955 resultados para Law history


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This article examines past and present systems requiring that a person receive permission before buying or borrowing a firearm. The article covers laws from the eighteenth century to the present. Such laws have traditionally been rare in the United States. The major exceptions are antebellum laws of the slaves states, and of those same states immediately after the Civil War, which forbade gun ownership by people of color, unless the individual had been granted government permission. Today “universal background checks” are based on a system created by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his “Everytown” lobby. Such laws have been enacted in several states, and also proposed as federal legislation. Besides covering the private sale of firearms, they also cover most loans of firearms and the return of loaned firearms. By requiring that almost all loans and returns may only be processed by a gun store, these laws dangerously constrict responsible firearms activities, such as safety training and safe storage. Massachusetts, Connecticut, and California are among the jurisdictions which have enacted less restrictive, more effective legislation which create controls on private firearms sales, without inflicting so much harm on firearms safety.


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This definitive guide (formerly the Australian Master OHS & Environment Guide) is a first point of reference for work health and safety best practice and strategy. Written by WHS and legal experts, the guide provides key information on the challenges that professionals and organisations face in relation to WHS. It includes valuable information on legal obligations and risk management, and covers the latest changes brought about by the Work Health and Safety Act.


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Drawing on two case studies, this article considers the allegation of a disgruntled author: ’Defamation was framed to protect the reputations of 19th century gentlemen hypocrites'. The first case study considers the litigation over Bob Ellis' unreliable political memoir, ’Goodbye Jerusalem', published by Random House. The second case study focuses upon the litigation over the allegation by Media Watch that Richard Carleton had plagarised a documentary entitled ’Cry from the Grave'. The article considers the meaning of defamatory imputations, the range of defences, and the available remedies. It highlights the competing arguments over the protection of reputation and privacy, artistic expression, and the freedom of speech. This article concludes that defamation law should foster ’gossip we can trust'.


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Transitional justice is concerned with the legal and social processes established to deal with the legacy of violence in post-conflict and post-authoritarian contexts. These processes are essentially “creatures of law” – they are established by statute, their work is molded and shaped by lawyers, and their outcomes are benchmarked against what is or is not acceptable in domestic and international law. Concerns have mounted in recent years about the dominance of legalism within the field and the instrumentalization of those most directly affected by past violence. A commonly prescribed – but as yet largely empirically untested – corrective is that transitional justice theory and practice must become more open to interdisciplinary insights and perspectives. The interview – in different guises, contexts and settings – is at the heart of most transitional justice processes. As a historian now working in a School of Law I reflect in this article on the theoretical and practical intersections between law, history, and the interview. Drawing on more than 200 interviews concerning the Northern Ireland conflict and six other international case studies I concentrate in particular on interview-based initiatives that purport to be “victim-centered”. Having identified three interrelated risks - the manipulation of victim voice by vested interests, the affording of authority to particular voices, and the reification or “freezing” of identity - and having related these to the constraints of legal mechanisms and a wider failure to manage victims’ expectations, I argue that a greater familiarity with oral history theory and praxis can usefully illuminate the tensions between legal and historical approaches to engaging voice, and ultimately offer guidance to the shared challenge of victim-centered transitional justice.


