847 resultados para Late Modernity


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Através da comparação das ideias de três grandes teóricos da política no conturbado contexto da República de Weimar, esta dissertação pretende reconsiderar a crise da legitimidade política na modernidade tardia. Tal crise é concebida tanto em sentido estrito, enquanto crise das democracias liberais perante os efeitos de rápidas mudanças sociais e a emergência da política de massas, como em sentido lato, ou seja, enquanto crise dos alicerces político-intelectuais da era moderna. Nessa medida, veremos como os juízos de Weber, Kelsen e Schmitt não se limitam a veicular veredictos contrastantes sobre a democracia de massas, o parlamentarismo e os partidos políticos, remetendo também para narrativas distintas sobre o destino do homem moderno – narrativas que oscilam entre o optimismo moderado, a ambivalência e a reacção hostil.


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That we live in a time of unprecedented and ever-increasing change is both a shibboleth of our age and the more-or-less explicit justification for all manner of “strategic” actions. The seldom, if ever, questioned assumption is that our now is more ephemeral, more evanescent, than any that preceded it. In this essay, we subject this assumption to some critical scrutiny, utilizing a range of empirical detail. In the face of this assay we find the assumption to be considerably wanting. We suggest that what we are actually witnessing is mere acceleration, which we distinguish as intensification along a preexisting trajectory, parading as more substantive and radical movement away from a preexisting trajectory. Deploying Deleuze's (2004) terms we are, we suggest, in thrall to representation of the same at the expense of repetition of difference. Our consumption by acceleration, we argue, both occludes the lack of substantive change actually occurring while simultaneously delimiting possibilities of thinking of and enacting the truly radical. We also consider how this setup is maintained, thus attempting to shed some light on why we are seemingly running to stand still. As the Red Queen said, “it's necessary to run faster even to stay in the one place.”


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(Under contract)


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Especialidade de Tecnologia Educativa)


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Analyser les modalités de la régulation de la religion constitue une étape importante pour expliquer la recomposition de la religion en modernité tardive. Face aux interprétations dérivées des concepts d'individualisation ou de privatisation, l'affirmation peut apparaître provocante, puisqu'elle met en question l'idée d'autonomie du sujet croyant et la pertinence de l'utilisation sociologique du terme privé. Le traitement de cette problématique est particulièrement adéquat pour évaluer le rôle de l'État. Même si ce dernier n'est qu'un des agents de régulation à côté des médias, des organisations religieuses..., il contribue de façon souveraine au filtrage de la religion « acceptable ». Son mode de gestion varie d'un pays à l'autre, allant du pluralisme libéral au pluralisme technocratique. L'élaboration d'une typologie de ces modes de gestion s'avère donc indispensable. Sa vérification peut s'opérer au travers de l'étude comparative de la place faite à la religion dans les programmes scolaires. Elle éclaire en particulier le caractère pluraliste des États démocratiques et leur capacité à articuler valeurs économiques et valeurs humanistes. An analysis of the ways in which religion is regulated constitutes an important step in understanding the reconstructions of religion in late modernity. Such a stance can appear provocative, especially if contrasted with explanations that derive from concepts such as individualisation or privatisation, since it puts into question both the autonomy of the individual believer and the aptness of the term "private" in sociological understanding. These issues are particularly relevant when it comes to evaluating the role of the state. It is true that the latter is but one source of control, alongside the media, or religious organisations...; its influence is, however, dominant when it comes to deciding which forms of religion are, or are not, "acceptable". The methods vary from one country to another, ranging from liberal pluralism to technocratic pluralism. Hence the need to elaborate a typology, illustrating the different ways of working. It can be tested by comparing the place given to religion in different school systems. Above all such an approach reveals the pluralist character of the democratic state and its capacity to articulate both economic and humanistic values.


