19 resultados para Latrodectus curacaviensis


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O trabalho apresenta um estudo retrospectivo de setenta e sete casos de latrodectismo no Estado da Bahia, Brasil, de agosto de 1980 a julho de 1990. Os dados foram levantados nos livros de registro e arquivo de fichas do CIAVE. O agente etiológico em 28% dos acidentes aracnídeos foi a espécie L. curacaviensis e a maior incidência foi registrada no meio urbano (57%), em indivíduos do sexo masculino (70%) e faixa etária de 10 a 29 anos (58%). Os principais sinais locais foram dor (56%), pápula eritematosa (21%) e edema discreto (17%), e os sistêmicos foram dor em membros inferiores (29%), tremores e contraturas (29%), sudorese (28%) parestesia em membros (21%) e dor abdominal (17%). O tratamento foi sintomático em 67% dos casos e específico em 21%. O tempo de permanência hospitalar após o uso do soro antilatrodectus foi menor que 24 horas em 64% dos casos.


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Em 02/07/1995, foi atendido no Instituto de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas, paciente masculino, 11 anos, acidentado em Manaus, por picada na região retroauricular direita, clínicamente compatível com aquele causado por Latrodectus. Observavam-se abalos musculares, febre, calafrios e sudorese intensa. Instituída terapêutica com neostigmine precedido de atropina, gluconato de cálcio, cimetidina, diazepam e hidrocortisona. No terceiro dia apresentava-se melhorado, consciente, orientado e com diminuição importante do edema palpebral. A despeito de uma melhora progressiva diária, no quinto dia surgiu eritema máculo-pápulo-vesiculoso. Em 14/07/1995 teve alta, assintomático. O caso relatado é o primeiro descrito na região Amazônica, ocorrido na periferia de Manaus e pode ter sido uma consequência da expansão urbana das duas últimas décadas.


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A first case of subsociality is reported for the genus Latrodectus. Individuals were found sharing the same web and feeding together. In captivity they showed mutual tolerance and communal feeding. This finding is remarkable for two reasons. First, widow spiders, even compared with other spiders, are famously aggressive and cannibalistic so that social behavior in the genus was unexpected. Second, the genus nests outside the ""Anelosimus + lost colulus"" clade where all the other social theridiids are found.


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Brown widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus) venom (BrWSV) produces few local lesions and intense systemic reactions such as cramps, harsh muscle pains, nausea, vomiting and hypertension. Approximately 16 protein bands under reducing conditions and ~ 14 bands under non-reducing conditions on a 12.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were observed. Neurotoxic clinical manifestations were confirmed in vivo, while proteolytic activity was demonstrated on gelatine film. Severe ultrastructural damages in mice skeletal muscles were observed at 3, 6, 12 and 24 h postinjection with at total of 45 µg of venom protein. Infiltration of eosinophils and ruptures of the cellular membranes were observed in the muscles along with swelling of the nuclear cover and interruption of the collagen periodicity. Altered mitochondrias and autophage vacuoles, nuclear indentation and mitochondria without cristae, slight increment of intermyofibrillar and subsarcolemic spaces and myelinic figures formation were also observed. In the capillary, endothelial membrane unfolding into the lumen was noticed; along with myelinic figures compatible with a toxic myopathy. Swollen sarcotubular systems with lysis of membrane, intense mitochondria autophagia and areas without pinocytic vesicles were observed. Swollen mitochondria surrounded by necrotic areas, myofibrillar disorganization and big vacuolas of the sarcotubular system, degenerated mitochondrium with formation of myelinic figure was seen. Glycogenosomes with small particulate, muscle type glycogen was noticed. Autophagic vacuole (autophagolysosomes) and necrotic areas were also noticed. These damages may be due to interactive effects of the multifactorial action of venom components. However, Latrodectus geometricus venom molecules may also be utilized as neuro therapeutic tools, as they affect neuronal activities with high affinity and selectivity. To our knowledge, the present study is the first ultrastructural report in the literature of muscle injuries and neurological and proteolytic activities caused by BrWSV.


