997 resultados para Landscape analyse module


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研究了新疆阜康地区森林植被资源与环境的特征和其30年来的变化,利用Arcinfo强大的空间分析功能,对资源、DEM模型、景观指数、环境价值和新疆降水量的地统计学规律进行较全面的分析。本文分为五个部分: 1、新疆阜康地区森林资源与环境空间数据库的建立森林资源与环境空间数据库的建立是它们空问分析的基础。利用多期的遥感图象和该区的地形图,建立森林分类图形和属性库(包括森林和环境自变量集)一体化的GIS空间数据库。为了提高TM遥感图象的分类精度,利用ERDAS图象处理软件,对它进行包括主成分、降噪、去条带和自然色彩变换等增强处理,采用监督分类和人工判读相结合的方法进行分类,采用R2V、ERDAS、Arcview、Arcinfo等软件的集成,使得小班面层与某些线层的无缝联接。成功地形成一套适于西部GIS的森林资源与环境空间数据库的技术路径。此外,对新疆阜康北部地区森林资源动态进行初步分析。 2、新疆阜康地区数字高程模型(DEM)及其粗差检测分析为了提高生态建模的精度,模拟和提取该区的地面特征至关重要。在已建立的森林资源与环境空间数据库的支持下,利用Arcinfo和ERDAS,建立了新疆阜康地区的1:5万数字高程模型(DEM)。通过提取地形的海拔、坡度、坡向特征因子,分析森林植被的垂直分布。通过对DEM的粗差检测分析,分析阜康地区的数字高程模型精度。 3、新疆阜康地区景观格局变化分析在1977年、1987年、1999年森林资源与环境空间数据库的支持下,利用景观分析软件编制三个时段的新疆阜康地区植被景观类型图,并分析了近30年来新疆阜康地区景观动态与景观格局变化。结果表明:①在此期间整个研究区的斑块数减少,斑块平均面积扩大,景观中面积在不同景观要素类型之间的分配更加不均衡,景观面积向少数几种类型聚集。说明了在这期间阜康地区的景观类型有向单一化方向发展的趋势;②农耕地分布呈破碎化的趋势,斑块平均面积变小,斑块间离散程度也更高:这些变化说明人为的经济活动在阜康地区的加剧,③天然林面积减少较多,水域的面积却呈现上升的趋势,冰川及永久积雪的面积呈下降趋势, 4、新疆阜康地区森林生态效益的初步分析从广义森林生态效益定义出发,针对12种森林生态效益因变量不完全独立、且各自的自变量集不完全相同,引入具有多对多特征且整体上相容的似乎不相关广义线性模型。通过构造12种森林生态效益的“有效面积系数”和“市场逼近系数”,在森林资源与环境空间数据库的支持下,对新疆阜康地区两期的森林生态效益进行科学的计量。结果表明:新疆阜康地区的森林生态效益货币量1987年是90673.8万元,1999年是84134.4万元,总体上呈下降趋势。 5、利用新疆气象站资料研究年降雨量的空间分布规律利用ArcGIS地统计学模块,在2000年新疆气候信息空间数据库和新疆DEM模型的支持下,做出了新疆地区的年降水量空间分布图。根据新疆气候资料建立趋势而分析模型、模拟了新疆降水量空间分布的趋势值。采用3种算法(距离权重法、普通Kriging法、协同Kriging方法)计算并比较分析了研究区多年的平均降水量的时空变化。利用模拟产生的精度最优的栅格降水空间数据库,建立的多年平均降水资源信息系统,可快速计算研究区内任一地域单元中降水的总量及其空间变化,可以生成高精度的气候要素空间分布图。


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The crystal structure landscape of the 2:1 benzoic acid:dipyridylethylene cocrystal (BA:DPE-I) is explored experimentally with fluoro-substituted benzoic acids and extended with studies employing the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). The interpretation of the cocrystal landscape is facilitated by considering the kinetically favored and robust acidpyridine heterosynthon as a modular unit. Information based on high-throughput crystallography shows that polymorphs and pseudopolymorphs may belong to the same landscape but arise from different crystallization pathways because of complex and different kinetic features, and secondary synthon preferences. Using the CSD as a guide, the coformer was changed from 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene (DPE-I) to 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethane (DPE-II) and this provides an extended interpretation of the BA:DPE-I cocrystal landscape, also highlighting the complexity of the kineticthermodynamic dichotomy during the molecule-to-crystal progression.


