915 resultados para Large vacuoles
Although it is generally accepted that osteoclasts breakdown and resorb bone matrix, the possibility that they may also be able to engulf apoptotic osteoblasts/ lining cells and/or osteocytes remains controversial. Apoptosis of osteoblasts/ lining cells and/or osteocytes and interactions between these cells and osteoclasts are extremely rapid events that are difficult to observe in viva. A suitable in viva model for studying these events is the alveolar bone of young rats because it is continuously. Thus, sections of aldehyde fixed alveolar undergoing intense resorption/remodeling bone of young rats were stained by the combined terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) method and the tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) method for the simultaneous visualization of apoptotic cells and osteoclasts in the same section. The combined TUNEL and TRAP reactions, in the same section, greatly facilitated visualization of relationship between osteoclasts and apoptotic bone cells during alveolar bone remodeling. Our results showed that several TRAP-positive osteoclasts exhibited large vacuoles containing TUNEL positive apoptotic structures, probably derived from osteoblasts/lining cells and/or osteocytes. These results support the idea that alveolar bone osteoclasts are able to internalize dying apoptotic bone cells.
Light-microscopic and electron-microscopic studies of the tropical marine sponge Haliclona sp. (Or der: Haplosclerida Family: Haliclonidae) from Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, have revealed that this sponge is characterized by the presence of dinoflagellates and by nematocysts. The dinoflagellates are 7-10 mu m in size, intracellular, and contain a pyrenoid with a single stalk, whereas the single chloroplast is branched, curved, and lacks grana. Mitochondria are present, and the nucleus is oval and has distinct chromosomal structure. The dinoflagellates are morphologically similar to Symbiodinium microadriaticum, the common intracellular symbiont of corals, although more detailed biochemical and molecular studies are required to provide a precise taxonomic assignment. The major sponge cell types found in Haliclona sp, are spongocytes, choanocytes, and archaeocytes; groups of dinoflagellates are enclosed within large vacuoles in the archaeocytes. The occurrence of dinoflagellates in marine sponges has previously been thought to be restricted to a small group of sponges including the excavating hadromerid sponges; the dinoflagellates in these sponges are usually referred to as symbionts. The role of the dinoflagellates present in Haliclona sp. as a genuine symbiotic partner requires experimental investigation. The sponge grows on coral substrates, from which it may acquire the nematocysts, and shows features, such as mucus production, which are typical of some excavating sponges. The cytotoxic alkaloids, haliclonacyclamines A and B, associated with Haliclona sp. are shown by Percoll density gradient fractionation to be localized within the sponge cells rather than the dinoflagellates. The ability to synthesize bioactive compounds such as the haliclonacyclamines may help Haliclona sp. to preserve its remarkable ecological niche.
A mononuclear phagocyte derived from B1b cells (B1CDP) has been described. As these cells migrate from the peritoneal cavity to non-specific inflammatory lesion sites and are highly phagocytic via Fc and mannose receptors, their microbicidal ability of these cells was investigated using the Coxiella burnetii cell infection model in vitro. In this report, the pattern of infection and C burnetii phase II survival in B1CDP phagosomes was compared with the pattern of infection of peritoneal macrophages from Xid mice (PM phi) and bone marrow derived macrophages (BMM phi). Infection was assessed by determining the large parasitophorous vacuole formation, the relative focus forming units and the quantification of DAPI (4`,6-diamino-2-phenylindole) fluorescence images acquired by confocal microscopy. When compared to macrophages, B1CDP are more permissive to the bacterial infection and less effective to kill them. Further, results suggest that IL-10 secreted by B1 cells are involved in their susceptibility to infection by C burnetti, since B1CDP from IL-10 KO mice are more competent to control C. burnetii infection than cells from wild type mice. These data contribute further to characterize B1CDP as a novel mononuclear phagocyte. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The effects of blood components, nerve-cord severance, and ecdysone therapy on the posterior midgut epithelial cells of 5th-instar Rhodnius prolixus nymphs 10 days after feeding were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. Cutting the nerve-cord of the blood-fed insects partially reduced the development of microvilli and perimicrovillar membranes (PMM), and produced large vacuoles and small electrondense granules; insects fed on Ringer's saline diet exhibited well developed microvilli and low PMM production; swolled rough endoplasmatic reticulum and electrondense granules; Ringer's saline meal with ecdysone led to PMM development, glycogen particles, and several mitochondria in the cytoplasm; epithelial cells of the insects fed on Ringer's saline meal whose nerve-cord was severed showed heterogeneously distributed microvilli with reduced PMM production and a great quantity of mitochondria and glycogen in the cytoplasm; well developed microvilli and PMM were observed in nerve-cord severed insects fed on Ringer's saline meal with ecdysone; Ringer's saline diet containing hemoglobin recovered the release of PMM; and insects fed on human plasma showed slightly reduced PMM production, although the addition of ecdysone in the plasma led to a normal midgut ultrastructural organization. We suggest that the full development of microvilli and PMM in the epithelial cells depends on the abdominal distension in addition to ingestion of hemoglobin, and the release of ecdysone.
