923 resultados para LaMgAl(11)O(19)


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Terbium (Tb) doped LaMgAl(11)O(19) phosphors have been prepared by the combustion of corresponding metal nitrates (oxidizer) and urea (fuel) at furnace temperature as low as 500 C Combustion synthesized powder phosphor was characterized by X-ray diffraction and field emission scanning electron microscopy techniques LaMgAl(11)O(19) doped with trivalent terbium ions emit weakly in blue and orange light region and strongly in green light region when excited by the ultraviolet light of 261 nm Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) studies were carried out to study the defect centres Induced in the phosphor by gamma irradiation and also to identify the defect centres responsible for the thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL) process Room temperature ESR spectrum of irradiated phosphor appears to be a superposition of at least two defect centres One of the centres (centre I) with principal g-values g(parallel to) = 2 0417 and g(perpendicular to) = 2 0041 is identified as O(2)(-) ion while centre II with an axially symmetric g-tensor with principal values g(parallel to) = 19698 and g(perpendicular to) = 1 9653 is assigned to an F(+) centre (singly ionized oxygen vacancy) An additional defect centre is observed during thermal annealing experiments and this centre (assigned to F(+) centre) seems to originate from an F centre (oxygen vacancy with two electrons) The F centre and also the F+ centre appear to correlate with the observed high temperature TSL peak in LaMgAl(11)O(19) Tb phosphor (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS All rights reserved


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This publication gives the results of bottom trawlings made during the cruises Chalci 83.01 and Chalci 83.02 by the oceanographic research vessel "André Nizery", on the ivorian continental shelf. The publication content is: - an introduction explaining the form of results; the trawl recording cards with the characteristics of trawl and the detail of catches by species; the length frequency distributions of the measured samples.


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Lanthanide hexaaluminates including LaMgAl11O19, NdMgAl11O19, SmMgAl11O19 and GdMgAl11O19 were synthesized via Sol-Gel method. Due to the anisotropic crystal growth, these oxides crystallize in the form of platelets and the platelet thickness increases with the decrease of rare-earth ionic radius. It was observed that the thermal-shock resistances of LaMgAl11O19, NdMgAl11O19 and SmMgAl11O19 oxides were superior to 8YSZ as proved by water quenching tests. In addition, the thinner the platelet. the more interstices are retained in the sintered specimen, and the better thermal-shock resistance the oxide has. Based on SEM images, it can be seen that the SmMgAl11O19 sample exhibits a mixture of the intergranular and transgranular fracture after thermal cycling failure.


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采用高温固相反应法合成了LaMgAl11O19∶R(R=Mn,Tb)荧光体,测量了荧光体的真空紫外激发光谱和相应的发射光谱,观察到基质吸收带位于170nm附近,Mn2+离子的吸收位于170~510nm范围,Tb3+离子的4f 5d吸收位于170~250nm范围。在147nm激发下,它们发射绿光。真空紫外光谱特性的研究表明,基质与激活离子之间存在较好的能量传递。


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利用复杂晶体化学键的平均能带模型研究了LaMAl11O19(M =Mg ,Fe)晶体的化学键性质。结果表明 ,La O键只有 3%的共价性 ,4f1格位却具有很强的共价特征。晶体中各格位共价次序为 :La O


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Analizar estadísticamente la problemática social y económico familiar de la adolescente española. 202 sujetos de edades entre 11 y 19 años de Salamanca. Cuestionario de R. L. Mooney (catálogo de problemas personales). frecuencias. El trabajo ha confirmado las ideas que teníamos sobre las adolescentes y su problemática, ideas procedentes de: los libros, la experiencia personal, y el trabajo que las ha confirmado. La validez de los porcentajes de los problemas hacen que se confirmen unos a otros, puesto que, tratándose de grupos diferentes por edades, sin embargo los porcentajes apenas se diferencian entre sí y los fenómenos van evolucionando muy lentamente, pero progresivamente. Se advierte en general que los problemas de rebeldía, crisis, libertad, se dan casi todos entre los 15 y 16 años. Los problemas de timidez y de relación social aparecen a los 13 y 14 años, que es cuando la chica cobra conciencia de su papel social y su intervención en el grupo. A los 19 años todas las gráficas tienden a bajar. Ello se debe no tanto a la madurez, que de hecho no se produciría en un sólo año, sino que la muestra de los 19 años ha sido completado en un 60 por ciento por muchachas universitarias de ambiente salmantino, donde el régimen de vida de colegios mayores hace desaparecer la mitad de los problemas que tienen otras chicas en el ambiente familiar en que se mueven. En ese sentido la caída de los 19 años es más artificial que real y no se puede dar un valor definitivo como lo hacemos con las demás edades.