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Few studies have investigated iatrogenic outcomes from the viewpoint of patient experience. To address this anomaly, the broad aim of this research is to explore the lived experience of patient harm. Patient harm is defined as major harm to the patient, either psychosocial or physical in nature, resulting from any aspect of health care. Utilising the method of Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR), in-depth interviews are conducted with twenty-four volunteer research participants who self-report having been severely harmed by an invasive medical procedure. A standardised measure of emotional distress, the Impact of Event Scale (IES), is additionally employed for purposes of triangulation. Thematic analysis of transcript data indicate numerous findings including: (i) difficulties regarding patients‘ prior understanding of risks involved with their medical procedure; (ii) the problematic response of the health system post-procedure; (iii) multiple adverse effects upon life functioning; (iv) limited recourse options for patients; and (v) the approach desired in terms of how patient harm should be systemically handled. In addition, IES results indicate a clinically significant level of distress in the sample as a whole. To discuss findings, a cross-disciplinary approach is adopted that draws upon sociology, medicine, medical anthropology, psychology, philosophy, history, ethics, law, and political theory. Furthermore, an overall explanatory framework is proposed in terms of the master themes of power and trauma. In terms of the theme of power, a postmodernist analysis explores the politics of patient harm, particularly the dynamics surrounding the politics of knowledge (e.g., notions of subjective versus objective knowledge, informed consent, and open disclosure). This analysis suggests that patient care is not the prime function of the health system, which appears more focussed upon serving the interests of those in the upper levels of its hierarchy. In terms of the master theme of trauma, current understandings of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are critiqued, and based on data from this research as well as the international literature, a new model of trauma is proposed. This model is based upon the principle of homeostasis observed in biology, whereby within every cell or organism a state of equilibrium is sought and maintained. The proposed model identifies several bio-psychosocial markers of trauma across its three main phases. These trauma markers include: (i) a profound sense of loss; (ii) a lack of perceived control; (iii) passive trauma processing responses; (iv) an identity crisis; (v) a quest to fully understand the trauma event; (vi) a need for social validation of the traumatic experience; and (vii) posttraumatic adaption with the possibility of positive change. To further explore the master themes of power and trauma, a natural group interview is carried out at a meeting of a patient support group for arachnoiditis. Observations at this meeting and members‘ stories in general support the homeostatic model of trauma, particularly the quest to find answers in the face of distressing experience, as well as the need for social recognition of that experience. In addition, the sociopolitical response to arachnoiditis highlights how public domains of knowledge are largely constructed and controlled by vested interests. Implications of the data overall are discussed in terms of a cultural revolution being needed in health care to position core values around a prime focus upon patients as human beings.


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Visando apontar as vicissitudes que possam estar relacionadas ao fato de alguns rompimentos conjugais ocorrerem em datas comemorativas foi produzida a dissertação. O tema surgiu em pesquisas sobre separação conjugal e guarda de filhos do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, nas quais se observou que as dissoluções que ocorreram nas datas festivas eram relevantes. Foram desenvolvidas análises bibliográficas sobre casamento, dissolução da conjugalidade, comemorações, memórias e rituais. Devido à interdisciplinaridade da temática realizou-se estudos em Psicologia, Antropologia, Direito, História e Sociologia. Pretendeu-se verificar quais os sentidos atribuídos pelos ex-cônjuges à data comemorativa na qual ocorreu a separação. Buscou-se constatar se houve alteração ou reconfiguração do significado das datas após o rompimento e visou-se apresentar reflexões que possam auxiliar a prática clínica e jurídica, mediante a atuação do profissional psicólogo nas questões tangentes à separação conjugal. A metodologia utilizada foi de História de Oral História de vida. Foram entrevistados quatro sujeitos, um rapaz que tomou a iniciativa no seu aniversário, uma moça que anunciou a decisão no aniversário de vinte seis anos de casamento, uma mulher que recebeu a notícia no Natal e um homem que foi comunicado no Ano Novo. Todos são do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e de classe média. A partir do discurso foi realizada a análise qualitativa dos dados, classificando-se as respostas em categorias essenciais à pesquisa. Como resultados verificou-se, no que se refere às datas comemorativas, que os entrevistados vivenciaram esses momentos como se estas possuíssem algo de mágico. Como se nestas épocas todos os problemas pudessem ser colocados de lado e tréguas pudessem ser feitas. Entretanto, os relatos mostraram que a tal mágica não ocorreu, as dificuldades continuaram expostas e, pelo contrário, o clima do evento evidenciou as convergências ficando difícil progredir como se nada estivesse acontecendo. Os sujeitos que tiveram a iniciativa em terminar com o relacionamento afirmaram que as datas das bodas de casamento e o aniversário natalício deram força e coragem que não tinham tido até aquele momento. Este ato favoreceu a sensação de realização e conquista que, no entanto, vinham misturada de dor, frustração e mágoa. Os sujeitos que receberam o comunicado da decisão do rompimento do casamento no Natal e no Réveillon reconheceram que a noticia configurou-se numa surpresa impactante, ao ponto de provocar silêncio. Identificou-se que não houve reconfiguração nos sentidos atribuídos às datas comemorativas, ao contrário o rompimento nestes eventos sociais fortaleceram o acontecimento. No entanto, foi possível perceber uma adição ao calendário oficial. O Natal, o Réveillon, as bodas e o aniversário é, também, o dia do rompimento conjugal. Soma-se marcos e fortifica-se o evento na memória dos sujeitos que vivenciaram estas histórias. Dentre as contribuições para a prática da Psicologia Jurídica e da clínica evidenciou-se que estes profissionais devem estar atentos ao caráter cíclico das festividades que estão nos calendários, configurando-se em momentos de transição, de inícios e fins.


