958 resultados para Lateralitat manual
La lateralidad manual se concibe como una dimensión continua (Peters y Durding, 1978) en la que diestros y zurdos consistentes constituyen los extremos opuestos entre los cuales podemos hallar sujetos con diferente “grado” y “dirección” de lateralidad, tales como ambidextros o mixtos de ambas condiciones. De acuerdo con McManus (1996), la distribución de la lateralidad manual evaluada a través de cuestionarios generalmente representa un Modelo Simétrico Bimodal configurado por la integración de dos distribuciones normales situadas simétricamente alrededor de un punto cero, una que contiene aproximadamente el 90% de la población y la otra que contiene el 10% restante. Si representamos gráficamente ambas distribuciones, la tendencia de los valores en torno al punto central reflejan una distribución en forma de J, en la que los extremos corresponden a las puntuaciones máximas de lateralidad manual zurda y diestra, respectivamente. Este modelo de distribución tiene importantes implicaciones para el análisis de la lateralidad manual, sin embargo, la mayoría de cuestionarios (cuya extensión media ronda los 12 ítems) ofrecen una clasificación dicotómica o tricotómica de la lateralidad manual (Manga y González, 1985), cuando lo más óptimo es una clasificación en cuatro categorías (McManus, 1996). Por otra parte, según Coren (1993a), cuando la lateralidad manual es tratada como una dimensión continua, los índices de lateralidad obtenidos con una escala de extensión reducida (4 ítems) se corresponden en gran medida (r=0.95) con los obtenidos con escalas más extensas.
The Centers for High Cost Medication (Centros de Medicação de Alto Custo, CEDMAC), Health Department, São Paulo were instituted by project in partnership with the Clinical Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine, USP, sponsored by the Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, FAPESP) aimed at the formation of a statewide network for comprehensive care of patients referred for use of immunobiological agents in rheumatological diseases. The CEDMAC of Hospital de Clínicas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (HC-Unicamp), implemented by the Division of Rheumatology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, identified the need for standardization of the multidisciplinary team conducts, in face of the specificity of care conducts, verifying the importance of describing, in manual format, their operational and technical processes. The aim of this study is to present the methodology applied to the elaboration of the CEDMAC/HC-Unicamp Manual as an institutional tool, with the aim of offering the best assistance and administrative quality. In the methodology for preparing the manuals at HC-Unicamp since 2008, the premise was to obtain a document that is participatory, multidisciplinary, focused on work processes integrated with institutional rules, with objective and didactic descriptions, in a standardized format and with electronic dissemination. The CEDMAC/HC-Unicamp Manual was elaborated in 10 months, with involvement of the entire multidisciplinary team, with 19 chapters on work processes and techniques, in addition to those concerning the organizational structure and its annexes. Published in the electronic portal of HC Manuals in July 2012 as an e-Book (ISBN 978-85-63274-17-5), the manual has been a valuable instrument in guiding professionals in healthcare, teaching and research activities.
This study compared the mandibular displacement from three methods of centric relation record using an anterior jig associated with (A) chin point guidance, (B) swallowing (control group) and (C) bimanual manipulation. Ten patients aged 25-39 years were selected if they met the following inclusion criteria: complete dentition (up to the second molars), Angle class I and absence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders and diagnostic casts showing stability in the maximum intercuspation (MI) position. Impressions of maxillary and mandibular arches were made with an irreversible hydrocolloid impression material. Master casts of each patient were obtained, mounted on a microscope table in MI as a reference position and 5 records of each method were made per patient. The mandibular casts were then repositioned with records interposed and new measurements were obtained. The difference between the two readings allowed measuring the displacement of the mandible in the anteroposterior and lateral axes. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. There was no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) among the three methods for measuring lateral displacement (A=0.38 ± 0.26, B=0.32 ± 0.25 and C=0.32 ± 0.23). For the anteroposterior displacement (A=2.76 ± 1.43, B=2.46 ± 1.48 and C=2.97 ± 1.51), the swallowing method (B) differed significantly from the others (p<0.05), but no significant difference (p>0.05) was found between chin point guidance (A) and bimanual manipulation (C). In conclusion, the swallowing method produced smaller mandibular posterior displacement than the other methods.
