989 resultados para Learning deficits


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Meta-analysis and meta-regression were used to evaluate whether evidence to date demonstrates deficits in procedural memory in individuals with specific language impairment (SLI), and to examine reasons for inconsistencies of findings across studies. The Procedural Deficit Hypothesis (PDH) proposes that SLI is largely explained by abnormal functioning of the frontal-basal ganglia circuits that support procedural memory. It has also been suggested that declarative memory can compensate for at least some of the problems observed in individuals with SLI. A number of studies have used Serial Reaction Time (SRT) tasks to investigate procedural learning in SLI. In this report, results from eight studies that collectively examined 186 participants with SLI and 203 typically-developing peers were submitted to a meta-analysis. The average mean effect size was .328 (CI95: .071, .584) and was significant. This suggests SLI is associated with impairments of procedural learning as measured by the SRT task. Differences among individual study effect sizes, examined with meta-regression, indicated that smaller effect sizes were found in studies with older participants, and in studies that had a larger number of trials on the SRT task. The contributions of age and SRT task characteristics to learning are discussed with respect to impaired and compensatory neural mechanisms in SLI.


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Cocaine addiction involves persistent deficits to unlearn previously rewarded response options, potentially due to neuroadaptations in learning-sensitive regions. Cocaine-targeted prefrontal systems have been consistently associated with reinforcement learning and reversal deficits, but more recent interspecies research has raised awareness about the contribution of the cerebellum to cocaine addiction and reversal. We aimed at investigating the link between cocaine use, reversal learning and prefrontal, insula and cerebellar gray matter in cocaine-dependent individuals (CDIs) varying on levels of cocaine exposure in comparison with healthy controls (HCs). Twenty CDIs and 21 HCs performed a probabilistic reversal learning task (PRLT) and were subsequently scanned in a 3-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging scanner. In the PRLT, subjects progressively learn to respond to one predominantly reinforced stimulus, and thenmust learn to respond according to the opposite, previously irrelevant, stimulus-reward pairing. Performance measureswere errors after reversal (reversal cost), and probability of maintaining response after errors. Voxel-based morphometry was conducted to investigate the association between gray matter volume in the regions of interest and cocaine use and PRLT performance. Severity of cocaine use correlated with gray matter volume reduction in the left cerebellum (lobule VIII), while greater reversal cost was correlated with gray matter volume reduction in a partially overlapping cluster (lobules VIIb and VIII). Right insula/inferior frontal gyrus correlated with probability of maintaining response after errors. Severity of cocaine use detrimentally impacted reversal learning and cerebellar gray matter.


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The effect of adjuvant therapy with the radical scavenger alpha-phenyl-tert-butyl nitrone (PBN; 100 mg/kg given intraperitoneally every 8 h for 5 days) on brain injury and learning function was evaluated in an infant rat model of pneumococcal meningitis. Meningitis led to cortical necrotic injury (median, 3.97% [range, 0%-38.9%] of the cortex), which was reduced to a median of 0% (range, 0%-30.9%) of the cortex (P<.001) by PBN. However, neuronal apoptosis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus was increased by PBN, compared with that by saline (median score, 1.15 [range, 0.04-1.73] vs. 0.31 [range, 0-0.92]; P<.001). Learning function 3 weeks after cured infection, as assessed by the Morris water maze, was decreased, compared with that in uninfected control animals (P<.001). Parallel to the increase in hippocampal apoptosis, PBN further impaired learning in infected animals, compared with that in saline-treated animals (P<.02). These results contrast with those of an earlier study, in which PBN reduced cortical and hippocampal neuronal injury in group B streptococcal meningitis. Thus, in pneumococcal meningitis, antioxidant therapy with PBN aggravates hippocampal injury and learning deficits.


