992 resultados para Landscape unit


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The Zagros oak forests in Western Iran are critically important to the sustainability of the region. These forests have undergone dramatic declines in recent decades. We evaluated the utility of the non-parametric Random Forest classification algorithm for land cover classification of Zagros landscapes, and selected the best spatial and spectral predictive variables. The algorithm resulted in high overall classification accuracies (>85%) and also equivalent classification accuracies for the datasets from the three different sensors. We evaluated the associations between trends in forest area and structure with trends in socioeconomic and climatic conditions, to identify the most likely driving forces creating deforestation and landscape structure change. We used available socioeconomic (urban and rural population, and rural income), and climatic (mean annual rainfall and mean annual temperature) data for two provinces in northern Zagros. The most correlated driving force of forest area loss was urban population, and climatic variables to a lesser extent. Landscape structure changes were more closely associated with rural population. We examined the effects of scale changes on the results from spatial pattern analysis. We assessed the impacts of eight years of protection in a protected area in northern Zagros at two different scales (both grain and extent). The effects of protection on the amount and structure of forests was scale dependent. We evaluated the nature and magnitude of changes in forest area and structure over the entire Zagros region from 1972 to 2009. We divided the Zagros region in 167 Landscape Units and developed two measures— Deforestation Sensitivity (DS) and Connectivity Sensitivity (CS) — for each landscape unit as the percent of the time steps that forest area and ECA experienced a decrease of greater than 10% in either measure. A considerable loss in forest area and connectivity was detected, but no sudden (nonlinear) changes were detected at the spatial and temporal scale of the study. Connectivity loss occurred more rapidly than forest loss due to the loss of connecting patches. More connectivity was lost in southern Zagros due to climatic differences and different forms of traditional land use.


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In occidental Europe, Spain is one of countries the most severely affected by desertification (Arnalds & Arsher 2000). Particularly, South-eastern Spain is considered as one of the most threatened areas by desertification in Mediterranean Europe (Vallejo 1997). In 2003, the Valencia Regional Forest Service implemented a restoration demonstration project in this area. The project site is a small catchment (25 ha) located in the Albatera municipality. The catchment is highly heterogeneous, with terraced slopes, south-facing slopes and north-facing slopes. The restoration strategy was based on planting evergreen trees and shrubs which can grow quickly after disturbances, and on field treatments aimed at maximizing water collection (micro-catchments, planting furrows), organic amendment (compost), and conservation (tree shelters, mulching). On south landscape unit, the whole category of restoration treatments was applied: water micro-catchment + Tubex tree shelters + mulching & compost, while on north landscape unit: netting tree shelters + mulching & compost only were applied, while in terrace landscape unit: furrows + netting tree shelters + mulching & compost were applied. Survival and growth of the planted seedlings were used as metrics of restoration success. To assess the effects of the treatments applied for soil conservation, soil loss rates (from 2005 to 2009) were evaluated using the erosion pin method. We conclude that, despite the limiting conditions prevailing on the south unit, this landscape unit showed the highest survival and growth plant rates in the area. The best seedling performances on the south landscape unit were probably due to the highest technical efforts applied, consisting in the water micro-catchment installation and the Tubex plant shelters addition. In addition, soil loss rates followed decreasing trends throughout the assessment period. Soil loss rates were highest on south landscape unit in comparison with the other landscape units, due to the more accentuated relief. North landscape unit and terrace unit showed a net soil mass gain, probably reflecting the trapping of sediments produced by plantation works.


