1000 resultados para Lapsuus, lapsuuden instituutiot ja lasten toiminta
Tämä tutkielma tarkastelee Matilde Huici Navazia, espanjalaista naisasianaista, asianajajaa, pedagogia ja sosialistia. Tutkielmassa on selvitetty, miten espanjalainen sanomalehdistö käsitteli artikkeleissaan vuosina 1922–1937 Matilde Huici Navazia. Tarkastelen, miten kulttuuriset arvot, normit ja hierarkiat toimivat keskinäisessä vuorovaikutuksessa. Primaariaineisto koostuu viiden eri spanjalaisen päivälehtiarkiston kokelmista. Tutkimukseni pääasiallisina metodeina käytän kvalitatiivista ja hermeneuttista analyysia. Espanja eli 1920–1930-luvuilla ankaraa ideologista ja poliittista aikaa, johtuen kuninkaan vallan väistymisestä, Primo de Riveran diktatuurista, Espanjan toisen tasavallan syntymisestä ja sisällisodan syttymisesta vuonna 1936. Tutkielmani aikakauden sanomalehtiä yhdisti kiivas keskustelu yhteiskunnallisista ja kulttuurisista kysymyksistä. Lehdistö oli poliittisesti sidoksissa sekä oikealle että vasemmalle. Espanjalainen yhteiskunta jakautui jyrkästi kahtia sukupuolen mukaan. Katolisen kirkon sekä patriarkaalisen kulttuurin normit vaikuttivat oleellisesti naisten aseman yhteiskunnalliseen kehitykseen. Naisten elämänpiiri rajattiin avioliittoon ja kotiin. Espanjan toisen tasavallan kunnianhimoisena tavoitteena oli nostaa maa muiden eurooppalaisten edistyneiden valtioiden tasolle. Tarkastelen tutkimuksessani Espanjan lähihistorian tapahtumia osana yhteiskunnallisesti merkittävän ihmisen henkilöhistoriaa. Huici Navaz pohti tutkimissani artikkeleissa naisen osaa, olemusta ja oikeuksia. Tutkimukseni perusteella hänen sallittiin, ainakin jossain määrin, tuoda esille näitä kysymyksiä lehtiartikkelien yhteydessä. Huici Navazin sallittin käsitellä omia tuntemuksiaan ja väsymättömästi uudelleenmääritellä naisen sosiaalista roolia yhteiskunnan kollektiivisessa tietoisuudessa. Tutkimukseni perusteella voidaan todeta, että Matilde Huici Navaz koki myös ankaria pettymyksiä taistelussaan naisen konkreettisen aseman parantamiseksi. Hänen vaatimuksensa yhteiskunnallisen tasa-arvon saavuttamiseksi tukahdutettiin lähes säännönmukaisesti. Huizi Navazin poliittiset kannanotot radikalisoituivat vuoden 1936 jälkeen, kun hän turhautui vallitsevan yhteiskunnan haluttomuuteen muuttaa hallitsevia patriarkaalisia normeja. Huici Navaz toimi väsymättömästi köyhien perheiden lasten aseman parantamiseksi. Huici Navazille koulutuksen, kasvatuksen ja kotihygenian parantaminen olivat tärkeä osa lastensuojelun kehittymisessä.
Summary: Together as one : extended families and collective labour in Ruokolahti, 1750-1850
Abstract: Police management systems and ethical conduct - do changes in management systems affect internal ethical principles in the local police in Finland?
Lectio praecursoria Tampereen yliopisto 8.3.2003.
The resources of the step family and the children’s well-being The present study investigates children's well-being in stepfamilies and fac¬tors, both external and internal, that are related to the children's well-being. Of the external factors, the study focuses on factors related to the structure of the stepfamily, parents' education, socio-economic status and factors related to work, livelihood and living conditions. The internal resources include the general functioning of the family, parenthood and parenting, family support networks and issues that the stepfamilies themselves consider important. Another important resource in a stepfamily is a functioning network of human relationships, which in the present study is approached from the maternal viewpoint. Changing family relations are considered a potential threat to the children's well-being. Therefore, in addition to looking into the stepfamily's resources, the other important goal of the study is to explore other factors potentially related to the well-being of children living in stepfamilies. In view of the stepfamily's resources, it is important to explore how the functioning of the relationships network is linked with the child's well-being. The study employs survey and interview data. The survey data (n=2236) are part of national survey data on the well-being of families and children and factors impacting them which were gathered as part of ”Origins of Exclusion in Early Childhood”, a research project carried out in 2002. The data consists of 667 stepfamilies. The interview data consists of interviews with 24 parents in stepfamilies. In the study, the analyses of survey and interview data are combined. Both descriptive statistical analyses and multivariate methods are employed. Content analysis is employed in the analysis of the interview data. The results indicate that the stepfamilies’ resources in general but their external resources in particular differed from those of the nuclear and single-parent families. The level of education and the socio-economic status of the stepfamily parents were somewhat lower than those of the nuclear family parents. The differences in relation to single-parent families were primarily related to the better economic status of the stepfamilies. The analysis of internal resources showed relatively minor differences: the stepfamilies assessed themselves a somewhat better general functioning of the family than did the nuclear families. Parenting issues caused more disagreement in stepfamilies than in nuclear families. The analysis of the functioning of the human relations in stepfamilies showed that the stepfamily mothers experienced the external relationships of the family (e.g., between the child and the absent father) as significantly more problematic than the relationships within the stepfamily. Living in a stepfamily thus challenges the functioning of the relationship between the child and the absent father. As a result of the analysis of the relationships networks in the stepfamilies, three groups were formed. One group had the nuclear family as an ideal goal, another valued an extended family composed of a variety of relationships, and the third one appreciated a strong intimate relationship between the parents. In the present study, the most common group was the multi-relationship, extended type of stepfamily. In conclusion, living in a stepfamily does not seem to pose a risk to the child’s well-being, but it may influence the family’s resources and thus have an indirect effect on the child’s well-being. In view of the resources of the stepfamily, the child’s well-being was best supported by a functioning network of human relationships in the stepfamily: there was a distinct connection with the children’s problems and the non-functioning of the relationships network. According to the mothers, the internal relationships in the stepfamily seemed to be more important than the external relationships of the family. A child’s functioning relationship with the absent father can be viewed as a positive resource, supporting the child’s well-being in the stepfamily.