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Les règles actuelles limitant le recours à la force dans les relations internationales ont, pour la plupart, des origines historiques anciennes. Elles ont été façonnées par l'héritage que nous ont laissé de nombreux auteurs et de nombreuses doctrines comme la doctrine médiévale de la guerre juste. Depuis l'Antiquité jusqu'aux développements les plus récents du droit international, en passant par le Moyen Age et les temps modernes, cette étude s'attache a mettre en lumière les sources des règles contemporaines pour aider le lecteur à mieux comprendre, aujourd'hui, le droit international relatif au recours à la force et aussi, à être mieux équipé pour juger du caractère juste ou injuste d'une guerre. Les notions de légalité et de légitimité de la guerre ont été choisies pour passer en revue les règles en vigueur les plus révélatrices.


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La Théorie de l’agir communicationnel (1981), du théoricien allemand Jürgen Habermas, figure parmi les plus importants ouvrages de sociologie et de philosophie sociale du XXe siècle : son caractère universaliste, visant l’élaboration d’une théorie globale de la société occidentale moderne, en fait un écrit dont la réputation n’est plus à faire dans une diversité de champs académiques issus des sciences sociales. Toutefois, la théorie habermassienne n’a inspiré à ce jour qu’un nombre restreint d’études portant spécifiquement sur son articulation à l’éducation, que ce soit sur le plan de la nature de l’activité éducative ou encore d’une caractérisation théorique de l’éducation moderne institutionnalisée : ainsi, comment la théorie de l’agir communicationnel nous permet-elle de mieux comprendre les rouages de l’acte éducatif moderne et contemporain ainsi que l’évolution historique, politique et sociale des institutions scolaires européennes et nord-américaines? En tant que théorie de la société basée sur un renouvellement communicationnel du concept de rationalité, de quelle façon s’inscrit-elle dans une tradition philosophique éducative aux sources de l’école occidentale, et nous renseigne-t-elle sur les fondements de la relation pédagogique entre maîtres et élèves? En proposant une série de considérations à ce propos, cette thèse représente à la fois une étude des rapports entre la pensée philosophique et sociologique d’Habermas et l’éducation ainsi qu’une forte critique de celle-ci : en effet, la problématique centrale qui se dresse et subsiste à une articulation de la théorie habermassienne à différentes sphères éducatives demeure celle du statut de l’enfant dans un tel système rationaliste qui, malgré ses visées émancipatoires et libératrices pour l’acteur social, perpétue une négation de l’enfance propre au rationalisme de Platon à Kant. Dès lors, comment réfléchir l’éducation contemporaine à l’aune de la pensée habermassienne? Comment, finalement, penser l’éducation pour et contre Habermas?


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En esta investigación se estudian los conflictos nacidos en la progresiva definición de las formas jurídicas y de saber que acompañaron el re-asentamiento de instituciones y grupos de poder después de la ruptura política con España. Este análisis se conduce mediante un estudio de caso, la historia de un sacerdote ilustrado que emprendió en 1835 una querella contra la enseñanza del materialismo y el ateísmo prevista en la reclasificación republicana de saberes. La Revolución del cura Botero se desarrolló en la Villa de la Candelaria y constituye un ejemplo histórico de un tipo de resistencia local a la derogación y suplantación de las viejas formas de producción jurídica y de ordenación social. El caso Botero sirve como pre-texto para estudiar una respuesta local a la iniciativa centralista de abrogación de una cultura material por la entrada en vigor de un modelo de ordenación formal de orientación legicéntrica y liberal, ilustra un tipo localizado de resistencia a la implantación del modelo republicano en Colombia. Mediante un caso y un exhaustivo ejercicio de reconstrucción documental se recrea un problema central de la cultura jurídica revolucionaria: la disputa por las fuentes del derecho, la verdad y el saber en el “tránsito” a la “modernidad jurídica”. En ella se propone un modo de hacer historia del derecho a partir de casos concretos, historia local y documentos no oficiales como forma de reivindicación pedagógica de los pequeños objetos, aquellos que ponen a prueba el funcionamiento real de mecanismos hegemónicos.