The female gametophyte has a monosporic origin and a Polygonum type development. The female gametophyte growth consumes a large part of the neighboring nucellar cells and, in the micropylar region, part of the nucellar epidermis and internal integument. The mature gametophyte is composed of only four cells due to the ephemeral characteristic of the antipodals. The synergids are pear-shaped cells with the formation of filiform apparatus. Their nuclei lie in the micropylar region and large vacuoles in the chalazal region, while the egg cell presents an opposite polarization. The central cell accumulates starch grains and the two polar nuclei approach the egg. Occasional development of two gametophytes was recorded. The closest to the micropyle develops fully, while the chalazal one remained in the tetranucleated stage. The embryological characters of A. latifolia are compared with those of other taxa within the Leguminosae, and the reproductive importance of multiple gametophyte formation for this species was discussed.
Background: The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the hyaluronic acid (HA) binding assay in the selection of motile spermatozoa with normal morphology at high magnification (8400x).Methods: A total of 16592 prepared spermatozoa were selected and classified into two groups: Group I, spermatozoa which presented their head attached to an HA substance (HA-bound sperm), and Group II, those spermatozoa that did not attach to the HA substance (HA-unbound sperm). HA-bound and HA-unbound spermatozoa were evaluated according to the following sperm forms: 1-Normal morphology: normal nucleus (smooth, symmetric and oval configuration, length: 4.75+/-2.8 mu m and width: 3.28+/-0.20 mu m, no extrusion or invagination and no vacuoles occupied more than 4% of the nuclear area) as well as acrosome, post-acrosomal lamina, neck, tail, besides not presenting a cytoplasmic droplet or cytoplasm around the head; 2-Abnormalities of nuclear form (a-Large/small; b-Wide/narrow; c-Regional disorder); 3-Abnormalities of nuclear chromatin content (a-Vacuoles: occupy >4% to 50% of the nuclear area and b-Large vacuoles: occupy >50% of the nuclear area) using a high magnification (8400x) microscopy system.Results: No significant differences were obtained with respect to sperm morphological forms and the groups HA-bound and HA-unbound. 1-Normal morphology: HA-bound 2.7% and HA-unbound 2.5% (P = 0.56). 2-Abnormalities of nuclear form: a-Large/small: HA-bound 1.6% vs. HA-unbound 1.6% (P = 0.63); b-Wide/narrow: HA-bound 3.1% vs. HA-unbound 2.7% (P = 0.13); c-Regional disorders: HA-bound 4.7% vs. HA-unbound 4.4% (P = 0.34). 3. Abnormalities of nuclear chromatin content: a-Vacuoles >4% to 50%: HA-bound 72.2% vs. HA-unbound 72.5% (P = 0.74); b-Large vacuoles: HA-bound 15.7% vs. HA-unbound 16.3% (P = 0.36).Conclusions: The findings suggest that HA binding assay has limited efficacy in selecting motile spermatozoa with normal morphology at high magnification.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Annexin 1 (ANX-A1) exerts antimigratory actions in several models of acute and chronic inflammation, This is related to its ability to mimic the effect of endogenous ANX-A1 that is externalized on neutrophil adhesion to the postcapillary endothelium. In the present study we monitored ANX-A1 expression and localization in intravascular and emigrated neutrophils, using a classical model of rat peritonitis, For this purpose, a pair of antibodies raised against the ANX-A1 N-terminus tie, able to recognize intact ANX-A1) or the whole protein tie, able to interact with all ANX-A1 isoforms) was used by immunofluorescence and immunocytochemistry analyses. The majority (similar to 50%) of ANX-A1 on the plasma membrane of intravascular neutrophils was intact. Extravasation into the subendothelial matrix caused loss of this pool of intact protein (to similar to6%), concomitant with an increase in total amount of the protein; only similar to 25% of the total protein was now recognized by the antibody raised against the N-terminus tie, it was intact). In the cytoplasm of these cells, ANX-A1 was predominantly associated with large vacuoles, possibly endosomes, In situ hybridization confirmed de novo synthesis of ANX-A1 in the extravasated cells. In conclusion, biochemical pathways leading to the externalization, proteolysis, and synthesis of ANX-A1 are activated during the process of neutrophil extravasation.
