995 resultados para Lesioned Mice


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The loss of dopamine in idiopathic or animal models of Parkinson's disease induces synchronized low-frequency oscillatory burst-firing in subthalamic nucleus neurones. We sought to establish whether these firing patterns observed in vivo were preserved in slices taken from dopamine-depleted animals, thus establishing a role for the isolated subthalamic-globus pallidus complex in generating the pathological activity. Mice treated with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) showed significant reductions of over 90% in levels of dopamine as measured in striatum by high pressure liquid chromatography. Likewise, significant reductions in tyrosine hydroxylase immunostaining within the striatum (>90%) and tyrosine hydroxylase positive cell numbers (65%) in substantia nigra were observed. Compared with slices from intact mice, neurones in slices from MPTP-lesioned mice fired significantly more slowly (mean rate of 4.2 Hz, cf. 7.2 Hz in control) and more irregularly (mean coefficient of variation of inter-spike interval of 94.4%, cf. 37.9% in control). Application of ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonists 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) and 2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5) and the GABAA receptor antagonist picrotoxin caused no change in firing pattern. Bath application of dopamine significantly increased cell firing rate and regularized the pattern of activity in cells from slices from both MPTP-treated and control animals. Although the absolute change was more modest in control slices, the maximum dopamine effect in the two groups was comparable. Indeed, when taking into account the basal firing rate, no differences in the sensitivity to dopamine were observed between these two cohorts. Furthermore, pairs of subthalamic nucleus cells showed no correlated activity in slices from either control (21 pairs) or MPTP-treated animals (20 pairs). These results indicate that the isolated but interconnected subthalamic-globus pallidus network is not itself sufficient to generate the aberrant firing patterns in dopamine-depleted animals. More likely, inputs from other regions, such as the cortex, are needed to generate pathological oscillatory activity. © 2006 IBRO.


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We explored the impact of Nox-2 in modulating inflammatory-mediated microglial responses in the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced Parkinson’s disease (PD) model. Nox1 and Nox2 gene expression were found to increase in striatum, whereas a marked increase of Nox2 expression was observed in substantia nigra (SN) of wild-type (wt) mice after PD induction. Gp91phox-/- 6-OHDA-lesioned mice exhibited a significant reduction in the apomorphine-induced rotational behavior, when compared to wt mice. Immunolabeling assays indicated that striatal 6-OHDA injections reduced the number of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the SN of wt mice. In gp91phox-/- 6-OHDA-lesioned mice the DA degeneration was negligible, suggesting an involvement of Nox in 6-OHDA-mediated SN degeneration. Gp91phox-/- 6-OHDA-lesioned mice treated with minocycline, a tetracycline derivative that exerts multiple anti-inflammatory effects, including microglial inhibition, exhibited increased apomorphine-induced rotational behavior and degeneration of DA neurons after 6-OHDA injections. The same treatment also increased TNF-α release and potentiated NF-κB activation in the SN of gp91phox-/--lesioned mice. Our results demonstrate for the first time that inhibition of microglial cells increases the susceptibility of gp91phox-/- 6-OHDA lesioned mice to develop PD. Blockade of microglia leads to NF-κB activation and TNF-α release into the SN of gp91phox-/- 6-OHDA lesioned mice, a likely mechanism whereby gp91phox-/- 6-OHDA lesioned mice may be more susceptible to develop PD after microglial cell inhibition. Nox2 adds an essential level of regulation to signaling pathways underlying the inflammatory response after PD induction


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The gene product of the recently cloned mouse obese gene (ob) is important in regulating adipose tissue mass. ob RNA is expressed specifically by mouse adipocytes in vivo in each of several different fat cell depots, including brown fat. ob RNA is also expressed in cultured 3T3-442A preadipocyte cells that have been induced to differentiate. Mice with lesions of the hypothalamus, as well as mice mutant at the db locus, express a 20-fold higher level of ob RNA in adipose tissue. These data suggest that both the db gene and the hypothalamus are downstream of the ob gene in the pathway that regulates adipose tissue mass and are consistent with previous experiments suggesting that the db locus encodes the ob receptor. In db/db and lesioned mice, quantitative differences in expression level of ob RNA correlated with adipocyte lipid content. The molecules that regulate expression level of the ob gene in adipocytes probably are important in determining body weight, as are the molecules that mediate the effects of ob at its site of action.