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Symbole de modernité pendant la majeure partie du XXe siècle, la cigarette est depuis une trentaine d’années la cible d’interventions croissantes visant à réduire sa consommation. La lutte contre le tabac bénéficie d’un dispositif sans précédent qui fait office de cas d’école en santé publique, par son ampleur et par l’adhésion qu’il suscite. L’intérêt d’étudier cet objet réside ainsi dans la propriété essentielle de la lutte anti-tabac de relier un dispositif institutionnel et des motivations subjectives. Le dispositif anti-tabac (DAT) a en effet vocation à faire converger les prescriptions normatives d’un ensemble d’institutions et les désirs individuels, et y parvient manifestement dans une certaine mesure. Il permet dès lors d’aborder à la fois un travail sur les sociétés et un travail sur soi. Cette thèse entreprend une analyse sociologique du dispositif anti-tabac au Québec et vise à interroger les modalités et les fins de ce contrôle public de la consommation de tabac, en mettant au jour ses dimensions culturelles, symboliques et politiques. La santé publique apparaissant de nos jours comme lieu central de l’espace politique et social dans les sociétés contemporaines (Fassin et Dozon, 2001 :7), l’utopie d’un « monde sans fumée » se révèle selon nous tout à fait typique des enjeux qui caractérisent la modernité avancée ou « société du risque » (Beck, 2001, [1986]). Après avoir présenté le rapport historiquement ambivalent des pays occidentaux au tabac et ses enjeux, puis problématisé la question de la consommation de substances psychotropes dans le cadre d’une production et d’une construction sociale et culturelle (Fassin, 2005a), nous inscrivons le DAT dans le cadre d’une biopolitique de la population (Foucault, 1976; 1997; 2004b). À l’aune des enseignements de Michel Foucault, cette thèse consiste ainsi en l’analyse de discours croisée du dispositif institutionnel anti-tabac et de témoignages d’individus désirant arrêter de fumer, au regard du contexte social et politique de la société moderne avancée. Le DAT illustre les transformations à l’œuvre dans le champ de la santé publique, elles-mêmes caractéristiques d’une reconfiguration des modes de gouvernement des sociétés modernes avancées. La nouvelle biopolitique s’adresse en effet à des sujets libres et entreprend de produire des citoyens responsables de leur devenir biologique, des sujets de l’optimisation de leurs conditions biologiques. Elle s’appuie sur une culpabilité de type « néo-chrétien » (Quéval, 2008) qui caractérise notamment un des leviers fondamentaux du DAT. Ce dernier se caractérise par une lutte contre les fumeurs plus que contre le tabac. Il construit la figure du non-fumeur comme celle d’un individu autonome, proactif et performant et fait simultanément de l’arrêt du tabac une obligation morale. Par ce biais, il engage son public à se subjectiver comme citoyen biologique, entrepreneur de sa santé. L’analyse du DAT au Québec révèle ainsi une (re)moralisation intensive des questions de santé, par le biais d’une biomédicalisation des risques (Clarke et al., 2003; 2010), particulièrement représentative d’un nouveau mode d’exercice de l’autorité et de régulation des conduites dans les sociétés contemporaines, assimilée à une gouvernementalité néolibérale. Enfin, l’analyse de témoignages d’individus engagés dans une démarche d’arrêt du tabac révèle la centralité de la santé dans le processus contemporain d’individuation. La santé publique apparait alors comme une institution socialisatrice produisant un certain « type d’homme » centré sur sa santé et adapté aux exigences de performance et d’autonomie prévalant, ces éléments constituant désormais de manière croissante des clés d’intégration et de reconnaissance sociale.


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This paper links market‐based ‘protest’ strategies, as used recently by environmental protest groups and other sociations, to citizenship theory, seeking to open a debate about the role of the consumer‐citizen. It is suggested that such consumer‐citizenship, whereby protest and political action are encouraged through market mechanisms, and limited through state action, is an important feature of latemodernity. The paper seeks to illustrate how advanced capitalist societies are producing reworked forms of rights relationships. This is discussed within the context of the rhetoric of ‘active’ citizenship as used in UK politics and through examples of recent environmental protests and other consumer‐citizen strategies.


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Fashion, late modernity and identity A common discussion in the late modern era is the role that tradition plays concerning individual identity. This forms a background to our article that focuses on consumer culture and one of its characteristics – fashion. To what extent does consumer culture and fashion contribute to the undermining of traditions, and how does this affect individual identity? We discuss two interpretations of consumption in shaping individual identity: the first interpretation maintains that by consumption individuals obtain an increasing freedom of choicemaking them free from the power of tradition, and thereby responsible for their lifestyle choices. According to the second interpretation, the free choice is illusory. This choiceis strongly influenced by factors such as social class and producers’ manipulative skills. Contrasting classical social theorists with contemporary fashion theory we argue that late modern fashion is characterized by quick changes and pluralism that often stand in contrast to tradition. We further discuss the increased importance of taste and new diffusion patterns as signs of a more individualized fashion, and discuss neo-tribalism as a post-traditional kind of community.


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The paper is analyzing how people in late modern society characterized by de-traditionalization, use moving images as a cultural resource for the construction of meaningful subjective world views. As a theoretical concept with several dimensions, “sacralization of the self” (Woodhead & Heelas 2000: 344), is related to media theory. With a critical focus on ‘the self’, as a core aspect in contemporary media society Eric W. Rothenbuhler labels the individual self as one of “the sacred objects of modern culture” (Rothenbuhler 2006: 31).I want to emphasize the need for case studies in order to undertake a critical investigation about ‘the self’ and how consumption of fiction film is interconnected to spectator´s creation of self images, but also to understand how film engagement elicits self-reflection (Giddens 1991, Axelson 2008, Vaage 2009a). The paper make use of empirical data to illustrate and theoretically develop perspectives on how the audience uses fiction film in every-day life for the construction of the self, as well for the construction of more profound and long-lasting ideas of being part of a moral community (Brereton 2005, Jerslev 2006, Klinger 2008, Mikkola et al. 2007, Vaage 2009b). Some empirical findings support a conclusion that moving images creates a transitional space for the human mind, with the capacity of transporting the spectator from real life to fiction and back to real life again, helping the individual with an ongoing process of transforming the self, dealing with who you actually are, and who you want to become (Axelson 2008, Vaage 2009b).


