The structure of a complex between hydrated DNA and a non-cationic lipid is studied, including its phase diagram. The complex is spontaneously formed by adding DNA fragments (ca. 150 base pairs in length) to non-cationic lipids and water. The self-assembly process often leads to highly ordered structures. The structures were studied by combining X-ray scattering, fluorescence and polarized microscopy, as well as freeze-fracture experiments with transmission electron microscopy. We observe a significant increase of the smectic order as DNA is incorporated into the water layers of the lamellar host phase, and stabilization of single phase domains for large amounts of DNA. The effect of confinement on DNA ordering is investigated by varying the water content, following three dilution lines. A rich polymorphism is found, ranging from weakly correlated DNA-DNA in-plane organizations to highly ordered structures, where transmembrane correlations lead to the formation of columnar rectangular and columnar hexagonal superlattices of nucleotides embedded between lipid lamellae. From these observations, we suggest that addition of DNA to the lamellar phase significantly restricts membrane fluctuations above a certain concentration and helps the formation of the lipoplex. The alteration of membrane steric interactions, together with the appearance of interfacial interactions between membranes and DNA molecules may be a relevant mechanism for the emergence of highly ordered structures in the concentrated regime.
The paper by Yu and Saupe on the first biaxial nematic phase created excitement for a number of reasons. Some theories of biaxial phases already existed, but experimental observation was still lacking. The phase was discovered in a lyotropic system with three components, which in theory is difficult. Lyotropic liquid crystals are composed of supramolecular assemblies of amphiphilic molecules, which may change shape and size as a function of concentration and temperature. The experimental phase diagram of the lyotropic biaxial phase was rather complex, with the biaxial region inserted between nematic cylindrical and nematic discotic phases via second-order transitions. In addition, re-entrant behaviour was evident. Saupe investigated further systems experimentally, observing that the biaxial phase might be absent in cases where a direct transition between the cylindrical and discotic phases occurred. He provided a range of theoretical and experimental contributions on the properties of these lyotropics, but was very cautious regarding the detailed amphiphilic assemblies involved. The present paper reviews this area, focusing on proposals for the structure of the micellar assemblies. Emphasis is placed on recent papers which indicate a transformation of the two uniaxial shapes, in mixing conditions, both from the theoretical and the experimental point of view, and to questions still requiring further study.
The phase behaviour of a number of N-alkylimidazolium salts was studied using polarizing optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction. Two of these compounds exhibit lamellar mesophases at temperatures above 50 degrees C. In these systems, the liquid crystalline behaviour may be induced at room temperature by shear. Sheared films of these materials, observed between crossed polarisers, have a morphology that is typical of (wet) liquid foams: they partition into dark domains separated by brighter (birefringent) walls, which are approximately arcs of circle and meet at "Plateau borders" with three or more sides. Where walls meet three at a time, they do so at approximately 120 degrees angles. These patterns coarsen with time and both T1 and T2 processes have been observed, as in foams. The time evolution of domains is also consistent with von Neumann's law. We conjecture that the bright walls are regions of high concentration of defects produced by shear, and that the system is dominated by the interfacial tension between these walls and the uniform domains. The control of self-organised monodomains, as observed in these systems, is expected to play an important role in potential applications.
Lipid cubic phases are complex nanostructures that form naturally in a variety of biological systems, with applications including drug delivery and nanotemplating. Most X-ray scattering studies on lipid cubic phases have used unoriented polydomain samples as either bulk gels or suspensions of micrometer-sized cubosomes. We present a method of investigating cubic phases in a new form, as supported thin films that can be analyzed using grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS). We present GISAXS data on three lipid systems: phytantriol and two grades of monoolein (research and industrial). The use of thin films brings a number of advantages. First, the samples exhibit a high degree of uniaxial orientation about the substrate normal. Second, the new morphology allows precise control of the substrate mesophase geometry and lattice parameter using a controlled temperature and humidity environment, and we demonstrate the controllable formation of oriented diamond and gyroid inverse bicontinuous cubic along with lamellar phases. Finally, the thin film morphology allows the induction of reversible phase transitions between these mesophase structures by changes in humidity on subminute time scales, and we present timeresolved GISAXS data monitoring these transformations.
