982 resultados para Large isoform of rubisco activase


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Rubisco 是催化光合暗反应第一步反应的酶,是唯一能将CO2 转变成碳水化合物的酶,由它固定和最后转化成的碳水化合物提供了植物、动物和微生物的食物和能量。但是,Rubisco 催化该反应的效率十分低,使之成为光合作用的限速步骤。由于Rubisco 的合成和催化过程十分复杂,人们很难通过直接改造Rubisco 提高植物固定CO2 的能力。而Rubisco 活化酶能活化Rubisco,使植物在生理CO2 浓度下具有最大的CO2 同化速率,因此研究活化酶有重要意义。水稻活化酶有2 个同工酶,大型同工酶比小型同工酶C 端多37 个氨基酸,其中包括两个Cys 残基。这两个Cys 残基的存在使活化酶大型同工酶对ADP 的存在更加敏感,其活性在硫氧还蛋白的介导下能被基质中氧化还原状态的变化所调节。由于活化酶大型同工酶对调节Rubisco 的活性具有的这种特殊作用,在本研究中,将活化酶大型同工酶rca基因用正义和反义引入水稻基因组,获得了过量表达活化酶大型同工酶基因和反义抑制活化酶基因表达的转基因植株,对其光合作用进行了生理和生化分析。 本研究的主要结果如下: Rubisco 活化酶大型同工酶基因的克隆:从水稻镇恢249 中克隆了1525 bp 的活化酶大型同工酶cDNA 序列。经过测序,它与报道的粳稻品种活化酶大型同工酶cDNA 序列(rca)完全相同。 构建了4 个植物表达载体:3 个为过量表达rca的载体,分别是pCBUbirca,pCBSrca 和 pCBSUbirca ,其中rca分别在水稻中高效表达的玉米Ubiquitin 启动子、受光调控的Rubisco 小亚基基因启动子和由这两个启动子构成的双启动子控制下表达; 1 个在Ubiquitin 启动子控制的反义rca载体,即 pCBUbi-antirca。 获得了转化rca的水稻再生植株:用日本晴,台北309,武育梗7 号和籼稻品种培矮64S 水稻成熟种子诱导愈伤组织。用改良的农杆菌浸染法将rca基因转化这些愈伤组织,在潮霉素筛选压力下获得抗性愈伤组织,经过2 天的干燥处理后,转入到含山梨醇的高渗分化培养基上培养,能迅速获得大量的芽和转化体再生植株。 获得了转rca基因的水稻植株:抗性愈伤组织和再生水稻幼苗的叶片经GUS 染色呈蓝黑色。PCR 扩增转基因水稻基因组内的潮霉素基因和rca,大部分转基因水稻中含有841 bp 的潮霉素基因片段和1525 bp 长的rca cDNA 片段。251 粒T1 代转基因水稻种子中189粒呈现潮霉素抗性,抗性种子/非抗性种子的比率约为3:1,接近孟德尔分离规律。Southern杂交表明rca序列已整合到水稻基因组,一般含1-2个拷贝。Western 杂交显示Rubisco 活化酶含量在转pCBUbi -antirca 的水稻中和对照比,几乎看不出,被反义抑制;转pCBUbirca 的水稻与对照含量相差无几;转pCBSUbirca,pCBSrca 载体的水稻中活化酶的含量比对照有极显著的增加。 T1 代转rca水稻的光合作用发生显著变化:转pCBSrca 和pCBSUbirca 的水稻在饱和光强下的Rubisco 初始活性、羧化效率、光合速率都明显高于对照,但是表观量子效率、色素含量和Rubisco 总活性与对照相似。两者相比,前者比后者更高;转反义rca(pCBUbi-antirca)基因的水稻饱和光强下的光合速率、表观量子效率、羧化效率、Rubisco 初始活性明显降低,色素含量和Rubisco 总活性基本不变;转pCBUbirca 的水稻中,光合作用的各项参数与对照基本相似。 T1 代转rca水稻的叶绿素荧光明显改变:转pCBSrca 和pCBSUbirca 的水稻ΦPSII 的值明显高于对照,而且前者qP 的值明显高于对照。两者相比,前者的ΦPSII 和qP 的值比后者高;转反义rca的水稻ΦPSII,F′v/F′m,qP 值和对照比都明显降低,但qN 的值升高;转pCBUbirca 载体的水稻中,叶绿素荧光的各项参数与对照基本相似。 转rca基因的水稻生长发育的变化:转pCBUbirca 载体的水稻整个生长发育过程与对照相似;转化pCBSrca 和pCBSUbirca 载体的水稻和对照比,植株高大,生长发育速度加快,抽穗、开花和结籽的时间提前。两者本身相比,前者比后者明显;转反义rca(pCBUbi-antirca)基因的水稻生长发育延迟,植株矮小,种子败育。 由上可见,Rubisco 活化酶大型同工酶rca基因在Rubisco 小亚基基因启动子、Ubiquitin 基因启动子和Rubisco 小亚基基因启动子共同控制下正义转入水稻的转基因植物光合作用的参数最好,光合效率提高,植物表型最好,生长发育加快,提前开花结籽。这一研究可能为获得高光合效率和高产量的水稻奠定了基础。