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The aim of the workshop was to provide a functional overview of the software package, to enable participants to use the software in order to inform more evidence-based trade strategies, and build capacity for researchers and trade negotiators to provide more rigorous, analytical policy research to inform future trade negotiations. Participants came from the ministries of trade of the following CDCC member countries: Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago. Representatives of the following regional institutions were represented: the Caribbean Community/Caribbean Regional Negotiating Mechanism (CARICOM/CRNM); the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS); the University of Guyana, University of Suriname and the University of the West Indies (UWI). It was hoped the workshop would be a stepping stone towards more advanced trade analysis training. The list of participants appears as Annex I.


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In the current managed Everglades system, the pre-drainage, patterned mosaic of sawgrass ridges, sloughs and tree islands has been substantially altered or reduced largely as a result of human alterations to historic ecological and hydrological processes that sustained landscape patterns. The pre-compartmentalization ridge and slough landscape was a mosaic of sloughs, elongated sawgrass ridges (50-200m wide), and tree islands. The ridges and sloughs and tree islands were elongated in the direction of the water flow, with roughly equal area of ridge and slough. Over the past decades, the ridge-slough topographic relief and spatial patterning have degraded in many areas of the Everglades. Nutrient enriched areas have become dominated by Typha with little topographic relief; areas of reduced flow have lost the elongated ridge-slough topography; and ponded areas with excessively long hydroperiods have experienced a decline in ridge prevalence and shape, and in the number of tree islands (Sklar et al. 2004, Ogden 2005).


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During the late 20th century it was proposed that a design aesthetic reflecting current ecological concerns was required within the overall domain of the built environment and specifically within landscape design. To address this, some authors suggested various theoretical frameworks upon which such an aesthetic could be based. Within these frameworks there was an underlying theme that the patterns and processes of Nature may have the potential to form this aesthetic — an aesthetic based on fractal rather than Euclidean geometry. In order to understand how fractal geometry, described as the geometry of Nature, could become the referent for a design aesthetic, this research examines the mathematical concepts of fractal Geometry, and the underlying philosophical concepts behind the terms ‘Nature’ and ‘aesthetics’. The findings of this initial research meant that a new definition of Nature was required in order to overcome the barrier presented by the western philosophical Nature¯culture duality. This new definition of Nature is based on the type and use of energy. Similarly, it became clear that current usage of the term aesthetics has more in common with the term ‘style’ than with its correct philosophical meaning. The aesthetic philosophy of both art and the environment recognises different aesthetic criteria related to either the subject or the object, such as: aesthetic experience; aesthetic attitude; aesthetic value; aesthetic object; and aesthetic properties. Given these criteria, and the fact that the concept of aesthetics is still an active and ongoing philosophical discussion, this work focuses on the criteria of aesthetic properties and the aesthetic experience or response they engender. The examination of fractal geometry revealed that it is a geometry based on scale rather than on the location of a point within a three-dimensional space. This enables fractal geometry to describe the complex forms and patterns created through the processes of Wild Nature. Although fractal geometry has been used to analyse the patterns of built environments from a plan perspective, it became clear from the initial review of the literature that there was a total knowledge vacuum about the fractal properties of environments experienced every day by people as they move through them. To overcome this, 21 different landscapes that ranged from highly developed city centres to relatively untouched landscapes of Wild Nature have been analysed. Although this work shows that the fractal dimension can be used to differentiate between overall landscape forms, it also shows that by itself it cannot differentiate between all images analysed. To overcome this two further parameters based on the underlying structural geometry embedded within the landscape are discussed. These parameters are the Power Spectrum Median Amplitude and the Level of Isotropy within the Fourier Power Spectrum. Based on the detailed analysis of these parameters a greater understanding of the structural properties of landscapes has been gained. With this understanding, this research has moved the field of landscape design a step close to being able to articulate a new aesthetic for ecological design.


