4 resultados para Laponites


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The aim of this article is to propose advances for the preparation of hybrid nanocomposites prepared by the combination of intercalation from solution and melt-processing methods. This research investigates the effect of the laponite RDS content on the thermal, structural, and mechanical properties of thermoplastic starch (TPS). X-ray diffraction was performed to investigate the dispersion of the laponite RDS layers into the TPS matrix. The results show good nanodispersion, intercalation, and exfoliation of the clay platelets, indicating that these composites are true nanocomposites. The presence of laponite RDS also improves the thermal stability and mechanical properties of the TPSmatrix due to its reinforcement effect which was optimized by the high degree of exfoliation of the clay. Thus, these results indicate that the exfoliated TPS-laponite nanocomposites have great potential for industrial applications and, more specifically, in the packaging field. © The Author(s) 2011 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav.


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Much has been talking about the advantages of polymeric nanocomposites, but little is known about the influence of nanoparticles on the stability of these materials. In this sense, we studied the influence of both oxides of zirconium and titanium, known to have photocatalytic properties, as well as the influence of synthetic clay Laponite on the photodegradation of styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR). SBR nanocomposites were prepared by the colloidal route by mixing commercial polymer lattices and nanometric anatase TiO2, monoclinic ZrO2 or exfoliated Laponite clays colloidal suspensions. To better understand the degradation mechanisms that occur in these nanocomposites, the efficiency of different photocatalysts under ultraviolet radiation was monitored by FT-IR and UV-vis spectroscopies and by differential scanning calorimetric. It was observed that TiO2 and ZrO2 nanoparticles undoubtedly acted as catalysts during the photodegradation process with different efficiencies and rates. However, when compared to pure SBR samples, the polymer degradation mechanism was unaffected. Unlike studies with nanocomposites montmorillonite, exfoliated laponite clay effectively acts as a photostabilizer of polymer UV photodegradation. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Quaternary ammonium exchanged laponites (Quat-laponites) show selectivity in the adsorption of phenols and chlorinated phenols. Strong adsorbate-adsorbent interactions are indicated by adsorption isotherms. Adsorption of phenols and chlorinated phenols by Quat-smectites is greater than that by the Bi Quat-Smectites prepared in this study. It is thought that the quaternary ammonium exchanged smectite components of the Bi Quat-smectites interact with each other (adsorbent-adsorbent interactions) reducing the number of sites available for adsorbate-adsorbent interactions. Solidification/stabilisation studies of 2-chlorophenol show that a blend of ground granulated blast furnace slag and ordinary Portland cement attenuates 2-chlorophenol more effectively than ordinary Portland cement alone. Tetramethyl ammonium- (TMA-) and tetramethyl phosphonium- (TMP-) montmorillonites were exposed to solutions of phenol or chlorinated phenols. TMP- montmorillonite was the better adsorbent and preferentially adsorbed 4-chlorophenol over phenol. Hydration of the interlayer cations occurs to a greater extent in the TMA-montmorillonite than the TMP-montmorillonite restricting interlayer adsorption. Contrary to that observed for phenols and chlorinated phenols, the Quat-smectites were ineffective as adsorbents for triphenyltin hydroxide and bis(tributyltin) oxide at room temperature. Under microwave conditions, only bis(tributyltin) oxide was adsorbed by the quaternary ammonium exchanged smectites. Bis(tributyltin) oxide was adsorbed from ethanol on the surface of the smectite clays at room temperature and under microwave conditions. The adsorbate-adsorbent interactions were weak. Adsorption is accompanied by conversion of bis(tributyltin) oxide to a different tin(IV) species and the release of sodium cations from the montmorillonite interlayer region. Attempts to introduce conditions suitable for charge transfer interactions between synthesised quaternary ammonium compounds and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol are documented. Transition metal complex exchanged clays adsorb 2,4,6-trichlorophenol and phenol. Strong adsorbate-adsorbent interactions (Type I isotherms) occur when the adsorbate is 2,4,6-trichlorophenol and when the adsorbent is [Fe(bipy)3]2+ exchanged montmorillonite or [Co(bipy)3]3+ exchanged montmorillonite. The 2,2'-bipyridyl ligands of the adsorbents are electron rich and the 2,4,6-trichlorophenol is electron deficient. This may have enhanced adsorbate-adsorbent interactions.


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The synthetic hectorite, laponite has been used within the paper industry to produce mildly conducting paper for use in electrographic printing. The aim of this research was to modify laponite in order to improve the electrical conductivity. In a continuation of a previous investigation involving organotin intercalation of laponite, the organotin precursor (p-CH3,OC6H4)4Sn was synthesised and characterised using Mass Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Results of intercalation with this compound and a range of organobismuth and organoantimony compounds suggested that a halide content within the precursor was necessary for improvement in conductivity to be observed. Organometallic intercalation of a range of organotellurium compounds with laponite provided evidence that a hydrolysis reaction on the clay surface followed by the release of hydrochloric acid was an important first step if a reaction was to occur with the clay. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy studies have shown that the acid protons underwent exchange with the interlayer sodium ions in the clay to varying degrees. Gas-liquid Chromatography and Infrared Spectroscopy revealed that the carbon-tellurium bond remained intact. Powder X-ray diffraction revealed that there had been no increase in the basal spacing. The a.c. conductivity of the modified clays in the form of pressed discs was studied over a frequency range of 12Hz - 100kHz using two electrode systems, silver paste and stainless steel. The a.c. conductivity consists of two components, ionic and reactive. The conductivity of laponite was increased by intercalation with organometallic compounds. The most impressive increase was gained using the organotellurium precursor (p-CH3OC6H4)2TeCl2. Conductivity investigations using the stainless steel electrode where measurements are made under pressure showed that in the case of laponite, where poor particle-particle contact exists at ambient pressure, there is a two order of magnitude increase in the measured a.c. conductivity. This significant increase was not seen in modified laponites where the particle-particle contact had already been improved upon. Investigations of the clay surface using Scanning Electron Microscopy suggested that the improvement in particle-particle contact is the largest factor in the determination of the conductivity. The other important factor is the nature and the concentration of the interlayer cations. A range of clays were synthesised in order to increase the concentration of sodium interlayer cations. A sol-gel method was employed to carry out these syntheses. A conductivity evaluation showed that increasing the concentration of the sodium cations within the clay led to an increase in the conductivity.