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The spider Latrodectus mirabilis (Holmberg, 1876) is commonly found in cereals crops of central Argentina. We studied its diet composition at the field and capture rate on leaf-cutting ants based on laboratory experiments. This study comprises the first approach that documents the diet of L. mirabilis in wheat and oat fields of central Argentina. We identified 1,004 prey items collected from its webs during the last phenological stages of both cereal crops. The prey composition was variable but the spiders prey mainly on ants (Formicidae, Hymenoptera), who represented more than 86% of the total. Meanwhile, in the capture rate experiences we registered a high proportion of ants captured by spiders at the beginning of experiences, capturing the half of the ants from total in the first four hours. Summarizing, we reported a polyphagous diet of this spider species in wheat and oat fields. Ants were the most important prey item of this spider, as found in other Latrodectus spiders around the world.


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A glândula peçonhenta de Latrodectus mactans compõe-se: 1. De um saco formado por uma membrana de tecido conjuntivo peritonial, que se projeta proximalmente no ducto de peçonha. 2. De um manto externo, formado por 40-45 feixes musculares, circundando 3/4 da glândula, helicoidalmente. Os feixes inserem-se nas extremidades apical e basal da membrana sarcoperitonial; sua contração impele a peçonha, através do ducto, para as garras. 3. Do epitélio glandular, composto: a) de células da glândula principal, b) de células da glândula auxiliar, c) de célula da glândula situada à entrada do ducto. As células das glândulas principal e auxiliar, juntas, formam uma unidade glandular de natureza ragiócrina. A secreção das células da glândula auxiliar passa, através das membranas celulares, para o interior das células glandulares principais, deslocando-se, juntamente com a secreção destas, para o pólo apical, a que ambas confluem, formando uma substância viscosa, fortemente condensada em virtude da eliminação de certos líquidos. Após a formação de 8 a 10 destas porções de secreções, os dois tipos de células esgotam-se; não se dá a regeneração ou substituição por outras células. A quantidade de peçonha, uma vez produzida, é armazenada na cavidade da glândula, sendo suficiente para tôda a vida do animal. As células da glândula situada á entrada do ducto, ou glândula lipócrina, produzem uma substãncia lipóide. Esta substância dissolve uma porção de corpúsculos das secreções segregadas pelas células principais e auxiliares. O líquido resultante é inoculado no tecido da prêsa ou do inimigo, por contração do manto muscular. Ao mesmo tempo, novas porções da peçonha armazenada são transportadas no sentido proximal e dissolvidas no líquido lipóide, preparando-se, assim, nova peçonha para outra picada. As formas das células e os pormenores histológicos estão explicados nas figuras que acompanham êste texto. Os músculos da glândula, ao contrário do que afirmam outros autores, verificamos serem de natureza "tetãnica", apresentando uma estriação transversal, típica. Certas zonas, porém, ricas em sarcoplasma, possuem propriedades "tônicas", mantendo-se sempre em certo grau de contratura que provoca a tensão adequada na membrana sarcoperitonial, o que permite um efeito imediato da contração da parte tetânica, no momento da picada.


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Widow spiders (Latrodectus spp.), also known as "black widows", have a worldwide distribution and can cause latrodectism. To the best of our knowledge, in Brazil, only one case of Latrodectus geometricus (Koch, 1841) envenomation in a human has been reported. The aim of the present report is to describe a spider bite caused by Latrodectus geometricus in a patient who lives in Paranapanema, São Paulo state, Brazil.


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Encuadernado con: Description d'une nouvelle espèce du genre "Dasytes" par M. le docteur Graells, traduite en français par M. Léon Fairmaire, séances des 4 mai et 1er. juin 1842.


