1000 resultados para Leguminosae-Faboideae
Chromosome numbers of 11 South-Brazilian species of Adesmia were determined. The cytological preparations were obtained by squashing cells of root tips, using the acetic-orcein method. The chromosome number for all the species studied was 2n=20, excepting A. incana var. incana with 2n=ca.40. The counts are new for nine species, and the other two agree with the literature. It is suggested x=10 as the basic number for the genus. Up to the present only four species were cited as polyploid.
No presente trabalho, são analisados e discutidos os táxons infragenéricos de Diplotropis Bentham (Leguminosae - Faboideae) - Tribo Sophoreae s. lato. Uma nova seção (Sect. Racemosae lima) é descrita e são apresentadas chaves para identificação das seções, espécies e variedades.
Kudzu is a cover crop that has escaped cultivation in some subtropical and warm temperate regions. Kudzu has previously demonstrated broad intraspecific physiological plasticity while colonizing new environments. The objective of this paper was to investigate characteristics of kudzu leaflet anatomy that might contribute to its successful growth in climatically distinct environments, and to escape cultivation as well. Fresh and fixed leaflet strips of field-grown plants were analyzed. The lower epidermis of kudzu showed a higher frequency of stomata (147 ± 19 stomata mm-2) than the upper epidermis (26 ± 17 stomata mm-2). The average number of trichomes per square milimeter was 8 for both the upper and the lower epidermis. The average trichome length was 410 ± 200 mum for the upper epidermis and 460 ± 190 mum for the lower epidermis. Cuticle thickness was not considerably different between lower and upper epidermis. The leaflet blade consisted basically of two layers (upper and lower) of unicellular epidermis, two layers of palisade parenchyma and one layer of spongy parenchyma. One layer of paraveinal mesophyll was found between palisade and spongy parenchyma. In conclusion, leaflets of kudzu present anatomical characteristics that might contribute to the broad physiological plasticity shown by kudzu.
Galactomannans (GM) are storage cell wall polysaccharides present in endospermic seeds of legumes. They are thought to be storage polymers, since it has been observed for a few species (among them Sesbania virgata) that they are completely broken down after germination and their products are transferred to the growing embryo. We examined the effect of 10-4 M abscisic acid (ABA) on the degradation of galactomannan in isolated endosperms and intact seeds of S. virgata. We found that after seed germination the initial embryo growth was retarded. Ultrastructural analysis showed that the embryo is completely surrounded by an endosperm which displays very thick galactomannan-containing cell walls. Although an inhibitory effect has been observed on the increase of fresh mass of the embryo, the effect of ABA on the dry mass was weaker and transitory (from 48 to 96 h). Endosperm dry mass and galactomannan degradation were significantly inhibited and the activity of alpha-galactosidase was strongly affected. The addition of ABA before and/or after the start of mobilisation in intact seeds or isolated endosperms, showed that whereas addition before mobilisation did not affect dry mass decrease in intact seeds, it was strongly affected in isolated endosperms. On the other hand, whereas it affected embryo fresh mass increase in intact seeds, but not in isolated embryos, no significant effect was observed on dry mass. These results suggest that ABA affects galactomannan degradation and by doing so, prevents water absorption by the embryo, rather than affect its dry mass. As ABA has been detected in the endosperm of seeds of S. virgata, it is proposed that it probably acts as a modulator of galactomannan mobilisation and consequently synchronises it with early growth of the embryo.
Flavonóides são compostos fenólicos de ampla ocorrência na natureza exercendo diversas funções fisiológicas nos vegetais. Na família Leguminosae estes metabólitos secundários exercem o papel de antimicrobianos (fitoalexina e/ou fitoanticipinas) e como moléculas sinalizadoras, na simbiose com bactérias do solo no processo de fixação biológica do Nitrogênio. O gênero Lupinus, pertencente a esta família, é encontrado em todas as regiões fisiográficas do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Entretanto, não existem relatos de estudos químicos ou microbiológicos. Neste trabalho, foi analisado o perfil químico de folhas, flores, raízes, nódulos e legumes da espécie Lupinus lanatus. Foram isolados oito compostos fenólicos, dois deles não foram identificados devido ao baixo rendimento, um derivado do ácido cafeico isolado a partir das raízes teve sua estrutura parcialmente identificada. Quatro flavonóides tiveram suas estruturas elucidadas por métodos espectroscópicos e espectrométricos; três flavonas-C-glicosiladas: citisosídeo a partir das flores e folhas, ramnosil-O-vitexina e ramnosil-O-citisosídeo, a partir das folhas; e a isoflavona angustona A, a partir dos nódulos. Foi analisada a atividade antimicrobiana das flavonas pelo método da bioautografia frente a Bradyrhizobium sp. e Agrobacterium sp., microrganismos simbionte e patógeno, respectivamente, sendo que nenhum metabólito obteve resultado positivo, entretanto quando analisados pelo mesmo método frente a Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae e Escherichia coli o resultado foi positivo para ramnosil-O-vitexina. Foi avaliada a atividade antioxidante pelo método da DPPH para as flavonas, onde citisosídeo obteve resultado positivo.
