21 resultados para Lagochestes Hirsutus


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Acrosomal development in the early spermatid of the rufous hare wallaby shows evidence of formation of an acrosomal granule, similar to that found in eutherian mammals, the Phascolarctidae and Vombatidae. Unlike the other members of the Macropodidae so far examined, the acrosome of this species appears to be fully compacted at spermiation and extends evenly over 90% of the dorsal aspect of the nucleus. During spermiogenesis, the nucleus of the rufous hare wallaby spermatid showed evidence of uneven condensation of chromatin; this may also be related to the appearance of unusual nucleoplasm evaginations from the surface of the fully condensed spermatid. This study was unable to find evidence of the presence of Sertoli cell spurs or nuclear rotation during spermiogenesis in the rufous hare wallaby. The majority of spermatozoa immediately before spermiation had a nucleus that was essentially perpendicular to the long axis of the sperm tail. Nuclei of spermatozoa found in the process of being released or isolated in the lumen of the seminiferous tubule were rotated almost parallel to the long axis of the flagellum; complete parallel alignment occurred during epididymal maturation. At spermiation spermatozoa have characteristically small cytoplasmic remnants compared to those of other macropods. Unlike the majority of macropodid spermatozoa so far described, the spermatozoa of the rufous hare wallaby showed little evidence of morphological change during epididymal transit. There was no formation of a fibre network around the midpiece or of plasma membrane specializations in this region; the only notable change was a distinctive flattening of midpiece mitochondria and scalloping of the anterior mitochondrial sheath to accommodate the sperm head. Preliminary evidence from spermiogenesis and epididymal sperm maturation supports the classification of the rufous hare wallaby as a separate genus but also indicates that its higher taxonomic position may need to be re-evaluated.


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Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green, 1908) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), conhecida como cochonilha-rosada-do-hibisco é uma espécie altamente polífaga por apresentar hospedeiros distribuídos em 76 famílias, incluídos em mais de 200 gêneros, (OEPP/EPPO, 2005), podendo causar severos danos em culturas economicamente importantes como algodão, citros, cacau, café e uva (TAMBASCO et al., 2000). Esta cochonilha foi registrada pela primeira vez no Brasil em 2010 no Estado de Roraima infestando mudas de hibisco (MARSARO JÚNIOR et al., 2013) e no ano de 2012 foi encontrada no Estado do Espírito Santo em cultivo de quiabo (CULIK et al., 2013). Em 2013, no Espírito Santo e na Bahia, foi registrada a ocorrência da cochonilha rosada em cacaueiros (CEPLAC, 2014). Neste mesmo ano, M. hirsutus foi excluída da lista de pragas quarentenárias ausentes A1. E recentemente, foi registrada na região do Submédio do Vale do São Francisco em cultivos de videira (OLIVEIRA et. al., 2014). O Submédio do Vale do São Francisco é responsável por 95% das exportações brasileiras de uvas de mesa e infestações de cochonilhas vem sendo constatadas com frequência em parreiras comerciais. As cochonilhas são encontradas alimentando-se em todas as partes da planta de uva, sendo frequentemente observados sérios prejuízos a produção. As cochonilhas possuem vários hospedeiros alternativos que mantêm a população na entressafra, permitindo rápida infestação e crescimento populacional. Como recentemente M. hirsutus foi relatada se dispersando rapidamente pelo Brasil e constatada recentemente na região, o conhecimento de plantas hospedeiras alternativas torna-se uma prática importante, visto que, muitas plantas podem ser hospedeiras de cochonilhas durante o período em que a planta não está produzindo e, além disso, é um dos requisitos fundamentais para o planejamento do manejo integrado (MAZIERO et. al., 2007). Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar as espécies de plantas hospedeiras alternativas de M. hirsutus em agroecossistemas de videira na região do Submédio do Vale do São Francisco.


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Thirty-four palaemonid species from the northern area of South China Sea are reported in the present paper, including two new species, Paranchistus lini, new species, and Periclimenes chacei, new species, and eight other species are reported for the first time from South China Sea: Leander tenuicornis (Say, 1818), Leandrites stenopus Holthuis, 1950, Palaemon debilis Dana, 1852, Urocaridella antonbrurnii (Bruce, 1967), Kemponia platycheles (Holthuis, 1952), Paraclimenes franklini (Bruce, 1990b), Paranchistus spondylis Suzuki, 1971, Periclimenes hirsutus Bruce, 1971.


