11 resultados para Latania commersonii


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The Arecaceae family comprises plants with economical importance in many Brazilian regions, for agricultural exploration or for landscaping. In great portion, species of this family present low germination velocity and percentage. This work meant to evaluate the germination and early development of seven palm species (Archontophoenix alexandrae H. Wendl. et Drude, Copernicia prunifera (Miller) H.E. Moore, Latania commersonii Gmel., Livistona chinensis R. Br., Syagrus campos-portoana Bondar, Syagrus coronata (Mart.) Beccari, Syagrus picrophylla Barb. Rod.), submitted to three kinds of seed bed plot coverings. Three 10 x 2 m seedbeds were built and filled with a mixture of sand, soil and chicken manure (1:3:0.5 proportion), where two lines were sown with each specie. On top of each seedbed, plastic covering and fifty percent screen were set allowing one third of the seedbed to full sunlight exposure. Seedbeds were irrigated by dripping system. All species had the same germination rate, regardless of the covering, by the end of the experiment (146 days after sowing), eventhough, A. alexandrae under plastic covering conditions, L. commersonii at full sunlight exposure and Syagrus campos-portoana under fifty percent shade, had reached that percentage around 51 days after sowing. The remaining species reached the greatest germination percentage earlier with some of the coverings, rather than at full sunlight exposure. For the studied conditions, covering type had no effect in leaf length and width. For leaf number, there was interaction between species x covering type for Livistona chinensis and Copernicia prunifera.


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The comparative toxicity was evaluated using four detergents, viz, linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS), branched alkylbenzene sulfonate (BAS), sodium sulfonate (SS) and alfa-olefin sulfonate (AOS) on an estuarine fish, Ambassis commersonii, abundant in Kali estuarine system. Standard toxicity bioassay method was followed as per APHA (1980). AOS concentration in "Mega" soap was determined by the standard MBAS method described in APHA (1980). The results indicate that LAS was the most toxic detergent to fish relative to the other types and the other of toxicity was LAS > AOS > SS > BAS. A significant correlation was seen between observed and calculated mortalities for all the detergents. Some behavioural responses of fishes to all detergents were also observed.


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Diploid (2n = 2x = 24) Solanum species with endosperm balance number (EBN) = 1 are sexually isolated from diploid 2EBN species and both tetraploid (2n = 4x = 48, 4EBN) and haploid (2n = 2x = 24, 2EBN) S. tuberosum Group Tuberosum. To sexually overcome these crossing barriers in the diploid species S. commersonii (1EBN), the manipulation of the EBN was accomplished by scaling up and down ploidy levels. Triploid F1 hybrids between an in vitro-doubled clone of S. commersonii (2n = 4x = 48, 2EBN) and diploid 2EBN clones were successfully used in 3x × 4x crosses with S. tuberosum Group Tuberosum, resulting in pentaploid/near pentaploid BC1 progenies. This provided evidence of 2n (3x) egg formation in the triploid female parents. Two selected BC1 pentaploid hybrids were successfully backcrossed both as male and as female parents with S. tuberosum Group Tuberosum. The somatic chromosome number varied greatly among the resulting BC2 progenies, which included hyperaneuploids, but also a number (4.8%) of 48-chromosome plants. The introgression of S. commersonii genomes was confirmed by the presence of S. commersonii-specific randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers in the BC2 population analyzed. The results clearly demonstrate the feasibility of germplasm introgression from sexually isolated diploid 1EBN species into the 4x (4EBN) gene pool of the cultivated potato using sexual hybridization. Based on the amount and type of genetic variation generated, cumbersomeness, general applicability, costs, and other factors, it would be interesting to compare the approach reported here with other in vitro or in vivo, direct or indirect, approaches previously reported.