Este trabalho trata do estudo taxonômico da tribo Dalbergieae no estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Foram reconhecidos seis gêneros e 17 espécies nativas: Andira Lam. (A. fraxinifolia Benth.); Centrolobium Mart. ex Benth. [C. microchaete (Mart. ex Benth.) Lima]; Dalbergia L.f. [D. brasiliensis (Vell.) Britt., D. ecastaphyllum (L.) Taub., D. ernest-ulei Hoehne, D. frutescens (Vell.) Britt., D. lateriflora Benth.]; Machaerium Pers.[M. dimorphandrum Hoehne, M. hatschbachii Rudd, M. hirtum (Vell.) Stellfeld, M. nyctitans (Vell.) Benth., M. paraguariense Hassl., M. stipitatum Vogel, M. uncinatum (Vell.) Benth., M. vestitum Vogel]; Platymiscium Vogel (P. floribundum Vogel); Pterocarpus Jacq. (P. rohrii Vahl). São fornecidos chaves analíticas para identificação de gêneros e de espécies, descrições, ilustrações, dados e mapas de distribuição geográfica, dados sobre floração, frutificação e utilidades e observações ecológicas.
Tropical kudzu (Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth., Leguminosae: Faboideae) is native to the humid Southeastern Asia. Tropical kudzu has potential as a cover crop in regions subjected to dryness. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effect of soil water depletion on leaflet relative water content (RWC), stomatal conductance (g) and temperature (T L) in tropical kudzu. RWC of waterstressed plants dropped from 96 to 78%, following a reduction in SWC from 0.25 to 0.17 g (H2O).g (dry soil)-1.Stomatal conductance of stressed plants decreased from 221 to 98 mmol.m-2.s-1, following the reduction in soil water content (SWC). The day after re-irrigation, g of water stressed plants was 15% lower than g of unstressed plants. Differences in T L between waterstressed and unstressed plants (deltaT L) rose linearly from 0.1 to 2.2ºC following progressive water deficit. RWC and T L of waterstressed plants paralled RWC and T L of unstressed plants the day after reirrigation. The strong decrease in SWC found in this study only induced moderate water stress in tropical kudzu. In addition, tropical kudzu recover rapidly from the induced water stress after the re-irrigation.
A Sesbania virgataé uma espécie arbórea, pioneira e de ocorrência natural no Brasil. Pertence à família Leguminosae-Faboideae sendo recomendada para recuperação de áreas degradadas devido a sua rusticidade e capacidade de estabelecer simbiose com rizóbio. Mas, apesar de sua ampla distribuição, até o momento não havia uma descrição morfológica das estruturas de propagação e da planta na fase inicial de desenvolvimento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os caracteres morfológicos dos frutos, sementes e plântulas, bem como caracterizar o processo de germinação de Sesbania virgata. Para o estudo do fruto, os seguintes aspectos foram observados: tipo; cor; dimensões; textura e consistência do pericarpo; deiscência; e número de sementes por fruto. Os aspectos observados para as sementes foram: cor; dimensões; peso de 1000 sementes; textura e consistência dos tegumentos; forma; bordo, posição do hilo e de outras estruturas presentes e características do embrião. As plântulas foram caracterizadas em dois estádios. O estádio de plântula foi considerado quando os protófilos já estavam totalmente formados e de planta jovem, a partir do surgimento do 2° protófilo. Os elementos vegetativos descritos e ilustrados foram radícula, coleto, hipocótilo, cotilédones, epicótilo, protófilos e caule. O fruto de Sesbania virgata é um legume indeiscente medindo 5,8 cm e contendo de 2 a 6 sementes. A semente de Sesbania virgata é reniforme, endospérmica e desprovida do tegma, sendo que o hilo e o estrófíolo são facilmente distinguíveis. O eixo-embrionário encontra-se inserido aos cotilédones, sendo apical e invaginado papilonáceo. A germinação da semente é do tipo epígea. A plântula jovem apresenta protófilos compostos com 4 a 9 pares de folíolos pequenos opostos e glabros com peciolo e pulvino, e no ápice há uma pequena expansão laminar glabra. A radícula é sublenhosa, de cor branca ou marrom castanho.
