250 resultados para Lakshadweep


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The present study focuses on the biochemical aspects of six islands belonging to Lakshadweep Archipelago – namely Kavaratti, Kadamath, Kiltan, Androth, Agathy and Minicoy. Lakshadweep, which is an area biologically significant due to isolation from the major coastline, remains as one of the least studied areas in Indian Ocean. The work, processed out the distributional pattern of trace metals among the biotic (corols, sea weeds and sea grass) and abiotic component (sediments) of ecosystem. An effort is made to picturise the spatial distribution pattern of different forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in the various sedimentary environments of the study area. Studies on the biogeochemical and nutrient aspects of the concerned study area scanty. In Lakshadweep, the local life is very dependent on reefs and its resources. The important stress which produce a threatening effort on the existence for coral reefs are anthropogenic-namely-organic and inorganic pollution from sewage, agricultural and industrial waters, sediment damage from excessive land cleaning, and over exploitation particularly through destructive fishing methods. In addition these one other more localized or less service anthropogenic stress: pollution by oil and other hydrocarbons, complex organic molecular and heavy metal pollution, and destructive engineering practices.


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In the present thesis the petrographic, geochemical and digenetic variability of the sediments in the islands of Kavaratti and Minicoy has been investigated .The beach profile studies show that in the Kavaratti lagoon beach, the slope is steeper in the southern and south central part than in the northern end’s marginal deposition is taking place in the northern end of the Kavaratti island, whereas a marginal erosion is observed at the southern end. In Minicoy the slope of the lagoon beach is gentle in the south and is slightly steeper at the northern part of the beach. The southern and northern beach sections show a marginal deposition. Based on the mineralogical and geochemical studies it is concluded that the main digenetic changes observed is the transformation of aragonite to LMC.The transformation takes place mainly in the vadose zone and is caused by the abundance of fresh water infiltration.


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In this present study macro benthos of minicoy island lakshadweep, an attempt has been made to study the distribution and community structure of benthos at different ecosystems. The main objectives of the study include the identification of benthic fauna, their distribution and composition, standing stock, qualitative and quantitative nature in relation to hydrography,seasons and sediment texture, community structure analysis and tropic relationships. This base line study at Minicoy,thus establishes that the benthos of sea grass and mangrove ecosystems(nursery grounds) determines the richness and diversity of demersal fish fauna at the nearby lagoon and reef areas to a great extent. Any serious stress on these ecosystems may lead to disappearance of certain fish species in the nearby future


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Composition and distribution of various groups and species of zooplankton at Kavaratti, Agatti and Suhelipar atolls of the Lakshadweep group of islands are reported . Higher biomass and diversity occur in the sea surrounding atolls compared to lagoons . Copepoda forms the dominant component of zooplankton . Zooplankton washed across the reef into the lagoon may be serving as food to the reef community . No fauna endemic to lagoons are encountered.


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The tiniest Union territory of India, Lakshadweep, is an archipelago, with an area of 32 Sq. km. consisting of 12 atolls, three reefs and five submerged banks, lies between 8° and 12°30'N latitudes and 71° and 74" E longitudes. It is one of the most important and critical territories of India from economic and defence point of view. Specialised environment having typical geological set up, Lakshadweep is ecologically sensitive to even slight climatic or anthropogenic interference. Pollution of coastal seas, over exploitation and contamination of the fresh water sources are thus become great concerns to the existence of the island. Typical geological set up and interference cause threat to the ecology of the fragile environment and resources of the island as well as its resources. Marine pollution and ground water contamination are concerns in this regard. Even though attentions were made to assess the physico—chemical and bacteriological status of the marine and groundwater systems separately, an integrated approach has not been evolved. The present study with its broad objectives is attempted for an integrated assessment of microbiological, physicochemical and biological characteristics of the surrounding seawater and microbiological and physico—chemical characteristics of the ground water in Kavaratti island. The entire study has been organised in 4 chapters


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This Thesis contains a detailed account of the results of the investigations on the "Studies on sea cucumbers of Minicoy, Lakshadweep" from the Arabian Sea, carried out from January 1990 to December 1991. The results are presented and discussed in six chapters, preceded by an "lntroduction", "Review of literature" and "Materials and Methods". A brief account on the importance of sea-cucumbers, its general morphology, present status of sea-cucumbers and their fishery in India and the major objectives of the present study are given in the "lntroduction" "Review of Literature" has covered and reviewed almost all available published reports and informations on sea-cucumbers on global basis, with special emphasis on Indian region and particularly in Minicoy Island. The Minicoy Island topography particularly the lagoon and reef flat area, discretion of sampling stations, survey on sea-cucumbers in space and time, analysis of samples both in the field and laboratory, statistical analysis of data, etc. and the period of study are given under "Materials and Methods.