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Une estimation des quantités de carbone organique dissous dans les millions de lacs boréaux est nécessaire pour améliorer notre connaissance du cycle global du carbone. Les teneurs en carbone organique dissous sont corrélées avec les quantités de matière organique dissoute colorée qui est visible depuis l’espace. Cependant, les capteurs actuels offrent une radiométrie et une résolution spatiale qui sont limitées par rapport à la taille et l’opacité des lacs boréaux. Landsat 8, lancé en février 2013, offrira une radiométrie et une résolution spatiale améliorées, et produira une couverture à grande échelle des régions boréales. Les limnologistes ont accumulé des années de campagnes de terrain dans les régions boréales pour lesquelles une image Landsat 8 sera disponible. Pourtant, la possibilité de combiner des données de terrain existantes avec une image satellite récente n'a pas encore été évaluée. En outre, les différentes stratégies envisageables pour sélectionner et combiner des mesures répétées au cours du temps, sur le terrain et depuis le satellite, n'ont pas été évaluées. Cette étude présente les possibilités et les limites d’utiliser des données de terrain existantes avec des images satellites récentes pour développer des modèles de prédiction du carbone organique dissous. Les méthodes se basent sur des données de terrain recueillies au Québec dans 53 lacs boréaux et 10 images satellites acquises par le capteur prototype de Landsat 8. Les délais entre les campagnes de terrain et les images satellites varient de 1 mois à 6 ans. Le modèle de prédiction obtenu se compare favorablement avec un modèle basé sur des campagnes de terrain synchronisées avec les images satellite. L’ajout de mesures répétées sur le terrain, sur le satellite, et les corrections atmosphériques des images, n’améliorent pas la qualité du modèle de prédiction. Deux images d’application montrent des distributions différentes de teneurs en carbone organique dissous et de volumes, mais les quantités de carbone organique dissous par surface de paysage restent de même ordre pour les deux sites. Des travaux additionnels pour intégrer les sédiments dans l’estimation sont nécessaires pour améliorer le bilan du carbone des régions boréales.


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El paisaje, concebido como una unidad espacial y temporalmente pluriescalar caracterizada por unos patrones de distribución - una estructura-, unas funciones y una red de flujos de materia, energía e información (Forman y Godron, 1986), constituye un modelo apropiado para estudiar el territorio (Marull, 2002). En la presente investigación se hace un análisis de los cambios ocurridos en la estructura del mosaico paisajístico de la comarca de l´Alt Empordà entre 1957 y 2001, para ellos se divide la comarca en unidades paisajísticas basadas en criterios fisiográficos determinados a escala 1:25000. El análisis de la estructura paisajística de las diferentes unidades paisajísticas se ha realizado a través de indicadores de composición y de estructura según clases paisajísticas (cubiertas o usos del suelo), mediante el cálculo y análisis de indicadores de estructura desarrollados por la ecología del paisaje, los cuales, han permitido caracterizar y analizar las transformaciones en el tamaño, la forma y el arreglo espacial de los parches tipo que configuran el mosaico paisajístico. Para el proceso de cálculo y análisis espacial se han empleado los sistemas de información geográfica (SIGs), el programa Patch Analyst 1.2. La información cartográfica se elaboró a partir de ortofotomapas digitales y fotos aéreas generados por el ICC, así como de fuentes secundarias. Además, el trabajo incluye una aplicación teórico-metodológica a la identificación de redes ecológicas a través del uso de indicadores, así como el uso de inventarios fitosociológicos en la evaluación de hábitats borde.


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An organisms movement within and between habitats is an essential trait of life history, one that shapes population dynamics, communities and ecosystems in space and time. Since the ability to perceive and react to specific conditions varies greatly between organisms, different movement patterns are generated. These, in turn, will reflect the way species persist in the original habitat and surrounding patches. This study evaluated patterns of movement of frugivorous butterflies in order to estimate the connectivity of a landscape mosaic in an area of Atlantic Forest. For this purpose, we used the capture-mark-recapture method on butterflies trapped with fermented fruit bait in three distinct habitats. The first represents a typical Atlantic forest fragment, while the other two represent man-made matrix habitats. One contains a coconut plantation and the other a plantation of the exotic Acacia mangium species. Five traps were randomly placed in each landscape unit in areas of 40 x 40m. Using recapture data and relating it to distance between captures and habitat structure, I found that movement frequencies, both within and between landscape units were different for the analyzed species, suggesting that they do not interpret and react to the landscape in the same way. Thus this study was able to measure landscape functional connectivity. For most species, the exchange between forest and coconut plantations occurred with low frequency compared to exchanges between the forest and acacia plantations, which share more structural similarities. This seems to indicate that a matrix that is more similar to patches of native vegetation can shelter species, permit their movement and, consequently, contribute to the landscape connectivity