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Evidências sugerem que a lateralização cerebral é uma característica fundamental dos vertebrados. Nos seres humanos, tem sido sugerido que o hemisfério direito é especializado no processamento de informação emocional negativa e o hemisfério esquerdo no controle da função motora. Em roedores, evidências de lateralização hemisférica são escassas. Diante disso, utilizamos a hemisferectomia para avaliar a importância relativa de cada hemisfério no controle emocional e na atividade motora espontânea em camundongos. Machos adultos foram submetidos à hemisferectomia direita (HD), hemisferectomia esquerda (HE) ou a simulação da cirurgia (SHAM). Para ajudar na interpretação dos resultados, uma amostra adicional de camundongos foi submetida à aspiração unilateral da área frontoparietal esquerda (FPE), da área frontoparietal direito (FPD) ou a simulação da cirurgia (CONT). Quinze dias após a cirurgia, a reatividade emocional e a ambulação foram avaliadas no teste de campo aberto durante 10 minutos (dividido em intervalos de 1 min). A arena de campo aberto consistiu em uma caixa de polipropileno, cujo fundo foi dividido em 16 retângulos do mesmo tamanho. O número total de retângulos cruzados pelo animal foi utilizado como a medida da atividade locomotora espontânea. Considerando-se que os camundongos evitam áreas abertas, a locomoção no centro e o tempo despendido nos retângulos centrais foram utilizados para avaliar a reatividade emocional. Em relação à atividade locomotora as duas técnicas cirúrgicas revelaram assimetrias na direção oposta. A atividade locomotora do grupo HE aumentou ao longo do período de teste e foi maior do que a dos grupos HD e SHAM. Em contraste, a atividade locomotora do grupo FPD diminuiu ao longo do período de teste e foi superior a ambos os grupos, FPE e CONT. Em relação à reatividade emocional, o grupo HE passou menos tempo na área central que os grupos HD e CONT. Não foram observadas diferenças entre FPD, FPE e o grupo CONT. Os nossos resultados sugerem que os dois hemisférios contribuem de forma assimétrica para controlar de reatividade emocional e para controlar de atividade motora em camundongos. De forma semelhante ao que é observado em humanos, o hemisfério direito dos camundongos foi mais associado com o processamento de informação emocional negativa. Em relação aos dados de hiperatividade, as diferenças observadas entre os animais hemisferectomizados e com lesão frontoparietal sugerem que mais de um circuito (ou sistema) lateralizado pode mediar a atividade locomotora espontânea.


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Clinical and experimental evidence indicates that inflammatory processes contribute to the pathophysiology of epilepsy, but underlying mechanisms remain mostly unknown. Using immunohistochemistry for CD45 (common leukocyte antigen) and CD3 (T-lymphocytes), we show here microglial activation and infiltration of leukocytes in sclerotic tissue from patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), as well as in a model of TLE (intrahippocampal kainic acid injection), characterized by spontaneous, nonconvulsive focal seizures. Using specific markers of lymphocytes, microglia, macrophages, and neutrophils in kainate-treated mice, we investigated with pharmacological and genetic approaches the contribution of innate and adaptive immunity to kainate-induced inflammation and neurodegeneration. Furthermore, we used EEG analysis in mutant mice lacking specific subsets of lymphocytes to explore the significance of inflammatory processes for epileptogenesis. Blood-brain barrier disruption and neurodegeneration in the kainate-lesioned hippocampus were accompanied by sustained ICAM-1 upregulation, microglial cell activation, and infiltration of CD3(+) T-cells. Moreover, macrophage infiltration was observed, selectively in the dentate gyrus where prominent granule cell dispersion was evident. Unexpectedly, depletion of peripheral macrophages by systemic clodronate liposome administration affected granule cell survival. Neurodegeneration was aggravated in kainate-lesioned mice lacking T- and B-cells (RAG1-knock-out), because of delayed invasion by Gr-1(+) neutrophils. Most strikingly, these mutant mice exhibited early onset of spontaneous recurrent seizures, suggesting a strong impact of immune-mediated responses on network excitability. Together, the concerted action of adaptive and innate immunity triggered locally by intrahippocampal kainate injection contributes seizure-suppressant and neuroprotective effects, shedding new light on neuroimmune interactions in temporal lobe epilepsy.


