960 resultados para LOCKED NUCLEIC-ACID


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With an increased emphasis on genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in disease association studies, the genotyping platform of choice is constantly evolving. In addition, the development of more specific SNP assays and appropriate genotype validation applications is becoming increasingly critical to elucidate ambiguous genotypes. In this study, we have used SNP specific Locked Nucleic Acid (LNA) hybridization probes on a real-time PCR platform to genotype an association cohort and propose three criteria to address ambiguous genotypes. Based on the kinetic properties of PCR amplification, the three criteria address PCR amplification efficiency, the net fluorescent difference between maximal and minimal fluorescent signals and the beginning of the exponential growth phase of the reaction. Initially observed SNP allelic discrimination curves were confirmed by DNA sequencing (n = 50) and application of our three genotype criteria corroborated both sequencing and observed real-time PCR results. In addition, the tested Caucasian association cohort was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and observed allele frequencies were very similar to two independently tested Caucasian association cohorts for the same tested SNP. We present here a novel approach to effectively determine ambiguous genotypes generated from a real-time PCR platform. Application of our three novel criteria provides an easy to use semi-automated genotype confirmation protocol.


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Design and fabrication of novel microfluidic devices for sensitive and specific capture of circulating tumor cells using locked nucleic acid modified aptamers and antibodies targeting EpCAM/Nucleolin expression. These devices also allow re-usability, on-chip characterization of multiple markers and release of viable captured cells for further culture and in vitro characterization for cancer diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic planning.


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We investigated the anti-cancer activity of alginate coated chitosan nanoparticles (CHNP) encapsulating cell-permeable dominant negative survivin (SR9) with locked nucleic acid (LNA) aptamers targeting EpCAM and nucleolin (termed as "nanobullets") in vitro (2D and 3D cell culture models) and in vivo (colon cancer mouse xenograft model). We incorporated three LNA modifications in each sequence in order to enhance the stability of these aptamers. Confocal microscopy revealed binding of the LNA-aptamers to their specific markers with high affinity. The muco-adhesive nanobullets showed 6-fold higher internalization in cancer cells when compared to non-cancerous cells, suggesting a tumour specific uptake. A higher intensity of nanobullets was observed in both the periphery and the core of the multicellular tumour spheroids compared to non-targeted CHNP-SR9. The nanobullets were found to be the highly effective as they led to a 2.26 fold (p < 0.05) reduction at 24 h and a 4.95 fold reduction (p ≤ 0.001) in the spheroid size at 72 h. The tumour regression was 4 fold higher in mice fed on a nanobullet diet when compared to a control diet. The nanobullets were able to show a significantly high apoptotic (p ≤ 0.0005) and necrotic index in the tumour cell population (p ≤ 0.005) when compared to void NPs. Therefore, our nanoparticles have shown highly promising results and therefore deliver a new conduit towards the approach of cancer-targeted nanodelivery. This journal is


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The role of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in disease diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring of the therapeutic efficacy, and clinical decision making is immense and has attracted tremendous focus in the last decade. We designed and fabricated simple, flat channel microfluidic devices polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS based) functionalized with locked nucleic acid (LNA) modified aptamers (targeting epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) and nucleolin expression) for quick and efficient capture of CTCs and cancer cells. With optimized flow rates (10 μl/min), it was revealed that the aptamer modified devices offered reusability for up to six times while retaining optimal capture efficiency (>90%) and specificity. High capture sensitivity (92%) and specificity (100%) was observed in whole blood samples spiked with Caco-2 cells (10-100 cells/ml). Analysis of blood samples obtained from 25 head and neck cancer patients on the EpCAM LNA aptamer functionalized chip revealed that an average count of 5 ± 3 CTCs/ml of blood were captured from 22/25 samples (88%). EpCAM intracellular domain (EpICD) immunohistochemistry on 9 oral squamous cell carcinomas showed the EpICD positivity in the tumor cells, confirming the EpCAM expression in CTCs from head and neck cancers. These microfluidic devices also maintained viability for in vitro culture and characterization. Use of LNA modified aptamers provided added benefits in terms of cost effectiveness due to increased reusability and sustainability of the devices. Our results present a robust, quick, and efficient CTC capture platform with the use of simple PDMS based devices that are easy to fabricate at low cost and have an immense potential in cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic planning.


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Insufficient efficacy and/or specificity of antisense oligonucleotides limit their in vivo usefulness. We demonstrate here that a high-affinity DNA analog, locked nucleic acid (LNA), confers several desired properties to antisense agents. Unlike DNA, LNA/DNA copolymers were not degraded readily in blood serum and cell extracts. However, like DNA, the LNA/DNA copolymers were capable of activating RNase H, an important antisense mechanism of action. In contrast to phosphorothioate-containing oligonucleotides, isosequential LNA analogs did not cause detectable toxic reactions in rat brain. LNA/DNA copolymers exhibited potent antisense activity on assay systems as disparate as a G-protein-coupled receptor in living rat brain and an Escherichia coli reporter gene. LNA-containing oligonucleotides will likely be useful for many antisense applications.


