226 resultados para Levante das Estátuas


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A sociedade romana produziu estátuas abundantemente, como argumenta Stewart (2003:118). As suas funções eram diversas e vários os seus propósitos. Neste artigo, buscaremos apresentar a importância político-cultural das estátuas imperiais na sociedade romana do século IV d.C. a partir da compreensão da gravidade dos acontecimentos ocorridos durante a deflagração de um levante que ficou conhecido, na historiografia, como Levante das Estátuas. Neste levante, estátuas imperiais foram destruídas. Para tanto, utilizaremos a documentação legada por um presbítero, João Crisóstomo, que pronunciou, tradicionalmente, 21 homilias que a historiografia vinculou ao Levante das Estátuas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Se citan algunos táxones liquénicos de la provincia de Valencia nuevos o interesantesparara la flora española: Arthothelium crozalsianum, A. spectabile, Bacidia beckhausii, Caloplaca pollinii, C. suberytraella, Catillaria nigroclavata, Lecidea erythrophaca, Micarea peliocarpa. Microglaena modesta, Pachyphiale cornea, Parmelia acetabulum, Phaeophyscia hirsuta, Schisrnatomma picconianum.


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Resumen tomado del propio recurso


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La disminución del sacrificio durante dos años seguidos en gran medida obedece al comportamiento que ha venido teniendo la economía del país y a la debilidad de la demanda interna además del bajo movimiento que han tenido las exportaciones del sector


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Problematizar a memória do levante “constitucionalista” de 1932 gravada materialmente nas ruas e praças de São Paulo, refletir sobre os lastros históricos que a compõem, intentando aferir as mudanças e permanências que o tempo e a sociedade se encarregaram de fomentar, são algumas das questões abordadas neste artigo. Para levá-las a efeito, as trilhas abertas pelo marco aos voluntários de 32, no município de Assis, parecem alvissareiras, – seja pelos traços que conserva de seu período de fundação, pela leitura histórica nele inscrita ou, ainda, o estado atual em que se encontra – desvelando os complexos meandros dos processos de “enquadramento da memória”, da luta pela preservação e o arbítrio do esquecimento.


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The paper studies the mobilization occurred in June 2013 in Brazil, initially under the banner of the Movement Free Pass, but without the existence of a lead, but multiple voices that alternate in search of social and economic change. The object of study is the communication made through social networks and their realization, or realization, the streets of major cities. The rallies demonstrate the power of communications media and a new phenomenon of talk, the use of social networks, now as uniting factor and not just a showcase of everyday life. The internet has become a new means of communication easy and free access, in addition to its fast dissipation data. Thus, the youth was used such technology to an uprising in the pursuit of social improvement of the cities where marches happened. Such a move still without an academic and social needs to be discussed so that, in addition to understood, can expand contributions to society, helping it in its claims. Was chosen as the site for the #causabrasil study and understanding of issues in which the public expresses dissatisfaction. The site performs an analysis with the combination of hastags a list of pre-registered and a list of terms used by different users of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Google, through monitoring tool Seekr, and an infographic presents the main political demands of the population.


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The paper studies the mobilization occurred in June 2013 in Brazil, initially under the banner of the Movement Free Pass, but without the existence of a lead, but multiple voices that alternate in search of social and economic change. The object of study is the communication made through social networks and their realization, or realization, the streets of major cities. The rallies demonstrate the power of communications media and a new phenomenon of talk, the use of social networks, now as uniting factor and not just a showcase of everyday life. The internet has become a new means of communication easy and free access, in addition to its fast dissipation data. Thus, the youth was used such technology to an uprising in the pursuit of social improvement of the cities where marches happened. Such a move still without an academic and social needs to be discussed so that, in addition to understood, can expand contributions to society, helping it in its claims. Was chosen as the site for the #causabrasil study and understanding of issues in which the public expresses dissatisfaction. The site performs an analysis with the combination of hastags a list of pre-registered and a list of terms used by different users of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Google, through monitoring tool Seekr, and an infographic presents the main political demands of the population.


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Se presenta una investigación del desarrollo de ondas forntales sobre el Mediterráneo Occidental en 1982, basada en un teoría general de la advección de vorticidad relativa y perturbaciones baroclínicas.