997 resultados para Leishmania mexicana. L. mexicana amazonensis
A cell fractionation procedure previously developed for Trypanosoma cruzi was applied to isolated the plasma membrane of promastigotes of Leishania mexicana amazonensis. The cell, swollen in an hypotonic mediun, were disrupted in the presence of a nonionic detergent and the membrane fraction isolated by differencial centrifugation. Electron microscopy showed that the fraction consisted of pieces of the plasma membrane associated with subpellicular microtubules. It was also shown that this fraction is able to induce cell-mediated immune response in mice.
Highly susceptible BALB/c mice, resistant C57B1/6 and their F1 progeny (BDF1) were infected subcutaneously in the foot pad with Leishmania mexicana amazonenesis. At various times after infection, spleen or draining popliteal lymph node cells were assayed for their capacity to generate Interleukin-2 (I1-2) by Concanavalin A (ConA) stimulation. In both BALB/c and C57B1/6 strains there was a transient increase in their capacity to produce I1-2, from the 3rd to the 10th week post-infection. Return to pre-infection levels ocurred between 13th to 16th week post-infection in all three strains. BALB/c mice always produced higher titers of 11-2 than C57B1/6, but such differences were statistically significant only at 3 and 10 weeks post-infection. BDF1 mice had titers similar to those observed in BALB/c mice. I1-2 production by ConA-stimulated lymph node cells was lower as compared to the spleen, but with a similar pattern among the three mice strains. Our data show that susceptibility to infection by l. mexicana amazonenesis is not associated with deficient ConA-stimulated I1-2 production.
The degree of maturation of cells of the Mononuclear Phagocyte System (MPS), during in vivo and in vitro infection by Leishmania mexicana amazonenesis, was evaluated in this study. The macrophages' differentiation was assayed by cytochemical characterization at the ultrastrctural level, using two well-established markers: 5'-nucleotidase enzyme activity, for revealing the mature cells, and the peroxidase activity present in the cell granules to demonstrate immature mononuclear phagocytes. only a few mcrophages, demonstrating 5'-nucleotidase positive reaction in both the plasma membrane and within their cytoplasmic vesicles, were found scattered in the chronic inflammation at the L. m. amazonensis lesions in albino mice. However, by the peroxidase activity analysis, we were also able to demonstrate the presence of immature MPS cells, which predominate, together with parasitized vacuolated macrophages, in chronic lesions induced in this systemby L. m. amazonensis. The implications of these results on the pathogenesis of murine cutaneous leishmaniasis are discussed.
Fez-se o registro, na Amazônia, do primeiro caso humano de infecção cutânea mista determinada por duas espécies distintas de Leishmania: a Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis e a Leishmania mexicana amazonensis. As duas amostras, em questão, foram isoladas de lesões distintas de um mesmo paciente, e a caracterização das espécies foi feita com base em observações de infecção experimental em hamsters, comportamento em meios artificiais de cultura, desenvolvimento de infecção experimental em Lutzomyia longipalpis, e eletroforese de isoenzimas em gel de amido. Conclui-se ser de interesse o achado que, combinado com o fato já conhecido de ausência de imunidade cruzada entre a maioria das leishmânias, sugere a necessidade do emprego de uma vacina polivalente para a região.
As a preparatory stage for a study aiming at identifying the species and subspecies of local Leishmania in naturally infected sandflies through immunoradiometric assay with monoclonal antibodies, we tried to obtain experimental infections of phlebotomines with well characterized stocks of parasites, in order to test the effectiveness of the method.
The authors were able to infect phlebotomine sandflies on a human case of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis by feeding females of Lutzomyia longipalpis on a patient with a lesion due to Leishmania mexicana amazonensis.
Inhibition of one Leishmania subspecies by exometabolites of another subspecies, a phenomenon not previously reported, is suggested by our recent observations in cell cloning experiments with Leishmania mexicana mexicana and Leishmania mexicana amazonensis. Clones were identified using the technique of schizodeme analysis. The phenomenon observed is clearly relevant to studies of parasite isolation, leishmanial metabolism, cross-immunity and chemotherapy.
Three isolates of Leishmania were recovered from five of 27 specimens of the rodent Proechimys iheringi denigratus Moojen captured near Três Braços in the Atlantic Forest region of Bahia, Brazil. Two of these isolates were recovered from hamsters inoculated with a pooled triturate of liver, spleen and skin tissue from apparently healthy P. i. denigratus. The third isolate was recovered from a triturate of only skin tissue from another. Metastasis was observed in the inoculated hamsters, the parasites grew abundantly in artificial media and a typical suprapylarial pattern of infection in Lutzomyia longipalpis was produced indicating that the parasites belong to the Leishmania mexicana complex. All isolates reacted with Leishmania mexicana mexicana and Leishmania mexicana amazonensis monoclonal antibodies. The isoenzyme analysis differentiated these isolates from standard isolates of L. m. mexicana, L. m. amazonensis, L. m. aristedesi, L. m. pifanoi, L. m. garnhami and L. m. ssp.(Goiás-W. Barbosa). These isolates seem to be a subspecies of L. mexicana very closely related to L. m. amazonensis from which they differ by decreased electrophoretic mobility of GPI, PEP and ALAT. This is the first record of the isolation of a parasite of thegenus Leishmania in a rodent captured in the State of Bahia.
Del estúdio de 51 stocks de Leishmania aislados de pacientes humanos de leishmaniasis cutaneomucosa en Três Braços, Bahia, Brasil, los autores describen, en detalle, el análisis de los dos únicos stocks de L. mexicana, identificando uno de ellos como L. mexicana amazonensis. El otro aislado permanece en posición taxonómica no definida pues considerándosele como un miembro de L. mexicana, encuéntranse dificultades para su identificación subespecÃfica. Evaluan también los parâmetros biológicos e isoenzimáticos y discuten el papel de los anticuerpos monoclonales en la tipificación de éstos stocks. Los autores remarcan la rareza de la transmisión de parásitos del complejo L. mexicana en esta región, aun cuando estudien epidemiológicamente por mais de 8 anos la infección humana.
Utilizando parámetros biométricos de la fase amastigota y el tipo de desarrollo de los parásitos en el flebótomo Lutzomyia townsendi, se han estudiado cuatro aislados de Leishmania obtenidos de pacientes con leishmaniasis cutánea difusa, comparándolos con otros aislados de L. mexicana mexicana y L. braziliensis. Los resultados muestran una estrecha semejanza entre los cuatro aislados de pcientes anérgicos y la L. mexicana mexicana y sugieren que el nombre de L. mexicana pifanoi no parece sostenible; los cuatro aislados, por el contrario, podrÃan identificarse como L. mexicana amazonensis.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Foi identificada pela primeira vez a presença de L. mexicana em Didelphis marsupialis aurita, no Estado de São Paulo — MunicÃpio de Conchas, através de caracterização bioquÃmica.