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BACKGROUND: Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is frequently associated with psychiatric conditions, particularly anxiety. Deficits in contingency learning during fear conditioning have been hypothesized to increase anxiety and, consequently, pain sensation in susceptible individuals. The goal of this study was to examine the relationship between contingency learning and pain experience in subjects with FMS and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: Fourteen female FMS subjects, 14 age-matched female RA subjects and 14 age-matched female healthy controls (HCs) were included in a fear-conditioning experiment. The conditioned stimulus (CS) consisted of visual signs, the unconditioned stimulus (US) of thermal stimuli. CS- predicted low-temperature exposure (US), while CS+ was followed by low or high temperature. RESULTS: In the FMS group, only 50% of the subjects were aware of the US-CS contingency, whereas 86% of the RA subjects and all of the HCs were aware of the contingency. CS+ induced more anxiety than CS- in RA subjects and HCs. As expected, low-temperature exposure was experienced as less painful after CS- than after CS+ in these subjects. FMS subjects did not show such adaptive conditioning. The effects of the type of CS on heart rate changes were significant in the HCs and the aware FMS subjects, but not in the unaware FMS subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Contingency learning deficits represent a potentially promising and specific, but largely unstudied, psychopathological factor in FMS. Deficits in contingency learning may increase anxiety and, consequently, pain sensation. These findings have the potential to contribute to the development of novel therapeutic approaches for FMS.


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Early experiences such as prenatal stress significantly influence the development of the brain and the organization of behavior. In particular, prenatal stress impairs memory processes but the mechanism for this effect is not known. Hippocampal granule neurons are generated throughout life and are involved in hippocampal-dependent learning. Here, we report that prenatal stress in rats induced lifespan reduction of neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus and produced impairment in hippocampal-related spatial tasks. Prenatal stress blocked the increase of learning-induced neurogenesis. These data strengthen pathophysiological hypotheses that propose an early neurodevelopmental origin for psychopathological vulnerabilities in aging.


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Hippocampal neuron loss is widely viewed as a hallmark of normal aging. Moreover, neuronal degeneration is thought to contribute directly to age-related deficits in learning and memory supported by the hippocampus. By taking advantage of improved methods for quantifying neuron number, the present study reports evidence challenging these long-standing concepts. The status of hippocampal-dependent spatial learning was evaluated in young and aged Long-Evans rats using the Morris water maze, and the total number of neurons in the principal cell layers of the dentate gyrus and hippocampus was quantified according to the optical fractionator technique. For each of the hippocampal fields, neuron number was preserved in the aged subjects as a group and in aged individuals with documented learning and memory deficits indicative of hippocampal dysfunction. The findings demonstrate that hippocampal neuronal degeneration is not an inevitable consequence of normal aging and that a loss of principal neurons in the hippocampus fails to account for age-related learning and memory impairment. The observed preservation of neuron number represents an essential foundation for identifying the neurobiological effects of hippocampal aging that account for cognitive decline.


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The beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta-APP), from which the beta-A4 peptide is derived, is considered to be central to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease (AD). Transgenic mice expressing the 751-amino acid isoform of human beta-APP (beta-APP751) have been shown to develop early AD-like histopathology with diffuse deposits of beta-A4 and aberrant tau protein expression in the brain, particularly in the hippocampus, cortex, and amygdala. We now report that beta-APP751 transgenic mice exhibit age-dependent deficits in spatial learning in a water-maze task and in spontaneous alternation in a Y maze. These deficits were mild or absent in 6-month-old transgenic mice but were severe in 12-month-old transgenic mice compared to age-matched wild-type control mice. No other behavioral abnormalities were observed. These mice therefore model the progressive learning and memory impairment that is a cardinal feature of AD. These results provide evidence for a relationship between abnormal expression of beta-APP and cognitive impairments.