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El presente trabajo tiene por objeto dar a conecer los resultados del Latrodectismo y su tratamiento especifico, durante un periodo de 10 años (1979-1988) en la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Se suministran datos de la distribución de casos por año, por meses, incidencia según sexo, residencia del accidentado, región corporal de la picadura, sintomatologia presentada, tiempo transcurrido entre el accidente y la aplicación del suero antilatrodectus y captura del animal agresor. Con respecto al año se produjo um pico entre 1982 y 1983 con 38 accidentes, correspondiendo al periodo de 10 años una media de 28,1 accidentes anuales los que presentan mayor incidencia de diciembre a marzo. Con respecto al sexo y residencia del accidentado un 80% corresponde a hombres, siendo principalmente trabajadores rurales los afectados. El mayor porcentaje de accidentados se produjo en antebrazos, cintura pélvica y muslos. Con respecto al tiempo transcorrido desde el accidente hasta la aplicación del suero, el 46% lo realiza entre las tres primeras horas. Sólo un 15% capturó al animal agresor.


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The first case of envenoming by Latrodectus geometricus in Venezuela is described. The accident occurred at the victim's home, in Aragua de Barcelona, Anzoátegui State. The 31-year-old female victim was bitten twice on the left scapular region, in quick succession (within seconds). She developed a hyperactive state of the central, autonomic and peripheral nervous systems with minor local symptoms.


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Es wird an Hand von Studien ueber die Speicheldruesen einiger haematophager Insekten und die Giftdruese einer Spinne, sowie die Mandibeldruese einer Hymenoptere, das Wechselspiel zwischen rhagiokrinen und lipokrinen Epithelien betrachtet. Die Druesen besitzen zwei verschiedene Komponenten, von denen die eine als rhagiokriner Teil albumoides Sekret produziert, waehrend die andere als lipokriner Teil lipoidhaltige Fluessigkeit abscheidet. Es ergibt sich, dass das albumoide Sekret des einen Druesenteils in der lipoidhaltigen Fluessigkeit des anderen geloest oder emulgiert wird. Durch die Lage der Mischstellen laesst sich schliessen, dass bei einigen Arten die beiden Sekrete nicht in Mischung gespeichert werden koennen (Triatoma, Forcipomyia), bei anderen (tabanidae, Aedes und Latrodectus) ist das gemischte Endsekret stabiler Natur. Durch die relative Groesse der Druesenelemente und die Form des Hilus wird bei einigen Vertretern (Triatoma, Forcipomyia und teilweise auch bei Aedes) das Verhaeltnis der Zusammensetzung des Endsekrets festgelegt, waehrend bei Tobanidae und Latrodectus eine mehr oder weniger konzentrierte Loesung des albumoiden Sekrets im lipoiden vorliegt. Weitere Einzelheiten ergeben sich aus den Schemata.


