954 resultados para Liapunov convexity theorem


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We generalize the Liapunov convexity theorem's version for vectorial control systems driven by linear ODEs of first-order p = 1 , in any dimension d ∈ N , by including a pointwise state-constraint. More precisely, given a x ‾ ( ⋅ ) ∈ W p , 1 ( [ a , b ] , R d ) solving the convexified p-th order differential inclusion L p x ‾ ( t ) ∈ co { u 0 ( t ) , u 1 ( t ) , … , u m ( t ) } a.e., consider the general problem consisting in finding bang-bang solutions (i.e. L p x ˆ ( t ) ∈ { u 0 ( t ) , u 1 ( t ) , … , u m ( t ) } a.e.) under the same boundary-data, x ˆ ( k ) ( a ) = x ‾ ( k ) ( a ) & x ˆ ( k ) ( b ) = x ‾ ( k ) ( b ) ( k = 0 , 1 , … , p − 1 ); but restricted, moreover, by a pointwise state constraint of the type 〈 x ˆ ( t ) , ω 〉 ≤ 〈 x ‾ ( t ) , ω 〉 ∀ t ∈ [ a , b ] (e.g. ω = ( 1 , 0 , … , 0 ) yielding x ˆ 1 ( t ) ≤ x ‾ 1 ( t ) ). Previous results in the scalar d = 1 case were the pioneering Amar & Cellina paper (dealing with L p x ( ⋅ ) = x ′ ( ⋅ ) ), followed by Cerf & Mariconda results, who solved the general case of linear differential operators L p of order p ≥ 2 with C 0 ( [ a , b ] ) -coefficients. This paper is dedicated to: focus on the missing case p = 1 , i.e. using L p x ( ⋅ ) = x ′ ( ⋅ ) + A ( ⋅ ) x ( ⋅ ) ; generalize the dimension of x ( ⋅ ) , from the scalar case d = 1 to the vectorial d ∈ N case; weaken the coefficients, from continuous to integrable, so that A ( ⋅ ) now becomes a d × d -integrable matrix; and allow the directional vector ω to become a moving AC function ω ( ⋅ ) . Previous vectorial results had constant ω, no matrix (i.e. A ( ⋅ ) ≡ 0 ) and considered: constant control-vertices (Amar & Mariconda) and, more recently, integrable control-vertices (ourselves).


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We study the existence of periodic solutions in the neighbourhood of symmetric (partially) elliptic equilibria in purely reversible Hamiltonian vector fields. These are Hamiltonian vector fields with an involutory reversing symmetry R. We contrast the cases where R acts symplectically and anti-symplectically. In case R acts anti-symplectically, generically purely imaginary eigenvalues are isolated, and the equilibrium is contained in a local two-dimensional invariant manifold containing symmetric periodic solutions encircling the equilibrium point. In case R acts symplectically, generically purely imaginary eigenvalues are doubly degenerate, and the equilibrium is contained in two two-dimensional invariant manifolds containing nonsymmetric periodic solutions encircling the equilibrium point. In addition, there exists a three-dimensional invariant surface containing a two-parameter family of symmetric periodic solutions.


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It is proved that a Banach space X has the Lyapunov property if its subspace Y and the quotient space X/Y have it.


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Ce mémoire porte sur quelques notions appropriées d'actions de groupe sur les variétés symplectiques, à savoir en ordre décroissant de généralité : les actions symplectiques, les actions faiblement hamiltoniennes et les actions hamiltoniennes. Une connaissance des actions de groupes et de la géométrie symplectique étant prérequise, deux chapitres sont consacrés à des présentations élémentaires de ces sujets. Le cas des actions hamiltoniennes est étudié en détail au quatrième chapitre : l'importante application moment y est définie et plusieurs résultats concernant les orbites de la représentation coadjointe, tels que les théorèmes de Kirillov et de Kostant-Souriau, y sont démontrés. Le dernier chapitre se concentre sur les actions hamiltoniennes des tores, l'objectif étant de démontrer le théorème de convexité d'Atiyha-Guillemin-Sternberg. Une discussion d'un théorème de classification de Delzant-Laudenbach est aussi donnée. La présentation se voulant une introduction assez exhaustive à la théorie des actions hamiltoniennes, presque tous les résultats énoncés sont accompagnés de preuves complètes. Divers exemples sont étudiés afin d'aider à bien comprendre les aspects plus subtils qui sont considérés. Plusieurs sujets connexes sont abordés, dont la préquantification géométrique et la réduction de Marsden-Weinstein.


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It is shown that, for a sufficiently large value of β, two-dimensional flow on a doubly-periodic beta-plane cannot be ergodic (phase-space filling) on the phase-space surface of constant energy and enstrophy. A corresponding result holds for flow on the surface of a rotating sphere, for a sufficiently rapid rotation rate Ω. This implies that the higher-order, non-quadratic invariants are exerting a significant influence on the statistical evolution of the flow. The proof relies on the existence of a finite-amplitude Liapunov stability theorem for zonally symmetric basic states with a non-vanishing absolute-vorticity gradient. When the domain size is much larger than the size of a typical eddy, then a sufficient condition for non-ergodicity is that the wave steepness ε < 1, where ε = 2[surd radical]2Z/βU in the planar case and $\epsilon = 2^{\frac{1}{4}} a^{\frac{5}{2}}Z^{\frac{7}{4}}/\Omega U^{\frac{5}{2}}$ in the spherical case, and where Z is the enstrophy, U the r.m.s. velocity, and a the radius of the sphere. This result may help to explain why numerical simulations of unforced beta-plane turbulence (in which ε decreases in time) seem to evolve into a non-ergodic regime at large scales.