The alveolar bone is a suitable in vivo physiological model for the study of apoptosis and interactions of bone cells because it undergoes continuous, rapid and intense resorption/remodelling, during a long period of time, to accommodate the growing tooth germs. The intensity of alveolar bone resorption greatly enhances the chances of observing images of the extremely rapid events of apoptosis of bone cells and also of images of interactions between osteoclasts and osteocytes/osteoblasts/bone lining cells. To find such images, we have therefore examined the alveolar bone of young rats using light microscopy, the TUNEL method for apoptosis, and electron microscopy. Fragments of alveolar bone from young rats were fixed in Bouin and formaldehyde for morphology and for the TUNEL method. Glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde fixed specimens were processed for transmission electron microscopy. Results showed TUNEL positive round/ovoid structures on the bone surface and inside osteocytic lacunae. These structures - also stained by hematoxylin - were therefore interpreted, respectively, as osteoblasts/lining cells and osteocytes undergoing apoptosis. Osteoclasts also exhibited TUNEL positive apoptotic bodies inside large vacuoles; the nuclei of osteoclasts, however, were always TUNEL negative. Ultrathin sections revealed typical apoptotic images - round/ovoid bodies with dense crescent-like chromatin - on the bone surface, corresponding therefore to apoptotic osteoblasts/lining cells. Osteocytes also showed images compatible with apoptosis. Large osteoclast vacuoles often contained fragmented cellular material. Our results provide further support for the idea that osteoclasts internalize dying bone cells; we were however, unable to find images of osteoclasts in apoptosis. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
During bone formation, as in other tissues and organs, intense cellular proliferation and differentiation are usually observed. It has been described that programmed cell death, i.e., apoptosis, takes place in the control of the cellular population by removing of the excessive and damaged cells. Although it is generally accepted that apoptotic bodies are engulfed by professional phagocytes, the neighboring cells can also take part in the removal of apoptotic bodies. In the present study, regions of initial alveolar bone formation of rat molars were examined with the aim to verify whether osteoblasts are capable of engulfing apoptotic bodies, such as professional phagocytes. Rats aged 11-19 days were sacrificed and the maxillary fragments containing the first molar were removed and immersed in the fixative solution. The specimens fixed in glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde were processed for light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. For the detection of apoptosis, the specimens were fixed in formaldehyde, embedded in paraffin, and submitted to the TUNEL method. The results revealed round/ovoid structures containing dense bodies on the bone surface in close contact to osteoblasts and in conspicuous osteoblast vacuoles. These round/ovoid structures showed also positivity to the TUNEL method, indicating that bone cells on the bone surface are undergoing apoptosis. Ultrathin sections showed images of apoptotic bodies being engulfed by osteoblasts. Occasionally, the osteoblasts exhibited large vacuoles containing blocks of condensed chromatin and remnants of organelles. Thus, these images suggest that osteoblasts are able to engulf and degrade apoptotic bodies. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