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Short single-stranded oligonucleotides called aptamers, often termed as chemical antibodies, have been developed as powerful alternatives to traditional antibodies with respect to their obvious advantages like high specificity and affinity, longer shelf-life, easier manufacturing protocol, freedom to introduce chemical modifications for further improvement, etc. Reiterative selection process of aptamers over 10-15 cycles starting from a large initial pool of random nucleotide sequences renders them with high binding affinity, thereby making them extremely specific for their targets. Aptamer-based detection systems are well investigated and likely to displace primitive detection systems. Aptamer chimeras (combination of aptamers with another aptamer or biomacromolecule or chemical moiety) have the potential activity of both the parent molecules, and thus hold the capability to perform diverse functions at the same time. Owing to their extremely high specificity and lack of immunogenicity or pathogenicity, a number of other aptamers have recently entered clinical trials and have garnered favorable attention from pharmaceutical companies. Promising results from the clinical trials provide new hope to change the conventional style of therapy. Aptamers have attained high therapeutic relevance in a short time as compared to synthetic drugs and/or other modes of therapy. This review follows the various trends in aptamer technology including production, selection, modifications and success in clinical fields. It focusses largely on the various applications of aptamers which mainly depend upon their selection procedures. The review also sheds light on various modifications and chimerizations that have been implemented in order to improve the stability and functioning of the aptamers, including introduction of locked nucleic acids (LNAs). The application of various aptamers in detection systems has been discussed elaborately in order to stress on their role as efficient diagnostic agents. The key aspect of this review is focused on success of aptamers on the basis of their performance in clinical trials for various diseases.


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Carrot mottle umbravirus (CMoV) has always been found co-infecting plants with carrot red leaf luteovirus (CRLV) and in carrot (Daucus carota) these co-infections are associated with carrot motley dwarf disease (CMD). CMD occurs wherever carrots are grown. Hence, CMoV was believed to have a corresponding global distribution. However, little or no hybridisation was detected between cDNA generated from the sequenced Australian isolate of CMoV (CMoV-A) and RNA from the much studied Scottish isolate of CMoV (CMoV-S). A weak hybridisation signal was obtained using cDNA to a conserved part of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene of CMoV-A, but when cDNAs to other parts of the CMoV-A genome were used as probes there was no detectable hybridisation with CMoV-S RNA. This lack of hybridisation suggests that the two virus isolates have relatively divergent genomes and that they should be regarded as distinct virus species. Both viruses are transmitted by Cavariella aegopodii, but only with the help of CRLV, and they yield almost identical double-stranded RNA profiles. For these reasons, we propose that the CMoV isolate from Australia be renamed carrot mottle mimic umbravirus (CMoMV). cDNA to CMoMV RNA hybridised with RNA from an isolate from New Zealand, whereas cDNA to CMoV-S RNA hybridised with RNA from isolates from England and Morocco but not to RNA from the isolate from New Zealand. Although preliminary, these data suggest that CMoV and CMoMV may have different global distributions.


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Banana bunchy top disease (BBTD) caused by banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) was radioactively detected by nucleic acid hybridization techniques. Results showed that, 32P-labelled insert of pBT338 was hybridized with nucleic acid extracts from BBTV-infected plants from Egypt and Australia but not with those from CMV-infected plants from Egypt. Results revealed that BBTV was greatly detected in midrib, roots, meristem, corm, leaves and pseudostem respectively. BBTV was also detected in symptomless young plants prepared from diseased plant materials grown under tissue culture conditions but was not present in those performed from healthy plant materials. The sensitivity of dot blot and Southern blot hybridizations for the detection of BBTV was also performed for the detection of BBTV.


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The water soluble carbodiimide mediated condensation of dipeptides of the general form Gly-X was carried out in the presence of mono- and poly-nucleotides. The observed yield of the tetrapeptide was found to be higher for peptide-nucleotide system of higher interaction specificity following mainly the anticodon-amino acid relationship (Basu, H.S. & Podder, S.K., 1981, Ind. J. Biochem. Biophys.,19, 251-253). The yield of the condensation product of L-peptide was more because of its higher interaction specificity. The extent of the racemization during the condensation of Gly-L-Phe, Gly-L-Tyr and Gly-D-Phe was found to be dependent on the specificity of the interaction -the higher the specificity, the lesser the racemization. The product formed was shown to have a catalytic effect on the condensation reaction. These data thus provide a mechanism showing how the specific interaction between amino acids/dipeptides and nucleic acids could lead to the formation of the lsquoprimitiversquo translation machinery.


