858 resultados para Legal Amazonian
The objective of this work is the study of the existing correlations between the strategical use of the information and the joint and implementation of defense politics and national security in the Legal Amazonian. For in such a way, the proposal was developed from the analysis of the systems of protection and monitoring of the Amazonian (SIPAM/SIVAM), where we search to inquire as these systems have contributed for the definition and implantation of these politics. For the Amazonian, with its natural wealth, threats and vulnerabilities, the perspectives of integration, security and national defense and of sustainable development constitute great challenges to be faced, where the efficient use of the technology is a basic reference that must be incorporated in the strategies and public politics in these areas. One is about a strategical project, conceived with vision of future, protection and development of the . The objective SIPAM/SIVAM the defense and the guarantee of the Brazilian sovereignty in the Legal Amazonian, beyond the systematization and accomplishment of the governmental actions in the region, by means of the intensive use of technological apparatus. In turn, they reflect the priority that the Amazon region has in terms of defense and security for the Country, and symbolize the strategy of the State to protect it. The SIPAM/SIVAM if finds in a boarding line in which the guarantee of the national sovereignty also involves the care with the development of the local population, inside of a proposal educative and integrator. Like conclusion we affirm that of the SIPAM/SIVAM creates a new paradigm for the public administration, where the organizations work with a shared set of information, beyond starting to act of integrated form. Thus, when searching permanently the rationalization of efforts and resources, trying an unknown form of institution relationship where infrastructure and products are shared, the SIPAM/SIVAM creates a new premise for the Brazilian public administration and contributes to give a new direction to the development of the Amazonian.
INTRODUCTION : In 2011, the Brazilian Ministry of Health rolled out a program for the external quality assessment of rapid human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) tests using the dried tube specimen (DTS) method (EQA-RT/DTS-HIV). Our objective was to evaluate the implementation of this program at 71 voluntary counseling and testing centers (VCTCs) in the Brazilian Legal Amazonian area one year after its introduction. METHODS : Quantitative and qualitative study that analyzed secondary data and interviews with healthcare workers (HCWs) (n=39) and VCTC coordinators (n=32) were performed. The assessment used 18 key indicators to evaluate the three dimensions of the program's logical framework: structure, process, and result. Each indicator was scored from 1-4, and the aggregate results corresponding to the dimensions were expressed as proportions. The results were compared to the perceptions of the HCWs and coordinators regarding the EQA-RT/DTS-HIV program. RESULTS: The aggregate scores for the three dimensions of structure, process, and result were 91.7%, 78.6%, and 95%, respectively. The lowest score in each dimension corresponded to a different indicator: access to Quali-TR online system 39% (structure), registration in Quali-TR online system 38.7% (process), and VCTC completed the full process in the program's first round 63.4% (result). Approximately 36% of the HCWs and 52% of the coordinators reported enhanced trust in the program for its rapid HIV testing performance. CONCLUSIONS: All three program dimensions exhibited satisfactory results (>75%). Nevertheless, the study findings highlight the need to improve certain program components. Additionally, long-term follow-ups is needed to provide a more thorough picture of the process for external quality assessment.
