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We investigated the effect of level-of-processing manipulations on “remember” and “know” responses in episodic melody recognition (Experiments 1 and 2) and how this effect is modulated by item familiarity (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, participants performed 2 conceptual and 2 perceptual orienting tasks while listening to familiar melodies: judging the mood, continuing the tune, tracing the pitch contour, and counting long notes. The conceptual mood task led to higher d' rates for “remember” but not “know” responses. In Experiment 2, participants either judged the mood or counted long notes of tunes with high and low familiarity. A level-of-processing effect emerged again in participants’ “remember” d' rates regardless of melody familiarity. Results are discussed within the distinctive processing framework.


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Purpose: Both phonological (speech) and auditory (non-speech) stimuli have been shown to predict early reading skills. However, previous studies have failed to control for the level of processing required by tasks administered across the two levels of stimuli. For example, phonological tasks typically tap explicit awareness e.g., phoneme deletion, while auditory tasks usually measure implicit awareness e.g., frequency discrimination. Therefore, the stronger predictive power of speech tasks may be due to their higher processing demands, rather than the nature of the stimuli. Method: The present study uses novel tasks that control for level of processing (isolation, repetition and deletion) across speech (phonemes and nonwords) and non-speech (tones) stimuli. 800 beginning readers at the onset of literacy tuition (mean age 4 years and 7 months) were assessed on the above tasks as well as word reading and letter-knowledge in the first part of a three time-point longitudinal study. Results: Time 1 results reveal a significantly higher association between letter-sound knowledge and all of the speech compared to non-speech tasks. Performance was better for phoneme than tone stimuli, and worse for deletion than isolation and repetition across all stimuli. Conclusions: Results are consistent with phonological accounts of reading and suggest that level of processing required by the task is less important than stimuli type in predicting the earliest stage of reading.


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The human dentition is naturally translucent, opalescent and fluorescent. Differences between the level of fluorescence of tooth structure and restorative materials may result in distinct metameric properties and consequently perceptible disparate esthetic behavior, which impairs the esthetic result of the restorations, frustrating both patients and staff. In this study, we evaluated the level of fluorescence of different composites (Durafill in tones A2 (Du), Charisma in tones A2 (Ch), Venus in tone A2 (Ve), Opallis enamel and dentin in tones A2 (OPD and OPE), Point 4 in tones A2 (P4), Z100 in tones A2 ( Z1), Z250 in tones A2 (Z2), Te-Econom in tones A2 (TE), Tetric Ceram in tones A2 (TC), Tetric Ceram N in tones A1, A2, A4 (TN1, TN2, TN4), Four seasons enamel and dentin in tones A2 (and 4SD 4SE), Empress Direct enamel and dentin in tones A2 (EDE and EDD) and Brilliant in tones A2 (Br)). Cylindrical specimens were prepared, coded and photographed in a standardized manner with a Canon EOS digital camera (400 ISO, 2.8 aperture and 1/ 30 speed), in a dark environment under the action of UV light (25 W). The images were analyzed with the software ScanWhite©-DMC/Darwin systems. The results showed statistical differences between the groups (p < 0.05), and between these same groups and the average fluorescence of the dentition of young (18 to 25 years) and adults (40 to 45 years) taken as control. It can be concluded that: Composites Z100, Z250 (3M ESPE) and Point 4 (Kerr) do not match with the fluorescence of human dentition and the fluorescence of the materials was found to be affected by their own tone.


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The possibility that developmental dyslexia results from low-level sensory processing deficits has received renewed interest in recent years. Opponents of such sensory-based explanations argue that dyslexia arises primarily from phonological impairments. However, many behavioural correlates of dyslexia cannot be explained sufficiently by cognitive-level accounts and there is anatomical, psychometric and physiological evidence of sensory deficits in the dyslexic population. This thesis aims to determine whether the low-level (pre-attentive) processing of simple auditory stimuli is disrupted in compensated adult dyslexics. Using psychometric and neurophysiological measures, the nature of auditory processing abnormalities is investigated. Group comparisons are supported by analysis of individual data in order to address the issue of heterogeneity in dyslexia. The participant pool consisted of seven compensated dyslexic adults and seven age and IQ matched controls. The dyslexic group were impaired, relative to the control group, on measures of literacy, phonological awareness, working memory and processing speed. Magnetoencephalographic recordings were conducted during processing of simple, non-speech, auditory stimuli. Results confirm that low-level auditory processing deficits are present in compensated dyslexic adults. The amplitude of N1m responses to tone pair stimuli were reduced in the dyslexic group. However, there was no evidence that manipulating either the silent interval or the frequency separation between the tones had a greater detrimental effect on dyslexic participants specifically. Abnormal MMNm responses were recorded in response to frequency deviant stimuli in the dyslexic group. In addition, complete stimulus omissions, which evoked MMNm responses in all control participants, failed to elicit significant MMNm responses in all but one of the dyslexic individuals. The data indicate both a deficit of frequency resolution at a local level of auditory processing and a higher-level deficit relating to the grouping of auditory stimuli, relevant for auditory scene analysis. Implications and directions for future research are outlined.