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The regulation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activity by 2-carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate (CA1P) was investigated using gas-exchange analysis of antisense tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants containing reduced levels of Rubisco activase. When an increase in light flux from darkness to 1200 μmol quanta m−2 s−1 was followed, the slow increase in CO2 assimilation by antisense leaves contained two phases: one represented the activation of the noncarbamylated form of Rubisco, which was described previously, and the other represented the activation of the CA1P-inhibited form of Rubisco. We present evidence supporting this conclusion, including the observation that this second phase, like CA1P, is only present following darkness or very low light flux. In addition, the second phase of CO2 assimilation was correlated with leaf CA1P content. When this novel phase was resolved from the CO2 assimilation trace, most of it was found to have kinetics similar to the activation of the noncarbamylated form of Rubisco. Additionally, kinetics of the novel phase indicated that the activation of the CA1P-inhibited form of Rubisco proceeds faster than the degradation of CA1P by CA1P phosphatase. These results may be significant with respect to current models of the regulation of Rubisco activity by Rubisco activase.


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Changes in chlorophyll content, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) binding protein (RBP), Rubisco activase (RA), Rubisco large (LS) and small (SS) subunits, and electrolyte leakage were investigated in wheat leaf segments during heat stress (HS) for 1 h and for 24 h at 40 °C in darkness or in light, as well as after recovery from heat stress (HSR) for 24 h at 25 °C in light. The 24-h HS treatment in darkness decreased irreversibly photosynthetic pigments, soluble proteins, RBP, RA, Rubisco LS and SS. An increase in RA and RBP protein contents was observed under 24-h HS and HSR in light. This increase was in accordance with their role as chaperones and the function of RBP as a heat shock protein.


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Net photosynthesis (Pn) is inhibited by moderate heat stress. To elucidate the mechanism of inhibition, we examined the effects of temperature on gas exchange and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activation in cotton and tobacco leaves and compared the responses to those of the isolated enzymes. Depending on the CO2 concentration, Pn decreased when temperatures exceeded 35–40°C. This response was inconsistent with the response predicted from the properties of fully activated Rubisco. Rubisco deactivated in leaves when temperature was increased and also in response to high CO2 or low O2. The decrease in Rubisco activation occurred when leaf temperatures exceeded 35°C, whereas the activities of isolated activase and Rubisco were highest at 42°C and >50°C, respectively. In the absence of activase, isolated Rubisco deactivated under catalytic conditions and the rate of deactivation increased with temperature but not with CO2. The ability of activase to maintain or promote Rubisco activation in vitro also decreased with temperature but was not affected by CO2. Increasing the activase/Rubisco ratio reduced Rubisco deactivation at higher temperatures. The results indicate that, as temperature increases, the rate of Rubisco deactivation exceeds the capacity of activase to promote activation. The decrease in Rubisco activation that occurred in leaves at high CO2 was not caused by a faster rate of deactivation, but by reduced activase activity possibly in response to unfavorable ATP/ADP ratios. When adjustments were made for changes in activation state, the kinetic properties of Rubisco predicted the response of Pn at high temperature and CO2.