A malária é uma doença parasitária causada por protozoários do gênero Plasmodium que completam seu ciclo de desenvolvimento alternando entre hospedeiros humanos e mosquitos do gênero Anopheles. No contexto mundial, constitui um grave problema de saúde pública que afeta principalmente os países em desenvolvimento de clima tropical e subtropical. No Brasil, acredita-se que 99,5% dos casos registrados de malária encontram-se na Amazônia Legal. Muito do sucesso deste agravo nesta região deve-se a fatores biológicos e ambientais que favorecem níveis altos de vetores, além de fatores sociais que comprometem os esforços para controlar a doença. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o perfil epidemiológico da malária no Pará, durante uma série histórica (1999 – 2003), analisando a influência de variáveis ambientais e socioeconômicas sobre a prevalência dos casos. Para tal foram calculados os índices parasitários anuais (IPA) de cada município e, através de um SIG, estes dados foram georreferenciados e estudados de forma temporal e espacial. Dados sobre o desmatamento no Estado foram analisados, através de uma regressão por permutação, para tentar explicar a variação temporal da malária. Para o estudo espacial foi testada (regressão múltipla) a influência das variáveis: temperatura, pluviosidade, altitude, educação, longevidade e renda, sobre a prevalência da malária. No estudo temporal a malária apresentou uma tendência decrescente no Estado, entretanto, apenas 31 municípios apresentaram a mesma tendência, não houve tendência crescente, os 112 municípios restantes apresentaram tendência estável. Além disso, muitos municípios alternaram aumento e diminuição dos casos ao longo da série, indicando uma boa ação de controle, mas uma fraca atuação da vigilância. Neste contexto o desmatamento parece influenciar a série temporal da malária, obteve-se resultados significativos em dois (2001 e 2002) dos três anos estudados. No estudo espacial o modelo final adotado, apesar de uma baixo poder explicativo (R²=0.31), apresentou três variáveis significativas: número de meses secos, renda e educação. No entanto, o resultado das duas primeiras não se apresenta de uma forma direta, sendo reflexo de outras atividades. Apesar da escala adotada e de problemas na agregação dos dados (só estão disponíveis por município), este trabalho apresenta resultados relevantes que podem auxiliar os gestores da saúde (ou de endemias) a direcionar ações de controle para as áreas apontadas como críticas, atuando nos fatores de maior significância, obtendo assim melhor aproveitamento dos recursos humanos e materiais disponíveis.
A malária ainda é um dos mais sérios problemas de saúde pública e a principal causa de mortalidade e morbidade nas regiões endêmicas. O Brasil está entre os 30 países com maior incidência de malária e a maior parte dos casos ocorre na Amazônia Legal. Novos agentes terapêuticos são necessários para o tratamento da malária. Muitas espécies vegetais são utilizadas na medicina tradicional de vários países endêmicos mas é relativamente reduzido o número daquelas que já foram investigadas quanto à sua atividade antimalárica. Menor ainda é o número de espécies das quais foram isoladas substâncias ativas e tiveram sua toxidade determinada. Esta área de pesquisa é, portanto, de alta relevância. Um projeto de descoberta de produtos naturais antimaláricos a partir de plantas de uso tradicional deve incluir ensaios in vitro e in vivo bem como o isolamento biomonitorado de substâncias ativas. Os produtos finais serão substâncias naturais antimaláricas, potenciais fármacos ou protótipos para o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos, e/ou extratos padronizados, com atividade antimalárica, os quais são necessários para estudos pré-clínicos e clínicos quando o objetivo é o desenvolvimento de fitoterápicos (fitomedicamentos) eficazes e seguros. A presente revisão discute estas duas abordagens, apresenta resumidamente as metodologias de bioensaios para avaliação de atividade antimalárica e focaliza a atividade de alcalóides pertencentes a diferentes classes estruturais bem como sua importância como fármacos ou protótipos e como marcadores químicos de fitoterápicos.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Muitas são os fatores, apontadas pela literatura pertinente, acerca das causas do desmatamento da Amazônia Legal brasileira. Desde aspectos endógenos como as condições edafo-climáticas, a aspectos relacionados à ação antrópica como os movimentos populacionais, o crescimento urbano e, em especial, as ações autônomas ou induzidas dos diversos agentes econômicos públicos e privados que têm atuado na região, configurando historicamente os processos de ocupação do solo e aproveitamento econômico do espaço amazônico. Este artigo tem como objetivo realizar um teste de causalidade, no sentido de Granger, nas principais variáveis sugeridas como importantes para explicar o desmatamento da Amazônia Legal, no período de 1997 a 2006. A metodologia a ser empregada se baseia em modelos dinâmicos para dados em painel, desenvolvidos por Holtz-Eakin et al. (1988) e Arellano-Bond (1991), que desenvolveram um teste de causalidade baseado no artigo seminal de Granger (1969). Entre os principais resultados obtidos está a constatação empírica de que existe uma causalidade bidirecional entre desmatamento e as áreas de culturas permanente e temporária, bem como o tamanho do rebanho bovino.