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BACKGROUND: Since the emergence of diffusion tensor imaging, a lot of work has been done to better understand the properties of diffusion MRI tractography. However, the validation of the reconstructed fiber connections remains problematic in many respects. For example, it is difficult to assess whether a connection is the result of the diffusion coherence contrast itself or the simple result of other uncontrolled parameters like for example: noise, brain geometry and algorithmic characteristics. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this work, we propose a method to estimate the respective contributions of diffusion coherence versus other effects to a tractography result by comparing data sets with and without diffusion coherence contrast. We use this methodology to assign a confidence level to every gray matter to gray matter connection and add this new information directly in the connectivity matrix. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results demonstrate that whereas we can have a strong confidence in mid- and long-range connections obtained by a tractography experiment, it is difficult to distinguish between short connections traced due to diffusion coherence contrast from those produced by chance due to the other uncontrolled factors of the tractography methodology.


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ABSTRACT Five experiments were conducted to evaluate the hypothesis that Solanum americanum density and time of coexistence affect the quality of processing tomato fruit. The tomato crop was established using either the direct drilling or the transplanting technique. The factors evaluated consisted of weed density (from 0 up to 6 plants m-2) and time of weed interference (early bloom stage, full flowering stage, fruit filling, and harvest time). The effects of competition on tomato fruit quality were analysed using a multiple model. Tomato variables evaluated included industrial fruit types (which depended on ripeness and disease infection) and soluble solids level(obrix). Tomato fruit quality is dependent on the factors tested. Under low densities (< 6 plants m-2) of S. americanum there was a small impact on the quality of the tomato fruits. The percentage of grade A (mature fruit with red color and without pathogen infection) tomato fruits is the variable most affect by the independent variables. The impact of these independent variables on the percentage of grade C (green and/or with more than 15% disease infection) tomato yield was of smaller magnitude and in an inverse trend as the observed for grade A. The level of soluble solids was influenced by the weed interference on only two experiments, but the impact was of small magnitude. The impact of the results on current and future crop management practices is discussed.


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AbstractMaize is considered a source of carotenoids; however, these compounds are highly unstable, degraded by high temperatures, exposure to light and presence of oxygen. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of the moisture and type of drying applied to grains on the level of carotenoids in yellow maize. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design (2 × 4 factorial), two levels of initial moisture at the harvest (22 and 19%) and three types of drying (in the sun; in the shade and in a dryer) and control (no drying). The samples of grains after drying with 12% of final moisture were analyzed by concentration of total carotenoids, carotenes (α-carotene + β-carotene), monohydroxilated carotenoids (β-cryptoxanthin), and xanthophylls (lutein + zeaxanthin). Initial moisture, type of drying and the interaction between moisture versus drying influence (p≤0.05) the levels of carotenoids in grains. This is the first report about the drying conditions and harvest’s initial moisture as influence on the profile and content of carotenoids in maize grains. Based on the results, this work suggested that the harvest be carried out preferably when the grains present 22% humidity, with drying in a dryer or in shade for further use or storage.