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Evolutionary algorithms are playing an increasingly important role as search methods in cognitive science domains. In this study, methodological issues in the use of evolutionary algorithms were investigated via simulations in which procedures were systematically varied to modify the selection pressures on populations of evolving agents. Traditional roulette wheel, tournament, and variations of these selection algorithms were compared on the “needle-in-a-haystack” problem developed by Hinton and Nowlan in their 1987 study of the Baldwin effect. The task is an important one for cognitive science, as it demonstrates the power of learning as a local search technique in smoothing a fitness landscape that lacks gradient information. One aspect that has continued to foster interest in the problem is the observation of residual learning ability in simulated populations even after long periods of time. Effective evolutionary algorithms balance their search effort between broad exploration of the search space and in-depth exploitation of promising solutions already found. Issues discussed include the differential effects of rank and proportional selection, the tradeoff between migration of populations towards good solutions and maintenance of diversity, and the development of measures that illustrate how each selection algorithm affects the search process over generations. We show that both roulette wheel and tournament algorithms can be modified to appropriately balance search between exploration and exploitation, and effectively eliminate residual learning in this problem.


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The acid-pyridine heterosynthon may be used as a `` molecular'' module to probe the structural landscape of the benzoic acid : isonicotinamide 1 : 1 cocrystal, BA: INA. Experimental structures of 1 : 1 cocrystals of fluorobenzoic acids (FBA) with isonicotinamide (INA) contain this heterosynthon and correspond to high-energy structures of 1 : 1 BA : INA.


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For2R is a collection of Fortran routines for saving complex data structures into a file that can be read in the R statistics environment with a single command.1 For2R provides both the means to transfer data structures significantly more complex than simple tables, and an archive mechanism to store data for future reference. We developed this software because we write and run computationally intensive numerical models in Fortran, C++, and AD Model Builder. We then analyse results with R. We desired to automate data transfer to speed diagnostics during working-group meetings. We thus developed the For2R interface to write an R data object (of type list) to a plain-text file. The master list can contain any number of matrices, values, dataframes, vectors or lists, all of which can be read into R with a single call to the dget function. This allows easy transfer of structured data from compiled models to R. Having the capacity to transfer model data, metadata, and results has sharply reduced the time spent on diagnostics, and at the same time, our diagnostic capabilities have improved tremendously. The simplicity of this interface and the capabilities of R have enabled us to automate graph and table creation for formal reports. Finally, the persistent storage in files makes it easier to treat model results in analyses or meta-analyses devised months—or even years—later. We offer For2R to others in the hope that they will find it useful. (PDF contains 31 pages)


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The reduction of poverty and social exclusion is one of the targets of the European Union's 2020 strategy. The appropriateness and success of such a policy require the choice of relevant indicators that not only highlight poverty gaps between countries but also identify the groups of individuals in each country that need particular attention from social policies. The target retained in the European strategy combines three criteria: people living in households below the monetary poverty threshold, poor people “in terms of standard of living” who live in a situation of severe material deprivation, and those who live in households with very low or zero work intensity. We first show that neither the combination nor the intersection of these three criteria produces an adequate measure of the fight against poverty, or an objective for it. We therefore propose an alternative concept, that of “consistent poverty”, which targets people who simultaneously live below the monetary poverty threshold and above a certain level of material deprivation. The special material deprivation module of the EU-SILC 2009 database allows us to examine two versions of this notion of deprivation: the measurement of “severe” deprivation currently used by the European Union, which adopts a threshold with four items, and an alternative measure of “elementary” material deprivation with a three-item threshold. The intersection between our three-item elementary deprivation criterion and the monetary poverty criterion produces more satisfactory results than those obtained by the European Union approach, in terms of both coherency and profile of the population identified.