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La información básica sobre el relieve de una cuenca hidrográfica, mediante metodologías analítico-descriptivas, permite a quienes evalúan proyectos relacionados con el uso de los recursos naturales, tales como el manejo integrado de cuencas, estudios sobre impacto ambiental, degradación de suelos, deforestación, conservación de los recursos hídricos, entre otros, contar para su análisis con los parámetros físicos necesarios. Estos procesos mencionados tienen un fuerte componente espacial y el empleo de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) son de suma utilidad, siendo los Modelos Digitales de Elevación (DEM) y sus derivados un componente relevante de esta base de datos. Los productos derivados de estos modelos, como pendiente, orientación o curvatura, resultarán tan precisos como el DEM usado para derivarlos. Por otra parte, es fundamental maximizar la habilidad del modelo para representar las variaciones del terreno; para ello se debe seleccionar una adecuada resolución (grilla) de acuerdo con los datos disponibles para su generación. En este trabajo se evalúa la calidad altimétrica de seis DEMs generados a partir de dos sistemas diferentes de captura de datos fuente y de distintas resoluciones de grilla. Para determinar la exactitud de los DEMs habitualmente se utiliza un grupo de puntos de control considerados como "verdad de campo" que se comparan con los generados por el modelo en la misma posición geográfica. El área seleccionada para realizar el estudio está ubicada en la localidad de Arrecifes, provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina) y tiene una superficie de aproximadamente 120 ha. Los resultados obtenidos para los dos algoritmos y para los tres tamaños de grilla analizados presentaron los siguientes resultados: el algoritmo DEM from contourn, un RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) de ± 0,11 m (para grilla de 1 m), ± 0,11 m (para grilla de 5 m) y de ± 0,15 m (para grilla de 10 m). Para el algoritmo DEM from vector/points, un RMSE de ± 0,09 m (para grilla de 1 m), ± 0,11 m (para grilla de 5 m) y de ± 0,11 m (para grilla de 10 m). Los resultados permiten concluir que el DEM generado a partir de puntos acotados del terreno como datos fuente y con el menor tamaño de grilla es el único que satisface los valores enumerados en la bibliografía, tanto nacional como internacional, lo que lo hace apto para proyectos relacionados con recursos naturales a nivel de ecotopo (predial). El resto de los DEMs generados presentan un RMSE que permite asegurar su aptitud para la evaluación de proyectos relacionados con el uso de los recursos naturales a nivel de unidad de paisaje (conjunto de ecotopos).


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Intitulado de Moinhos de Água no Ardila. O património do sistema territorial, este trabalho monográfico visa o registo, estudo e interpretação de um conjunto de moinhos de água no Rio Ardila, afluente do Rio Guadiana. Com o intuito de contextualizar e compreender as componentes naturais e culturais da unidade de paisagem onde o objecto de estudo se insere desenvolveu-se um enquadramento histórico e geográfico, fazendo a leitura dos sistemas geológico, topográfico, hidrográfico, agrícola, viário e edificado. Desta forma executaram-se dois trabalhos de campo para selecção e caracterização de sete unidades e de entre estas, três foram objeto de registo gráfico e escrito pormenorizados. Confrontados com a realidade de abandono e ruína do património molinológico, esta dissertação resultou de uma investigação exaustiva com o objetivo de esta vir a ser uma base para futuros trabalhos propositivos, de modo a sensibilizar técnicos, políticos e arquitetos para a recuperação, salvaguarda e preservação do património que é parte integrante da paisagem do Alentejo; ABSTRACT : Titled Watermills in Ardila River. The heritage of the territorial system, this monograph aims to register, study and interpretate a group of water milIs in Ardila River, Guadiana River affluent. ln order to contextualize and understand the natural and cultural components of the landscape unit where the study object is inserted, it was developed a historical and geographical framework, making the reading of geological, topographical, hydrological, agricultural, road and buildings systems. ln this way they were carried out two field works for selection and characterization of seven units and between these, three were the subject of detailed written and graphic register. Faced with the reality of abandonment and ruin of molinological heritage, this work resulted from the research to a basis for future projects in order to sensitive technicians, politicians and architects for the recovery, protection and preservation of a heritage that is part of the Alentejo landscape.