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Summary - Cooking banana is one of the most important crops in Uganda; it is a staple food and source of household income in rural areas. The most common cooking banana is locally called matooke, a Musa sp triploid acuminate genome group (AAA-EAHB). It is perishable and traded in fresh form leading to very high postharvest losses (22-45%). This is attributed to: non-uniform level of harvest maturity, poor handling, bulk transportation and lack of value addition/processing technologies, which are currently the main challenges for trade and export, and diversified utilization of matooke. Drying is one of the oldest technologies employed in processing of agricultural produce. A lot of research has been carried out on drying of fruits and vegetables, but little information is available on matooke. Drying of matooke and milling it to flour extends its shelf-life is an important means to overcome the above challenges. Raw matooke flour is a generic flour developed to improve shelf stability of the fruit and to find alternative uses. It is rich in starch (80 - 85%db) and subsequently has a high potential as a calorie resource base. It possesses good properties for both food and non-food industrial use. Some effort has been done to commercialize the processing of matooke but there is still limited information on its processing into flour. It was imperative to carry out an in-depth study to bridge the following gaps: lack of accurate information on the maturity window within which matooke for processing into flour can be harvested leading to non-uniform quality of matooke flour; there is no information on moisture sorption isotherm for matooke from which the minimum equilibrium moisture content in relation to temperature and relative humidity is obtainable, below which the dry matooke would be microbiologically shelf-stable; and lack of information on drying behavior of matooke and standardized processing parameters for matooke in relation to physicochemical properties of the flour. The main objective of the study was to establish the optimum harvest maturity window and optimize the processing parameters for obtaining standardized microbiologically shelf-stable matooke flour with good starch quality attributes. This research was designed to: i) establish the optimum maturity harvest window within which matooke can be harvested to produce a consistent quality of matooke flour, ii) establish the sorption isotherms for matooke, iii) establish the effect of process parameters on drying characteristics of matooke, iv) optimize the drying process parameters for matooke, v) validate the models of maturity and optimum process parameters and vi) standardize process parameters for commercial processing of matooke. Samples were obtained from a banana plantation at Presidential Initiative on Banana Industrial Development (PIBID), Technology Business Incubation Center (TBI) at Nyaruzunga – Bushenyi in Western Uganda. A completely randomized design (CRD) was employed in selecting the banana stools from which samples for the experiments were picked. The cultivar Mbwazirume which is soft cooking and commonly grown in Bushenyi was selected for the study. The static gravitation method recommended by COST 90 Project (Wolf et al., 1985), was used for determination of moisture sorption isotherms. A research dryer developed for this research. All experiments were carried out in laboratories at TBI. The physiological maturity of matooke cv. mbwazirume at Bushenyi is 21 weeks. The optimum harvest maturity window for commercial processing of matooke flour (Raw Tooke Flour - RTF) at Bushenyi is between 15-21 weeks. The finger weight model is recommended for farmers to estimate harvest maturity for matooke and the combined model of finger weight and pulp peel ratio is recommended for commercial processors. Matooke isotherms exhibited type II curve behavior which is characteristic of foodstuffs. The GAB model best described all the adsorption and desorption moisture isotherms. For commercial processing of matooke, in order to obtain a microbiologically shelf-stable dry product. It is recommended to dry it to moisture content below or equal to 10% (wb). The hysteresis phenomenon was exhibited by the moisture sorption isotherms for matooke. The isoteric heat of sorption for both adsorptions and desorption isotherms increased with decreased moisture content. The total isosteric heat of sorption for matooke: adsorption isotherm ranged from 4,586 – 2,386 kJ/kg and desorption isotherm from 18,194– 2,391 kJ/kg for equilibrium moisture content from 0.3 – 0.01 (db) respectively. The minimum energy required for drying matooke from 80 – 10% (wb) is 8,124 kJ/kg of water removed. Implying that the minimum energy required for drying of 1 kg of fresh matooke from 80 - 10% (wb) is 5,793 kJ. The drying of matooke takes place in three steps: the warm-up and the two falling rate periods. The drying rate constant for all processing parameters ranged from 5,793 kJ and effective diffusivity ranged from 1.5E-10 - 8.27E-10 m2/s. The activation energy (Ea) for matooke was 16.3kJ/mol (1,605 kJ/kg). Comparing the activation energy (Ea) with the net isosteric heat of sorption for desorption isotherm (qst) (1,297.62) at 0.1 (kg water/kg dry matter), indicated that Ea was higher than qst suggesting that moisture molecules travel in liquid form in matooke slices. The total color difference (ΔE*) between the fresh and dry samples, was lowest for effect of thickness of 7 mm, followed by air velocity of 6 m/s, and then drying air temperature at 70˚C. The drying system controlled by set surface product temperature, reduced the drying time by 50% compared to that of a drying system controlled by set air drying temperature. The processing parameters did not have a significant effect on physicochemical and quality attributes, suggesting that any drying air temperature can be used in the initial stages of drying as long as the product temperature does not exceed gelatinization temperature of matooke (72˚C). The optimum processing parameters for single-layer drying of matooke are: thickness = 3 mm, air temperatures 70˚C, dew point temperature 18˚C and air velocity 6 m/s overflow mode. From practical point of view it is recommended that for commercial processing of matooke, to employ multi-layer drying of loading capacity equal or less than 7 kg/m², thickness 3 mm, air temperatures 70˚C, dew point temperature 18˚C and air velocity 6 m/s overflow mode.


