998 resultados para Land Clearing


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Deforestation often occurs as temporal waves and in localized fronts termed 'deforestation hotspots' driven by economic pulses and population pressure. Of particular concern for conservation planning are 'biodiversity hotspots' where high concentrations of endemic species undergo rapid loss and fragmentation of habitat. We investigate the deforestation process in Caqueta, a biodiversity hotspot and major colonization front of the Colombian Amazon using multi-temporal satellite imagery of the periods 1989-1996-1999-2002. The probabilities of deforestation and regeneration were modeled against soil fertility, accessibility and neighborhood terms, using logistic regression analysis. Deforestation and regeneration patterns and rates were highly variable across the colonization front. The regional average annual deforestation rate was 2.6%, but varied locally between -1.8% (regeneration) and 5.3%, with maximum rates in landscapes with 40-60% forest cover and highest edge densities, showing an analogous pattern to the spread of disease. Soil fertility and forest and secondary vegetation neighbors showed positive and significant relationships with the probability of deforestation. For forest regeneration, soil fertility had a significant negative effect while the other parameters were marginally significant. The logistic regression models across all periods showed a high level of discrimination power for both deforestation and forest regeneration, with ROC values > 0.80. We document the effect of policies and institutional changes on the land clearing process, such as the failed peace process between government and guerillas in 1999-2002, which redirected the spread of deforestation and increased forest regeneration. The implications for conservation in biologically rich areas, such as Caqueta are discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Queensland, Australia, has a proud pastoral history; however, the private and social benefits of continued woodland clearing for pasture development are unlikely to be as pronounced as they had been in the past. The environmental benefits of tree retention in and regions of the State are now better appreciated and market opportunities have arisen for the unique timbers of western Queensland. A financial model is developed to facilitate a comparison of the private profitability of small-scale timber production from remnant Acacia woodlands against clearing for pasture development in the Mulga Lands and Desert Uplands bioregions of western Queensland. Four small-scale timber production scenarios, which differ in target markets and the extent of processing (value-adding), are explored within the model. Each scenario is examined for the cases where property rights to the timber are vested with the timber processor, and where royalties are payable. For both cases of resource ownership, at least one scenario generates positive returns from timber production, and exceeds the net farm income per hectare for an average grazing property in the study regions over the period 1989-1990 to 2000-2001. The net present value per hectare of selectively harvesting and processing high-value clearwood from remnant western Queensland woodlands is found to be greater than clearing for grazing. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Global pressures of burgeoning population growth and consumption are threatening efforts to reduce negative environmental pressures associated with development such as atmospheric, land and water pollution. For example, the world’s population is now growing at over 70 million per year or 1 billion per decade (Brown, 2007), increasing from 3.5 billion in 1970, to 5 billion in 1990, to 7 billion by 2010 (United Nations, 2002). In 1990 only 13 percent of the global population lived in cities, while in 2007 more than half did. More than 60 percent of the global population lives within 100 kilometers of the coastline (World Resources Institute, 2005) and nearly all of the population growth hereon is forecast to happen in developing countries (Postel, 1999). Future levels of stress on the global environment are therefore likely to increase if current trends are used for forecasting, which is particularly challenging as scientists are already observing significant signs of degradation and failure in environmental systems. For example, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC, 2007) provided an nequivocal link between climate change and current human activities, in particular: the burning of fossil fuels; deforestation and land clearing; the use of synthetic greenhouse gases; and decomposition of wastes from landfill. The UK Stern Review concluded that within our lifetime there is between a 77 to 99 percent chance (depending on the climate model used) of the global average temperature rising by more than 2 degrees Celsius (Stern, 2006), with a likely greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere of 550 parts per million (ppm) or more by around 2100.


