920 resultados para Leonard Bernstein
Se reflexiona sobre la relación entre el cine y la música desde el cine mudo al actual. En sus inicios, las sesiones de cine se acompañaban de un pianista y, en las grandes ciudades, de una orquesta. En las películas cómicas es donde se aprecia mejor la relación entre música y cine. Además, la música está presente en las películas del oeste, los grandes musicales llevados a la gran pantalla o el cine de terror. Así, la primera película sonora fue 'El cantor de jazz' (1927). El cine musical es un género cinematográfico exclusivamente americano y una de las manifestaciones más características de la época dorada de Hollywood. Además, grandes compositores componen directamente para el cine como Bela Bartok o Leonard Bernstein.
Over a period of 50 years—between 1962 and 2012—three preeminent American piano competitions, the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, the University of Maryland International Piano Competition/William Kapell International Piano Competition and the San Antonio International Piano Competition, commissioned for inclusion on their required performance lists 26 piano works, almost all by American composers. These compositions, works of sufficient artistic depth and technical sophistication to serve as rigorous benchmarks for competition finalists, constitute a unique segment of the contemporary American piano repertoire. Although a limited number of these pieces have found their way into the performance repertoire of concert artists, too many have not been performed since their premières in the final rounds of the competitions for which they were designed. Such should not be the case. Some of the composers in question are innovative titans of 20th-century American music—Samuel Barber, Aaron Copland, Leonard Bernstein, John Cage, John Corigliano, William Schuman, Joan Tower and Ned Rorem, to name just a few—and many of the pieces themselves, as historical touchstones, deserve careful examination. This study includes, in addition to an introductory overview of the three competitions, a survey of all 26 compositions and an analysis of their expressive characteristics, from the point of view of the performing pianist. Numerous musical examples support the analysis. Biographical information about the composers, along with descriptions of their overall musical styles, place these pieces in historical context. Analytical and technical comprehension of this distinctive and rarely performed corner of the modern classical piano world could be of inestimable value to professional pianists, piano pedagogues and music educators alike.
In 1961, three years after West Side Story premiered on Broadway, Hollywood created a highly successful film version. Although directors Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins strove to remain faithful to the original production in many ways, the change in medium necessitated a number of alterations, including those that conformed to the particular conventions of the Hollywood studio system. In this paper, I explore the film West Side Story as an adaptation in order to demonstrate how Hollywood’s conventions impact the show. The effects of the Production Code, the star system, and the practice of dubbing the actors all had a significant impact on the film. More than that, alterations made to Leonard Bernstein’s music coupled with cinematic techniques modify the musical’s dramatic arc while simultaneously affecting both the gendered and ethnic representations within the show. My approach within this paper takes into account how the music, lyrics, dialogue, and cinematography all work together to form a creative adaptation of West Side Story. Therefore, I combine cinematic and musical analysis in ways that have yet to be applied to this film. I take this approach in order to better understand how West Side Story reflects and even challenges the conventions and stereotypes present during the Hollywood studio era. Furthermore, this provides insight into the ways in which West Side Story fits into film history, particularly that of the movie musical.
The present case report refers to a patient from the State of Rondônia, North region of Brazil, attended with clinical suspicion of hepatic echinococcosis. Examination by imaging (ultrasonography and computerized tomography) revealed a conglomerate of cystic lesions, with mobile contents within the cyst. The serology (immunoblot) for Echinococcus sp. was positive (21 and 31 kDa bands). This case is the first reported in Rondônia, suggesting the need to investigate the polycystic echinococcosis in individuals with hepatic cysts from areas of tropical forest and hunting habits where wild life was present as wild dogs, cats and rodents, particularly Agouti paca (paca) and Dasyprocta aguti (agouti).
We formulate a necessary and sufficient condition for polynomials to be dense in a space of continuous functions on the real line, with respect to Bernstein's weighted uniform norm. Equivalently, for a positive finite measure [lletra "mu" minúscula de l'alfabet grec] on the real line we give a criterion for density of polynomials in Lp[lletra "mu" minúscula de l'alfabet grec entre parèntesis].
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57069
O objetivo deste artigo é dar uma visão geral do trabalho de Bernstein e de sua importante contribuição para a teoria e a pesquisa no campo da sociologia da educação. Busca-se também explicar as razões de algumas incompreensões de seus conceitos e de sua orientação teórica. Para isso, o artigo está dividido em três partes. A primeira, procura mostrar como o trabalho de Bernstein é analisado no interior do campo acadêmico. A segunda, explora como o autor desenvolveu sua teoria, de acordo com a meta de avaliação que faz de seu trabalho. A terceira, volta-se para a análise de sua obra, baseada na extensa literatura educacional.
Neste texto o autor procura elucidar o modo pelo qual Basil Bernstein utilizou e enriqueceu a contribuição de Durkheim para a análise de questões abordadas pela sociologia da educação.
En el contexto de esta monografía dedicada a la obra del profesor Bernstein pareció oportuno contar con alguna aportación Original del propio autor. Su obra clásica principal estando a punto de publicarse en castellano (ya aparecida al editarse este número de Temps d'Educació), surgió la idea de una entrevista -de una entrevista 'epistolar' en este caso.
Esta monografía de Temps d'Educació está dedicada a la obra de Basil Bernstein, el gran sociólogo británico que ha desarrollado su reflexión sobre el sistema y las formas educativas durante los últimos 30 años. Su nombre y su teoría están indisolublemente asociados con las problemáticas de educación y clases sociales, así como educación y lenguaje, incluso con los orígenes de la social ingüística moderna, con la denominada 'nueva' sociología de la educación británica de los 70, y, desde luego, con las teorías de la educación como reproducción social y cultural.