946 resultados para Language across the curriculum


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Este manual proporciona una guía a los profesionales y profesores que apoyan a los alumnos con dificultades en el habla, el lenguaje y/o comunicación en las etapas clave 1 y 2 en los centros ordinarios. Su objetivo es apoyar la práctica inclusiva, ayudar a los lectores a: identificar dificultades en el habla y el lenguaje; planificar un currículo diferenciado; facilitar el desarrollo de habilidades a través de experiencias significativas de aprendizaje; capacitar a los alumnos para acceder al plan de estudios. Se completa con recursos fotocopiables, actividades y pegatinas. También es útil para profesores especialistas, logopedas y psicopedagogos.


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Reading aloud is apparently an indispensible part of teaching. Nevertheless, little is known about reading aloud across the curriculum by students and teachers in high schools. Nor do we understand teachers’ attitudes towards issues such as error correction, rehearsal time, and selecting students to read. A survey of 360 teachers in England shows that, although they have little training in reading aloud, they are extremely confident. Reading aloud by students and teachers is strongly related, and serves to further understanding rather than administrative purposes or pupils’ enjoyment. Unexpectedly, Modern Language teachers express views that set them apart from other subjects.


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Está escrito para facilitar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en los primeros años de la escuela y en la etapa de primaria. Las matemáticas son una asignatura troncal y su uso y aplicación en actividades de resolución de problemas es fundamental para que los niños utilicen sus conocimientos y habilidades en una amplia variedad de situaciones. Muestra, además, cómo enseñar conceptos matemáticos a través de otras materias: historia, geografía, artes, ciencia y tecnología, salud y bienestar,y desarrollo físico. También, se tratan temas de planificación y evaluación, organización y práctica en la clase y el empleo de otros recursos.


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This chapter is aimed at student teachers and practising middle-years teachers in the primary school who are interested in developing their students' subject-specific literacies in preparation for their transition to secondary school. A number of texts and activities from a popular secondary textbook are analysed and mapped against the four resources model. Given that learning tasks that develop students as code breakers, text participants, text users and
text analysts are suggested, it is important to recognise that focus does not infer separation. The activity foci rely on the take-up of each of the other resources.


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The 1998 Report of the National Standards and Guidelines for Initial Teacher Education Project, 'Preparing a Profession' illustrates the emphasis being placed in Australia on the development of numeracy skills amongst not only primary but also secondary school pupils. This report demands that graduates of all initial teacher training courses should not only be numerate themselves, but should also understand the contribution of numeracy to education and daily life, and be able to identify and respond to pupils' numeracy learning needs. This report and its implementation in Victoria through the 'Guidelines for the Evaluation of Teacher Education Courses' led to the introduction in 1999 of a compulsory unit 'Numeracy across the curriculum' for all Deakin University students in the final year of their secondary teacher training course. This paper discusses the nature of the current emphasis on numeracy. It also describes the rationale, development and delivery of the first year of the 'Numeracy across the curriculum' unit, provides a brief evaluation from the perspective of staff and students, and discusses what impact such teacher education programs might have on secondary schools' approaches to numeracy.


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If your school has already made a Literacy policy, and cleaned up its Literacy practices, what about Numeracy? What is it, and what are you going to do about it? Consider the following steps towards a policy and practice. Define “numeracy” (it is a subset of mathematics, used in particular ways). Identify numeracy needs and assessment activities in nonmathematics KLAs, including ICT and communication. Link mathematics learning outcomes with nonmathematics KLA numeracy needs. Establish school and year-level entry screening, and follow-up. Develop staff PD and teacher-parent discussion.


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The notes and questions offered here are to provide some guidance for teachers, across all curriculum areas, who want to work together, taking a whole-school approach for ensuring students at the start of secondary school know their mathematics and how to apply it in other subjects.


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Efforts have been made over many years by applied linguists in a number of English-speaking countries to raise awareness of language across the primary and secondary school curriculum, with varying degrees of success (see Denham & Lobeck, 2010). Many of these countries are sites of mass migration from non-English speaking countries, creating linguistic equity issues. In Australia, the new National Curriculum mandates that teachers of all disciplines will be required to provide pedagogy responsive to the language learning needs of English as an Additional Language (EAL) students. However, policy documents do not specify how this goal should be realized, and teachers and researchers are engaged in constant debate about what views of language could inform teacher training (e.g. structural and/or functional). This paper reports on a project which aimed to identify 1) the views of teacher educators on language in the curriculum, and 2) the language-related challenges faced by teachers in training. The current paper focuses on the language awareness of trainee teachers. Ten education students were interviewed about their understandings and experiences of language and language learning. It was found that many students experienced lack of confidence and knowledge about language (KAL), but that awareness of sociocultural elements of language provided them with ways to connect with a broader understanding of language issues. Results were analyzed from the perspective of sociocultural theory and will have implications for teacher training in any educational context where students are learning an additional language in order to integrate into a national schooling system.


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The new Australian Curriculum and national standardised testing have placed the teaching of numeracy across the curriculum at the forefront of what Australian schools must do. However, it has been left to schools to determine how they do this. Although there is a growing body of literature giving examples of pedagogies that embed numeracy in various learning areas, there are few studies of cross-curricular numeracy from the management perspective. This paper responds to the research question: How do selected Queensland secondary schools interpret and apply the Australian Curriculum requirement to embed numeracy throughout the curriculum? A multiple case study design was used to investigate the actions of the senior managers and mathematics teachers in three large secondary schools located in outer Brisbane. The numeracy practices in the three schools were interpreted from asocial constructivist perspective. The study found that in each school key managers had differing constructions of numeracy that led to confusion in administrative practices, policy development and leadership. The lack of coordinated cross-curricular action in numeracy in all three schools points to the difficulty that arises when teachers do not share the cross-curricular vision of numeracy present in the Australian Curriculum. The managers identified teachers’ commitment, understanding, or skills in relation to numeracy as significant barriers to the successful implementation of numeracy in their school. Adoption of the Australian Curriculum expectation of embedding numeracy across the curriculum will require school managers to explicitly commit to initiatives that require persistence,time and, most importantly, money.