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Concern about the risk of harmful human-induced climate change has resulted in international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. We review the international and national context for consideration of greenhouse abatement in native vegetation management and discuss potential options in Queensland. Queensland has large areas of productive or potentially productive land with native woody vegetation cover with approximately 76 million ha with woody cover remaining in 1991. High rates of tree clearing, predominantly to increase pasture productivity, continued throughout the 1990s with an average 345,000 ha/a estimated to have been cleared, including non-remnant (woody regrowth) as well as remnant vegetation. Estimates of greenhouse gas emissions associated with land clearing currently have a high uncertainty but clearing was reported to contribute a significant proportion of Australia's total greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 (21%) to 1999 (13%). In Queensland, greenhouse emissions from land clearing were estimated to have been 54.5 Mt CO(2)-e in 1999. Management of native vegetation for timber harvesting and the proliferation of woody vegetation (vegetation thickening) in the grazed woodlands also represent large carbon fluxes. Forestry (plantations and native forests) in Queensland was reported to be a 4.4 Mt CO(2)-e sink in 1999 but there are a lack of comprehensive data on timber harvesting in private hardwood forests. Vegetation thickening is reported for large areas of the c. 60 million ha grazed woodlands in Queensland. The magnitude of the carbon sink in 27 million ha grazed eucalypt woodlands has been estimated to be 66 Mt CO(2)-e/a but this sink is not currently included in Australia's inventory of anthropogenic greenhouse emissions. Improved understanding of the function and dynamics of natural and managed ecosystems is required to support management of native vegetation to preserve and enhance carbon stocks for greenhouse benefits while meeting objectives of sustainable and productive management and biodiversity protection.


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The Red Throat Emperor fishery was assessed using an age-structured model that incorporated all available information on catch, catch per unit effort (CPUE) and age structure and a surplus production model fitted to the catch and CPUE data. The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) was divided into five regions: Townsville, Mackay, Storm Cay, Swain reefs, and Capricorn Bunker. Age structure varied greatly between regions, with fish aged 5-8 years predominating in the Townsville region, 4-7 years in the Mackay, Storm Cay and Swains regions, and 2-3 years in the Capricorn-Bunker region. These differences were explained by different age-dependent vulnerabilities to fishing between the regions. The age-structured model estimated that exploitable biomass fell to about 60% of virgin biomass in the late 1990s, due mainly to years of poor recruitment, but recovered to around 70% by 2004. Further recovery can be expected due to the fishery not meeting its total allowable commercial catch (TACC) of 700 t in recent years. The current TACC of 700 t, combined with a recreational-charter catch of around 450 t, contains little margin for error, especially in view of high year-to-year variability of recruitment of red throat emperor and stresses on the GBR from land clearing, coastal development and climate change. The state of the population needs to be monitored closely. Further data on age structures after 2000 will provide more certainty to this assessment.