We demonstrate that acoustic trapping can be used to levitate and manipulate droplets of soft matter, in particular, lyotropic mesophases formed from selfassembly of different surfactants and lipids, which can be analyzed in a contact-less manner by X-ray scattering in a controlled gas-phase environment. On the macroscopic length scale, the dimensions and the orientation of the particle are shaped by the ultrasonic field, while on the microscopic length scale the nanostructure can be controlled by varying the humidity of the atmosphere around the droplet. We demonstrate levitation and in situ phase transitions of micellar, hexagonal, bicontinuous cubic, and lamellar phases. The technique opens up a wide range of new experimental approaches of fundamental importance for environmental, biological, and chemical research.
Aqueous dispersions of monoolein (MO) with a commercial hydrophobically modified ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose ether (HMEHEC) have been investigated with respect to the morphologies of the liquid crystalline nanoparticles. Only very low proportions of HMEHEC are accepted in the cubic and lamellar phases of the monoolein-water system. Due to the broad variation of composition and size of the commercial polymer, no other single-phase regions were found in the quasi-ternary system. Interactions of MO with different fractions of the HMEHEC sample induced the formation of lamellar and reversed hexagonal phases, identified from SAXD, polarization microscopy, and cryogenic TEM examinations. In excess water (more than 90 wt %) coarse dispersions are formed more or less spontaneously, containing particles of cubic phase from a size visible by the naked eye to small particles observed by cryoTEM. At high polymer/MO ratios, vesicles were frequently observed, often oligo-lamellar with inter-lamellar connections. After homogenization of the coarse dispersions in a microfluidizer, the large particles disappeared, apparently replaced by smaller cubic particles, often with vesicular attachments on the surfaces, and by vesicles or vesicular particles with a disordered interior. At the largest polymer contents no proper cubic particles were found directly after homogenization but mainly single-walled defected vesicles with a peculiar edgy appearance. During storage for 2 weeks, the dispersed particles changed toward more well-shaped cubic particles, even in dispersions with the highest polymer contents. In some of the samples with low polymer/MO ratio, dispersed particles of the reversed hexagonal type were found. A few of the homogenized samples were freeze-dried and rehydrated. Particles of essentially the same types, but with a less well-developed cubic character, were found after this treatment. © 2007 American Chemical Society.
The phase behavior of an alcohol polyethoxylated surfactant with decane and dodecane oil phase varying the water proportion from 5 to 90% to determine compositions in which the formation of liquid crystals and microemulsions ocurred was investigated. Pseudoternary phase diagrams were built to represent the regions of liquid crystals, biphases and microemulsions. Polarized light optical microscopy was used for the analysis and characterization of the separate phases. The micrographs obtained showed characteristics of hexagonal and lamellar phases of liquid crystal, isotropic phases, microemulsions and vesicles. This study is important to propose hypothesis regarding the factors determining the formation and stability of phases composed by surfactant/oil/water systems.
Phospholipids in water form lamellar phases made up of alternating layers of water and bimolecular lipid leaflets. Three complementary methods, osmotic, mechanical, and vapour pressures, were used to measure the work of removing water from lamellar phases composed of frozen dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine ( DPPC ), melted DPPC, egg phosphatidylethanolamine or equimolar mixtures of DPPC and cholesterol ( DPPC/CHOL ), Concurrently the structural changes that resulted from this water removal were measured using X-ray diffraction. The work was divided into that which forces the bilayers together ( F ) and that which compresses the molecules together within the bilayers ( F )# A large repulsive force exists between bilayers composed of each of the lipids studied and this force increases exponentially as bilayer separation is decreased. F is affected by the nature of the head groups, conformation of the acyl chains and heterogeneity of these chains. In general all of the melted phosphatidylcholines ( melted DPPC, egg lecithin and DPPC/CHOL ) have large equilibrium separations in excess water resulting from large repulsive hydration forces between these bilayers. By comparison, egg PE has an increased attractive force, and frozen DPPC has a decreased hydration force; each results in smaller separations in water for these two lipids. The chemical potentials of the water between the bilayers for all these lipids lie on a continuum, indicating that interbilayer water cannot be characterized by two discrete states, usually referred to as "bound" or "non**bound". For all lipids studied a maximum of 25 % of the total work done on the system goes into deforming the bilayers. The method used here viii to separate repulsion from deformation, developed for us by v. A. Parsegian, provides a unique method for the measurement of lateral pressure of a bilayer and its modulus of deformability ( Y ). Lateral pressure is affected by the nature of the head group, conformation and heterogeneity of the acyl chains. For small changes in molecular surface area ( A ) near equilibrium, both melted and frozen DPPC have similar values for the deformability modulus. Thus in this regime it requires about the same force to change the angle of tilt of frozen chains as it does to compress the fluid bilayer. The introduction of cholesterol into bilayers of DPPC reduces dramatically the lateral pressure of the bilayers over a large range of molecular surface areas ( A ). The variation in the magnitude of bilayer repulsion with different phospholipids provides a basis for the mechanism of lipid segregation in mixed lipid systems and suggests that interacting heterogeneous membranes may influence or modulate the composition of the opposing membrane. The measurements of deformabilities of bilayers provides a direct comparison of them with the properties of monolayers.
