984 resultados para Leonardo Sciascia


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar e discutir os romances-ensaios O Dia da Coruja e A Cada um o Seu, de Leonardo Sciascia, em perspectiva comparada com as narrativas policiais A Forma da Água e O Ladrão de Merendas, de Andrea Camilleri, no que diz respeito aos traços estilísticos, históricos e temáticos das obras em foco. Na pesquisa, refletiu-se sobre a utilização da estrutura do romance policial como estratégia de composição empregada pelos dois autores sicilianos, a fim de criticarem a realidade sociopolítica italiana dos últimos 50 anos. Ao final, apontam-se diferenças e identidades existentes entre os citados títulos e se conclui que, L.Sciascia, em tom amargo e incisivo, deu à matéria de seus romances um perfil tanto de narrativa ficcional quanto de ensaio político-filosófico, com o objetivo de denunciar, em seus pseudo-gialli, não apenas crimes, mas, principalmente, a falta de ética no seio da justiça de seu país. Já A.Camilleri eternizou seu perfil de escritor giallista, criando a figura do inspetor Salvo Montalbano e ao lançar mão do recurso do riso sério. Tal artifício não invalidou, ao contrário, sublinhou ironicamente a denúncia a toda forma de criminalidade, de corrupção e de abuso do poder, na fictícia Vigata, espaço imaginário representativo da Sicilia e da Itália


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The watershed constituted by the historical novels of Leonardo Sciascia (1921- 1989), Vincenzo Consolo (1933-2012) and Andrea Camilleri (born 1925), are starting points for analysing subsequent writings of history in Sicily, particularly those that deal with the hermeneutical function of literature as a means of critically reading official historiography. Nevertheless, whereas ample critical attention has been paid to male writers, whose work is deemed ‘mainstream’, there has been insufficient analysis of the role of female authors in relation to literary representations of Sicilian history. By considering the distinctiveness of the Sicilian literary tradition, the thesis identifies a series of transformations of the genre which have occurred in recent years within the context of feminine writing, and examines the historical narratives of contemporary Sicilian writers Maria Attanasio, Silvana La Spina and Maria Rosa Cutrufelli produced between 1990 and 2007. The study problematizes the lack of critical debate about feminine narratives in Sicily, and places these works in relation to developments in gender and genre theory, focusing particularly on Margherita Ganeri’s studies on the historical genre and the canon. After an introductory chapter which argues the case for examining Sicilian female historical fiction as a distinct literary practice, the subsequent chapters feature textual analyses of each author’s main historical fiction works, supporting the reading of the texts with theoretical readings, including the micro-history of Carlo Ginzburg, the écriture féminine of Hélène Cixous, the abjection theory of Julia Kristeva, the theoretical propositions on “experience” by Joan Wallach Scott and Teresa De Lauretis, and the theory of gender as performance proposed by Judith Butler. The analyses underline the importance of the authors’ distinct feminine perspective over Sicilian history and ultimately suggest that the three writers represent significant examples of a “nomadic writing” to be placed outside the Sicilian male literary tradition.


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This thesis will study the Italian literary phenomenon Gomorra, viaggi nell'impero economico e nel sogno di dominio della Camorra. First, the focus will be on the text's hybrid nature and implications and also on its literary and intellectual inspirations (such as Truman Capote, Pier Paolo Pasolini and Leonardo Sciascia). Secondly, we will take a closer look at the structure of the novel's narrative and its literary details, in order to reveal the different processes used by Roberto Saviano to convince the reader. Interwoven in this book's central plot, we will find a main obsession: the need to understand. Lastly, we will discuss the question of the great power treated in this novel, the one of a criminal organisation transformed by the revelations made throughout the story. These revelations will allow us to draw interesting comparisons between organized crime and merchant capitalism. For this part, we will refer to Guy Debord's La société du spectacle, and to Hannah Arendt's work on the question of totalitarianism. All of these elements will allow us to discuss the different perspectives within the narrative's framework, and more precisely, the figure of the narrator/author/character that gives Saviano's novel anthropological qualities, in the form of an ethnofiction (Augé).


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While a certain novel ponders about the traces left by Ettore Majorana and expounds some theories about the fate of the character mysteriously disappeared, a movie by Gianni Amelio also inspirited by facts goes through another path, of the story of Via Panisperna boys, stressing the enigmatic figure of Ettore Majorana and the exciting episodes surrounding some of the greatest physicists of the world. When Leonardo Sciascia publishes the novel in which he uses the actual fact of Ettore Majorana’s disappearance in order to create what he calls a “philosophical novel of mystery”, the public had already probably forgotten the intriguing events of 1938: the young and bright physicist disappeared, by all accounts, voluntarily, without leaving proofs of his death or reliable evidence of his whereabouts. In 1972, Sciascia learns about mysterious clues by means of Erasmo Recami and considers the motives that could have made Majorana leave Italy and later abandon his life almost in the mode fictionalized by Pirandello.


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Others, like the prominent humanist and anti-Medicean agitator Francesco Filelfo, would soon join the first wave of exiles.4 Bruni was not only linked to such men by ties of patronage and friendship; he had also for many years acted as the chief ideologue of the preMedicean oligarchy.5 One might logically expect that he too would become a victim of Medici vengeance in 1434, or soon thereafter. Other scholars have stressed that Bruni-despite the occasional flamboyance of his civic rhetoric-was always an advocate of restricted government.8 While the power struggle between the Medici and their adversaries was real enough, the system Cosimo and his associates introduced after 1434 differed from its predecessor only in the consistency with which it was applied.


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[Castellano] En este trabajo se realiza un ensayo empírico preliminar de los proyectos de innovación europeos “Leonardo da Vinci”. La metodología que se utiliza a lo largo del trabajo es el análisis de redes. Se observan grafos e indicadores de redes y se comparan la situación de los agentes que forman las redes. Además no solamente se analiza la situación de los agentes, sino la similitud y causalidad estructural existente entre las redes que conforman dichos proyectos. Este ensayo empírico preliminar da lugar a una futura modelización o a la aplicación de la metodología en otras materias.


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A través de esta serie intentaremos conocer diferentes facetas personales de los integrantes de nuestra “comunidad”. El cuestionario, además de su principal objetivo, con sus respuestas quizás nos ayude a encontrar entre nosotros puntos en común que vayan más allá de nuestros temas de trabajo. Esperamos que esta iniciativa pueda ser otro nexo entre los ictiólogos de la región, ya que consideramos que el resultado general trascendería nuestras fronteras.


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A través de esta serie intentaremos conocer diferentes facetas personales de los integrantes de nuestra “comunidad”. El cuestionario, además de su principal objetivo, con sus respuestas quizás nos ayude a encontrar entre nosotros puntos en común que vayan más allá de nuestros temas de trabajo y sea un aporte a futuros estudios históricos. Esperamos que esta iniciativa pueda ser otro nexo entre los ictiólogos de la región, ya que consideramos que el resultado general trascendería nuestras fronteras.


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Premier feuillet de garde verso : titre du XVIe siècle, « Italien Leonard Aretin de la guerre punique ».F. 45v : texte rimé en italien d'une écriture cursive./