893 resultados para Lie algebras of vector fields
In [19], [24] we introduced a family of self-similar nil Lie algebras L over fields of prime characteristic p > 0 whose properties resemble those of Grigorchuk and Gupta-Sidki groups. The Lie algebra L is generated by two derivations v(1) = partial derivative(1) + t(0)(p-1) (partial derivative(2) + t(1)(p-1) (partial derivative(3) + t(2)(p-1) (partial derivative(4) + t(3)(p-1) (partial derivative(5) + t(4)(p-1) (partial derivative(6) + ...))))), v(2) = partial derivative(2) + t(1)(p-1) (partial derivative(3) + t(2)(p-1) (partial derivative(4) + t(3)(p-1) (partial derivative(5) + t(4)(p-1) (partial derivative(6) + ...)))) of the truncated polynomial ring K[t(i), i is an element of N vertical bar t(j)(p) =0, i is an element of N] in countably many variables. The associative algebra A generated by v(1), v(2) is equipped with a natural Z circle plus Z-gradation. In this paper we show that for p, which is not representable as p = m(2) + m + 1, m is an element of Z, the algebra A is graded nil and can be represented as a sum of two locally nilpotent subalgebras. L. Bartholdi [3] andYa. S. Krylyuk [15] proved that for p = m(2) + m + 1 the algebra A is not graded nil. However, we show that the second family of self-similar Lie algebras introduced in [24] and their associative hulls are always Z(p)-graded, graded nil, and are sums of two locally nilpotent subalgebras.
We present a "boundary version" for theorems about minimality of volume and energy functionals on a spherical domain of an odd-dimensional Euclidean sphere.
Generalizing Petrogradsky`s construction, we give examples of infinite-dimensional nil Lie algebras of finite Gelfand-Kirillov dimension over any field of positive characteristic.
We study a class of quadratic reversible polynomial vector fields on S-2. We classify all the centers of this class of vector fields and we characterize its global phase portrait. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Singular perturbations problems in dimension three which are approximations of discontinuous vector fields are studied in this paper. The main result states that the regularization process developed by Sotomayor and Teixeira produces a singular problem for which the discontinuous set is a center manifold. Moreover, the definition of' sliding vector field coincides with the reduced problem of the corresponding singular problem for a class of vector fields.
La tesi è dedicata allo studio delle rappresentazioni delle algebre di Lie semisemplici su un campo algebricamente chiuso di caratteristica zero. Mediante il teorema di Weyl sulla completa riducibilità, ogni rappresentazione di dimensione finita di una algebra di Lie semisemplice è scrivibile come somma diretta di sottorappresentazioni irriducibili. Questo permette di poter concentrare l'attenzione sullo studio delle rappresentazioni irriducibili. Inoltre, mediante il ricorso all'algebra inviluppante universale si ottiene che ogni rappresentazione irriducibile è una rappresentazione di peso più alto. Perciò è naturale chiedersi quando una rappresentazione di peso più alto sia di dimensione finita ottenendo che condizione necessaria e sufficiente perché una rappresentazione di peso più alto sia di dimensione finita è che il peso più alto sia dominante. Immediata è quindi l'applicazione della teoria delle rappresentazioni delle algebre di Lie semisemplici nello studio delle superalgebre di Lie, in quanto costituite da un'algebra di Lie e da una sua rappresentazione, dove viene utilizzata la tecnica della Z-graduazione che viene utilizzata per la prima volta da Victor Kac nello studio delle algebre di Lie di dimensione infinita nell'articolo ''Simple irreducible graded Lie algebras of finite growth'' del 1968.
Visualization of vector fields plays an important role in research activities nowadays -- Web applications allow a fast, multi-platform and multi-device access to data, which results in the need of optimized applications to be implemented in both high-performance and low-performance devices -- Point trajectory calculation procedures usually perform repeated calculations due to the fact that several points might lie over the same trajectory -- This paper presents a new methodology to calculate point trajectories over highly-dense and uniformly-distributed grid of points in which the trajectories are forced to lie over the points in the grid -- Its advantages rely on a highly parallel computing architecture implementation and in the reduction of the computational effort to calculate the stream paths since unnecessary calculations are avoided, reusing data through iterations -- As case study, the visualization of oceanic currents through in the web platform is presented and analyzed, using WebGL as the parallel computing architecture and the rendering Application Programming Interface
The structural stability of vector fields with impasse regular curves on S2 is studied and a version of Peixoto's Theorem is established. Moreover a global analysis of normal forms of the constrained systems. A(x).ẋ=F(x),x∈R3,A∈M(3),F:R3→R3 in the Poincaré ball (i.e. in the compactification of R3 with the sphere S2 of the infinity) is made. © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS.