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Bien que les règles de droits et des directives administratives dictent leur conduite, les policiers jouissent d’une latitude considérable dans la manière d’appliquer la loi et de dispenser des services. Puisque l’exercice efficient de toute forme d’autorité nécessite la reconnaissance de sa légitimité (Tyler, 2004), plus l’application de leurs pouvoirs discrétionnaires est jugée arbitraire ou excessive, plus les citoyens risquent d’utiliser des mécanismes normaux d’opposition ou de riposte. Dans cette optique, la présente étude cherche à départager les causes des 15 023 épisodes de voie de fait, menace, harcèlement, entrave et intimidation, qualifiés de défiance, dont les policiers du Service de police de la ville de Montréal (SPVM) ont été la cible entre 1998-2008 selon leur registre des événements (Module d’information policière – MIP). Elle présume qu’à interactions constantes entre la police et les citoyens, les comportements de défiance policière seront fonction du niveau de désordre du quartier et des caractéristiques des personnes impliquées. Plus les policiers interceptent de jeunes, de minorités ethniques et d’individus associés aux gangs de rue, plus ils risquent d’être défiés. Elle suppose également que la probabilité qu’une intervention soit défiée dépend de l’excessivité des activités policières menées dans le quartier. Plus un quartier est sur-contrôlé par rapport à son volume de crimes (overpoliced), plus le climat local est tendu, plus les policiers sont perçus comme étant illégitimes et plus ils risquent d’être défiés lorsqu’ils procèdent à une intervention. Enfin, les comportements de défiance sont peut-être simplement fonction du niveau d’interactions entre les policiers et les citoyens, à conditions sociales et criminogènes des quartiers tenues constantes. Une série d’analyses de corrélation tend à confirmer que les comportements de défiance varient en fonction de l’âge, de l’ethnicité et de l’appartenance à un gang de rue de l’auteur. Par contre, les conditions sociales et criminogènes des quartiers paraissent être des causes antécédentes à la défiance puisqu’elles encouragent un volume plus élevé d’interventions dans les quartiers désorganisés, lequel influe sur le nombre d’incidents de défiance. Contrairement à notre hypothèse, les résultats tendent à démontrer que les policiers risquent davantage d’être défiés dans les quartiers sous-contrôlés (underpoliced). Quant à elles, les analyses multiniveaux suggèrent que le nombre d’incidents de défiance augmente à chaque fois qu’une intervention policière est effectuée, mais que cette augmentation est influencée par les quartiers propices aux activités criminelles des gangs de rue. En ce sens, il est probable que l’approche policière dans les quartiers d’activités « gangs de rue » soit différente, par souci de protection ou par anticipation de problèmes, résultant plus fréquemment en des actes de défiance à l’égard des policiers.


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Ce mémoire porte sur le recueil de poèmes La terre est ici d’Élise Turcotte. Il s’attache à analyser les modalités par lesquelles le foyer de perception des sujets poétiques engendre un déplacement de la notion de « paysage » dans l’œuvre de Turcotte. Le premier chapitre étudie l’énonciation afin de retracer comment les subjectivités de La terre est ici investissent le langage et construisent le réel qui les entoure pour en donner une perception singulière. Le second chapitre analyse la création de cet espace visuel unique qui se déploie autour de la notion de « détail », tandis que le troisième et dernier chapitre s’intéresse à la remise en cause du statisme de la vision engendrant un « art de faire » qui tend plutôt vers la mise en scène et le mouvement. L’étude de cette scène comme convocation des sujets dans le langage permet de développer la conception de l’espace comme lieu pratiqué, où les multiples perceptions des sujets composent un « paysage » à la fois visuel, tout en donnant lieu à une possibilité d’action.


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Réalisé en cotutelle avec l'Université Montpellier II


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Les analyses effectuées dans le cadre de ce mémoire ont été réalisées à l'aide du module MatchIt disponible sous l’environnent d'analyse statistique R. / Statistical analyzes of this thesis were performed using the MatchIt package available in the statistical analysis environment R.