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The problem of symmetric stability is examined within the context of the direct Liapunov method. The sufficient conditions for stability derived by Fjørtoft are shown to imply finite-amplitude, normed stability. This finite-amplitude stability theorem is then used to obtain rigorous upper bounds on the saturation amplitude of disturbances to symmetrically unstable flows.By employing a virial functional, the necessary conditions for instability implied by the stability theorem are shown to be in fact sufficient for instability. The results of Ooyama are improved upon insofar as a tight two-sided (upper and lower) estimate is obtained of the growth rate of (modal or nonmodal) symmetric instabilities.The case of moist adiabatic systems is also considered.


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Several works in the shopping-time and in the human-capital literature, due to the nonconcavity of the underlying Hamiltonian, use Örst-order conditions in dynamic optimization to characterize necessity, but not su¢ ciency, in intertemporal problems. In this work I choose one paper in each one of these two areas and show that optimality can be characterized by means of a simple aplication of Arrowís (1968) su¢ ciency theorem.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE


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This paper analyzes concepts of independence and assumptions of convexity in the theory of sets of probability distributions. The starting point is Kyburg and Pittarelli's discussion of "convex Bayesianism" (in particular their proposals concerning E-admissibility, independence, and convexity). The paper offers an organized review of the literature on independence for sets of probability distributions; new results on graphoid properties and on the justification of "strong independence" (using exchangeability) are presented. Finally, the connection between Kyburg and Pittarelli's results and recent developments on the axiomatization of non-binary preferences, and its impact on "complete" independence, are described.


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The Jensen theorem is used to derive inequalities for semiclassical tunneling probabilities for systems involving several degrees of freedom. These Jensen inequalities are used to discuss several aspects of sub-barrier heavy-ion fusion reactions. The inequality hinges on general convexity properties of the tunneling coefficient calculated with the classical action in the classically forbidden region.


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We prove a Goldstone theorem in thermal relativistic quantum field theory, which relates spontaneous symmetry breaking to the rate of spacelike decay of the two-point function. The critical rate of fall-off coincides with that of the massless free scalar field theory. Related results and open problems are briefly discussed. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3526961]


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An (n, d)-expander is a graph G = (V, E) such that for every X subset of V with vertical bar X vertical bar <= 2n - 2 we have vertical bar Gamma(G)(X) vertical bar >= (d + 1) vertical bar X vertical bar. A tree T is small if it has at most n vertices and has maximum degree at most d. Friedman and Pippenger (1987) proved that any ( n; d)- expander contains every small tree. However, their elegant proof does not seem to yield an efficient algorithm for obtaining the tree. In this paper, we give an alternative result that does admit a polynomial time algorithm for finding the immersion of any small tree in subgraphs G of (N, D, lambda)-graphs Lambda, as long as G contains a positive fraction of the edges of Lambda and lambda/D is small enough. In several applications of the Friedman-Pippenger theorem, including the ones in the original paper of those authors, the (n, d)-expander G is a subgraph of an (N, D, lambda)-graph as above. Therefore, our result suffices to provide efficient algorithms for such previously non-constructive applications. As an example, we discuss a recent result of Alon, Krivelevich, and Sudakov (2007) concerning embedding nearly spanning bounded degree trees, the proof of which makes use of the Friedman-Pippenger theorem. We shall also show a construction inspired on Wigderson-Zuckerman expander graphs for which any sufficiently dense subgraph contains all trees of sizes and maximum degrees achieving essentially optimal parameters. Our algorithmic approach is based on a reduction of the tree embedding problem to a certain on-line matching problem for bipartite graphs, solved by Aggarwal et al. (1996).


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Let P be a linear partial differential operator with analytic coefficients. We assume that P is of the form ""sum of squares"", satisfying Hormander's bracket condition. Let q be a characteristic point; for P. We assume that q lies on a symplectic Poisson stratum of codimension two. General results of Okaji Show that P is analytic hypoelliptic at q. Hence Okaji has established the validity of Treves' conjecture in the codimension two case. Our goal here is to give a simple, self-contained proof of this fact.


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In 1983, Jager and Kaul proved that the equator map u*(x) = (x/\x\,0) : B-n --> S-n is unstable for 3 less than or equal to n less than or equal to 6 and a minimizer for the energy functional E(u, B-n) = integral B-n \del u\(2) dx in the class H-1,H-2(B-n, S-n) with u = u* on partial derivative B-n when n greater than or equal to 7. In this paper, we give a new and elementary proof of this Jager-Kaul result. We also generalize the Jager-Kaul result to the case of p-harmonic maps.