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O presente trabalho de investigação centra-se no estudo das reclamações em matéria de ambiente submetidas às Câmaras dos municípios envolventes à Ria de Aveiro entre os anos de 2000 e 2007. Pretendeu compreender-se de que forma podem ser caracterizadas as reclamações, nomeadamente a análise temporal, os principais atores envolvidos na apresentação e na resolução das reclamações, os imputados pelos problemas ambientais levantados, as tipologias de problemas de ambiente associadas às reclamações, o padrão territorial que assumem e as resoluções aplicadas. Procurou ainda compreender-se até que ponto a existência de um ecossistema em comum aos municípios, a Ria de Aveiro, influencia os tipos de problemas ambientais que têm sido alvo de reclamações e quais são os fatores que determinam as semelhanças e as diferenças encontradas no estudo das reclamações por municípios. A metodologia do trabalho consistiu, sumariamente, na revisão da literatura da especialidade com o objetivo de identificar o que tem sido desenvolvido nesse ramo de investigação, na caracterização da área de estudo e no desenvolvimento de uma estrutura metodológica para a identificação e a análise das reclamações e para a ponderação dos resultados com as perceções dos líderes locais através da realização de entrevistas. O enquadramento teórico do estudo salientou os principais aspetos referidos no domínio dos protestos ambientais e das reclamações do público sobre o ambiente, bem como o quadro concetual relativo à governação ambiental local. Adicionalmente, descreveram-se um breve panorama dos protestos ambientais em Portugal, dos quadros legislativos Europeu e nacional assentes no direito de acesso à informação ambiental e no princípio da participação, bem como os procedimentos locais para a apresentação de reclamações ambientais. Apresentou-se também a caracterização dos municípios abrangidos, destacando-se os principais aspetos socioeconómicos, ambientais, de infraestruturação, os instrumentos de planeamento e de gestão do território e do ambiente e o enquadramento institucional relativo à gestão ambiental nos municípios, constituindo informações relevantes para o enquadramento da área de estudo e um suporte útil para a análise e a interpretação dos resultados. Os resultados obtidos permitiram evidenciar que, no geral, há um aumento do número de reclamações ao longo dos anos. Como principais atores envolvidos, foi possível destacar os munícipes como os mais participativos, tendo se revelado também como os principais responsáveis pelos problemas ambientais observados. Para além das Câmaras Municipais, as instituições policiais surgem como as principais entidades requeridas na resolução dos problemas. As reclamações refletem sobretudo problemas localizados e que interferem com o quotidiano dos cidadãos, tais como a limpeza de terrenos, os depósitos de lixo a céu aberto ou o saneamento básico. Os problemas enunciados tendem a concentrar-se nas áreas mais urbanizadas e com maior densidade populacional. A intensidade, a tipologia e a distribuição territorial das reclamações são também determinadas pelas fronteiras administrativas. Contrariamente ao esperado, a Ria não constitui um fator mobilizador de reclamações ambientais dirigidas às Câmaras Municipais. Os diferentes mecanismos de submissão de reclamações, as políticas e prioridades de gestão ambiental local, a par da perceção ambiental das populações, influenciam esses resultados. A análise da resolução das reclamações mostrou que, embora a maior parte tenha sido equacionada pelos governos locais, uma percentagem significativa permaneceu em aberto. Apesar de ter sido detetada uma relevante concordância entre os principais problemas de ambiente referidos nos planos municipais de ambiente ou das Agendas 21 Locais existentes, as reclamações informam sobre problemas que nem sempre estão considerados naqueles instrumentos e que requerem atenção por parte dos governos locais. Adicionalmente, a ponderação entre os resultados obtidos a partir do estudo as reclamações e as perceções dos líderes locais acerca das exposições do público mostra que, apesar de uma perceção consistente sobre os problemas ambientais dominantes, há ainda um caminho relevante a percorrer para consolidar os sistemas municipais de receção, tratamento e análise das reclamações. O estudo desenvolvido ressalta o potencial que as reclamações ambientais incorporam enquanto fontes de informação sobre a tipologia de problemas ambientais persistentes, a sua localização e os principais atores envolvidos. Essa informação é crucial no momento em que se desenvolvem ou reveem instrumentos locais de gestão e de planeamento ambiental. Ao destacar o potencial das reclamações em matéria de ambiente, o trabalho propõe um conjunto de recomendações que permitem às Câmaras Municipais enriquecerem o sistema de gestão da informação proporcionada pelas reclamações, a sua utilização, e, em consequência, melhorar as relações de confiança entre o público e a Autarquia e a própria a governação ambiental local.


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Little follow-up data on malaria transmission in communities originating from frontier settlements in Amazonia are available. Here we describe a cohort study in a frontier settlement in Acre, Brazil, where 509 subjects contributed 489.7 person-years of follow-up. The association between malaria morbidity during the follow-up and individual, household, and spatial covariates was explored with mixed-effects logistic regression models and spatial analysis. Incidence rates for Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum malaria were 30.0/100 and 16.3/100 person-years at risk, respectively. Malaria morbidity was strongly associated with land clearing and farming, and decreased after five years of residence in the area, suggesting that clinical immunity develops among subjects exposed to low malaria endemicity. Significant spatial clustering of malaria was observed in the areas of most recent occupation, indicating that the continuous influx of nonimmune settlers to forest-fringe areas perpetuates the cycle of environmental change and colonization that favors malaria transmission in rural Amazonia.