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Objectives To evaluate the learning, retention and transfer of performance improvements after Nintendo Wii Fit (TM) training in patients with Parkinson's disease and healthy elderly people. Design Longitudinal, controlled clinical study. Participants Sixteen patients with early-stage Parkinson's disease and 11 healthy elderly people. Interventions Warm-up exercises and Wii Fit training that involved training motor (shifts centre of gravity and step alternation) and cognitive skills. A follow-up evaluative Wii Fit session was held 60 days after the end of training. Participants performed a functional reach test before and after training as a measure of learning transfer. Main outcome measures Learning and retention were determined based on the scores of 10 Wii Fit games over eight sessions. Transfer of learning was assessed after training using the functional reach test. Results Patients with Parkinson's disease showed no deficit in learning or retention on seven of the 10 games, despite showing poorer performance on five games compared with the healthy elderly group. Patients with Parkinson's disease showed marked learning deficits on three other games, independent of poorer initial performance. This deficit appears to be associated with cognitive demands of the games which require decision-making, response inhibition, divided attention and working memory. Finally, patients with Parkinson's disease were able to transfer motor ability trained on the games to a similar untrained task. Conclusions The ability of patients with Parkinson's disease to learn, retain and transfer performance improvements after training on the Nintendo Wii Fit depends largely on the demands, particularly cognitive demands, of the games involved, reiterating the importance of game selection for rehabilitation purposes. (C) 2012 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A mouse model for Down syndrome, Ts1Cje, has been developed. This model has made possible a step in the genetic dissection of the learning, behavioral, and neurological abnormalities associated with segmental trisomy for the region of mouse chromosome 16 homologous with the so-called “Down syndrome region” of human chromosome segment 21q22. Tests of learning in the Morris water maze and assessment of spontaneous locomotor activity reveal distinct learning and behavioral abnormalities, some of which are indicative of hippocampal dysfunction. The triplicated region in Ts1Cje, from Sod1 to Mx1, is smaller than that in Ts65Dn, another segmental trisomy 16 mouse, and the learning deficits in Ts1Cje are less severe than those in Ts65Dn. In addition, degeneration of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons, which was observed in Ts65Dn, was absent in Ts1Cje.


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Classical eyeblink conditioning is a well-characterized model paradigm that engages the septohippocampal cholinergic system. This form of associative learning is impaired in normal aging and severely disrupted in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Some nicotinic cholinergic receptor subtypes are lost in AD, making the use of nicotinic allosterically potentiating ligands a promising therapeutic strategy. The allosterically potentiating ligand galantamine (Gal) modulates nicotinic cholinergic receptors to increase acetylcholine release as well as acting as an acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor. Gal was tested in two preclinical experiments. In Experiment 1 with 16 young and 16 older rabbits, Gal (3.0 mg/kg) was administered for 15 days during conditioning, and the drug significantly improved learning, reduced AChE levels, and increased nicotinic receptor binding. In Experiment 2, 53 retired breeder rabbits were tested over a 15-wk period in four conditions. Groups of rabbits received 0.0 (vehicle), 1.0, or 3.0 mg/kg Gal for the entire 15-wk period or 3.0 mg/kg Gal for 15 days and vehicle for the remainder of the experiment. Fifteen daily conditioning sessions and subsequent retention and relearning assessments were spaced at 1-month intervals. The dose of 3.0 mg/kg Gal ameliorated learning deficits significantly during acquisition and retention in the group receiving 3.0 mg/kg Gal continuously. Nicotinic receptor binding was significantly increased in rabbits treated for 15 days with 3.0 mg/kg Gal, and all Gal-treated rabbits had lower levels of brain AChE. The efficacy of Gal in a learning paradigm severely impaired in AD is consistent with outcomes in clinical studies.


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11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD-1) intracellularly regenerates active corticosterone from circulating inert 11-dehydrocorticosterone (11-DHC) in specific tissues. The hippocampus is a brain structure particularly vulnerable to glucocorticoid neurotoxicity with aging. In intact hippocampal cells in culture, 11β-HSD-1 acts as a functional 11β-reductase reactivating inert 11-DHC to corticosterone, thereby potentiating kainate neurotoxicity. We examined the functional significance of 11β-HSD-1 in the central nervous system by using knockout mice. Aged wild-type mice developed elevated plasma corticosterone levels that correlated with learning deficits in the watermaze. In contrast, despite elevated plasma corticosterone levels throughout life, this glucocorticoid-associated learning deficit was ameliorated in aged 11β-HSD-1 knockout mice, implicating lower intraneuronal corticosterone levels through lack of 11-DHC reactivation. Indeed, aged knockout mice showed significantly lower hippocampal tissue corticosterone levels than wild-type controls. These findings demonstrate that tissue corticosterone levels do not merely reflect plasma levels and appear to play a more important role in hippocampal functions than circulating blood levels. The data emphasize the crucial importance of local enzymes in determining intracellular glucocorticoid activity. Selective 11β-HSD-1 inhibitors may protect against hippocampal function decline with age.


