939 resultados para Legislation, Pharmacy
This article describes a survey of prescriptions dispensed in drugstores and pharmacies in the city of Araraquara in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, in May 2006. Their contents were assessed for compliance with the laws in force on drug prescription and dispensing. A total of 1,335 prescriptions were examined: 40 (3%) were unsigned, 212 (15.9%) did not contain the prescribing physician's stamp, 170 (12.7%) were undated. There were prescriptions containing corrections (4.6%), and written in code (4.4%). Only 58.8% were legible and easy to understand; nevertheless all of them were dispensed. Some did not specify the name of the patient (7.2%). On how to use the medication prescribed, not a single prescription contained all the information required by law. Specifically, 7.6% lacked information on dosage, 54.3% on presentation, 33.6% on how to take the drug, and 51.2% on duration of treatment. The data show a general failure to comply with the laws on drug prescription and dispensing. Incomplete information on the drugs and their correct use could lead to irrational use and errors in medication. The lack of prescribers' signature and stamp, date of emission and name of patient can lead to fraudulent and counterfeit prescriptions. Thus, the data found point to the need for capacitation of prescribing and dispensing professionals and the importance of the role of professional associations in guiding their members.
Através deste estudo, avaliou-se o nível de conhecimento e conduta dos farmacêuticos, responsáveis técnicos (RT) em drogarias, quanto a alguns aspectos da legislação farmacêutica e sanitária. Foram entrevistados 45 RT em 2007, sendo que 19 desconheciam a definição dos medicamentos de referência, 21 do genérico e 25 do similar. Todos sabiam da permissão de aplicação de medicamentos injetáveis. Porém, apenas dois sabiam da permissão da aplicação de penicilínicos, metade desconhecia que é permitido fracionar medicamentos fracionáveis em drogaria, 18 não sabiam dispensar corretamente uma prescrição pelo princípio ativo e 37 acreditavam que o farmacêutico pode intercambiar qualquer medicamento de marca pelo genérico. A maioria dos RT apresentou nível regular e insatisfatório de conduta e de conhecimento sobre a legislação profissional e sanitária, o que sinaliza um problema na formação acadêmica e de atualização permanente, podendo comprometer as diretrizes da política nacional de medicamentos. Palavras-chave: Legislação de Medicamentos. Legislação Farmacêutica. Legislação Sanitária, Conhecimentos. Condutas e Prática em Saúde. Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde. ABSTRACT Assessment of knowledge and behavior of pharmacists with technical responsibility for drugstores This paper is a study of the level of knowledge and conduct of the legally responsible pharmacist-in-charge (PIC) at drugstores, regarding certain aspects of pharmaceutical and health legislation. In 2007, 45 PICs were interviewed, of whom 19 did not know the definition of original (innovative) branded drugs, 21 of generic drugs and 25 of similar branded drugs. All PICs knew that it is permitted to administer injectable drugs in the drugstore. However, only two knew that penicillins can be injected, half of them did not know that certain medicines can be fractionated in drugstores, 18 did not know how to dispense correctly a prescription for an active ingredient and 37 believed that the pharmacist can swap any brand name drug with its generic counterpart. Most PICs showed an unsatisfactory level of conduct and knowledge of the professional and health legislation, which points to problems in the undergraduate and in-service training of pharmacists, that could jeopardize the national drug policy guidelines. Keywords: Legislation, Drug. Legislation, Pharmacy. Legislation, Health. Health Knowledge. Attitudes, Practice. Attitude of Health Personnel.