This thesis presents general methods in non-Gaussian analysis in infinite dimensional spaces. As main applications we study Poisson and compound Poisson spaces. Given a probability measure μ on a co-nuclear space, we develop an abstract theory based on the generalized Appell systems which are bi-orthogonal. We study its properties as well as the generated Gelfand triples. As an example we consider the important case of Poisson measures. The product and Wick calculus are developed on this context. We provide formulas for the change of the generalized Appell system under a transformation of the measure. The L² structure for the Poisson measure, compound Poisson and Gamma measures are elaborated. We exhibit the chaos decomposition using the Fock isomorphism. We obtain the representation of the creation, annihilation operators. We construct two types of differential geometry on the configuration space over a differentiable manifold. These two geometries are related through the Dirichlet forms for Poisson measures as well as for its perturbations. Finally, we construct the internal geometry on the compound configurations space. In particular, the intrinsic gradient, the divergence and the Laplace-Beltrami operator. As a result, we may define the Dirichlet forms which are associated to a diffusion process. Consequently, we obtain the representation of the Lie algebra of vector fields with compact support. All these results extends directly for the marked Poisson spaces.
Following the seminal work of Zhuang, connected Hopf algebras of finite GK-dimension over algebraically closed fields of characteristic zero have been the subject of several recent papers. This thesis is concerned with continuing this line of research and promoting connected Hopf algebras as a natural, intricate and interesting class of algebras. We begin by discussing the theory of connected Hopf algebras which are either commutative or cocommutative, and then proceed to review the modern theory of arbitrary connected Hopf algebras of finite GK-dimension initiated by Zhuang. We next focus on the (left) coideal subalgebras of connected Hopf algebras of finite GK-dimension. They are shown to be deformations of commutative polynomial algebras. A number of homological properties follow immediately from this fact. Further properties are described, examples are considered and invariants are constructed. A connected Hopf algebra is said to be "primitively thick" if the difference between its GK-dimension and the vector-space dimension of its primitive space is precisely one . Building on the results of Wang, Zhang and Zhuang,, we describe a method of constructing such a Hopf algebra, and as a result obtain a host of new examples of such objects. Moreover, we prove that such a Hopf algebra can never be isomorphic to the enveloping algebra of a semisimple Lie algebra, nor can a semisimple Lie algebra appear as its primitive space. It has been asked in the literature whether connected Hopf algebras of finite GK-dimension are always isomorphic as algebras to enveloping algebras of Lie algebras. We provide a negative answer to this question by constructing a counterexample of GK-dimension 5. Substantial progress was made in determining the order of the antipode of a finite dimensional pointed Hopf algebra by Taft and Wilson in the 1970s. Our final main result is to show that the proof of their result can be generalised to give an analogous result for arbitrary pointed Hopf algebras.
A general derivation of the coupling constant relations which result on embedding a non-simple group like SU L (2) @ U(1) in a larger simple group (or graded Lie group) is given. It is shown that such relations depend only on the requirement (i) that the multiplet of vector fields form an irreducible representation of the unifying algebra and (ii) the transformation properties of the fermions under SU L (2). This point is illustrated in two ways, one by constructing two different unification groups containing the same fermions and therefore have same Weinberg angle; the other by putting different SU L (2) structures on the same fermions and consequently have different Weinberg angles. In particular the value sin~0=3/8 is characteristic of the sequential doublet models or models which invoke a large number of additional leptons like E 6, while addition of extra charged fermion singlets can reduce the value of sin ~ 0 to 1/4. We point out that at the present time the models of grand unification are far from unique.
For a n-dimensional vector fields preserving some n-form, the following conclusion is reached by the method of Lie group. That is, if it admits an one-parameter, n-form preserving symmetry group, a transformation independent of the vector field is constructed explicitly, which can reduce not only dimesion of the vector field by one, but also make the reduced vector field preserve the corresponding ( n - 1)-form. In partic ular, while n = 3, an important result can be directly got which is given by Me,ie and Wiggins in 1994.
We have developed a novel human facial tracking system that operates in real time at a video frame rate without needing any special hardware. The approach is based on the use of Lie algebra, and uses three-dimensional feature points on the targeted human face. It is assumed that the roughly estimated facial model (relative coordinates of the three-dimensional feature points) is known. First, the initial feature positions of the face are determined using a model fitting technique. Then, the tracking is operated by the following sequence: (1) capture the new video frame and render feature points to the image plane; (2) search for new positions of the feature points on the image plane; (3) get the Euclidean matrix from the moving vector and the three-dimensional information for the points; and (4) rotate and translate the feature points by using the Euclidean matrix, and render the new points on the image plane. The key algorithm of this tracker is to estimate the Euclidean matrix by using a least square technique based on Lie algebra. The resulting tracker performed very well on the task of tracking a human face.