Foi investigada a efetividade das Unidades de Conservação e das Terras Indígenas na contenção do desflorestamento na Amazônia Legal. A análise dos dados foi processada em ambiente SIG (Sistema de Informações Geográficas) no programa ArcGis 9.3. O modelo estatístico desenvolvido para testar a efetividade das Áreas Protegidas se baseou na diferença entre o desflorestamento interno observado nas Áreas Protegidas e o desflorestamento interno nas Áreas Protegidas, estimado a partir do entorno de cinco quilômetros e de dez quilômetros das Áreas Protegidas. Verificou-se que, em área de floresta, até o ano de 2007, as Áreas Protegidas ocupavam aproximadamente 40% da Amazônia Legal. As Unidades de Conservação de Proteção Integral ocupavam 7,5% da Amazônia Legal, as Unidades de Conservação de Uso Sustentável ocupavam 11,2% da Amazônia Legal e as Terras Indígenas ocupavam 21% da Amazônia Legal. Foi observada uma diferença significativa na proporção de área ocupada pelos tipos de Áreas Protegidas entre os estados da Amazônia Legal. Notou-se, ainda, que a proporção do desflorestamento interno nas Unidades de Conservação de Proteção Integral e nas Terras Indígenas foi menor do que nas Unidades de Conservação de Uso Sustentável. A proporção do desflorestamento interno das Áreas Protegidas foi muito menor do que a proporção de desflorestamento externo à essas áreas, nos estados do Mato Grosso, Pará e Rondônia. Segundo o modelo estatístico de efetividade, 62,3% das Áreas Protegidas analisadas eram efetivas na contenção do desflorestamento. Esse modelo constitui importante instrumento para direcionar o planejamento de políticas públicas de conservação da Amazônia Legal, pois indica as Áreas Protegidas mais ameaçadas pelo desflorestamento. É imprescindível estabelecer com urgência a criação de mais Áreas Protegidas na Amazônia Legal e a consolidação das Áreas Protegidas existentes, já que não se sabe até quando essas áreas conseguirão se manter sem o mínimo necessário à sua sustentação.
OBJECTIVE: This epidemiological survey assessed the dental caries profile in Monte Negro, a small town in the Amazonian state of Rondônia, Brazil, and its relationship with the northern region, national and global goals for oral health in the years 2000 and 2020. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The groups randomly examined were composed of individuals aged 5, 12, 15 to 19, 35 to 44, 65 to 74 years, living in both rural and urban areas. RESULTS: The means dft (standard deviation) and DMFT (standard deviation) for the groups were, respectively, 3.15 (3.12), 3.41 (2.69), 5.96 (4.19), 16.00 (7.30) and 25.96 (9.82). Caries-free individuals were 34.42%, 14.81% and 8.16% in the preschoolchildren, schoolchildren and adolescent groups, respectively. The Significant Caries Index percentages applied to the two younger groups were 6.65 and 6.70, and they increased to 32.00 in the individuals aged 65 to 74 years. Care Index percentages for adolescents, adults and elderly groups were, respectively, 29.40, 25.00 and 1.41. The dental caries profile in Monte Negro in 2008 shows that, 8 years after the year 2000, no FDI/WHO goal for any age settled in 1982 has been achieved. Dental caries increased with age and the main dental problem of adult and elderly groups was tooth loss. CONCLUSION: Oral health promotion and prevention of oral disease policies are urgent needs. Setting of oral health goals and targets to people living in Monte Negro or Amazonia to be pursuit and achieved in a near future is an important action to do because of the culture, sanitary conditions and socioeconomic aspects of this particular population.
