118 resultados para Libras


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The process of inclusion of deaf students at regular and specialized educational institution is a complex issue, which has the main point of discussion its specificity linguistic represented by Brazilian Sign Language. Whereupon, this research analyzed how the discourses of young students with deafness on this type of education at regular and specialized educational institution from a city situated in the State of São Paulo. The aim of this study was analyze the relations between the discourses of deaf students and their production conditionals, using the dimension of Discourse Analysis and the historical-cultural psychology. As parts of this research, were used four deaf students enrolled in schools belong in the city of São Paulo, which two schools are regular and two are specialized to deaf people. The collection instruments build themselves in observation of dialogue situations in classroom and interview semistructured. The interviews were made by video recording, researcher and an interpreter. The results showed that discourse of the student enrolled in the specialized school differs in relation to the ideals of bilingual education, in this case defended by users of the Brazilian Sign Language, fact not observed in the context of the regular school.


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Brazilian Sign Language signature in the pedagogy courses curricula. In 2002, the Law nº 10.436 was published determining the obligation of offering the Brazilian Signal Language (Libras) signature in all teaching graduation courses. Considering this measure, it was searched to characterize how the public Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the States of Paraná and São Paulo are organizing the signature in Pedagogy courses. The curriculum analysis developed showed that most of the public HEI’s in the State of Paraná provides its inclusion, while in the State of São Paulo the estimate is 60%. Most of the syllabus covers topics including deaf students, deaf culture and Libras linguistic aspects.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a systematic teaching of relation between printed words and Brazilian Sign Language on the emergence of reading in one child with deafness, user of Brazilian Sign Language, diagnosed with deafness bi-lateral deep user of hearing, with 9 years and 4 months of age, enrolled in 4th year elementary school. Baseline evaluation selected nine words and their signs and figures to compose the teaching steps and tests that consisted of: (a) relationship between a sign and figure teaching, (b) the relationship between sign and printed word, (c) test of relationship between figure and the printed word and its symmetric (d) test signal in front of picture and the printed word. The participant learned the relationship between sign, figure and printed word and demonstrated reading. This procedure was effective for the participant to emit signals, verbally agreed with the community of Libras in front of textual stimuli, which is characterized as reading.


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The use of Brazilian Sign Language (BSL) in the education of deaf people is guaranteed by Brazilian laws, but its adoption in educational policies requires an adjustment in terms of stimulus and response modalities. This study aimed at characterizing reading and writing performances of four deaf students who are BSL users and are in early literacy phases. The assessment was performed through selection tasks – signaling and writing – using an evaluation and teaching procedure that is usually adopted with hearing children. The results replicated data that has been documented in hearing children: performance was satisfactory in copying and identity matching tasks among pictures and graphic stimulus; performance was lower in reading and dictation tasks. Data show that investment targets regarding reading and writing teaching conditions programming require adjustments that are more related to the communication modality than to the teaching procedures.


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The present work discusses the Physics education for deaf students, including the formation of the Physics education professional, the specialized educational service and the participation of translators and interpreters of the Sign Language in this process. We analyzed qualitatively the national policy for specialized education in the inclusive vision, legislation and national opinion related to the teaching profession in Physics. Using documentations, it was possible to identify the limitations and contradictions related to specialized educational service and the teaching and learning process in Physics.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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OBJETIVO: Verificar a influência de dois tipos de estímulos visuais na produção escrita de surdos sinalizadores com queixas de alterações na escrita. MÉTODOS: Participaram 13 estudantes surdos sinalizadores com queixas de alterações na escrita, sendo sete do gênero masculino e seis do feminino. A média de idade foi de 13 anos, e os sujeitos apresentavam perda auditiva neurossensorial de grau severo ou profundo (pior que 71 dBNA na média das frequências de 500 Hz, 1 e 2 kHz). A escolaridade dos participantes variou de 3ª à 8ª séries do Ensino Fundamental de escolas pública e particular. Os surdos foram avaliados quanto ao desempenho em LIBRAS e realizaram produções escritas com base em estímulos visuais de uma figura de ação e de figuras em sequência, as quais foram analisadas segundo critérios adaptados de acordo com a Teoria das Competências Comunicativas (Genérica, Enciclopédica e Línguística). Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente. RESULTADOS: Em relação à Competência Genérica, a tipologia do discurso predominante foi a Narração. Quanto às competências Enciclopédica e Linguística, ambas se mostraram prejudicadas independente dos estímulos apresentados. CONCLUSÃO: Os dois tipos de estímulos visuais estudados não propiciaram produções escritas diferenciadas nos surdos sinalizadores com queixas de alterações na escrita.