A cromoblastomicose e uma infeccao subcutanea cronica, granulomatosa, causada pela implantacao traumatica de diversas especies de fungos demaceos, sendo Fonsecaea pedrosoi o principal agente etiologico. O Brasil possui a segunda maior prevalencia mundial da doenca, sendo o estado do Para a maior area endemica. Histologicamente, a cromomicose e caracterizada pela presenca de celulas gigantes, onde podem ser observadas celulas escleroticas fagocitadas por macrofagos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar os diferentes aspectos da interacao de macrofagos peritoneais de camundongos BALB/c e C57/BL6 com conidios ou celulas escleroticas de F. pedrosoi, determinando os indices de infeccao, fagocitose e fusao celular. Os resultados mostraram indices de fagocitose e infeccao maiores em conidios do que em celulas escleroticas para BALB/c (p<0.05), ocorrendo efeito inverso no indice de fusao, com a formacao de celulas gigantes do tipo Langhans na interacao com celulas escleroticas e celulas gigantes do tipo corpo estranho na interacao com conidios. Os macrofagos de BALB/c em interacao com conidios produziram mais TNF-α que o controle nos tempos de 3 a 72h; e mais IL-10 apos 3h. Macrofagos interagindo com celulas escleroticas produziram mais TNF-α que o controle nos tempos de 1h e 3h; e a quantidade de IL- 10 foi maior apos 72h de interacao. No co-cultivo de macrofagos de C57/BL6 com conidios observou-se a presenca de vacuolos aumentados apos 24h, enquanto na interacao com celulas escleroticas, os macrofagos se desprenderam da laminula nos tempos posteriores a 24 h. A quantidade de TNF-α e maior na interacao de conidios comparado ao controle em 1 e 72 h; e a quantidade de IL-10, no tempo de 48h. Ja na interacao com celulas escleroticas, apenas a quantidade de IL-10 diferiu do controle, sendo maior nos tempos de 1 a 48h. Estes dados sugerem que a resposta e macrofagos ao fungo e diferente entre os camundongos de BALB/c e C57/BL6, diferindo tambem a resposta de um mesmo tipo de macrofago para cada forma fungica, sendo as celulas escleroticas aparentemente mais imunogenicas que os conidios.
Thymol is a monoterpene with proven acaricide action for several tick species. In addition to killing these ectoparasites, thymol can also reduce oviposition and egg hatch rate. However, the effects of thymol on the morphophysiology of tick ovaries are still unknown. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the morphophysiological changes caused by this active principle in ovaries of Rhipicephalus sanguineus after a 6-day feeding period, through the application of morphohistochemical techniques. After the feeding period, a total of 50 females were divided into five groups and immersed in the following solutions: (I) distilled water (control), (II) 30 % ethanol (control), (III) 1.25 mg/mL thymol, (IV) 2.5 mg/mL thymol, and (V) 5.0 mg/mL thymol. The experimental groups were kept in a climatic chamber (27 +/- 1 A degrees C; RH 80 A +/- 10 %) for 5 days. After this period, morphological (hematoxylin/eosin) and histochemical (von Kossa) techniques were applied after remotion of the ovaries. The morphological results revealed large vacuoles in germ cells at different developmental stages and invaginations that represent deformations in the chorionic membrane. From the results obtained in this study, it was concluded that thymol interfered with the development of oocytes, which showed degeneration signs. The treatment containing 5.0 mg/mL thymol affected more accentuately the morphological development. Moreover, thymol also altered the calcium content of yolk granules, which generally showed an intense staining for this element.
Phagocytic cells are a critical line of defense against infection. The ability of a pathogen to survive and even replicate within phagocytic cells is a potent method of evading the defense mechanisms of the host. A number of pathogens survive within macrophages after phagocytosis and this contributes to their virulence. Salmonella is one of these pathogens. Here we report that 6-14 hr after Salmonella enters the macrophage and replicates, it resides in large vacuoles and causes the destruction of these cells. Furthermore, we identified four independently isolated MudJ-lacZ insertion mutants that no longer cause the formation of these vacuoles or kill the macrophages. All four insertions were located in the ompR/envZ regulon. These findings suggest that killing and escape from macrophages may be as important steps in Salmonella pathogenesis as are survival and replication in these host cells.