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Visual abnormalities, both at the sensory input and the higher interpretive levels, have been associated with many of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Individuals with schizophrenia typically experience distortions of sensory perception, resulting in perceptual hallucinations and delusions that are related to the observed visual deficits. Disorganised speech, thinking and behaviour are commonly experienced by sufferers of the disorder, and have also been attributed to perceptual disturbances associated with anomalies in visual processing. Compounding these issues are marked deficits in cognitive functioning that are observed in approximately 80% of those with schizophrenia. Cognitive impairments associated with schizophrenia include: difficulty with concentration and memory (i.e. working, visual and verbal), an impaired ability to process complex information, response inhibition and deficits in speed of processing, visual and verbal learning. Deficits in sustained attention or vigilance, poor executive functioning such as poor reasoning, problem solving, and social cognition, are all influenced by impaired visual processing. These symptoms impact on the internal perceptual world of those with schizophrenia, and hamper their ability to navigate their external environment. Visual processing abnormalities in schizophrenia are likely to worsen personal, social and occupational functioning. Binocular rivalry provides a unique opportunity to investigate the processes involved in visual awareness and visual perception. Binocular rivalry is the alternation of perceptual images that occurs when conflicting visual stimuli are presented to each eye in the same retinal location. The observer perceives the opposing images in an alternating fashion, despite the sensory input to each eye remaining constant. Binocular rivalry tasks have been developed to investigate specific parts of the visual system. The research presented in this Thesis provides an explorative investigation into binocular rivalry in schizophrenia, using the method of Pettigrew and Miller (1998) and comparing individuals with schizophrenia to healthy controls. This method allows manipulations to the spatial and temporal frequency, luminance contrast and chromaticity of the visual stimuli. Manipulations to the rival stimuli affect the rate of binocular rivalry alternations and the time spent perceiving each image (dominance duration). Binocular rivalry rate and dominance durations provide useful measures to investigate aspects of visual neural processing that lead to the perceptual disturbances and cognitive dysfunction attributed to schizophrenia. However, despite this promise the binocular rivalry phenomenon has not been extensively explored in schizophrenia to date. Following a review of the literature, the research in this Thesis examined individual variation in binocular rivalry. The initial study (Chapter 2) explored the effect of systematically altering the properties of the stimuli (i.e. spatial and temporal frequency, luminance contrast and chromaticity) on binocular rivalry rate and dominance durations in healthy individuals (n=20). The findings showed that altering the stimuli with respect to temporal frequency and luminance contrast significantly affected rate. This is significant as processing of temporal frequency and luminance contrast have consistently been demonstrated to be abnormal in schizophrenia. The current research then explored binocular rivalry in schizophrenia. The primary research question was, "Are binocular rivalry rates and dominance durations recorded in participants with schizophrenia different to those of the controls?" In this second study binocular rivalry data that were collected using low- and highstrength binocular rivalry were compared to alternations recorded during a monocular rivalry task, the Necker Cube task to replicate and advance the work of Miller et al., (2003). Participants with schizophrenia (n=20) recorded fewer alternations (i.e. slower alternation rates) than control participants (n=20) on both binocular rivalry tasks, however no difference was observed between the groups on the Necker cube task. Magnocellular and parvocellular visual pathways, thought to be abnormal in schizophrenia, were also investigated in binocular rivalry. The binocular rivalry stimuli used in this third study (Chapter 4) were altered to bias the task for one of these two pathways. Participants with schizophrenia recorded slower binocular rivalry rates than controls in both binocular rivalry tasks. Using a ‘within subject design’, binocular rivalry data were compared to data collected from a backwardmasking task widely accepted to bias both these pathways. Based on these data, a model of binocular rivalry, based on the magnocellular and parvocellular pathways that contribute to the dorsal and ventral visual streams, was developed. Binocular rivalry rates were compared with performance on the Benton’s Judgment of Line Orientation task, in individuals with schizophrenia compared to healthy controls (Chapter 5). The Benton’s Judgment of Line Orientation task is widely accepted to be processed within the right cerebral hemisphere, making it an appropriate task to investigate the role of the cerebral hemispheres in binocular rivalry, and to investigate the inter-hemispheric switching hypothesis of binocular rivalry proposed by Pettigrew and Miller (1998, 2003). The data were suggestive of intra-hemispheric rather than an inter-hemispheric visual processing in binocular rivalry. Neurotransmitter involvement in binocular rivalry, backward masking and Judgment of Line Orientation in schizophrenia were investigated using a genetic indicator of dopamine receptor distribution and functioning; the presence of the Taq1 allele of the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) receptor gene. This final study (Chapter 6) explored whether the presence of the Taq1 allele of the DRD2 receptor gene, and thus, by inference the distribution of dopamine receptors and dopamine function, accounted for the large individual variation in binocular rivalry. The presence of the Taq1 allele was associated with slower binocular rivalry rates or poorer performance in the backward masking and Judgment of Line Orientation tasks seen in the group with schizophrenia. This Thesis has contributed to what is known about binocular rivalry in schizophrenia. Consistently slower binocular rivalry rates were observed in participants with schizophrenia, indicating abnormally-slow visual processing in this group. These data support previous studies reporting visual processing abnormalities in schizophrenia and suggest that a slow binocular rivalry rate is not a feature specific to bipolar disorder, but may be a feature of disorders with psychotic features generally. The contributions of the magnocellular or dorsal pathways and parvocellular or ventral pathways to binocular rivalry, and therefore to perceptual awareness, were investigated. The data presented supported the view that the magnocellular system initiates perceptual awareness of an image and the parvocellular system maintains the perception of the image, making it available to higher level processing occurring within the cortical hemispheres. Abnormal magnocellular and parvocellular processing may both contribute to perceptual disturbances that ultimately contribute to the cognitive dysfunction associated with schizophrenia. An alternative model of binocular rivalry based on these observations was proposed.