As Ca2+ and phosphatidylserine (PS) are known to induce the adhesion of bilayer vesicles and form collapsed multibilayer structures in vitro, it was the aim of this study to examine how that interaction and the resultant structures might be modified by neutral lipid species. X-ray diffraction data from multilamellar systems suggest that phosphatidylcholine (PC) and diacylglycerol (DG) might be in the collapsed phase up to a concentration of -30 mole % and that above this concentration these neutral lipids may modify Ca2+-induced bilayer interactions. Using large unilamellar vesicles and long incubations in excess Ca2+ to ensure equilibration, similar preliminary results were again obtained with PC, and also with phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). A combination of X-ray diffraction, thin-layer chromatography, density gradient centrifugation and freeze-fracture electron microscopy, used in conjunction with an osmotic stress technique, showed that (i) -30 mole % PC can be accomodated in the Ca(DOPS)2 phase; and (ii) higher PC levels modify Ca2+-induced bilayer interactions resulting in single lamellar phases of larger dimension and reduced tendency for REV collapse. Importantly, the data suggest that PC is dehydrated during the rapid collapse process leading. to Ca(DOPS)2 formation and exists with this dehydrated phase. Similar results were obtained using PS isolated from bovine brain. Preliminary studies using two different phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) species indicated accomodation by Ca(DOPS)2 of -25-30 mole 0/0 PE and bulk phase separation, of species favouring a non-bilayer phase, at higher levels. Significantly, all PS/PE vesicles appear to undergo a complete Ca2+-induced collapse, even with contents of up to 90 mole % PE. These data suggest that PE may have an important role in fusion mechanisms in vivo. In sum the data lend both structural and stoichiometric evidence for th~ existence of laterally segregated neutral lipid molecules within the same bilayers as PS domains exposed to Ca2+.
The phase diagram of a series of poly(1,2-octylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) (POO-PEO) diblock copolymers is determined by small-angle X-ray scattering. The Flory-Huggins interaction parameter was measured by small-angle neutron scattering. The phase diagram is highly asymmetric due to large conformational asymmetry that results from the hexyl side chains in the POO block. Non-lamellar phases (hexagonal and gyroid) are observed near f(PEO) = 0.5, and the lamellar phase is observed for f(PEO) >= 0.5.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A new method for analysis of scattering data from lamellar bilayer systems is presented. The method employs a form-free description of the cross-section structure of the bilayer and the fit is performed directly to the scattering data, introducing also a structure factor when required. The cross-section structure (electron density profile in the case of X-ray scattering) is described by a set of Gaussian functions and the technique is termed Gaussian deconvolution. The coefficients of the Gaussians are optimized using a constrained least-squares routine that induces smoothness of the electron density profile. The optimization is coupled with the point-of-inflection method for determining the optimal weight of the smoothness. With the new approach, it is possible to optimize simultaneously the form factor, structure factor and several other parameters in the model. The applicability of this method is demonstrated by using it in a study of a multilamellar system composed of lecithin bilayers, where the form factor and structure factor are obtained simultaneously, and the obtained results provided new insight into this very well known system.