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La tesis hace una presentación y análisis de las sentencias de casación que la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia profirió entre 1887 y 1916 en las que interpretó los Códigos de Comercio Marítimo y Terrestre aprobados mediante la ley 57 de 1887.


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Raymond Saleilles (1855-1912) és considerat pels comparatistes com pare del dret comparat modern. De fet fou el màxim responsable de l'organització del primer congrés internacional de dret comparat a París el 1900. L'època marcada per la internacionalització dels intercanvis, la crisi del mètode jurídic francès i el repte de la codificació alemanya i suïssa motivà alguns juristes a buscar noves formes d'estudiar el dret. Saleilles defensava pel dret comparat un mètode, un objecte i un fi propis i autònoms diferents dels que fins ara tenien la dogmàtica jurídica o l'estudi de la legislació estrangera. El mètode tenia els seus fonaments en la sociologia i la història. L'objectiu del dret comparat havia de ser la construcció d'un ideal "droit commun de l'humanité civilisée". Aquest dret comú havia de ser construït no només per la doctrina sinó també per la jurisprudència i el legislador.


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L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral és analitzar el llegat jurídic de Ramon Martí d'Eixalà, especialment els seus manuals de dret mercantil i dret civil. En aquest sentit, cal recordar que Ramon Martí d'Eixalà va viure en el segle XIX, moment en el qual s'havien iniciat una sèrie de canvis econòmics i socials profunds. El seu manual de dret mercantil, Instituciones de derecho mercantil de España fou molt més reconegut que el Tratado elementar del derecho civil romano y español. Doncs, el manual de dret mercantil fou recomanat com a llibre de text pels estudis de Jurisprudència durant varis anys, mentre que el manual de dret civil mai va formar part del llistat de manuals elaborat pel govern. A més, la filosofia britànica ocupa una part important de la investigació, ja que Ramon Martí d'Eixalà coneixia el pensament britànic i va introduir la filosofia del sentit comú a Catalunya.


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The twenty-first century has seen a further dramatic increase in the use of quantitative knowledge for governing social life after its explosion in the 1980s. Indicators and rankings play an increasing role in the way governmental and non-governmental organizations distribute attention, make decisions, and allocate scarce resources. Quantitative knowledge promises to be more objective and straightforward as well as more transparent and open for public debate than qualitative knowledge, thus producing more democratic decision-making. However, we know little about the social processes through which this knowledge is constituted nor its effects. Understanding how such numeric knowledge is produced and used is increasingly important as proliferating technologies of quantification alter modes of knowing in subtle and often unrecognized ways. This book explores the implications of the global multiplication of indicators as a specific technology of numeric knowledge production used in governance. Combination of insights from anthropology of law, history of science, science and technology studies, sociology of quantification, economics and geography will appeal to those who are uncomfortable with the separation between 'theoretical' and 'empirical' approaches and with the current weakness of critique that address the main trends shaping the relations between capitalism, markets, law and democracy Theoretical discussion of the nature and historical formation of quantification will appeal to those who ask questions such as, 'What is new or different about our contemporary reliance on quantitative knowledge?' Groundbreaking empirical case studies uncover the social work and politics that often go into the making of indicators and explore the far-reaching effects and impacts of these numerical representations in specific settings


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Los delitos sexuales entre la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y principios del XX presentan problemas particulares en relación a la posibilidad de su imputación y castigo vinculados a la forma particular como se conciben estos crímenes. Propongo, a partir del análisis de expedientes judiciales, problematizar algunas de estas cuestiones partiendo desde el análisis de su concepción como "dependientes de iniciativa privada" y por tanto la necesidad de una "acusación particular" que implicó largos debates en los tribunales ya que la interpretación de esta situación tuvo más de una lectura posible: quedaban satisfechos los requerimientos de la ley con la denuncia o debía continuarse la participación de la parte hasta la misma sentencia, es decir, llegar hasta la vista de acusación? En este contexto se pone entonces en discusión la participación del Agente Fiscal en el proceso en tanto acusador y por lo tanto el interés del Estado como tal en la persecución de estos crímenes. Busco, simultáneamente mostrar las discusiones que se dieron en la práctica penal, que reflejan distintas formas de interpretar y pensar estos delitos; las razones implícitas en su persecución y castigo o por el contrario de su finalización y falta de pena