Este artigo de revisão sistemática tem por objetivo citar os métodos de identificação humana por meio da radiologia, utilizados em odontologia legal. Para isso, realizou-se revisão de literatura com 19 trabalhos selecionados dentre 45 encontrados, após aplicação de critérios de inclusão. Há diversas técnicas radiológicas que podem ser utilizadas para auxiliar na identificação humana, tanto individual como geral, incluindo a determinação do gênero, do grupo étnico e, principalmente, da idade. A análise de radiografias e tomografias ante-mortem e post-mortem tornou-se uma ferramenta fundamental nos processos de identificação em odontologia legal, principalmente com o refinamento das técnicas adquiridas com o avanço da própria radio-logia e com a incorporação da informática. Conclui-se que a partir do conhecimento adequado dos métodos disponíveis, o profissional em odontologia legal pode optar pelo método que melhor preencha as características necessárias para o sucesso da identificação, tendo cuidado na aplicação correta da técnica e na interpretação precisa das informações obtidas.
A karyotype analysis of the electric eel, Electrophorus electricus (Teleostei, Gymnotiformes), a strongly electric fish from northern South America, is presented. Two female specimens were analyzed, one from the Amazon River and one from the Araguaia River. The specimens had a chromosomal number of 2n = 52 (42M-SM + 10A). C-bands were present in a centromeric and pericentromeric position on part of the chromosomes; some interstitial C-bands were also present. Heteromorphic nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) were detected in two chromosome pairs of the specimen from the Amazon River. The chromosome number and karyotype characteristics are similar to those of other Gymnotidae species. The genera Electrophorus and Gymnotus are positioned as the basal lineages in the Gymnotiformes phylogeny.
Equatorial podzols are soils characterized by thick sandy horizons overlying more clayey horizons. Organic matter produced in the topsoil is transferred in depth through the sandy horizons and accumulate at the transition, at a depth varying from 1 to more than 3 m, forming deep horizons rich in organic matter (Bh horizons). Although they cover great surfaces in the equatorial zone, these soils are still poorly known. Studying podzols from Amazonia, we found out that the deep Bh horizons in poorly drained podzol areas have a thickness higher than 1m and store unexpected amounts of carbon. The average for the studied area was 66.7 +/- 5.8 kgCm(-2) for the deep Bh and 86.8 +/- 7.1 kgCm(-2) for the whole profile. Extrapolating to the podzol areas of the whole Amazonian basin has been possible thanks to digital maps, giving an order of magnitude around 13.6 +/- 1.1 PgC, at least 12.3 PgC higher than previous estimates. This assessment should be refined by additional investigations, not only in Amazonia but in all equatorial areas where podzols have been identified. Because of the lack of knowledge on the quality and behaviour of the podzol organic matter, the question of the feedback between the climate and the equatorial podzol carbon cycle is open.
Background: The Brazilian Amazon has suffered impacts from non-sustainable economic development, especially owing to the expansion of agricultural commodities into forest areas. The Tangara da Serra region, located in the southern of the Legal Amazon, is characterized by non-mechanized sugar cane production. In addition, it lies on the dispersion path of the pollution plume generated by biomass burning. The aim of this study was to assess the genotoxic potential of the atmosphere in the Tangara da Serra region, using Tradescantia pallida as in situ bioindicator. Methods: The study was conducted during the dry and rainy seasons, where the plants were exposed to two types of exposure, active and passive. Results: The results showed that in all the sampling seasons, irrespective of exposure type, there was an increase in micronucleus frequency, compared to control and that it was statistically significant in the dry season. A strong and significant relationship was also observed between the increase in micronucleus incidence and the rise in fine particulate matter, and hospital morbidity from respiratory diseases in children. Conclusions: Based on the results, we demonstrated that pollutants generated by biomass burning in the Brazilian Amazon can induce genetic damage in test plants that was more prominent during dry season, and correlated with the level of particulates and elevated respiratory morbidity.