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A speech message played several metres from the listener in a room is usually heard to have much the same phonetic content as it does when played nearby, even though the different amounts of reflected sound make the temporal envelopes of these signals very different. To study this ‘constancy’ effect, listeners heard speech messages and speech-like sounds comprising 8 auditory-filter shaped noise-bands that had temporal envelopes corresponding to those in these filters when the speech message is played. The ‘contexts’ were “next you’ll get _to click on”, into which a “sir” or “stir” test word was inserted. These test words were from an 11-step continuum, formed by amplitude modulation. Listeners identified the test words appropriately, even in the 8-band conditions where the speech had a ‘robotic’ quality. Constancy was assessed by comparing the influence of room reflections on the test word across conditions where the context had either the same level of room reflections (i.e. from the same, far distance), or where it had a much lower level (i.e. from nearby). Constancy effects were obtained with both the natural- and the 8-band speech. Results are considered in terms of the degree of ‘matching’ between the context’s and test-word’s bands.


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Gnocchi is a typical Italian potato-based fresh pasta that can be either homemade or industrially manufactured. The homemade traditional product is consumed fresh on the day it is produced, whereas the industrially manufactured one is vacuum-packed in polyethylene and usually stored at refrigerated conditions. At industrial level, most kinds of gnocchi are usually produced by using some potato derivatives (i.e. flakes, dehydrated products or flour) to which soft wheat flour, salt, some emulsifiers and aromas are added. Recently, a novel type of gnocchi emerged on the Italian pasta market, since it would be as much similar as possible to the traditional homemade one. It is industrially produced from fresh potatoes as main ingredient and soft wheat flour, pasteurized liquid eggs and salt, moreover this product undergoes steam cooking and mashing industrial treatments. Neither preservatives nor emulsifiers are included in the recipe. The main aim of this work was to get inside the industrial manufacture of gnocchi, in order to improve the quality characteristics of the final product, by the study of the main steps of the production, starting from the raw and steam cooked tubers, through the semi-finished materials, such as the potato puree and the formulated dough. For this purpose the investigation of the enzymatic activity of the raw and steam cooked potatoes, the main characteristics of the puree (colour, texture and starch), the interaction among ingredients of differently formulated doughs and the basic quality aspects of the final product have been performed. Results obtained in this work indicated that steam cooking influenced the analysed enzymes (Pectin methylesterase and α- and β-amylases) in different tissues of the tuber. PME resulted still active in the cortex, it therefore may affect the texture of cooked potatoes to be used as main ingredient in the production of gnocchi. Starch degrading enzymes (α- and β-amylases) were inactivated both in the cortex and in the pith of the tuber. The study performed on the potato puree showed that, between the two analysed samples, the product which employed dual lower pressure treatments seemed to be the most suitable to the production of gnocchi, in terms of its better physicochemical and textural properties. It did not evidence aggregation phenomena responsible of hard lumps, which may occur in this kind of semi-finished product. The textural properties of gnocchi doughs were not influenced by the different formulation as expected. Among the ingredients involved in the preparation of the different samples, soft wheat flour seemed to be the most crucial in affecting the quality features of gnocchi doughs. As a consequence of the interactive effect of the ingredients on the physicochemical and textural characteristics of the different doughs, a uniform and well-defined split-up among samples was not obtained. In the comparison of different kinds of gnocchi, the optimal physicochemical and textural properties were detected in the sample made with fresh tubers. This was probably caused not only by the use of fresh steam cooked potatoes, but also by the pasteurized liquid eggs and by the absence of any kind of emulsifier, additive or preserving substance.


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The influence of source and level of inclusion of raw glycerin (GLYC) in the diet on growth performance, digestive traits, total tract apparent retention (TTAR), and apparent ileal digestibility of nutrients was studied in broilers from 1 to 21 d of age. There was a control diet based on corn and soybean meal and 8 additional diets that formed a 2 × 4 factorial with 2 sources of GLYC and 4 levels of inclusion (2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10%). The GLYC used were obtained from the same original batch of soy oil that was dried under different processing conditions and contained 87.5 or 81.6% glycerol, respectively. Type of processing of the GLYC did not affect any of the variables studied except DM and organic matter retention (P < 0.05) that was higher for the 87.5% glycerol diet. From d 1 to 21, feed conversion ratio (FCR) improved linearly (L, P ≤ 0.01) as the GLYC content of the diet increased, but ADG was not affected. On d 21, the relative weight (% BW) of the liver and the digestive tract increased (L, P < 0.01) as the level of GLYC in the diet increased, but lipid concentration in the liver was not affected. The TTAR of DM and organic matter increased quadratically (Q, P < 0.05) and the AMEn content of the diet increased linearly (L, P < 0.01) with increases in dietary GLYC. Also, the apparent ileal digestibility of DM (L, P < 0.05; Q, P = 0.07) and gross energy (L, P < 0.01) increased as the GLYC content of the diet increased. It is concluded that raw GLYC from the biodiesel industry can be used efficiently, up to 10% of the diet, as a source of energy for broilers from 1 to 21 d of age and that the energy content of well-processed raw GLYC depends primarily on its glycerol content.