Tendo em vista a carência de informações a respeito das formas jovens das plantas e a importância desses dados como subsídios para trabalhos taxonômicos, filogenéticos e ecológicos, foram estudadas morfologicamente as plântulas e plantas jovens de 30 espécies arbóreas de Leguminosae, ocorrentes no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, visando à apresentação de características úteis para a identificação das espécies selecionadas. O desenvolvimento das plântulas e plantas jovens foi acompanhado diariamente, em germinador e em casa de vegetação. São apresentados dados relativos à morfologia da plântula, número de catáfilos, época de diferenciação do primeiro eófilo e sua filotaxia, época da abscisão cotiledonar e da formação do primeiro metáfilo, bem como a ocorrência de nodulação radicular. A análise das plântulas e plantas jovens demonstrou a grande variação que existe nas Leguminosae. Nessa família, plântulas epígeo-foliáceas e epígeo-carnosas ocorrem em 80% das espécies estudadas. em Caesalpinioideae, todas as plântulas se mostraram epígeas, 20% delas com cotilédones carnosos. em Mimosoideae, 66,7% das espécies produziram plântulas epígeo-foliáceas, 22,2% epígeo-carnosas e 11,1% semi-hipógeas. As espécies de Faboideae apresentaram dois tipos de plântulas: epígeo-carnosas em 54,5% e hipógeas em 45,5%.
Prosopis rubriflora and Prosopis ruscifolia are important species in the Chaquenian regions of Brazil. Because of the restriction and frequency of their physiognomy, they are excellent models for conservation genetics studies. The use of microsatellite markers (Simple Sequence Repeats, SSRs) has become increasingly important in recent years and has proven to be a powerful tool for both ecological and molecular studies. In this study, we present the development and characterization of 10 new markers for P. rubriflora and 13 new markers for P. ruscifolia. The genotyping was performed using 40 P. rubriflora samples and 48 P. ruscifolia samples from the Chaquenian remnants in Brazil. The polymorphism information content (PIC) of the P. rubriflora markers ranged from 0.073 to 0.791, and no null alleles or deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HW) were detected. The PIC values for the P. ruscifolia markers ranged from 0.289 to 0.883, but a departure from HW and null alleles were detected for certain loci; however, this departure may have resulted from anthropic activities, such as the presence of livestock, which is very common in the remnant areas. In this study, we describe novel SSR polymorphic markers that may be helpful in future genetic studies of P. rubriflora and P. ruscifolia.
Aeschynomene falcata is an important forage species; however, because of low seed production, it is underutilized as forage species. Aeschynomene is a polyphyletic genus with a challenging taxonomic position. Two subgenera have been proposed, and it is suggested that Aeschynomene can be split in 2 genera. Thus, new markers, such as microsatellite sequences, are desirable for improving breeding programs for A. falcata. Based on transferability and in situ localization, these microsatellite sequences can be applied as chromosome markers in the genus Aeschynomene and closely related genera. Here, we report the first microsatellite library developed for this genus; 11 microsatellites were characterized, with observed and expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.0000 to 0.7143 and from 0.1287 to 0.8360, respectively. Polymorphic information content varied from 0.1167 to 0.7786. The departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium may have resulted from frequent autogamy, which is characteristic of A. falcata. Of the 11 microsatellites, 9 loci were cross-amplified in A. brevipes and A. paniculata and 7 in Dalbergia nigra and Machaerium vestitum. Five of these 7 cross-amplified microsatellites were applied as probes during the in situ hybridization assay and 2 showed clear signals on A. falcata chromosomes, ensuring their viability as chromosome markers.
Multidrug-resistant microbial infections represent an exponentially growing problem affecting communities worldwide. Photodynamic therapy is a promising treatment based on the combination of light, oxygen, and a photosensitizer that leads to reactive oxygen species production, such as superoxide (type I mechanism) and singlet oxygen (type II mechanism) that cause massive oxidative damage and consequently the host cell death. Indigofera genus has gained considerable interest due its mutagenic, cytotoxic, and genotoxic activity. Therefore, this study was undertaken to investigate the effect of crude extracts, alkaloidal fraction, and isolated substance derived from Indigofera truxillensis in photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy on the viability of bacteria and yeast and evaluation of mechanisms involved. Our results showed that all samples resulted in microbial photoactivation in subinhibitory concentration, with indigo alkaloid presenting a predominant photodynamic action through type I mechanism. The use of CaCl2 and MgCl2 as cell permeabilizing additives also increased gram-negative bacteria susceptibility to indigo.
This work is a floristic survey of arboreous and climbing shrub taxa of Papilionoideae in a semideciduos forest at Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, eastern Minas Gerais State. Field work was carried out from April/1998 to May/1999, when montly visits were conducted to collect botanical material along trails and of the main road. The floristic survey resulted in 22 taxa belonging to eight genera. An identification key, descriptions, illustrations and comments on the analyzed taxa are presented.
In Myrocarpus, an exclusively South American genus, five species are recognised: Myrocarpus frondosus Allemão, M. leprosus Pickel, M. venezuelensis Rudd, M. fastigiatus Allemãoand M. emarginatus A.L.B. Sartori & A.M.G. Azevedo. Morphologic data, habitat information and geographic distribution of each taxon are discussed. Petal morphology and ornamentation of seed chamber are an important character for species identification, though not shown previously. Key to the species, descriptions, illustrations, distribution, and new registers are presented.