Background: Cryptic species complexes are common among anophelines. Previous phylogenetic analysis based on the complete mtDNA COI gene sequences detected paraphyly in the Neotropical malaria vector Anopheles marajoara. The ""Folmer region"" detects a single taxon using a 3% divergence threshold. Methods: To test the paraphyletic hypothesis and examine the utility of the Folmer region, genealogical trees based on a concatenated (white + 3' COI sequences) dataset and pairwise differentiation of COI fragments were examined. The population structure and demographic history were based on partial COI sequences for 294 individuals from 14 localities in Amazonian Brazil. 109 individuals from 12 localities were sequenced for the nDNA white gene, and 57 individuals from 11 localities were sequenced for the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2). Results: Distinct A. marajoara lineages were detected by combined genealogical analysis and were also supported among COI haplotypes using a median joining network and AMOVA, with time since divergence during the Pleistocene (< 100,000 ya). COI sequences at the 3' end were more variable, demonstrating significant pairwise differentiation (3.82%) compared to the more moderate 2.92% detected by the Folmer region. Lineage 1 was present in all localities, whereas lineage 2 was restricted mainly to the west. Mismatch distributions for both lineages were bimodal, likely due to multiple colonization events and spatial expansion (similar to 798 - 81,045 ya). There appears to be gene flow within, not between lineages, and a partial barrier was detected near Rio Jari in Amapa state, separating western and eastern populations. In contrast, both nDNA data sets (white gene sequences with or without the retention of the 4th intron, and ITS2 sequences and length) detected a single A. marajoara lineage. Conclusions: Strong support for combined data with significant differentiation detected in the COI and absent in the nDNA suggest that the divergence is recent, and detectable only by the faster evolving mtDNA. A within subgenus threshold of >2% may be more appropriate among sister taxa in cryptic anopheline complexes than the standard 3%. Differences in demographic history and climatic changes may have contributed to mtDNA lineage divergence in A. marajoara.
Marinussaurus curupira, a new genus and species of Gymnophthalmidae lizard is described from Iranduba, state of Amazonas, Brazil. The genus is characterized by an elongate body; short and stout pentadactyl limbs; all digits clawed; single frontonasal; two prefrontals; absence of frontoparietals; interparietal and parietals forming a straight posterior margin, with interparietal shorter than parietals; distinctive ear opening and eyelid; few temporals; three pairs of chin shields; nasal divided; a distinct collar; smooth, mainly hexagonal, dorsal scales; smooth quadrangular ventral scales; two precloacal and three femoral pores on each side in males; pores between three or four scales. Parsimony (PAR) and partitioned Bayesian (BA) phylogenetic analyses with morphological and molecular data recovered the new genus as a member of the Ecpleopodini radiation of the Cercosaurinae. A close relationship of the new genus with Arthrosaura is postulated.
The Amazon Basin provides an excellent environment for studying the sources, transformations, and properties of natural aerosol particles and the resulting links between biological processes and climate. With this framework in mind, the Amazonian Aerosol Characterization Experiment (AMAZE-08), carried out from 7 February to 14 March 2008 during the wet season in the central Amazon Basin, sought to understand the formation, transformations, and cloud-forming properties of fine-and coarse-mode biogenic aerosol particles, especially as related to their effects on cloud activation and regional climate. Special foci included (1) the production mechanisms of secondary organic components at a pristine continental site, including the factors regulating their temporal variability, and (2) predicting and understanding the cloud-forming properties of biogenic particles at such a site. In this overview paper, the field site and the instrumentation employed during the campaign are introduced. Observations and findings are reported, including the large-scale context for the campaign, especially as provided by satellite observations. New findings presented include: (i) a particle number-diameter distribution from 10 nm to 10 mu m that is representative of the pristine tropical rain forest and recommended for model use; (ii) the absence of substantial quantities of primary biological particles in the submicron mode as evidenced by mass spectral characterization; (iii) the large-scale production of secondary organic material; (iv) insights into the chemical and physical properties of the particles as revealed by thermodenuder-induced changes in the particle number-diameter distributions and mass spectra; and (v) comparisons of ground-based predictions and satellite-based observations of hydrometeor phase in clouds. A main finding of AMAZE-08 is the dominance of secondary organic material as particle components. The results presented here provide mechanistic insight and quantitative parameters that can serve to increase the accuracy of models of the formation, transformations, and cloud-forming properties of biogenic natural aerosol particles, especially as related to their effects on cloud activation and regional climate.