918 resultados para Least squares method
In this paper a modified algorithm is suggested for developing polynomial neural network (PNN) models. Optimal partial description (PD) modeling is introduced at each layer of the PNN expansion, a task accomplished using the orthogonal least squares (OLS) method. Based on the initial PD models determined by the polynomial order and the number of PD inputs, OLS selects the most significant regressor terms reducing the output error variance. The method produces PNN models exhibiting a high level of accuracy and superior generalization capabilities. Additionally, parsimonious models are obtained comprising a considerably smaller number of parameters compared to the ones generated by means of the conventional PNN algorithm. Three benchmark examples are elaborated, including modeling of the gas furnace process as well as the iris and wine classification problems. Extensive simulation results and comparison with other methods in the literature, demonstrate the effectiveness of the suggested modeling approach.
Fission product yields are fundamental parameters for several nuclear engineering calculations and in particular for burn-up/activation problems. The impact of their uncertainties was widely studied in the past and valuations were released, although still incomplete. Recently, the nuclear community expressed the need for full fission yield covariance matrices to produce inventory calculation results that take into account the complete uncertainty data. In this work, we studied and applied a Bayesian/generalised least-squares method for covariance generation, and compared the generated uncertainties to the original data stored in the JEFF-3.1.2 library. Then, we focused on the effect of fission yield covariance information on fission pulse decay heat results for thermal fission of 235U. Calculations were carried out using different codes (ACAB and ALEPH-2) after introducing the new covariance values. Results were compared with those obtained with the uncertainty data currently provided by the library. The uncertainty quantification was performed with the Monte Carlo sampling technique. Indeed, correlations between fission yields strongly affect the statistics of decay heat. Introduction Nowadays, any engineering calculation performed in the nuclear field should be accompanied by an uncertainty analysis. In such an analysis, different sources of uncertainties are taken into account. Works such as those performed under the UAM project (Ivanov, et al., 2013) treat nuclear data as a source of uncertainty, in particular cross-section data for which uncertainties given in the form of covariance matrices are already provided in the major nuclear data libraries. Meanwhile, fission yield uncertainties were often neglected or treated shallowly, because their effects were considered of second order compared to cross-sections (Garcia-Herranz, et al., 2010). However, the Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC)
The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the most popular methods used in Multi-Attribute Decision Making. The Eigenvector Method (EM) and some distance minimizing methods such as the Least Squares Method (LSM) are of the possible tools for computing the priorities of the alternatives. A method for generating all the solutions of the LSM problem for 3 × 3 and 4 × 4 matrices is discussed in the paper. Our algorithms are based on the theory of resultants.
The aim of the paper is to present a new global optimization method for determining all the optima of the Least Squares Method (LSM) problem of pairwise comparison matrices. Such matrices are used, e.g., in the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Unlike some other distance minimizing methods, LSM is usually hard to solve because of the corresponding nonlinear and non-convex objective function. It is found that the optimization problem can be reduced to solve a system of polynomial equations. Homotopy method is applied which is an efficient technique for solving nonlinear systems. The paper ends by two numerical example having multiple global and local minima.
In this paper we consider the scattering of a plane acoustic or electromagnetic wave by a one-dimensional, periodic rough surface. We restrict the discussion to the case when the boundary is sound soft in the acoustic case, perfectly reflecting with TE polarization in the EM case, so that the total field vanishes on the boundary. We propose a uniquely solvable first kind integral equation formulation of the problem, which amounts to a requirement that the normal derivative of the Green's representation formula for the total field vanish on a horizontal line below the scattering surface. We then discuss the numerical solution by Galerkin's method of this (ill-posed) integral equation. We point out that, with two particular choices of the trial and test spaces, we recover the so-called SC (spectral-coordinate) and SS (spectral-spectral) numerical schemes of DeSanto et al., Waves Random Media, 8, 315-414 1998. We next propose a new Galerkin scheme, a modification of the SS method that we term the SS* method, which is an instance of the well-known dual least squares Galerkin method. We show that the SS* method is always well-defined and is optimally convergent as the size of the approximation space increases. Moreover, we make a connection with the classical least squares method, in which the coefficients in the Rayleigh expansion of the solution are determined by enforcing the boundary condition in a least squares sense, pointing out that the linear system to be solved in the SS* method is identical to that in the least squares method. Using this connection we show that (reflecting the ill-posed nature of the integral equation solved) the condition number of the linear system in the SS* and least squares methods approaches infinity as the approximation space increases in size. We also provide theoretical error bounds on the condition number and on the errors induced in the numerical solution computed as a result of ill-conditioning. Numerical results confirm the convergence of the SS* method and illustrate the ill-conditioning that arises.
A low-cost computer procedure to determine the orbit of an artificial satellite by using short arc data from an onboard GPS receiver is proposed. Pseudoranges are used as measurements to estimate the orbit via recursive least squares method. The algorithm applies orthogonal Givens rotations for solving recursive and sequential orbit determination problems. To assess the procedure, it was applied to the TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite for data batches of one orbital period (approximately two hours), and force modelling, due to the full JGM-2 gravity field model, was considered. When compared with the reference Precision Orbit Ephemeris (POE) of JPL/NASA, the results have indicated that precision better than 9 m is easily obtained, even when short batches of data are used. Copyright (c) 2007.
In this letter, a speech recognition algorithm based on the least-squares method is presented. Particularly, the intention is to exemplify how such a traditional numerical technique can be applied to solve a signal processing problem that is usually treated by using more elaborated formulations.
This is a follow up to "Solution of the least squares method problem of pairwise comparisons matrix" by Bozóki published by this journal in 2008. Familiarity with this paper is essential and assumed. For lower inconsistency and decreased accuracy, our proposed solutions run in seconds instead of days. As such, they may be useful for researchers willing to use the least squares method (LSM) instead of the geometric means (GM) method.
The method of Least Squares is due to Carl Friedrich Gauss. The Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization method is of much younger date. A method for solving Least Squares Problems is developed which automatically results in the appearance of the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalizers. Given these orthogonalizers an induction-proof is available for solving Least Squares Problems.
Six parameters uniquely describe the orbit of a body about the Sun. Given these parameters, it is possible to make predictions of the body's position by solving its equation of motion. The parameters cannot be directly measured, so they must be inferred indirectly by an inversion method which uses measurements of other quantities in combination with the equation of motion. Inverse techniques are valuable tools in many applications where only noisy, incomplete, and indirect observations are available for estimating parameter values. The methodology of the approach is introduced and the Kepler problem is used as a real-world example. (C) 2003 American Association of Physics Teachers.
Parameters to be determined in a least squares refinement calculation to fit a set of observed data may sometimes usefully be `predicated' to values obtained from some independent source, such as a theoretical calculation. An algorithm for achieving this in a least squares refinement calculation is described, which leaves the operator in full control of the weight that he may wish to attach to the predicate values of the parameters.