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In the context of late modernity, the socio-cultural transformations established new social practices which corroborate discursive changes in dialectic movements, contributing to the order of the educational discourses to be more and more affected by typical market discourses and values which are covered by ideologies, hegemonic struggles and power relations. In this sense, this research study, which is based on the theoretical tenets of the Critical Discourse Analysis in its interdisciplinary branch (FAIRCLOUGH, 2006; ORMUNDO, 2010; PEDROSA, 2010; RAMALHO E RESENDE, 2011), aims at discussing how the sociocultural changes in the context of private education interact with the market proposal of neoliberal and economical policies. The research was methodologically based on the qualitative approach (CHIZZOTTI, 1991; BOGDAN e BIKLEN, 1994; MINAYO, 1994), especially on the principles of contemporary Applied Linguistics (SIGNORINI, 1998; MOITA-LOPES, 2006; MENEZES, SILVA, GOMES, 2009). Data were gathered from advertisements used in campaigns by private educational institutions and agencies in Natal/RN; the advertisements were collected in primary and secondary levels and in language courses from October to December, 2010. The data analysis indicate that education, in the context of globalization and late modernity, has become a market agency and that the new face of the educational discourse of private institutions is interwoven with a social representation of education as a site of struggle and hegemonic dispute. Therefore, the research leads us to infer that, as the educational public policies based on hegemonic economy and on ideological assumptions of international agents (Global Bank, FMI, etc.) have become widespread, education has become an arena of dispute and a powerful economic product to the market of cultural and commercial industry, thus emphasizing a society in which everything is economically based


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According to the studies in Applied Linguistics, this thesis is based on an interdisciplinary perspective (Critical Discourse Analysis, Sociology towards Social Change, Cultural Studies and Systemic-Functional Linguistics). The overall objective of the research was to analyze the discourses of Elementary School teachers in the state of Sergipe, by means of the discursive representations of the social actors, the processes of subjectivity and their fragmented identities in the context of standardized evaluations before the requirements of globalized pedagogical practices, based on the result-based management. The critical analysis of such discourses was motivated by the rapid pace with which the demands of innovation become part of the classroom, aiming at reaching the target in what concerns the indexes of the rankings which characterize the globalized discourse of the national education management, like Ideb (Basic Education Development Index), which makes teachers change their discourses, become silent or keep resistant. The work was initially endorsed by the theoretical lines of the Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001, 2006), and poses a proposal for such purpose: the ASCD Discourse Sociological and Communicative Approach (PEDROSA, 2012, 2013). This is an interpretative-qualitative study of the Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001, 2003; RAMALHO ; RESENDE, 2011) and to carry it out, semi-structured interviews were used as instruments of data generation (BAUER; GASKELL, 2011; GILL, 2011). Its corpus is composed of thirteen accounts of teachers from the Elementary school who teach Portuguese and work in the fifteen schools which were chosen to be the universe of the research at the Regional Board of Education (02) in the state of Sergipe. Such narratives are related to their impressions, expectations and actions which favor the management of results to which they have to submit themselves. The analytical overview of sociological and discursive line comes from the pan-semiotic categories (Inclusion and Exclusion) which appear in the theory of Representation of Social Actors (VAN LEEUWEN, 1997, 2008). To present the processes of subjectivity of these teachers, this work is based on the socio-analytical proposal of the classification of the subjects, which stems from the individual s work in the Gestão Relacional de Si , which comes from the Applied Sociology (towards) Social Change (BAJOIT, 2006, 2009). The discursive analyses were guided word for word, in their majority, by having the Systemic Functional Grammar as their theoretical basis, specifically by the processes of the Transitivity System postulated by Halliday, (1985); Halliday and Mathiessen, (2004); Eggins (2004); Cunha and Souza (2011). The work makes the field of Cultural Studies emerge towards the dialogue and the presentation of the fragmented identities of the teachers in the context of late modernity (GIDDENS, 2002; HALL, 2011). The thesis promoted a reflection over the teacher s condition, who is immerse in this context of knowledge construction of the present Brazilian educational system, the standardized evaluations, the indexes of development, the targets and the rankings. The considerations and outcomes of such a research dealt with the teachers emerging social practices and the need of planned initial and continuing teacher education towards the new moment which is foreseeable