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O implante coclear (IC) tem sido indicado para crianças deficientes auditivas de grau severo e/ou profundo que não tem benefício com o aparelho de amplificação sonora individual (AASI), e que apresentem família adequada e motivada para o uso do dispositivo, bem como condições adequadas de reabilitação na cidade de origem. Atualmente, a procura pelo IC também ocorre por pais surdos, fluentes na Língua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS), que recorrem a este tratamento para oferecer outra realidade para seus filhos. O ambiente destas crianças é bilíngue, dado pela LIBRAS dos pais e pela linguagem oral dos familiares próximos, do fonoaudiólogo e da escola. Neste sentido, o presente estudo visou acompanhar quatro crianças deficientes auditivas implantadas, sendo duas crianças filhas de pais deficientes auditivos fluentes na LIBRAS (expostas a ambiente bilíngue) e duas crianças filhas de pais sem alterações auditivas (expostas a ambiente oral). Para tanto, as habilidades de audição e de aquisição da linguagem oral foram comparadas nas quatro crianças implantadas. Foi possível observar que as quatro crianças apresentaram habilidades auditivas e de linguagem semelhantes ao longo do primeiro ano de uso do IC. Contudo, a partir disto, as crianças inseridas em ambiente bilíngue apresentaram melhor desempenho auditivo e linguístico, comparado ao desenvolvimento das outras crianças. As crianças inseridas em ambiente bilíngue podem se beneficiar do IC, desenvolvendo habilidades auditivas e de linguagem similares às das crianças inseridas em ambiente oral. Ressalta-se que os benefícios do dispositivo são obtidos a partir de aspectos multifatoriais, e estudos mais aprofundados são necessários.


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PURPOSE: To verify the interference of visual stimuli in written production of deaf signers with no complaints regarding reading and writing. METHODS: The research group consisted of 12 students with education between the 4th and 5th grade of elementary school, with severe or profound sensorineural hearing loss, users of LIBRAS and with alphabetical writing level. The evaluation was performed with pictures in a logical sequence and an action picture. The analysis used the communicative competence criteria. RESULTS: There were no differences in the writing production of the subjects for both stimuli. In all texts there was no title and punctuation, verbs were in the infinitive mode, there was lack of cohesive links and inclusion of created words. CONCLUSION: The different visual stimuli did not affect the production of texts.


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Alcance y contenido: Copia ms. de las claúsulas testamentarias que se añaden en 1669, al testamento de Francisco Oller Pagés, parroquiano de S. Iscle de Vallalta (obispado de Gerona), que en principio se redactó y firmó en 1665, constituyendo como marmesor a Jacinto March presbitero y vicario de dicha parroquia, legando 260 libras para el descanso de su alma y otras cantidades a su mujer y sus dos hermanas.


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Notificación a los jurados y universidad de Covet de las 4 libras y 1 hombre en el repartimiento que les ha correspondido del Consell del Batalló


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Expediente que contiene: Una carta de los tres Estamentos del Reino a la Villa de Montesa dando cuenta de los sucesos acaecidos en la Villa de Paiporta y otra poblaciones pidiéndoles una contribución de 48 libras para la formación de una milicia para combatir el bandolerismo, con un sello de placa ovalado dels Estaments de les Corts Valencianes ; Dos instrucciones del Conde de Oropesa para la apertura de las ordenes dadas por él ; Tres actas manuscritas del notario de la villa de Montesa, Miguel Requena, dando fé de la lectura de las dos instrucciones y una orden (no incluida) recibidas ; Orden Real dada en su lugar por Don Duarte Fernando ... Conde de Oropesa ... Virrey y Capitan General del Reyno de Valencia para prender a todos los maleantes y tomar medidas para su captura en el Reino de Valencia, con sello de placa romboidal del Conde de Oropesa


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En v. de h. 1 : "Capitulos que por parte de la Ciudad de Valencia, se proponen a su Magestad... de los censales... en suma de duzientas mil libras... por las


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Sign. : G2 (la h. G2 en blanco)