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CRYSTAL structure determinations of nucleic acid fragments have shown that several of the conformational features found in the monomeric building blocks are also manifested at the nucleic acid level. Stereochemical variations between thymine and uracil nucleotides are therefore of interest as they can provide a structural basis for some of the differences between the conformations of DNA and RNA. X-ray studies have so far not shown any major dissimilarities between these two nucleotide species although the sugar ring of deoxyribonucleotides is found to possess greater flexibility than that in ribonucleotides. We report here the molecular structure of deoxyuridine-5'-phosphate (dUMP-5') which is not a common monomer unit of DNAs as it is replaced by its 5-methyl analogue deoxythymidine-5'-phosphate (dTMP-5'). The investigation was undertaken to help determine whether or not this implied a fundamental difference between the geometries of these two molecules.


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Nucleic acid reactive antibodies have been reported to inhibit various nucleio acid mediated functions in cell free systems. These antibodies were also shown to inhibit the growth of transformed cells in culture due to the high rate of endocytosis in transformed cells as compared to normal cells. In this report, we have tested the possibility of nucleic acid reactive antibodies inhibiting the growth of tumor cells in vivo. The life span of mice bearing Dalton's lymphoma ascites tumor cells was increased, when they were immunized with conjugates of guanosine-BSA, GMP-BSA and tRNA-MBSA complex before transplanting the tumor cells. A similar effect was also observed when mice were injected intraperitoneally with antibodies to guanosine oi GMP along with the tumor cells. The specificity was ascertained, as immunization with non-specific antigens did not show any significant effect on tumor bearing mice. The results shows that nucleic acid. reactive antibodies inhibit the growth of tumor cells in vivo.


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The cytokinins (benzyladenine or benzyladenosine) decreased spermidine and spermine contents despite increasing putrescine content, when administered to isolated cotyledons of Cucumis sativus L. var. Guntur in organ culture. KCl decreased putrescine contents, although marginally increasing polyamine contents. The cytokinins and/or KCl augmented nucleic acid biosynthesis and accumulation, resulting in enhanced growth and differentiation of the isolated cotyledons. These observations show that polyamine accumulation and growth are not always coupled.


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The NUVIEW software package allows skeletal models of any double helical nucleic acid molecule to be displayed out a graphics monitor and to apply various rotations, translations and scaling transformations interactively, through the keyboard. The skeletal model is generated by connecting any pair of representative points, one from each of the bases in the basepair. In addition to the above mentioned manipulations, the base residues can be identified by using a locator and the distance between any pair of residues can be obtained. A sequence based color coded display allows easy identification of sequence repeats, such as runs of Adenines. The real time interactive manipulation of such skeletal models for large DNA/RNA double helices, can be used to trace the path of the nucleic acid chain in three dimensions and hence get a better idea of its topology, location of linear or curved regions, distances between far off regions in the sequence etc. A physical picture of these features will assist in understanding the relationship between base sequence, structure and biological function in nucleic acids.


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Software packages NUPARM and NUCGEN, are described, which can be used to understand sequence directed structural variations in nucleic acids, by analysis and generation of non-uniform structures. A set of local inter basepair parameters (viz. tilt, roll, twist, shift, slide and rise) have been defined, which use geometry and coordinates of two successive basepairs only and can be used to generate polymeric structures with varying geometries for each of the 16 possible dinucleotide steps. Intra basepair parameters, propeller, buckle, opening and the C6...C8 distance can also be varied, if required, while the sugar phosphate backbone atoms are fixed in some standard conformation ill each of the nucleotides. NUPARM can be used to analyse both DNA and RNA structures, with single as well as double stranded helices. The NUCGEN software generates double helical models with the backbone fixed in B-form DNA, but with appropriate modifications in the input data, it can also generate A-form DNA ar rd RNA duplex structures.


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Open reading frame (ORF) 2a of Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) codes for polyprotein 2a (Membrane anchor-protease-VPg-P10-P8). The C-terminal domain of SeMV polyprotein 2a was cloned, expressed and purified in order to functionally characterize it. The protein of size 8 kDa (P8) domain, like viral protein genome linked (VPg), was found to be natively unfolded and could bind to nucleic acids.Interestingly, P10-P8 but not P8 showed a novel Mg2+ dependent ATPase activity that was inhibited in the presence of poly A. In the absence of P8, the ATPase activity of the protein of size 10 kDa (P10) domain was reduced suggesting that the natively unfolded P8 domain influenced the P10 ATPase.