993 resultados para Laser intensities


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We study synchrotron radiation emission from laser interaction with near critical density (NCD) plasmas at intensities of 1021 W∕cm2 using three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. It is found that the electron dynamics depend on the laser shaping process in NCD plasmas, and thus the angular distribution of the emitted photons changes as the laser pulse evolves in space and time. The final properties of the resulting synchrotron radiation, such as its overall energy, the critical photon energy, and the radiation angular distribution, are strongly affected by the laser polarization and plasma density. By using a 420 TW∕50 fs laser pulse at the optimal plasma density (∼1nc ), about 108 photons/0.1% bandwidth are produced at multi-MeV photon energies, providing a route to ultraintense, femtosecond gamma ray pulses.


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Resonant interaction of an autoionising state with a strong laser field is considered and effects of second-order ionisation processes are investigated. The authors show that these processes play a very important role in laser-induced autoionisation (LIA). They drastically affect the lowest-order peaks in the photoelectron spectrum. In addition to these peaks, high-order peaks due to ejection of energetic photoelectrons appear. For the laser intensities of current interest, second-order peaks are much stronger than the original ones, an important result that, they believe, can be observed experimentally. Moreover, `peak switching', a general feature of above-threshold ionisation, is also manifest in the electron spectrum of LIA.


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The dynamics and harmonics emission spectra due to electron oscillation driven by intense laser pulses have been investigated considering a single electron model. The spectral and angular distributions of the harmonics radiation are numerically analyzed and demonstrate significantly different characteristics from those of the low-intensity field case. Higher-order harmonic radiation is possible for a sufficiently intense driving laser pulse. A complex shifting and broadening structure of the spectrum is observed and analyzed for different polarization. For a realistic pulsed photon beam, the spectrum of the radiation is redshifted for backward radiation and blueshifted for forward radiation, and spectral broadening is noticed. This is due to the changes in the longitudinal velocity of the electron during the laser pulse. These effects are much more pronounced at higher laser intensities giving rise to even higher-order harmonics that eventually leads to a continuous spectrum. Numerical simulations have further shown that broadening of the high harmonic radiation can be limited by increasing the laser pulse width. The complex shifting and broadening of the spectra can be employed to characterize the ultrashort and ultraintense laser pulses and to study the ultrafast dynamics of the electrons. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We investigate high-order harmonic emission and isolated attosecond pulse (IAP) generation in atoms driven by a two-colour multi-cycle laser field consisting of an 800 nm pulse and an infrared laser pulse at an arbitrary wavelength. With moderate laser intensity, an IAP of similar to 220 as can be generated in helium atoms by using two-colour laser pulses of 35 fs/800 nm and 46 fs/1150 nm. The discussion based on the three-step semiclassical model, and time-frequency analysis shows a clear picture of the high-order harmonic generation in the waveform-controlled laser field which is of benefit to the generation of XUV IAP and attosecond electron pulses. When the propagation effect is included, the duration of the IAP can be shorter than 200 as, when the driving laser pulses are focused 1 mm before the gas medium with a length between 1.5 mm and 2 mm.


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We investigate experimentally the high-order harmonic generation from aligned CO2 molecules and demonstrate that the modulation inversion of the harmonic yield with respect to molecular alignment can be altered dramatically by fine-tuning the intensity of the driving laser pulse for harmonic generation. The results can be modeled by employing the strong field approximation including a ground state depletion factor. The laser intensity is thus proved to be a parameter that can control the high-harmonic emission from aligned molecules.


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The ionization rate of molecules in intense laser fields may be much lower than that of atoms with similar binding energy. This phenomenon is termed the ionization suppression of molecules and is caused by the molecular inner structure. In this paper, we perform a comprehensive study of the ionization suppression of homonuclear diatomic molecules in intense laser fields of linear and circular polarizations. We find that for linear polarization the total ionization rate and the ionization suppression depend greatly on the molecular alignment, and that for circular polarization the ionization suppression of molecules in the antibonding (bonding) shells disappears (appears) for laser intensities around 10(15) W/cm(2). We also find that the molecular photoelectron energy spectra are greatly changed by the interference effect, even though the total ionization rate of molecules remains almost the same as that of their companion atoms.


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In a recent experimental work on the excess photon detachment (EPD) of H- ions [Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) 243001] it has been found that the ponderomotive shift of each EPD peak increases with the order of the EPD channel. By using a nonperturbative quantum scattering theory, we obtain the kinetic energy spectra for the differential detachment rate along the laser polarization for several laser intensities. It is demonstrated that higher order EPD peaks are produced mainly at relatively higher laser intensities. By calculating the overall EPD spectra with varying laser intensities, it is found that the ponderomotive shift of each EPD peak increases with the order of the EPD channel. Our calculations are in good agreement with the experimental observation. It is found that different EPD channels occur mainly when the laser field reaches some values, thus the intensity distribution of the laser field is responsible for the varying ponderomotive shifts.