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Coral Reefs are marine, biogenic, wave resistant carbonate structures, formed of the skeletal remains of hermatypic, or reef building organisms. The main reef builders are calcifying Rhodophytes, molluscs, sponges, polychaetes and Cnidarians. Among them, scleractinian corals and hydrocorallians are by far the most important contributors to the formation of reefs. Coral reefs cover approximately 600 thousand square kilometers of the earth's surface (Crossland fl a_1., 1991) which is about 2x106 square kilometres of tropical oceans.


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Assessment water’ quality nowa-days in global scenario implies the need for a reference point against which monitoring can be measured and weighed. Aquatic ecosystenis as part of the natural environment are balanced both witliin tlicinselves and with other environmental compartments and this equilibrium is subject to natural variations and evolutions as well as variations caused by human intervention. The present assessnient is to identify. and possibly quantify, anthropogenic influences over time against a “natural baseline situation. Water pollution problems have only recently been taken seriously in retrospect. Once damage occurred, it becomes immeasurable, and control action cannot be initiated


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Extensive investigations on the distribution and biology of skipjack tuna are available but less is known of the bait fishes on which this fishery depends and what is known is inadequate, fragmentary and of cursory nature. The information available on tuna livebait fishes of Lakshadweep are mainly cofined to short term surverys aimed at estimating theiravailability and abundance. Reports on the biology of a few species from Minicoy are also present in the literature. This study was, therefore, prompted by a paucity of information on 1) the livebits of Minicoy, 2) livebait fishery of the northern islands and 3) knowledge of livebait ecology


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The customary laws of Union Territory of Lakshadweep islands are a challenge for judicial institution as well as administrative machinery. With the peculiarities of socio-legal institutions, Lakshadweep system stands apart from the mainstream of legal systems in India. How far do the charismatic modernisation trends flowing into the Lakshadweep society affect the people already protected by the uncodified laws of the past? Many are the issues at this stage. This study analyses them. It examines the growth, evolution and development of the legal system in the islands vis-a-vis the administrative mechanism imposed by the mainland ethos and culture.


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The main objectives of the present study have been studies on the operational performance of tuna longline in Lakshadweep Sea studies on the efficiency of hooks in the longline operation studies on the efficiency of baits in the longline operation studies on bycatch in longline operation studies on predation on the longline catch and the hook loss encountered during the fishing operation


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Present study consists the species diversity, abundance and community structure of ichthyofauna in the seagrass meadow of Minicoy Atoll, Lakshadweep Islands. Two hundred and three species of fishes were recorded during the study, from four stations in the Atoll. They belonged to 2 classes, 11orders, 43 families and 93 genera. Six species belonged to the class Chondreichthyes and 197 species to Osteichthyes. Family Pomacentridae showed maximum abundance of species (22%). Station I, having close proximity to the coral reefs, observed the maximum number of families (37) and species (129) and that with minimum number was in station II (23 families and 52 species). Bray-Curtis similarity plot showed a similarity range of 22 to 52%, seasonally. Station I showed highest Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’log2) (4.22) during August and the lowest (2.91) during June. Stations I and III showed comparatively higher abundance and diversity of fishes. Variability in seagrass habitat structure and the interaction with coral reefs influenced the species composition and diversity of fishes in Minicoy Atoll. The findings of the present investigation can be used as baseline information for the fishery resource management of the region


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The present study aims at surveying the coral lagoons of four islands viz. Kavarathi, Kalpeni, Kadmat and Agathi, which include quantitative survey of the major benthic forms using Line Intercept Transect (LIT) technique and hydrographical study of these lagoon waters The distribution of PHC in the lagoons has also been followed to understand, the effects of introduction of flat bottomed ferry boats to the islands.From a biological monitoring stand point for the assessment of manmade disturbance of the coral reefs, it IS highly essential to identify faunal assemblages which will contain 'flag-stones' specIes as indicators of such disturbances. Among the known faunal assemblages In coral reefs the most diverse groups of sensitive species belongs to bryozoan assemblage. Therefore, the most common species of bryozoans distributed along the atolls and reef flats were collected and described in this work Along with this, bryozoans associated with coral from other parts of Indian ocean have also been added so as to provide a comprehensive picture of the distribution of bryozoans in the coral reefs.