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In this study, we demonstrate that cholecystokinin-8 (CCK-8) induces an increase in both nerve growth factor (NGF) protein and NGF mRNA in mouse cortex and hippocampus when i.p. injected at physiological doses. By using fimbria–fornix-lesioned mice, we have also demonstrated that repeated CCK-8 i.p. injections result in recovery of lesion-induced NGF deficit in septum and restore the baseline NGF levels in hippocampus and cortex. Parallel to the effects on NGF, CCK-8 increases choline acetyltransferase (Chat) activity in forebrain when injected in unlesioned mice and counteract the septo-hippocampal Chat alterations in fimbria–fornix-lesioned mice. To assess the NGF involvement in the mechanism by which CCK-8 induces brain Chat, NGF antibody was administrated intracerebrally to saline- and CCK-8-injected mice. We observe that pretreatment with NGF antibody causes a marked reduction of NGF and Chat activity in septum and hippocampus of both saline- and CCK-8-injected mice. This evidence indicates that the CCK-8 effects on cholinergic cells are mediated through the synthesis and release of NGF. Taken together, our results suggest that peripheral administration of CCK-8 may represent a potential experimental model for investigating the effects of endogenous NGF up-regulation on diseases associated with altered brain cholinergic functions.


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At glutamatergic synapses, calcium influx through NMDA receptors (NMDARs) is required for long-term potentiation (LTP); this is a proposed cellular mechanism underlying memory and learning. Here we show that in lateral amygdala pyramidal neurons, SK channels are also activated by calcium influx through synaptically activated NMDARs, resulting in depression of the synaptic potential. Thus, blockade of SK channels by apamin potentiates fast glutamatergic synaptic potentials. This potentiation is blocked by the NMDAR antagonist AP5 (D(-)-2-amino-5-phosphono-valeric acid) or by buffering cytosolic calcium with BAPTA. Blockade of SK channels greatly enhances LTP of cortical inputs to lateral amygdala pyramidal neurons. These results show that NMDARs and SK channels are colocalized at glutamatergic synapses in the lateral amygdala. Calcium influx through NMDARs activates SK channels and shunts the resultant excitatory postsynaptic potential. These results demonstrate a new role for SK channels as postsynaptic regulators of synaptic efficacy.


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OBJECTIFS: La libération de dopamine par les afférences à sérotonine (5-HT) du striatum constitue un déterminant pré-synaptique important des dyskinésies induites par la L-Dopa (DILs), un effet délétère du traitement pharmacologique de la maladie de Parkinson. En effet, les axones 5-HT seraient en mesure de libérer de façon non-physiologique de la dopamine lorsque la L-Dopa est administrée au patient, contribuant ainsi à l’expression des DILs. Certaines afférences striatales 5-HT contiennent un transporteur vésiculaire du glutamate (VGluT3) et nous croyons que sa présence puisse avoir un effet synergique sur la libération de dopamine. L’objectif général de ce mémoire est donc d’évaluer la quantité de VGluT3 présent au sein des axones 5-HT et de mesurer son implication dans l’expression des DILs. MÉTHODES : Dix-huit souris C57/Bl6 ont été séparées en trois groupes expérimentaux. Douze souris ont reçu une injection intracérébrale de 6- hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) dans le faisceau prosencéphalique médian afin de léser les afférences dopaminergiques du striatum. Six souris lésées ont reçu des injections systémiques de L-Dopa (12 jours, 1 fois/jour). Six autres souris ont reçu une injection intracérébrale du véhicule afin de servir de contrôle. La sévérité des mouvements involontaires anormaux induits par la L-Dopa (équivalent des dyskinésies) a été quantifiée selon une échelle reconnue. Un double marquage en immunofluorescence pour le transporteur membranaire de la 5-HT (SERT) et le VGluT3 a permis d’évaluer la densité des varicosités SERT+ et SERT+/VGluT3+ dans le striatum dorsal et de comparer ces données entre les trois groupes expérimentaux. RÉSULTATS: Chez les trois groupes de souris, un faible pourcentage des varicosités axonales 5-HT sont également VGluT3+. Ces varicosités doublement marquées sont souvent retrouvées sur une même branche axonale. Aucune différence significative n’a été observée entre les trois groupes expérimentaux en ce qui a trait à la proportion de varicosités SERT+ qui contiennent le VGluT3+. CONCLUSION: Nos données expérimentales ne nous permettent pas de conclure que la densité des varicosités axonales SERT+ ou SERT+/VGluT3+ au sein du striatum dorsal varie en fonction de la sévérité des mouvements involontaires anormaux induits par l’administration de L-Dopa.