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The characteristics of backward harmonic radiation due to electron oscillations driven by a linearly polarized fs laser pulse are analysed considering a single electron model. The spectral distributions of the electron's backward harmonic radiation are investigated in detail for different parameters of the driver laser pulse. Higher order harmonic radiations are possible for a sufficiently intense driving laser pulse. We have shown that for a realistic pulsed photon beam, the spectrum of the radiation is red shifted as well as broadened because of changes in the longitudinal velocity of the electrons during the laser pulse. These effects are more pronounced at higher laser intensities giving rise to higher order harmonics that eventually leads to a continuous spectrum. Numerical simulations have further shown that by increasing the laser pulse width the broadening of the high harmonic radiations can be controlled.


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The characteristics of harmonic radiation due to electron oscillation driven by an intense femtosecond laser pulse are analyzed considering a single electron model. An interesting modulated structure of the spectrum is observed and analyzed for different polarization. Higher order harmonic radiations are possible for a sufficiently intense driving laser pulse. We have shown that for a realistic pulsed photon beam, the spectrum of the radiation is red shifted as well as broadened because of changes in the longitudinal velocity of the electrons during the laser pulse. These effects are more pronounced at higher laser intensities giving rise to higher order harmonics that eventually leads to a continuous spectrum. Numerical simulations have further shown that by increasing the laser pulse width broadening of the high harmonic radiations can be limited. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present calculations of the time delay between single and double ionization of helium, obtained from full-dimensionality numerical integrations of the helium-laser Schroedinger equation. The notion of a quantum mechanical time delay is defined in terms of the interval between correlated bursts of single and double ionization. Calculations are performed at 390 and 780 nm in laser intensities that range from 2 X 10^14 to 14 X 10^14 W /cm^2. We find results consistent with the rescattering model of double ionization but supporting its classical interpretation only at 780 nm.


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The use of strong-field (i.e. intensities in excess of 10(13) Wcm(-2)) few-cycle ultrafast (durations of 10 femtoseconds or less) laser pulses to create, manipulate and image vibrational wavepackets is investigated. Quasi-classical modelling of the initial superposition through tunnel ionization, wavepacket modification by nonadiabatically altering the nuclear environment via the transition dipole and the Stark effect, and measuring the control outcome by fragmenting the molecule is detailed. The influence of the laser intensity on strong-field ultrafast wavepacket control is discussed in detail: by modifying the distribution of laser intensities imaged, we show that focal conditions can be created that give preference to this three-pulse technique above processes induced by the pulses alone. An experimental demonstration is presented, and the nuclear dynamics inferred by the quasi-classical model discussed. Finally, we present the results of a systematic investigation of a dual-control pulse scheme, indicating that single vibrational states should be observable with high fidelity, and the populated state defined by varying the arrival time of the two control pulses. The relevance of such strong-field coherent control methods to the manipulation of electron localization and attosecond science is discussed.


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Protons with energies up to 18 MeV have been measured from high density laser-plasma interactions at incident laser intensities of 5 X 10(19) W/cm(2). Up to 10(12) protons with energies greater than 2 MeV were observed to propagate through a 125 mu m thick aluminum target and measurements of their angular deflection were made. It is likely that the protons originate from the front surface of the target and are bent by large magnetic fields which exist in the target interior. To agree with our measurements these fields would be in excess of 30 MG and would be generated by the beam of fast electrons which is also observed.


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Neutron time of flight signals have been observed with a high resolution neutron spectrometer using the petawatt arm of the Vulcan laser facility at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory from plastic sandwich targets containing a deuterated layer. The neutron spectra have two elements: a high-energy component generated by beam-fusion reactions and a thermal component around 2.45 MeV. The ion temperatures calculated from the neutron signal width clearly demonstrate a dependence on the front layer thickness and are significantly higher than electron temperatures measured under similar conditions. The ion heating process is intensity dependent and is not observed with laser intensities on target below 10(20) W cm(-2). The measurements are consistent with an ion instability driven by electron perturbations.


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We report high harmonic generation from a 248.6-nm KrF laser giving harmonic orders up to the 37th (67 Angstrom) in a helium gas jet and the 35th (71 Angstrom) in neon, for laser intensities up to 4 x 10(17) W/cm(2) in 380-fs pulses. These observations are interpreted using theoretical modeling that identifies the ion species He+, Ne+, and Ne2+ as the sources of the highest harmonics.