The compressive creep and load relaxation properties of a series of high aluminium zinc-based alloys
A new family of commercial zinc alloys designated as ZA8, ZA12, and ZA27 and high damping capacity alloys including Cosmal and Supercosmal and aluminium alloy LM25 were investigated for compressive creep and load relaxation behaviour under a series of temperatures and stresses. A compressive creep machine was designed to test the sand cast hollow cylindrical test specimens of these alloys. For each compressive creep experiment the variation of creep strain was presented in the form of graphs plotted as percentage of creep strain () versus time in seconds (s). In all cases, the curves showed the same general form of the creep curve, i.e. a primary creep stage, followed by a linear steady-state region (secondary creep). In general, it was observed that alloy ZA8 had the least primary creep among the commercial zinc-based alloys and ZA27 the greatest. The extent of primary creep increased with aluminium content to that of ZA27 then declined to Supercosmal. The overall creep strength of ZA27 was generally less than ZA8 and ZA12 but it showed better creep strength than ZA8 and ZA12 at high temperature and high stress. In high damping capacity alloys, Supercosmal had less primary creep and longer secondary creep regions and also had the lowest minimum creep rate among all the tested alloys. LM25 exhibited almost no creep at maximum temperature and stress used in this research work. Total creep elongation was shown to be well correlated using an empirical equation. Stress exponent and activation energies were calculated and found to be consistent with the creep mechanism of dislocation climb. The primary α and β phases in the as-cast structures decomposed to lamellar phases on cooling, with some particulates at dendrite edges and grain boundaries. Further breakdown into particulate bodies occurred during creep testing, and zinc bands developed at the highest test temperature of 160°C. The results of load relaxation testing showed that initially load loss proceeded rapidly and then deminished gradually with time. Load loss increased with temperature and almost all the curves approximated to a logarithmic decay of preload with time. ZA alloys exhibited almost the same load loss at lower temperature, but at 120°C ZA27 improved its relative performance with the passage of time. High damping capacity alloys and LM25 had much better resistance to load loss than ZA alloys and LM25 was found to be the best against load loss among these alloys. A preliminary equation was derived to correlate the retained load with time and temperature.
The purpose of this study was to develop a lyotropic liquid crystalline formulation using the emulsifier vitamin E TPGS and evaluate its behavior after incorporation of a flavonoid, quercetin. The physical (macro and microscopic), chemical (determination of quercetin content by the HPLC method) and functional (determination of quercetin antioxidant activity by DPPH center dot assay) stability of the lamellar liquid crystalline formulation containing flavonoid was evaluated when stored at 4+/-2 degrees C; 30+/-2 degrees C/70+/-5% RH (relative humidity) and 40+/-2 degrees C/70+/-5% RH during 12 months. The lamellar liquid crystalline structure of the formulation was maintained during the experiment, however chemical and functional stability results showed a great influence of the storage period in all conditions tested. A significant decrease in quercetin content (approximately 40%) was detected during the first month of storage and a similar significant loss in antioxidant activity was detected after 6 months. The remaining flavonoid content was unchanged during the final 6 months of the experimental period. The results suggest possible interactions between quercetin and the liquid crystalline formulation, which could inhibit or reduce the quercetin activity incorporated in the system. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that incorporation of quercetin (1%) did not affect the liquid crystalline structure composed of vitamin E TPGS/IPM/PG-H2O (1:1) at 63.75/21.25/15 (w/w/w). Nevertheless, of the total quercetin incorporated in the system only 60% was free to act as an antioxidant.
The self-assembly of PEGylated peptides containing a modified sequence from the amyloid beta peptide, YYKLVFF, has been studied in aqueous solution. Two PEG molar masses, PEG1k and PEG3k, were used in the conjugates. It is shown that both YYKLVFF–PEG hybrids form fibrils comprising a peptide core and a PEG corona. The fibrils are much longer for YYKLVFF–PEG1k, pointing to an influence of PEG chain length. The beta-sheet secondary structure of the peptide is retained in the conjugate. Lyotropic liquid crystal phases, specifically nematic and hexagonal columnar phases, are formed at sufficiently high concentration. Flow alignment of these mesophases was investigated by small-angle neutron scattering with in situ steady shearing in a Couette cell. On drying, PEG crystallization occurs leading to characteristic peaks in the X-ray diffraction pattern, and to lamellar structures imaged by atomic force microscopy. The X-ray diffraction pattern retains features of the cross-beta pattern from the beta-sheet structure, showing that this is not disrupted by PEG crystallization.