESCs determines the extent of migration to the central region; (2) a maximum packing determines the area fraction of ESCs in the center; and (3) the die temperature affects the position of the ESCs-a higher die temperature can induce a displaced ESC distribution. It is found that the n-figration of crystals to the central region requires a flow, which is constrained at all melt/die interfaces. Furthermore, potential lift mechanisms are discussed. An assessment of the Saffman lift force on individual particles shows it has no significant effect on the migration of ESCs.
A force balance system for measuring lift, thrust and pitching moment has been used to measure the performance of fueled scramjet-powered vehicle in the T4 Shock Tunnel at The University of Queensland. Detailed measurements have been made of the effects of different fuel flow rates corresponding to equivalence ratios between 0.0 and 1.5. For proposed scramjet-powered vehicles, the fore-body of the vehicle acts as part of the inlet to the engine and the aft-body acts as the thrust surface for the engine. This type of engine-integrated design leads to a strong coupling between the performance of the engine and the lift and trim characteristics of the vehicle. The measurements show that the lift force increased by approximately 50% and centre-of-pressure changed by approximately 10% of the chord of the vehicle when the equivalence ratio varied from 0.0 to 1.0. The results demonstrate the importance of engine performance to the overall aerodynamic characteristics of engine-integrated scramjet vehicles and that such characteristics can be measured in a shock tunnel.
The increasing nationwide interest in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and the need for more efficient transportation have led to the expanding use of variable message sign (VMS) technology. VMS panels are substantially heavier than flat panel aluminum signs and have a larger depth (dimension parallel to the direction of traffic). The additional weight and depth can have a significant effect on the aerodynamic forces and inertial loads transmitted to the support structure. The wind induced drag forces and the response of VMS structures is not well understood. Minimum design requirements for VMS structures are contained in the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials Standard Specification for Structural Support for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals (AASHTO Specification). However the Specification does not take into account the prismatic geometry of VMS and the complex interaction of the applied aerodynamic forces to the support structure. In view of the lack of code guidance and the limited number research performed so far, targeted experimentation and large scale testing was conducted at the Florida International University (FIU) Wall of Wind (WOW) to provide reliable drag coefficients and investigate the aerodynamic instability of VMS. A comprehensive range of VMS geometries was tested in turbulence representative of the high frequency end of the spectrum in a simulated suburban atmospheric boundary layer. The mean normal, lateral and vertical lift force coefficients, in addition to the twisting moment coefficient and eccentricity ratio, were determined using the measured data for each model. Wind tunnel testing confirmed that drag on a prismatic VMS is smaller than the 1.7 suggested value in the current AASHTO Specification (2013). An alternative to the AASHTO Specification code value is presented in the form of a design matrix. Testing and analysis also indicated that vortex shedding oscillations and galloping instability could be significant for VMS signs with a large depth ratio attached to a structure with a low natural frequency. The effect of corner modification was investigated by testing models with chamfered and rounded corners. Results demonstrated an additional decrease in the drag coefficient but a possible Reynolds number dependency for the rounded corner configuration.
Understanding the dynamics of blood cells is a crucial element to discover biological mechanisms, to develop new efficient drugs, design sophisticated microfluidic devices, for diagnostics. In this work, we focus on the dynamics of red blood cells in microvascular flow. Microvascular blood flow resistance has a strong impact on cardiovascular function and tissue perfusion. The flow resistance in microcirculation is governed by flow behavior of blood through a complex network of vessels, where the distribution of red blood cells across vessel cross-sections may be significantly distorted at vessel bifurcations and junctions. We investigate the development of blood flow and its resistance starting from a dispersed configuration of red blood cells in simulations for different hematocrits, flow rates, vessel diameters, and aggregation interactions between red blood cells. Initially dispersed red blood cells migrate toward the vessel center leading to the formation of a cell-free layer near the wall and to a decrease of the flow resistance. The development of cell-free layer appears to be nearly universal when scaled with a characteristic shear rate of the flow, which allows an estimation of the length of a vessel required for full flow development, $l_c \approx 25D$, with vessel diameter $D$. Thus, the potential effect of red blood cell dispersion at vessel bifurcations and junctions on the flow resistance may be significant in vessels which are shorter or comparable to the length $l_c$. The presence of aggregation interactions between red blood cells lead in general to a reduction of blood flow resistance. The development of the cell-free layer thickness looks similar for both cases with and without aggregation interactions. Although, attractive interactions result in a larger cell-free layer plateau values. However, because the aggregation forces are short-ranged at high enough shear rates ($\bar{\dot{\gamma}} \gtrsim 50~\text{s}^{-1}$) aggregation of red blood cells does not bring a significant change to the blood flow properties. Also, we develop a simple theoretical model which is able to describe the converged cell-free-layer thickness with respect to flow rate assuming steady-state flow. The model is based on the balance between a lift force on red blood cells due to cell-wall hydrodynamic interactions and shear-induced effective pressure due to cell-cell interactions in flow. We expect that these results can also be used to better understand the flow behavior of other suspensions of deformable particles such as vesicles, capsules, and cells. Finally, we investigate segregation phenomena in blood as a two-component suspension under Poiseuille flow, consisting of red blood cells and target cells. The spatial distribution of particles in blood