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When genome sections of wild Solanum species are bred into the cultivated potato (S. tuberosum L.) to obtain improved potato cultivars, the new cultivars must be evaluated for their beneficial and undesirable traits. Glycoalkaloids present in Solanum species are known for their toxic as well as for beneficial effects on mammals. On the other hand, glycoalkaloids in potato leaves provide natural protection against pests. Due to breeding, glycoalkaloid profile of the plant is affected. In addition, the starch properties in potato tubers can be affected as a result of breeding, because the crystalline properties are determined by the botanical source of the starch. Starch content and composition affect the texture of cooked and processed potatoes. In order to determine glycoalkaloid contents in Solanum species, simultaneous separation of glycoalkaloids and aglycones using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was developed. Clean-up of foliage samples was improved using a silica-based strong cation exchanger instead of octadecyl phases in solid-phase extraction. Glycoalkaloids alpha-solanine and alpha-chaconine were detected in potato tubers of cvs. Satu and Sini. The total glycoalkaloid concentration of non-peeled and immature tubers was at an acceptable level (under 20 mg/100 g of FW) in the cv. Satu, whereas concentration in cv. Sini was 23 mg/100 g FW. Solanum species (S. tuberosum, S. brevidens, S. acaule, and S. commersonii) and interspecific somatic hybrids (brd + tbr, acl + tbr, cmm + tbr) were analyzed for their glycoalkaloid contents using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS). The concentrations in the tubers of the brd + tbr and acl + tbr hybrids remained under 20 mg/100 g FW. Glycoalkaloid concentration in the foliage of the Solanum species was between 110 mg and 890 mg/100 g FW. However, the concentration in the foliage of S. acaule was as low as 26 mg/100 g FW. The total concentrations of brd + tbr, acl + tbr, and cmm + tbr hybrid foliages were 88 mg, 180 mg, and 685 mg/100 g FW, respectively. Glycoalkaloids of both parental plants as well as new combinations of aglycones and saccharides were detected in somatic hybrids. The hybrids contained mainly spirosolanes, and glycoalkaloid structures having no 5,6-double bond in the aglycone. Based on these results, the glycoalkaloid profiles of the hybrids may represent a safer and more beneficial spectrum of glycoalkaloids than that found in currently cultivated varieties. Starch nanostructure of three different cultivars (Satu, Saturna, and Lady Rosetta), a wild species S. acaule, and interspecific somatic hybrids were examined by wide-angle and small-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS, SAXS). For the first time, the measurements were conducted on fresh potato tuber samples. Crystallinity of starch, average crystallite size, and lamellar distance were determined from the X-ray patterns. No differences in the starch nanostructure between the three different cultivars were detected. However, tuber immaturity was detected by X-ray scattering methods when large numbers of immature and mature samples were measured and the results were compared. The present study shows that no significant changes occurred in the nanostructures of starches resulting from hybridizations of potato cultivars.


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The diet composition of fish caught in San Miguel Bay, Philippines, in April and May 1993 was studied. The diets of tiger-tooth croaker (Otolithes ruber), commerson's anchovy (Stolephorus commersonii); and the Indian anchovy (Stolephorus indicus) consisted mainly of zooplankton, primarily crustaceans. The stomach content of orangefin ponyfish (Leiognathus bindus) was found to consist mostly of detritus and unidentified materials. Daily rations estimated were: 1.90 g day super(1) for O. ruber of 17.3 g mean body weight (BW), 0.078 g day super(1) for S. commersonii) of 3.8 g mean BW, 0.062 g day super(1) for S. indicus of 3.9 g mean BW and 0.56 g day super(1) for L. bindus of 7.7 g mean BW.


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Small pelagic fish play a very important role in human nutrition and health. Lipids of these fish differ remarkably from plant and other animal lipids. The aim of the study was to describe the proximate composition of thirty-three small pelagic fish species commonly available in Sri Lanka. Fish species were collected from Negombo and Chillaw fish landing sites and subjected to analysis for moisture, ash, protein and total lipid content. Tiger tooth croaker (Otolithus ruber) was found to have the highest moisture percentage (80.0%) followed by Clarias sp. (78.9%), Indian anchovy (Steloporus indicus) and Comerson's anchovy (Stelophorus commersonii), (78%). The lowest percentage of moisture, 69.4%, was recorded in white sardinella (Sardinella albella). Indian ilisha (Ilisha melastoma) was found to have the highest amount of ash (10.1%) followed by Otolithus sp. (8%) and big-eye barracuda contained the least amount (2.5%). Carassius Carassius, pick handle barracuda (Sphyraena jello) and Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) contained higher amounts of protein, 24.3, 20.6 and 19.2% respectively. The lowest protein content (10.1%) was found in Indian scad (Decapterus russelli). The protein content of the fish was in the range of 13-15%. The results revealed that the small fish are moderate protein sources. The total lipid content varied between 0.6-8%. White sardinella recorded the highest percentage of lipid (8%) where tiger tooth croaker contained the lowest percentage (0.6 %). The study showed high fatty species to contain low amount of moisture and vice versa establishing an inverse relation between fat and moisture quantitatively.


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The study examined diel feeding chronology of six fish species in Anchuthengu backwater, Kerala. Over the 24h period, more or less same items contributed to the diet of Arius arius. Mugil cephalus exhibited substantial diel variation in diet composition, with algae forming the main dietary component in the diurnal diet, and prawns in the crepuscular and nocturnal diets. Algae and rotifers formed the main food items throughout the 24h feeding period in Hyporhamphus xanthopterus. No change was noticed in the diel diet composition in Ambassis commersonii. While Caranx ignobilis showed no diel variation, Gerrus lucidus that feeds on a variety of prey items seemed to exhibit some diel variation in feeding. All the fish examined had diurnal feeding peaks. The results indicate that because of diel variation in diet composition and feeding periodicity for these six species, dietary analysis conducted at only one interval would not provide an accurate representation of the diet of these species.