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We tested the hypothesis that light activation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is inhibited by moderately elevated temperature through an effect on Rubisco activase. When cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) or wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaf tissue was exposed to increasing temperatures in the light, activation of Rubisco was inhibited above 35 and 30°C, respectively, and the relative inhibition was greater for wheat than for cotton. The temperature-induced inhibition of Rubisco activation was fully reversible at temperatures below 40°C. In contrast to activation state, total Rubisco activity was not affected by temperatures as high as 45°C. Nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching increased at temperatures that inhibited Rubisco activation, consistent with inhibition of Calvin cycle activity. Initial and maximal chlorophyll fluorescence were not significantly altered until temperatures exceeded 40°C. Thus, electron transport, as measured by Chl fluorescence, appeared to be more stable to moderately elevated temperatures than Rubisco activation. Western-blot analysis revealed the formation of high-molecular-weight aggregates of activase at temperatures above 40°C for both wheat and cotton when inhibition of Rubisco activation was irreversible. Physical perturbation of other soluble stromal enzymes, including Rubisco, phosphoribulokinase, and glutamine synthetase, was not detected at the elevated temperatures. Our evidence indicates that moderately elevated temperatures inhibit light activation of Rubisco via a direct effect on Rubisco activase.


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We tested the hypothesis that light activation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is inhibited by moderately elevated temperature through an effect on Rubisco activase. When cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) or wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaf tissue was exposed to increasing temperatures in the light, activation of Rubisco was inhibited above 35 and 30°C, respectively, and the relative inhibition was greater for wheat than for cotton. The temperature-induced inhibition of Rubisco activation was fully reversible at temperatures below 40°C. In contrast to activation state, total Rubisco activity was not affected by temperatures as high as 45°C. Nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching increased at temperatures that inhibited Rubisco activation, consistent with inhibition of Calvin cycle activity. Initial and maximal chlorophyll fluorescence were not significantly altered until temperatures exceeded 40°C. Thus, electron transport, as measured by Chl fluorescence, appeared to be more stable to moderately elevated temperatures than Rubisco activation. Western-blot analysis revealed the formation of high-molecular-weight aggregates of activase at temperatures above 40°C for both wheat and cotton when inhibition of Rubisco activation was irreversible. Physical perturbation of other soluble stromal enzymes, including Rubisco, phosphoribulokinase, and glutamine synthetase, was not detected at the elevated temperatures. Our evidence indicates that moderately elevated temperatures inhibit light activation of Rubisco via a direct effect on Rubisco activase.


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Variation in the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE) has been reported to be associated with longevity in humans. The authors assessed the allelic distribution of APOE isoforms e2, e3, and e4 among 10,623 participants from 15 case-control and cohort studies of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in populations of European ancestry (study dates ranged from 1990 to 2009). The authors included only the 10,623 control subjects from these studies who were classified as having no evidence of AMD, since variation within the APOE gene has previously been associated with AMD. In an analysis stratified by study center, gender, and smoking status, there was a decreasing frequency of the APOE e4 isoform with increasing age (?2 for trend = 14.9 (1 df); P = 0.0001), with a concomitant increase in the e3 isoform (?2 for trend = 11.3 (1 df); P = 0.001). The association with age was strongest in e4 homozygotes; the frequency of e4 homozygosity decreased from 2.7% for participants aged 60 years or less to 0.8% for those over age 85 years, while the proportion of participants with the e3/e4 genotype decreased from 26.8% to 17.5% across the same age range. Gender had no significant effect on the isoform frequencies. This study provides strong support for an association of the APOE gene with human longevity.