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Spinnenseide gehört zu den stabilsten bekannten Polymerverbindungen. Spinnfäden können bis auf das Dreifache ihrer ursprünglichen Länge gedehnt werden, bevor sie reißen, und dabei mit rund 160 MJ/m³ mehr als dreimal soviel Energie absorbieren wie die stärkste synthetisch hergestellte Faser Kevlar (50 MJ/m³). Dabei weisen Spinnfäden mit 2 bis 5 Mikrometer nur ein Zehntel des Durchmessers eines menschlichen Haares auf. Das präzise, berührungslose Bearbeiten von Spinnenseide ist für verschiedene technische Anwendungen interessant, insbesondere wenn dabei ihre außergewöhnlichen Eigenschaften erhalten bleiben. Könnten die von Natur aus dünnen Seidenfäden gezielt in ihrem Durchmesser verringert werden, so wären sie unter anderem in der Mikroelektronik einzusetzen. Hier könnten sie als Trägermaterial für eine dünne, elektrisch leitfähige Schicht fungieren. Man erhielte Nanodrähte, die auch in mechanisch besonders belasteten Mikroelektronikbauteilen (MEMS) Verwendung finden könnten. In dieser Arbeit wird die Verwendung der laserinduzierten Ablation zur gezielten Bearbeitung von Haltefäden der Schwarzen Witwe (Latrodectus hesperus) beschrieben. Eingesetzt wurde ein VUV-Excimerlaser vom Typ LPF 205 (Lambda-Physik, Göttingen) mit einer Wellenlänge von 157 nm und einer Pulsdauer von 18 ns. Eine berührungslose Laserbearbeitung bei 157 nm erlaubt einen effizienten und präzisen Abtrag von Material durch Ablation aufgrund der geringen optischen Eindringtiefe von unter 100 nm oberhalb einer Schwellenfluenz (Energie/Fläche) von Φth=29 mJ/cm², ohne dabei das umgebende Material thermisch zu beeinträchtigen. Parallel zur Ablation setzt allerdings eine wellenförmige Oberflächenstrukturierung auf der Faseroberfläche ein, wodurch die mechanische Belastbarkeit der Faser entscheidend geschwächt wird. Die Ursache hierfür liegt im Abbau materialbedingter Spannungsfelder („stress release“) innerhalb einer durch das Laserlicht induzierten dünnen Schmelzschicht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist es nun gelungen, diese Strukturen durch einen anschließenden Glättungsprozeß zu entfernen. Dabei wird auf der bestrahlten Oberfläche mittels Laserlichts eine glatte Ablation erzielt. Mit feinerer Abstufung dieser Prozeßschritte konnte der Durchmesser des verwendeten Spinnenseidefadens zum Teil um 70 Prozent bis auf ca. 750 nm verringert werden. Durch Zugfestigkeitsexperimente wurde belegt, daß die mechanischen Eigenschaften der so bearbeiteten Spinnenseide weitgehend erhalten bleiben. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit angewandte Methode erlaubt somit eine präzise Laserablation von Spinnenseide und ähnlichen hochabsorbierenden Materialien, ohne deren Kernsubstanz in ihrer Beschaffenheit zu verändern.


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Background and aimsThe protocarnivorous plant Paepalanthus bromelioides (Eriocaulaceae) is similar to bromeliads in that this plant has a rosette-like structure that allows rainwater to accumulate in leaf axils (i.e. phytotelmata). Although the rosettes of P. bromelioides are commonly inhabited by predators (e.g. spiders), their roots are wrapped by a cylindrical termite mound that grows beneath the rosette. In this study it is predicted that these plants can derive nutrients from recycling processes carried out by termites and from predation events that take place inside the rosette. It is also predicted that bacteria living in phytotelmata can accelerate nutrient cycling derived from predators.MethodsThe predictions were tested by surveying plants and animals, and also by performing field experiments in rocky fields from Serra do Cipó, Brazil, using natural abundance and enriched isotopes of 15N. Laboratory bioassays were also conducted to test proteolytic activities of bacteria from P. bromelioides rosettes.Key ResultsAnalyses of 15N in natural nitrogen abundances showed that the isotopic signature of P. bromelioides is similar to that of carnivorous plants and higher than that of non-carnivorous plants in the study area. Linear mixing models showed that predatory activities on the rosettes (i.e. spider faeces and prey carcass) resulted in overall nitrogen contributions of 26·5 % (a top-down flux). Although nitrogen flux was not detected from termites to plants via decomposition of labelled cardboard, the data on 15N in natural nitrogen abundance indicated that 67 % of nitrogen from P. bromelioides is derived from termites (a bottom-up flux). Bacteria did not affect nutrient cycling or nitrogen uptake from prey carcasses and spider faeces.ConclusionsThe results suggest that P. bromelioides derive nitrogen from associated predators and termites, despite differences in nitrogen cycling velocities, which seem to have been higher in nitrogen derived from predators (leaves) than from termites (roots). This is the first study that demonstrates partitioning effects from multiple partners in a digestion-based mutualism. Despite most of the nitrogen being absorbed through their roots (via termites), P. bromelioides has all the attributes necessary to be considered as a carnivorous plant in the context of digestive mutualism. © 2012 The Author. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Annals of Botany Company. All rights reserved.