Objective: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the dentine root surface roughness and the adherence of Streptococcus sanguinis (ATCC 10556) after treatment with an ultrasonic system, Er:YAG laser, or manual curette. Background Data: Bacterial adhesion and formation of dental biofilm after scaling and root planing may be a challenge to the long-term stability of periodontal therapy. Materials and Methods: Forty flattened bovine roots were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: ultrasonic system (n = 10); Er:YAG laser (n = 10); manual curette (n = 10); or control untreated roots (n = 10). The mean surface roughness (Ra, mu m) of the specimens before and after exposure to each treatment was determined using a surface profilometer. In addition, S. sanguinis was grown on the treated and untreated specimens and the amounts of retained bacteria on the surfaces were measured by culture method. Results: All treatments increased the Ra; however, the roughest surface was produced by the curettes. In addition, the specimens treated with curettes showed the highest S. sanguinis adhesion. There was a significant positive correlation between roughness values and bacterial cells counts. Conclusion: S. sanguinis adhesion was the highest on the curette-treated dentine root surfaces, which also presented the greatest surface roughness.
Manual asymmetries were analyzed in 18- to 63-year-old right-handers in different motor tasks. This analysis aimed at describing the asymmetry profile for each task and assessing their stability across ages. For this purpose, performance of the right and left hands were analyzed in the following aspects: simple reaction time, rate of sequential finger movements, maximum grip force, accuracy in anticipatory timing, rate of repetitive tapping, and rate of drawing movements. In addition, stability of manual preference across ages was assessed through the Edinburgh inventory (Oldfield, 1971). The results indicated different profiles of manual asymmetry, with identification of three categories across tasks: symmetric performance (asymmetry indices close to zero), inconsistent asymmetry (asymmetry indices variable in magnitude and direction), and consistent asymmetry (asymmetry indices favoring a single hand). The different profiles observed in the young adults were stable across ages with two exceptions: decreased lateral asymmetry for maximum grip force and increased asymmetry for sequential drawing in older individuals. These results indicate that manual asymmetries are task specific. Such task specificity is interpreted to be the result of different sensorimotor requirements imposed by each motor task in association with motor experiences accumulated over the lifetime. Analysis of manual preference showed that strength of preference for the right hand was greater in older individuals. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson Srl. All rights reserved.
The effect of lateralized practice on manual preference was investigated in right-handed children. Probing tasks required reaching and grasping a pencil at distinct eccentricities in the right and left hemifields (simple), and its transportation and insertion into a small hole (complex). During practice, the children experienced manipulative tasks different from that used for probing, using the left hand only. Results showed that before practice the children used almost exclusively the right hand in the right hemifield and at the midline position. Following lateralized practice frequency of use of the left hand increased in most lateral positions. A more evident effect of lateralized practice on shift of manual preference was detected in the complex task. Implications for lateralization of behavior in a developmental timescale are discussed on the basis of the proposition of amplification and diffusion of manual preference from lateralized practice. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Dev Psychobiol 52: 723-730, 2010.
Listeriosis is a serious foodborne disease caused by Listeria monocytogenes, a pathogen often found in food processing plants. Poultry meat and its derivatives may harbor L. monocytogenes even if good manufacturing practices are implanted in abattoirs. Little information exists in Brazil on the frequency of L. monocytogenes contamination, even though the country is considered the top poultry meat exporter in the world. This study attempted to compare 2 exporters poultry facilities following same the standards but differing only in manual (plant M) or automatic (plant A) evisceration. Eight hundred fifty-one samples from food, food contact and non-food contact surfaces, water, and workers` hands were collected from cage to finished products over a 1-yr period. In plant A, 20.1% of the samples were positive for L. monocytogenes, whereas in plant M, 16.4% was found. The greatest incidence of contamination with the pathogen in plant A was found in non- food contact surfaces (27.3%), while in plant M, it was found in products (19.4%). The most prevalent serovars were 1/2a or 3a (plant M) and 4b, 4d, or 4e (plant A). Despite having proper hygiene and good manufacturing practices, controlling the entry and persistence of L. monocytogenes in processing facilities remains a formidable task.
A participative ergonomics approach to reducing injuries associated with manual tasks is widely promoted; however only limited evidence from uncontrolled trials has been available to support the efficacy of such an approach. This paper reports on a randomized and controlled trial of PErforM, a participative ergonomics intervention designed to reduce the risks of injury associated with manual tasks. One hundred and seventeen small to medium sized food, construction, and health workplaces were audited by government inspectors using a manual tasks risk assessment tool (ManTRA). Forty-eight volunteer workplaces were then randomly assigned to Experimental and Control groups with the Experimental group receiving the PErforM program. Inspectors audited the workplaces again, 9 months following the intervention. The results showed a significant decrease in estimates of manual task risk and suggested better legal compliance in the Experimental group.