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SET domain protein lysine methyltransferases (PKMT) are a structurally unique class of enzymes that catalyze the specific methylation of lysine residues in a number of different substrates. Especially histone-specific SET domain PKMTs have received widespread attention because of their roles in the regulation of epigenetic gene expression and the development of some cancers. Rubisco large subunit methyltransferase (RLSMT) is a chloroplast-localized SET domain PKMT responsible for the formation of trimethyl-lysine-14 in the large subunit of Rubisco, an essential photosynthetic enzyme. Here, we have used cryoelectron microscopy to produce an 11-A density map of the Rubisco-RLSMT complex. The atomic model of the complex, obtained by fitting crystal structures of Rubisco and RLSMT into the density map, shows that the extensive contact regions between the 2 proteins are mainly mediated by hydrophobic residues and leucine-rich repeats. It further provides insights into potential conformational changes that may occur during substrate binding and catalysis. This study presents the first structural analysis of a SET domain PKMT in complex with its intact polypeptide substrate.


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In intact chloroplasts isolated from mature pea leaves (Pisum sativum L.), the large subunit (LSU) of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco, EC was rapidly fragmented into several products upon illumination in the presence of 1 mM dithiothreitol (DTT). Very similar effects on LSU stability could be observed when illuminated chloroplasts were poisoned with cyanide which, like DTT, inhibits important plastid antioxidant enzymes, or when a light-dependent hydroxyl radical-producing system was added to the incubation medium. Moreover, DTT-stimulated light degradation of LSU was markedly delayed in the presence of scavengers of active oxygen species (AOS). It is therefore suggested that light degradation of LSU in the presence of DTT is mainly due to inhibition of the chloroplast antioxidant defense system and the subsequent accumulation of AOS in intact organelles. When chloroplasts were isolated from nonsenescent or senescent leaves, LSU remained very stable upon incubation without DTT, indicating that the antioxidant system was still functional in the isolated chloroplasts during leaf ageing. Our data support the notion that AOS might be important for the degradation of Rubisco in vivo under oxidative stress.


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The green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutant 76–5EN lacks photosynthesis because of a nuclear-gene mutation that specifically inhibits expression of the chloroplast gene encoding the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco; EC Photosynthesis-competent revertants were selected from mutant 76–5EN to explore the possibility of increasing Rubisco expression. Genetic analysis of 10 revertants revealed that most arose from suppressor mutations in nuclear genes distinct from the original 76–5EN mutant gene. The revertant strains have regained various levels of Rubisco holoenzyme, but none of the suppressor mutations increased Rubisco expression above the wild-type level in either the presence or absence of the 76–5EN mutation. One suppressor mutation, S107–4B, caused a temperature-conditional, photosynthesis-deficient phenotype in the absence of the original 76–5EN mutation. The S107–4B strain was unable to grow photosynthetically at 35°C, but it expressed a substantial level of Rubisco holoenzyme. Whereas the 76–5EN gene encodes a nuclear factor that appears to be required for the transcription of the Rubisco large-subunit gene, the S107–4B nuclear gene may be required for the expression of other chloroplast genes.


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Research is indicating that individuals who present for DUI treatment may have competing substance abuse and mental health needs. This study aimed to examine the extent of such comorbidity issues among a sample of Texas DUI offenders. Method: Records of 36,372 DUI clients and 308,695 non-DUI clients admitted to Texas treatment programs between 2005 and 2008 were obtained from the State's administrative dataset. The data were analysed to identify the relationship between substance use, psychiatric problems, program completion and recidivism rates. Results: Analysis indicated that while non-DUI clients were more likely to present with more severe illicit substance use problems, DUI clients were more likely to have a primary problem with alcohol. Additionally, a cannabis use problem was also found to be significantly associated with DUI recidivism in the last year. In regards to mental health needs, a major finding was that depression was the most common psychiatric condition reported by DUI clients, including those with more than one DUI offence in the past year. This group were also more at risk of being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder compared to the general population, and such a diagnosis was also associated with an increased likelihood of not completing treatment. Interestingly, female DUI and non-DUI clients were also more likely to be diagnosed with mental health problems compared to males, as well as more likely to be placed on medications at admission and have problems with methamphetamine, cocaine, and opiates. Conclusion: The findings highlight the complex competing needs of some DUI offenders who enter treatment. The results also suggest that there is a need to utilise mental health and substance abuse screening methods to ensure DUI offenders are directed towards appropriate treatment pathways as well as ensure that such interventions adequately cater for complex substance abuse and psychiatric needs.