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3D Virtual Environments (VE) are real; they exist as digital worlds with the advantage of having none of the constraints of the real world. As such they are the perfect training ground for design students who can create, build and experiment with design solutions without the constraint of real world projects. This paper reports on an educational setting used to explore a model for using VE such as Second Life (SL) developed by Linden Labs in California, as a collaborative environment for design education. A postgraduate landscape architecture learning environment within a collaborative design unit was developed to integrate this model where the primary focus was the application of three-dimensional tools within design, not as a presentation tool, but rather as a design tool. The focus of the unit and its aims and objectives will be outlined before describing the use of SL in the unit. Attention is focused on the collaboration and learning experience before discussing the outcomes, student feedback, future projects using this model and potential for further research. The outcome of this study aims to contribute to current research on teaching and learning design in interactive VE’s. We present a case study of our first application of this model.


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We describe a pedagogical approach that addresses challenges in design education for novices. These include an inability to frame new problems and limited-to-no design capability or domain knowledge. Such challenges can reduce student engagement with design practice, cause derivative design solutions as well as the inappropriate simplification of design assignments and assessment criteria by educators. We argue that a curriculum that develops the student’s design process will enable them to deal with the uncertain and dynamic situations that characterise design. We describe how this may be achieved and explain our pedagogical approach in terms of methods from Reflective Practice and theories of abstraction and creativity. We present a landscape architecture unit, recently taught, as an example. It constitutes design exercises that require little domain or design expertise to support the development of conceptual thinking and a design rationale. We show how this approach (a) leveraged the novice’s existing spatial and thinking skills while (b) retaining contextually-rich design situations. Examples of the design exercises taught are described along with samples of student work. The assessment rationale is also presented and explained. Finally, we conclude by reflecting on how this approach relates to innovation, sustainability and other disciplines.


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These notes cover landscape design from ancient times to the early 20th century and were compiled from seminars delivered by the author for the DEB202 Introducing Design History unit at QUT.


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Thermotropic liquid crystals are known to display rich phase behavior on temperature variation. Although the nematic phase is orientationally ordered but translationally disordered, a smectic phase is characterized by the appearance of a partial translational order in addition to a further increase in orientational order. In an attempt to understand the interplay between orientational and translational order in the mesophases that thermotropic liquid crystals typically exhibit upon cooling from the high-temperature isotropic phase, we investigate the potential energy landscapes of a family of model liquid crystalline systems. The configurations of the system corresponding to the local potential energy minima, known as the inherent structures, are determined from computer simulations across the mesophases. We find that the depth of the potential energy minima explored by the system along an isochor grows through the nematic phase as temperature drops in contrast to its insensitivity to temperature in the isotropic and smectic phases. The onset of the growth of the orientational order in the parent phase is found to induce a translational order, resulting in a smectic-like layer in the underlying inherent structures; the inherent structures, surprisingly, never seem to sustain orientational order alone if the parent nematic phase is sandwiched between the high-temperature isotropic phase and the low-temperature smectic phase. The Arrhenius temperature dependence of the orientational relaxation time breaks down near the isotropic-nematic transition. We find that this breakdown occurs at a temperature below which the system explores increasingly deeper potential energy minima.


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Background: One of the major challenges in understanding enzyme catalysis is to identify the different conformations and their populations at detailed molecular level in response to ligand binding/environment. A detail description of the ligand induced conformational changes provides meaningful insights into the mechanism of action of enzymes and thus its function. Results: In this study, we have explored the ligand induced conformational changes in H. pylori LuxS and the associated mechanistic features. LuxS, a dimeric protein, produces the precursor (4,5-dihydroxy-2,3-pentanedione) for autoinducer-2 production which is a signalling molecule for bacterial quorum sensing. We have performed molecular dynamics simulations on H. pylori LuxS in its various ligand bound forms and analyzed the simulation trajectories using various techniques including the structure network analysis, free energy evaluation and water dynamics at the active site. The results bring out the mechanistic details such as co operativity and asymmetry between the two subunits, subtle changes in the conformation as a response to the binding of active and inactive forms of ligands and the population distribution of different conformations in equilibrium. These investigations have enabled us to probe the free energy landscape and identify the corresponding conformations in terms of network parameters. In addition, we have also elucidated the variations in the dynamics of water co-ordination to the Zn2+ ion in LuxS and its relation to the rigidity at the active sites. Conclusions: In this article, we provide details of a novel method for the identification of conformational changes in the different ligand bound states of the protein, evaluation of ligand-induced free energy changes and the biological relevance of our results in the context of LuxS structure-function. The methodology outlined here is highly generalized to illuminate the linkage between structure and function in any protein of known structure.