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Acoustic signals from wild Neophocaena phocaenoides sunameri were recorded in the waters off Liao-dong-wan Bay located in Bohai Sea, China. Signal analysis shows that N. p. sunameri produced "typical" phocoenid clicks. The peak frequencies f(p), of clicks ranged from. 113 to 131 kHz with an average of 121 +/- 3.78 kHz (n=71). The 3 dB bandwidths Delta f ranged from 10.9 to 25.0 kHz with an average of 17.5 +/- 3.30 kHz. The signal durations At ranged from 56 to 109 mu s with an average 80 +/- 11.49 mu s. The number of cycles N, ranged from 7 to 13 with an average of 9 +/- 1.48. With increasing peak frequency there was a faint tendency of decrease in bandwidth, which implies a nonconstant value of f(p)/Delta f. On occasion there were some click trains with faint click energy presenting below 70 kHz, however, it was possibly introduced by interference effect from multiple pulses structures. The acoustic parameters of the clicks were compared between the investigated population and a riverine population of finless porpoise. (c) 2007 Acoustical Society of America.


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This paper describes the high-frequency echolocation signals from free-ranging Yangtze finless porpoise in the Tian-e-zhou Baiji National Natural Reserve in Hubei Province, China. Signal analysis showed that the Yangtze finless porpoise clicks are typical high-frequency narrow-band (relative width of the frequency spectrum Q=6.6 &PLUSMN; 1.56, N=548) ultrasonic pulses. The peak frequencies of the typical clicks range from 87 to 145 kHz with an average of 125 &PLUSMN; 6.92 kHz. The durations range from 30 to 122 μ s with an average of 68 &PLUSMN; 14.12 μ s. The characteristics of the signals are similar to those of other members of the Phocoenidae as well as the distantly related delphinids, Cephalorhynchus spp. Comparison of these signals to those of the baiji (Lipotes vexillifer), who occupies habitat similar to that of the Yangtze finless porpoise, showed that the peak frequencies of clicks produced by the Yangtze finless porpoise are remarkably higher than those produced by the baiji. Difference in peak frequency between the two species is probably linked to the different size of prefer-red prey fish. Clear double-pulse and multi-pulse reverberation structures of clicks are noticed, and there is no indication of any low-frequency (< 70 kHz) components during the recording period. © 2005 Acoustical Society of America.


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Assessing patterns of connectivity at the community and population levels is relevant to marine resource management and conservation. The present study reviews this issue with a focus on the western Indian Ocean (WIO) biogeographic province. This part of the Indian Ocean holds more species than expected from current models of global reef fish species richness. In this study, checklists of reef fish species were examined to determine levels of endemism in each of 10 biogeographic provinces of the Indian Ocean. Results showed that the number of endemic species was higher in the WIO than in any other region of the Indian Ocean. Endemic species from the WIO on the average had a larger body size than elsewhere in the tropical Indian Ocean. This suggests an effect of peripheral speciation, as previously documented in the Hawaiian reef fish fauna, relative to other sites in the tropical western Pacific. To explore evolutionary dynamics of species across biogeographic provinces and infer mechanisms of speciation, we present and compare the results of phylogeographic surveys based on compilations of published and unpublished mitochondrial DNA sequences for 19 Indo-Pacific reef-associated fishes (rainbow grouper Cephalopholis argus, scrawled butterflyfish Chaetodon meyeri, bluespot mullet Crenimugil sp. A, humbug damselfish Dascyllus abudafur/Dascyllus aruanus, areolate grouper Epinephelus areolatus, blacktip grouper Epinephelus fasciatus, honeycomb grouper Epinephelus merra, bluespotted cornetfish Fistularia commersonii, cleaner wrasse Labroides sp. 1, longface emperor Lethrinus sp. A, bluestripe snapper Lutjanus kasmira, unicornfishes Naso brevirosris, Naso unicornis and Naso vlamingii, blue-spotted maskray Neotrygon kuhlii, largescale mullet Planiliza macrolepis, common parrotfish Scarus psicattus, crescent grunter Terapon jarbua, whitetip reef shark Triaenodon obesus) and three coastal Indo-West Pacific invertebrates (blue seastar Linckia laevigata, spiny lobster Panulirus homarus, small giant clam Tridacna maxima). Heterogeneous and often unbalanced sampling design, paucity of data in a number of cases, and among-species discrepancy in phylogeographic structure precluded any generalization regarding phylogeographic patterns. Nevertheless, the WIO might have been a source of haplotypes in some cases and it also harboured an endemic clade in at least one case. The present survey also highlighted likely cryptic species. This may eventually affect the accuracy of the current checklists of species, which form the basis of some of the recent advances in Indo-West Pacific marine ecology and biogeography.