O impacto das reações adversas pode afetar duas vertentes, as conseqüências da reação ao paciente e a as conseqüências econômicas e sociais causadas pelas reações. Devido a isso, após o acidente da talidomida, órgãos governamentais de todo o mundo iniciaram a regulamentação do que hoje chamamos de farmacovigilância. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar e conhecer a legislação brasileira sobre a farmacovigilância, ao longo dos anos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa documental, de junho a setembro de 2014, sobre as legislações pertinentes utilizando a técnica de análise de conteúdo que permitiu avaliar as seguintes variáveis: ano publicação, âmbito, tipo de norma, a quem se aplica e o que regulamenta. No Brasil as primeiras iniciativas datam da década de 1970, mas foram tentativas infrutíferas na consolidação da farmacovigilância, pois havia muitas lacunas deixadas pelas normas, além da alta incidência de subnotificação por falta de uma fiscalização adequada. Apenas aproximadamente 25 anos depois, apareceram normas mais assertivas na consolidação da farmacovigilância, com a publicação da Política Nacional de Medicamentos, a fundação da ANVISA, criação do Centro Nacional de Monitorização de Medicamentos, criação do projeto Rede Sentinela, inserção do Brasil como membro do Programa Internacional de Monitorização de Medicamentos da OMS em 2001, criação dos centros de vigilância sanitária estaduais e a publicação da RDC n°4 de 2009 e Portaria CVS n°5 de 2010. Estas normativas incentivavam a fiscalização, sobretudo, da segurança, qualidade e efetividade das tecnologias em saúde. Apenas em 2013 foi contemplado o paciente como protagonista no processo de uso dos medicamentos, sendo possível analisar todo o contexto envolvido nas etapas (necessidade, efetividade, segurança e adesão). Hoje, o Brasil possui normas que contemplam todos os âmbitos de saúde, além dos detentores de ...
Pharmacy originates from a background of medication compounding and supply. More recently, this role has developed away from an absolute focus on the supply of pharmaceuticals with, for example, the advent of pharmacist prescribing. Nevertheless, for a majority of the profession, medication supply remains a core activity. Regulation of the pharmacy profession is now the responsibility of the General Pharmaceutical Council, although up until 27 September 2010, this role fell to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB). Before this change, in one of the most high-profile legal cases involving a pharmacist in a professional capacity, R. v Lee, a pharmacist was prosecuted firstly for gross negligence manslaughter, later revised to offences under the Medicines Act 1968, for a single error relating to medication supply, and was given a suspended custodial sentence. Offences against sections 64 or 85 of the Medicines Act are absolute offences and there is no due diligence defence. Prosecution of a pharmacist for the supply of incorrect medication may seem a measured course of action to protect the public from the wrongful supply of potent pharmacotherapeutic agents; however, further analysis of Lee indicates that this approach may be counterproductive. An appeal of the original conviction in the Lee case has resulted in a clarification of the interpretation of section 85(5); however currently, prosecutions under section 64 are still a possibility. Owing to the seriousness of a criminal conviction under section 64, this continuation will potentially stifle the profession's ability to learn from dispensing errors. © The Author [2013]. Published by Oxford University Press; all rights reserved.
Pharmacist-administered vaccination is a reality in many counties including USA, Canada, UK, Portugal, Ireland and New Zealand. In Australia the role of pharmacist administered vaccination has long been supported by the profession particularly the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia and Pharmacy Guild of Australia, however legislation prohibits this practice in each state and territory. In 2013 the only available in-pharmacy vaccination services are those delivered by an immunization nurse, nurse practitioner or general practitioner.
The Board of Pharmacy at the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation publishes a newsletter with news articles to promote compliance of pharmacy and drug law.
The Board of Pharmacy at the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation publishes a newsletter with news articles to promote compliance of pharmacy and drug law.
The Board of Pharmacy at the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation publishes a newsletter with news articles to promote compliance of pharmacy and drug law.
The Board of Pharmacy at the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation publishes a newsletter with news articles to promote compliance of pharmacy and drug law.
The Board of Pharmacy at the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation publishes a newsletter with news articles to promote compliance of pharmacy and drug law.
The Board of Pharmacy at the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation publishes a newsletter with news articles to promote compliance of pharmacy and drug law.
The Board of Pharmacy at the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation publishes a newsletter with news articles to promote compliance of pharmacy and drug law.
The Board of Pharmacy at the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation publishes a newsletter with news articles to promote compliance of pharmacy and drug law.
The Board of Pharmacy at the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation publishes a newsletter with news articles to promote compliance of pharmacy and drug law.