701 resultados para Lauranto, Yrjö: Elämän suolaa
This thesis focuses on stage fright; what it is and how to find the ideal solution in connection with stage fright. To find the way toward free expression; to find the way from lack of control to con-trol. It also describes how to learn to live with stage fright. Different experiences of stage fright have been used as source material, along with relevant theoretical information. The thesis highlights the importance of handling stage fright and studies stage fright in-depth, with examples. It presents studies and collected theories according to Päivi Arjas. It discusses presence and contact in the work of an actor with reference to the Gestalt method. It also presents methods of reducing stage fright. Ideal presence on stage is addressed, and how to turn stage fright into a positive thing. Finally, it considers the good aspects of stage fright in more deepth and goes through learning to live with stage fright. The thesis concludes that it is possible to heal stage fright. Gestalt methodology was of assistance with the healing process, with becoming conscious of symptoms, and thus in finding one's own way of turning anxious suspense into a positive way forward.
Opinnäytetyö oli osa Koululaisen terveys ja toimintakyky-hanketta. Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää lukioikäisten päihteiden käyttöä ja erityisesti alkoholin käytön vaikutuksia nuorten fyysiseen ja psyykkiseen terveyteen. Tutkimustietoon pohjautuen kehitimme puheeksiottovälineen helpottamaan nuoren ja terveydenhoitajan välistä päihdekeskustelua.
Kirje 12.2.1969