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Pesticidas organofosforados são amplamente usados e seu uso constitui um grave problema de saúde pública. A ação clássica destes compostos é a inibição irreversível da acetilcolinesterase, promovendo acúmulo de acetilcolina nas sinapses e hiperestimulação colinérgica. No entanto, as consequências da exposição a baixas doses podem se estender a outros mecanismos de ação e sistemas neurotransmissores. Considerando que crianças constituem um grupo particularmente vulnerável aos efeitos de pesticidas, neste trabalho investigamos os efeitos da exposição aos organofosforados metamidofós (MET) e clorpirifós (CPF) durante o desenvolvimento sobre os sistemas colinérgico e serotoninérgico e sobre o comportamento de camundongos. Para isso, camundongos suíços foram expostos a injeções subcutâneas de MET, clorpirifós ou veículo do terceiro (PN3) ao nono (PN9) dias de vida pós-natal. As doses de exposição foram previamente escolhidas através da construção de uma curva dose-resposta que identificou como mais adequadas para este estudo as doses de 1mg/kg de MET e 3mg/kg de CPF, as quais promoveram em torno de 20% de inibição da acetilcolinesterase. Em PN10, parte dos animais foi sacrificada e foram avaliados os sistemas colinérgico e serotoninérgico no tronco encefálico e córtex cerebral. De PN60 a PN63, os animais foram submetidos a uma bateria de testes comportamentais. Em seguida, estes animais também foram sacrificados tendo sido avaliados os sistemas colinérgico e serotoninérgico. Em PN10, MET e CPF causaram alterações que sugerem aumento da atividade colinérgica respectivamente no tronco e córtex em fêmeas. No sistema serotoninérgico, apenas CPF promoveu alterações, aumentando a ligação ao receptor 5HT1A e transportador 5HT em fêmeas e diminuindo na ligação ao 5HT2. Em PN63, a atividade da acetilcolinesterase foi reestabelecida em todos os grupos. Ainda assim, MET diminuiu a atividade da colina acetiltransferase no córtex e a ligação ao transportador colinérgico no tronco. Quanto aos efeitos do CPF, no tronco, houve redução da atividade da colina acetiltransferase em fêmeas e aumento em machos. Sobre o sistema serotoninérgico, MET e CPF promoveram diminuições no 5HT1A respectivamente no tronco e córtex das fêmeas e CPF aumentou a ligação no córtex de machos. A ligação ao 5HT2 foi aumentada após o tratamento com MET e ao transportador 5HT foi diminuída em fêmeas após o tratamento com clorpirifós. Sobre o comportamento, identificamos comportamento associado à depressão em animais expostos a MET e aumento dos níveis de ansiedade, além de prejuízo de aprendizado/memória após exposição à CPF. Desta forma, nossos resultados indicam que a exposição à metamidofós e clorpirifós durante o desenvolvimento é capaz de alterar, de diferentes formas, a atividade colinérgica e serotoninérgica, mesmo que as doses de exposição sejam toxicologicamente equivalentes. Foram verificados efeitos nas vias neuroquímicas logo após a exposição e após um longo período de interrupção do tratamento, indicando efeitos tardios em sistemas importantes que podem estar associados às alterações comportamentais. Finalmente, o presente estudo reforça a associação epidemiológica entre pesticidas e alterações psiquiátricas e a capacidade da programação de alterações a longo-prazo quando a exposição se dá durante o desenvolvimento.