flow is very important. For example, in case of nanoparticle drug delivery, the particles need to come closer to microvessel walls, in order to adhere and bring the drug to a target position within the microvasculature. Here we consider that segregation can be described as a competition between shear-induced diffusion and the lift force that pushes every soft particle in a flow away from the wall. In order to investigate the segregation, on one hand, we have 2D DPD simulations of red blood cells and target cell of different sizes, on the other hand the Fokker-Planck equation for steady state. For the equation we measure force profile, particle distribution and diffusion constant across the channel. We compare simulation results with those from the Fokker-Planck equation and find a very good correspondence between the two approaches. Moreover, we investigate the diffusion behavior of target particles for different hematocrit values and shear rates. Our simulation results indicate that diffusion constant increases with increasing hematocrit and depends linearly on shear rate. The third part of the study describes development of a simulation model of complex vascular geometries. The development of the model is important to reproduce vascular systems of small pieces of tissues which might be gotten from MRI or microscope images. The simulation model of the complex vascular systems might be divided into three parts: modeling the geometry, developing in- and outflow boundary conditions, and simulation domain decomposition for an efficient computation. We have found that for the in- and outflow boundary conditions it is better to use the SDPD fluid than DPD one because of the density fluctuations along the channel of the latter. During the flow in a straight channel, it is difficult to control the density of the DPD fluid. However, the SDPD fluid has not that shortcoming even in more complex channels with many branches and in- and outflows because the force acting on particles is calculated also depending on the local density of the fluid.
Drilling fluid`s contact with the productive zone of horizontal or complex wells can reduce well productivity by fluid invasion in the borehole wall. Salted drilling drill-in fluid containing polymers has often been applied in horizontal or complex petroleum wells in the poorly consolidated sandstone reservoirs of the Campos basin, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This fluid usually consists of natural polymers such as starch and xanthan gum, which are deposited as a filter cake on the wellbore wall during the drilling. Therefore, the identification of a lift-off mechanism failure, which can be detachment or blistering and pinholing, will enable formulation improvements. increasing the chances of success during filter cake removal in open hole operations. Likewise, knowledge of drill-in drilling fluid adsorption/desorption onto sand can help understand the filter cake-rock adhesion mechanism and consequently filter cake lift-off mechanism failures. The present study aimed to identify the lift-off failure mechanism for this type of fluid filter cake studying adsorption/desorption onto SiO(2) using solutions of natural polymers, lubricants, besides the fluid itself. Ellipsometry was employed to measure this process. The adsorption/desorption studies showed that the adsorbed layer of drilling fluid onto the walls of the rock pores is made up of clusters of polymers, linked by hydrogen bonds, which results in a force of lower cohesion compared to the electrostatic interaction between silica and polymers. Consequently, it was found that the most probable filter cake failure mechanism is rupture (blistering and pinholing), which results in the formation of ducts within the filter cake. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The goal of the present work is to analyze space missions that use the terrestrial atmosphere to accomplish orbital maneuvers that involve a plane change. A set of analytical solutions is presented for the variation of the orbital elements due to a single passage through the atmosphere, assuming that the interval the spacecraft travels through the atmosphere is not too large. The study considers both the lift influence on the spacecraft orbit as well as drag. The final equations are tested with numerical integration and can be considered in accordance with the numerical results whenever the perigee height is larger than a critical value. Next, a numerical study of the ratio between the velocity increment required to correct the semimajor axis decay due to the atmospheric passage and the velocity variation required to obtain the change in the inclination is also presented. This analysis can be used to decide if a maneuver passing through the atmosphere can decrease the fuel consumption of the mission and, in the cases where this technique can be used, if a multiple passage is more efficient than a single passage.
Ligament balancing in total knee arthroplasty may have an important influence on joint stability and prosthesis lifetime. In order to provide quantitative information and assistance during ligament balancing, a device that intraoperatively measures knee joint forces and moments was developed. Its performance and surgical advantages were evaluated on six cadaver specimens mounted on a knee joint loading apparatus allowing unconstrained knee motion as well as compression and varus-valgus loading. Four different experiments were performed on each specimen. (1) Knee joints were axially loaded. Comparison between applied and measured compressive forces demonstrated the accuracy and reliability of in situ measurements (1.8N). (2) Assessment of knee stability based on condyle contact forces or varus-valgus moments were compared to the current surgical method (difference of varus-valgus loads causing condyle lift-off). The force-based approach was equivalent to the surgical method while the moment-based, which is considered optimal, showed a tendency of lateral imbalance. (3) To estimate the importance of keeping the patella in its anatomical position during imbalance assessment, the effect of patellar eversion on the mediolateral distribution of tibiofemoral contact forces was measured. One fourth of the contact force induced by the patellar load was shifted to the lateral compartment. (4) The effect of minor and major medial collateral ligament releases was biomechanically quantified. On average, the medial contact force was reduced by 20% and 46%, respectively. Large variation among specimens reflected the difficulty of ligament release and the need for intraoperative force monitoring. This series of experiments thus demonstrated the device's potential to improve ligament balancing and survivorship of total knee arthroplasty.