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...the greatest untapped resource at our disposal lies in the disadvantaged Australians living in our most excluded communities. (Nicholson 2007 p. 4)

The commons are where justice and sustainability converge, where ecology and equity meet. (Shiva 2005 p. 50)

Since 1990, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has recognised human induced climate change to be primarily a result of burning fossil fuels and land clearing (Lee 2007). Changes to the world's climate patterns have been occurring for decades, but only in recent times has climate change arrived in our collective conscious. An onslaught of extreme weather events, destruction and failure of crops, increasing levels of water restrictions, government announcement of desalination plants. proposed increase in prices for utilities such as power and water - have ushered climate change into the Australian lexicon.

The challenges for all of us are many and varied and perhaps even unimaginable. as many propose a global reduction in annual C02 emissions of between 60-80% (compared to 1990 levels) by 2050.

We are not talking just about the re-construction of our world, but about its re-invention. Ryan (2007)

How will climate change affect us? Who is most vulnerable? What will be the features of policies and strategies to combat climate change that ensure an equitable and just response across our entire society? Are our present social-cultural justice paradigms of social exclusion and inclusion adequate in addressing the impending health consequences that are likely to result from climate change, and in supporting an equitable. harmonious and fruitful life for all population groups in the future?

This paper, written in the spirit of solution-oriented research. focusing on the causes of positive health rather than the causes of disease and other problems (Robinson & Sirard 2005). explores the possibility of a paradigm shift which imagines the social inclusion of specific population groups, not as an appended extra, but integral to the design of an equitable, sustainable low carbon society of the future.


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Box-Ironbark forests extend across a swathe of northern Victoria on the inland side of the Great Dividing Range. Although extensively cleared and modified, they support a distinctive suite of plants and animals. Historical fire regimes in this ecosystem are largely unknown, as are the effects of fire on most of the biota. However, knowledge of the ecological attributes of plant species has been used to determine minimum and maximum tolerable fire intervals for this ecosystem to guide current fire management. Here, we consider the potential effects of planned fire in the context of major ecological drivers of the current box-ironbark forests: namely, the climate and physical environment; historical land clearing and fragmentation; and extractive land uses. We outline an experimental management and research project based on application of planned burns in different seasons (autumn, spring) and at different levels of burn cover (patchy, extensive). A range of ecological attributes will be monitored before and after burns to provide better understanding of the landscape-scale effects of fire in box-ironbark forests. Such integration of management and research is essential to address the many knowledge gaps in fire ecology, particularly in the context of massively increased levels of planned burning currently being implemented in Victoria.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Increasingly, large areas of native tropical forests are being transformed into a mosaic of human dominated land uses with scattered mature remnants and secondary forests. In general, at the end of the land clearing process, the landscape will have two forest components: a stable component of surviving mature forests, and a dynamic component of secondary forests of different ages. As the proportion of mature forests continues to decline, secondary forests play an increasing role in the conservation and restoration of biodiversity. This paper aims to predict and explain spatial and temporal patterns in the age of remnant mature and secondary forests in lowland Colombian landscapes. We analyse the age distributions of forest fragments, using detailed temporal land cover data derived from aerial photographs. Ordinal logistic regression analysis was applied to model the spatial dynamics of mature and secondary forest patches. In particular, the effect of soil fertility, accessibility and auto-correlated neighbourhood terms on forest age and time of isolation of remnant patches was assessed. In heavily transformed landscapes, forests account for approximately 8% of the total landscape area, of which three quarters are comprised of secondary forests. Secondary forest growth adjacent to mature forest patches increases mean patch size and core area, and therefore plays an important ecological role in maintaining landscape structure. The regression models show that forest age is positively associated with the amount of neighbouring forest, and negatively associated with the amount of neighbouring secondary vegetation, so the older the forest is the less secondary vegetation there is adjacent to it. Accessibility and soil fertility also have a negative but variable influence on the age of forest remnants. The probability of future clearing if current conditions hold is higher for regenerated than mature forests. The challenge of biodiversity conservation and restoration in dynamic and spatially heterogeneous landscape mosaics composed of mature and secondary forests is discussed. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.