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O uso combinado de etanol e bebidas energéticas tem aumentado entre adolescentes. Além disso, estudos epidemiológicos indicam que o co-uso aumenta a probabilidade de consumo abusivo e dependência de etanol. Apesar disso, pouco se sabe sobre as consequências neurocomportamentais da co-exposição no cérebro adolescente. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o curso temporal dos efeitos agudos da exposição à bebida energética e/ou etanol na atividade motora e ansiedade no teste de campo aberto, como também, os efeitos agudos ou prolongados sobre aprendizagem/memória e coordenação motora em camundongos adolescentes. Camundongos Suíços foram divididos em 4 grupos: bebidas energéticas e etanol, bebida energética, etanol e água. Três estudos separados foram conduzidos para avaliar cada um dos objetivos específicos deste trabalho. No primeiro estudo, realizado em PN40, os animais receberam a administração de bebida energética (8 ml/kg) e/ou etanol (4 g/kg) por gavagem e após 55 minutos foram submetidos ao teste do campo aberto (sessão 1). Outras duas sessões foram realizadas em sequência usando a metade da dose inicial (sessão 2 e 3). Nos estudos 2 e 3, estudamos os efeitos agudos (PN40) e crônicos (exposição de PN30-40) sobre o teste de esquiva passiva (0,3 mA, 3 s) e sobre o desempenho no teste do cilíndro giratório (sessão de treinamento e após 1 e 3 horas da gavagem das drogas). Em ambos os casos, a dose de bebida energética (8 ml/kg) e/ou etanol (4 g/kg) foi administrada. No teste da esquiva passiva, as sessões de treino e retenção foram realizadas 1 e 24 horas após a administração da droga, respectivamente. No teste do Rotarod, cada sessão foi constituída por 5 tentativas em modelo de aceleramento contínuo (4 a 40 rpm/min em uma tentativa de 2 min). Os nossos dados indicam que a exposição concomitante a bebida energética potencializa o efeito de hiperatividade induzido pelo etanol, como também, gera uma resposta ansiogênica no teste do campo aberto. A exposição aguda ao etanol induz déficit de memória/aprendizagem que não é revertida pela BE. A co-exposição aguda a bebida energética e etanol prolongou incoordenação motora induzida pelo etanol. No entanto, a bebda energética reverteu o comprometimento da coordenação motora gerada pela exposição crônica de etanol em camundongos fêmeas. O presente estudo fornece evidência experimental de que bebida energética e etanol interagem durante a adolescência, resultando em padrões de comportamento que poderiam aumentar o risco de desenvolvimento de abuso ou dependência de etanol. Além disso, os dados indicaram que a exposição aguda à bebida energética não atenuou as consequências negativas geradas pela etanol no desempenho do motor e cognitivo.