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Spinal cord injury usually results in permanent paralysis because of lack of regrowth of damaged neurons. Here we demonstrate that adult mice lacking EphA4 (-/-), a molecule essential for correct guidance of spinal cord axons during development, exhibit axonal regeneration and functional recovery after spinal cord hemisection. Anterograde and retrograde tracing showed that axons from multiple pathways, including corticospinal and rubrospinal tracts, crossed the lesion site. EphA4 -/- mice recovered stride length, the ability to walk on and climb a grid, and the ability to grasp with the affected hindpaw within 1-3 months of injury. EphA4 expression was upregulated on astrocytes at the lesion site in wild-type mice, whereas astrocytic gliosis and the glial scar were greatly reduced in lesioned EphA4-/- spinal cords. EphA4 -/- astrocytes failed to respond to the inflammatory cytokines, interferon-gamma or leukemia inhibitory factor, in vitro. Neurons grown on wild-type astrocytes extended shorter neurites than on EphA4 -/- astrocytes, but longer neurites when the astrocyte EphA4 was blocked by monomeric EphrinA5-Fc. Thus, EphA4 regulates two important features of spinal cord injury, axonal inhibition, and astrocytic gliosis.


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Chlamydia trachomatis infections have been implicated in problems such as pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility in females. Although there are some studies examining the kinetics of ascending infection, there is limited information on the kinetics of pathology development and cellular infiltrate into the reproductive tissues in relation to the effects of inoculating dose, and a better understanding of these is needed. The murine model of female genital tract Chlamydia muridarum infection is frequently used as a model of human C. trachomatis reproductive tract infection. To investigate the kinetics of ascending genital infection and associated pathology development, female BALB/c mice were intravaginally infected with C. muridarum at doses ranging from 5102 to 2.6106 inclusion forming units. We found that the inoculating dose affects the course of infection and the ascension of bacteria, with the highest dose ascending rapidly to the oviducts. By comparison, the lowest dose resulted in the greatest bacterial load in the lower reproductive tract. Interestingly, we found that the dose did not significantly affect inflammatory cell infiltrate in the various regions. Overall, this data show the effects of infectious dose on the kinetics of ascending chlamydial infection and associated inflammatory infiltration in BALB/c mice.


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To further investigate the use of DNA repair-enhancing agents for skin cancer prevention, we treated Cdk4R24C/R24C/NrasQ61K mice topically with the T4 endonuclease V DNA repair enzyme (known as Dimericine) immediately prior to neonatal ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure, which has a powerful effect in exacerbating melanoma development in the mouse model. Dimericine has been shown to reduce the incidence of basal-cell and squamous cell carcinoma. Unexpectedly, we saw no difference in penetrance or age of onset of melanoma after neonatal UVR between Dimericine-treated and control animals, although the drug reduced DNA damage and cellular proliferation in the skin. Interestingly, epidermal melanocytes removed cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) more efficiently than surrounding keratinocytes. Our study indicates that neonatal UVR-initiated melanomas may be driven by mechanisms other than solely that of a large CPD load and/or their inefficient repair. This is further suggestive of different mechanisms by which UVR may enhance the transformation of keratinocytes and melanocytes.


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Plasmodium spp. parasites cause malaria in 300 to 500 million individuals each year. Disease occurs during the blood-stage of the parasite’s life cycle, where the parasite is thought to replicate exclusively within erythrocytes. Infected individuals can also suffer relapses after several years, from Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale surviving in hepatocytes. Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium malariae can also persist after the original bout of infection has apparently cleared in the blood, suggesting that host cells other than erythrocytes (but not hepatocytes) may harbor these blood-stage parasites, thereby assisting their escape from host immunity. Using blood stage transgenic Plasmodium berghei-expressing GFP (PbGFP) to track parasites in host cells, we found that the parasite had a tropism for CD317+ dendritic cells. Other studies using confocal microscopy, in vitro cultures, and cell transfer studies showed that blood-stage parasites could infect, survive, and replicate within CD317+ dendritic cells, and that small numbers of these cells released parasites infectious for erythrocytes in vivo. These data have identified a unique survival strategy for blood-stage Plasmodium, which has significant implications for understanding the escape of Plasmodium spp. from immune-surveillance and for vaccine development.