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No Brasil, a joaninha predadora Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Coleoptera:Coccinellidae) (Figura 1) foi introduzida pelo Laboratório de Entomologia da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura (processo Ministério da Agricultura nº 21052.007104/97-33) com apoio do Laboratório Costa Lima da Embrapa Meio Ambiente, proveniente do Instituto de Investigaciones Agricolas ? Centro de Entomologia La Cruz- INIA, Chile, como alternativa para o controle biológico de cochonilhas sem carapaça e pulgões (afídeos) em cultivos de importância econômica e, adicionalmente, como forma estratégica e proativa de controle biológico clássico da cochonilha rosada Maconellicoccus hirsutus Green (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), caso esta praga quarentenária tipo A1 seja introduzida no território nacional.


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The effect of temperature on respiration rate has been established, using Cartesian divers, for the meiofaunal sabellid polychaeteManayunkia aestuarina, the free-living nematodeSphaerolaimus hirsutus and the harpacticoid copepodTachidius discipes from a mudflat in the Lynher estuary, Cornwall, U.K. Over the temperature range normally experienced in the field, i.e. 5–20° C the size-compensated respiration rate (R c) was related to the temperature (T) in °C by the equation Log10 R c=-0.635+0.0339T forManayunkia, Log10 R c=0.180+0.0069T forSphaerolaimus and Log10 R c=-0.428+0.0337T forTachidius, being equivalent toQ 10 values of 2.19, 1.17 and 2.17 respectively. In order to derive the temperature response forManayunkia a relationship was first established between respiration rate and body size: Log10 R=0.05+0.75 Log10 V whereR=respiration in nl·O2·ind-1·h-1 andV=body volume in nl. TheQ 10 values are compared with values for other species derived from the literature. From these limited data a dichotomy emerges: species with aQ 10≏2 which apparently feed on diatoms and bacteria, the abundance of which are subject to large short term variability, and species withQ 10≏1 apparently dependent on more stable food sources.


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Nematodes from a mud-flat in the river Lynher estuary, Cornwall, U.K., have a population density ranging between 8 and 9 × 106 m−2 in the winter months, corresponding to a dry weight of 1·4 and 1·6 g m−2. They reach a peak abundance of 22·86 × 106 m−2 (3·4 g) in May. About 40 species are present, and the species composition remained seasonally stable over the period of study. Analysis of age-structure suggests that the major species have continuous asynchronous reproduction. Respiration rates of 16 species have been determined at 20 °C using Cartesian diver respirometry. For five species, respiration/body size regressions were obtained in the form log10R = log10a+b log10V, where R = respiration in nl O2 ind−1 h−1 and V = body volume in nl: Mesotheristus setosus (log10a = −0·04,b = 0·74), Sphaerolaimus hirsutus (log10a = 0·11, b = 0·68), Axonolaimus paraspinosus (log10a = 0·00, b = 0·79), Metachromadora vivipara (log10a = −0·59, b = 1·07), Praeacanthonchus punctatus (log10a = 0·00, b = 0·55). For the remaining 11 species, several animals were used in each diver and, by assuming b = 0·75, log10a′ values were calculated: Viscosia viscosa (log10a′ = 0·188), Innocuonema tentabundum (−0·012), Ptycholaimellus ponticus (−0·081), Odontophora setosa (−0·092), Sphaerolaimus balticus (−0·112), Dichromadora cephalata (−0·133), Atrochromadora microlaima (−0·142), Cylindrotheristus normandicus (−0·150), Terschellingialongicaudata (−0·170), Sabatieria pulchra (−0·197), Terschellingia communis (−0·277). These values are compared with recalculated values for other species from the literature. Annual respiration of the nematode community is 28·01 O2 m−2, equivalent to 11·2 g carbon metabolised. Community respiration is compared with figures from N. American saltmarshes. At 20 °C, a respiration of about 61 O2 m−2 year−1 g−1 wet weight of nematodes appears to be typical. Annual production is estimated to be 6·6 g C m−2. The correlation between feeding-group, body-size, habitat and the repiration rate of individual species is discussed.